Logo of Paris Art and Movie Awards

10 Aug 2023

Published: 08 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Paris Art and Movie Awards

Paris Art and Movie Awards

PARIS, France

for FOX, NBC, CBS and Authority Magazine.

"My favorite festival" Alex Proyas (I Robot, The Crow, Dark City)

"Other nominees included already famous people! It really was an honor to be nominated alongside such great nominees" Lisa Hurel.

“I truly cannot say enough good things about the Paris Art and Movie Awards. My experience with this event was easily the best and rewarding” - Ev Duran.

"One of the most organized and professionally run festivals I've been to! The official selections were of a high standard and the networking was incredible" - Jami Ramberan.

"One of the best festival experiences I've had. Magnifique!" Warren Paul Glover.

"The Fisherman's Diary" won twice at the PAMA in 2020, and is now selected to the 2021 , to represent its country.

"Game Changer" won an, his director Aviv Mano then worked on Disney’s COCO and TOY STORY 4 (2018).

"The Wishgranter" won an, an EMMY AWARD, and a (2016).

"Legacy of Lies" is distributed by Lionsgate (2020).

"Sgt Stubby", an unlikely hero, got a distribution deal at (2018).

"Curpigeon" got selected to, won the AMAZON VIDEO DIRECT Film Festival Stars (2016).

"Whisper" screened at FILMQUEST (2015).

"None of That" was STAFF PICK by (2015).
through the years included:

- John Lunn, 2 times Prime Time Emmy Award Winner, composer of "Downton Abbey"
- Monica Cruz, "Un Paso Adelante"
- Olivia Sandusky, journalist, NBC
- Mark Dacascos, actor, "John Wick III"
- Samuel Arnold, actor, "Emily in Paris"
- Patrick Fabian, actor, Emmy Award Nominee “Better Caul Saul"
- Claire Kopsky, Emmy Award-winning Journalist, CBS
- Jamie Campbell, producer, "Sex Education"
- Cindy Mollo, Eddie Award Winner, 4 time Emmy nominee, editor for "Ozark"
- Rena Owen, actress, "Star Wars Ep II" & "ep. III"
- Fola Evans-Akingbola, actress, "The Night Agent", "Siren", "Game of Thrones'
- Michelle Tesoro, SXSW winner, Eddie Award Winner, editor, "The Queen’s Gambit"
- Paz de la Huerta, actress, Boardwalk Empire
- Brent Huff, director & actor "The Rookie", 'The Rookie Feds", 'The West Wing"
- Max Markson -rep. A. Schwarzenegger, Mel Gibson, JCVD...
- Cole Sibus, actor "Stumptown', Olympic Gold Medal Athlete
- Mina Sundwall, actress, Netflix’s “Lost in Space”, DC’s “Legends of Tomorrow”

Our line up included through the years: Kirsten Dunst, Sam Rockwell, Vladimir Cosma, Kristanna Loken, Mark Dacascos, Caterina Murino, Andrew J. West, Hugo Becker, Jansen Panettiere, Leslie Bibb, Melanie et Alain Doutey, Macarena Gomez, French Prime Minister Edith Cresson, French Minister Frederic Lefebvre, Emma Bell...

We celebrate filmmakers and we focus on the humans making the movies : each director/attendee gets to talk about his movie.

You meet new audience, screen and show your latest work, connect with fellow professionals, share your passion with screenings and special events all over the city, including red carpets, movie premieres, parties, filmmaker’s networking, numerous Q&A's, international spotlights, industry talks and masterclasses, art performances and exhibitions, live music…

- Awards
- Photocall
- Artistic Recognition
- Networking
- award ceremony

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak

10 Aug 2023

Published: 08 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de La Plata Festifreak

La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak

La Plata, Argentina

La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak is one of the most relevant and inviting cultural event in La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We settled 20 years ago with the idea of showing and giving premiere to films and authors that don't usually get in theaters and others screens well as reviewing greatest masters of cinema's filmography. Our 20º edition will take place in October 2024.

​Here, you can find the information of the last edition:

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

10 Aug 2023

Published: 08 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

Vilnius, Lithuania

The purpose of the festival refers to awareness of both the external filters on the screen, including censorship (commercial, ideological, aesthetic), and the internal filters of screen perception and projection, including self-censorship. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is an exploration of aestheticization and commodification in art. The next aim of the festival is to expose the complexity, manysidedness, and variety of filmmaking.

NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is a film festival that is held by the Short Movie Club, the platform for cinematic projects. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is ADAMI Media Prize qualified festival. The International Film Studies Conference is held at the same time as the film festival. In this way, film theory and practice are integrated together at the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO.

Originally the festival was held in Belarus, but because of political repression and publicly stated anti-war stance, screenings and events can be held in different countries. First of all in Lithuania (Vilnius). For example, the 10th Nefiltravanae Kino took place in Berlin, Vilnius and Helsinki last year. There were selected 63 films for 12 film programmes. https://shortmovie.club/programmes/10-2024/

The concept of the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO (Unfiltered Cinema):


We live in a world of malls and cinema multiplexes. We see that indie cinema and non-commodity art go to the periphery of public attention. Primitive attractions replace the cinematography. The escape audience is alienated behind the big screen. So modern mainstream cinema is part of a manipulating tool that leads to the society of alienation. Thus the tendency is that indie cinema becomes more unreadable for the wide audience. We should understand the context of the filmmaker to understand the independent cinema. That is why the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO concept implies the physical presence of filmmakers.

Filmmakers shoot millions of movies. And thousands of short film festivals organize screenings all over the world every year. On average, several thousand films are submitted to a film festival. So various good films can be neglected for whatever reason. Often selecting probability is like winning a lottery. As a result, filmmakers are left with no feedback. It is a paradox that no one can hear you in the age of the Internet! The mainstream culture prefers attractions and casual viewing.

Also, this idea is based on the film selection problem. Perhaps it’s no surprise one person, i.e. programme director at best, or even students of film schools make a preliminary decision to select a movie. Сoncordance of judges or previewers is more seldom thing than the difference of background, tastes. So selection or judging can be one-sided or perfunctory. It is not bad as the programme director has a good taste and aesthetic sensitivity, of course. But we’ve discovered another conception of “unfiltered cinema”. We matched it against “the best of the best” way. This way aids to perceive cinematic idiom without the dictate of art-curators.

So the Unfiltered Cinema Film Festival tries to avoid “the best of the best” way but it does not ignore it completely, sure. The festival selects fiction, animation, documentary, experimental and virtual reality sections. A jury awards the best film in every section. The festival holds the screenings at cinema theatres, the National Centre for Contemporary Arts, and art-spaces.

Our aim is to gather people in art, to have a dialogue to be happy with smart communication. Cinema is art but not sport. The key point of our project is to establish communication between the filmmaker and the audience.

Please, read about the festival history through the link to the festival's website. http://shortmovie.club/history/

The Short Movie Club provides constructing of CinemaVan ( see https://www.behance.net/gallery/33392769/Cinema-van-Mobile-library-Amphibia ).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest

10 Aug 2023

Published: 08 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest


Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest

Ravenna, Italy

This is where we start, the dark side of movies, inspired by the legendary Pink Floyd’s album.

We start with the dark side, not visible to the naked eye, mysterious, obscure - a side with blurred boundaries and infinite nuances, where nothing is certain, precise, predetermined. Not visible rather than invisible, lying under the surface, or elsewhere, it’s something that can’t be simplified as it continuously alludes to deeper meanings. It’s the side of cinema that is never accommodating and always inquiring, making us question the meaning of what we see, listen, perceive.

If you look closely, you’ll see that there’s a dark side to everything. You find it in Brothers Grimm’s folk tales, in Fritz Lang’s fantastic and apocalyptic visions, in Stephen King’s archetypes of narrative fiction, in Stanley Kubrick’s unforgettable imagery, in Homer’s poems as in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings epic. From the Holy Scriptures to Game of Thrones, the dark side is the driving force behind every art form and Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest is its cinematographic icon.

Considering the high request for participation from film schools and institutions, we established a special fee for multiple submissions from the same school/insitution: 10€/4 short films. Please contact us at info@ravennanightmare.it to take advantage of this discount.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of FIDBA International Documentary Film Festival

07 Aug 2023

Published: 05 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of FIDBA International Documentary Film Festival

Banner Fidba, Festival Internacional De Cine Documental de Buenos Aires

FIDBA International Documentary Film Festival

Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

In recent decades, and at one time to the emergence of new technologies that have ended up scanning most of the processes of the film, the documentary has known a notorious and systematic growth around the world. In our country, and for more than one decade, a production before linked almost exclusively to fiction has been swelling their ranks with new topics, new approaches, new geographies, new dilemmas.

It is in this context that FIDBA is proposed as the 1st. International Film Festival dedicated to this genre which films with the same fans - as long as we believe that the forms and the doings of the documentary film are different from those of the fiction - may meet and dialogue among them and with the public. If the documentary is a meeting point for the FIDBA, it is insofar as it proposes an interpellation to the little-known memoirs, disturbing present and (our) future in suspension. FIDBA will then be an approach not only among audiences, filmmakers and thinkers linked documentary but also in relation to the always stimulating possibilities that allow you to open this space to other border and heterodox expressions framed inside of what we would call "non-fiction" and that encourage us to dialogue with contemporary expressions that go beyond even the scope of the film.

FIDBA will pay special attention to those filmmakers for whom cinema is linked to a form of research and knowledge of the world that surrounds us as to the portrait of human beings whose conditions of life, in certain historical and social contexts, allow you to ask us about our. It is, therefore, authors who not only reflect reality but also ethical and moral relationship which involves filming the other.

FIDBA aims to become a point of support for filmmakers seeking to widen the perception of reality and to films which represent a step forward in the effort to understand it and anticipate it. So, it will make focus on films whose aesthetic originality put at risk not only an idea of the documentary but also a thought about the same film and its possibilities. Since this focus implies questioning the status of the real front of the camera or of the film in relation to reality, this is as inseparable from the mediations that arises.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental

Logo of Almería International Film Festival

07 Aug 2023

Published: 05 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Almería International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Almería

Almería International Film Festival

Almería, Spain

The 23th Almería International Film Festival will be held in Almería (Spain), in order to promote the province of Almeria through the strengthening the historical links of the province with the audiovisual industry and culture, from Friday 15th November to Sunday 24st November 2024. The Festival is organized by Almería Provincial Council.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of SECiNDI Festival of Inclusive Cinema and Disability

07 Aug 2023

Published: 05 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner SECiNDI Semana de Cine Inclusivo y Discapacidad

SECiNDI Festival of Inclusive Cinema and Disability

Mérida, Spain

SECINDI Inclusive Film Festival and Diversity

The objective of SECINDI with this Short Film Competition, included in the Inclusive Film and Diversity Festival, is to encourage and reward the best national and international short films to give visibility to films whose theme is linked in some way with functional diversity and inclusion to make them accessible to all people.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Shawna Shea Film Festival

07 Aug 2023

Published: 05 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
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Feature films

Banner Shawna Shea Film Festival

Shawna Shea Film Festival

Uxbridge, United States

The Shawna Shea Film Festival (SSFF) is a fringe independent international film festival. We love quirky and experimental films as much as we love straight narratives. All are welcome.

Established in 2012 the SSFF is a fundraiser for the Shawna E Shea Memorial Foundation Inc, a 501(c)(3), to honor Shawna's unique independent spirit by highlighting truly independent films that share the same quality.

The funds raised from the festival go towards scholarships and fellowships, including a Women in Film Fellowship.

Every year we have an opening night networking party and on the closing night we have an awards ceremony and party with food and a band. It is a party!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


06 Aug 2023

Published: 04 Aug 2023
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Short films
Feature films

Banner Mac Marín


Marín, Spain

MAC MARIN - Atlantic Films and New Media is a new emerging space that aims to promote the cinema and independent audiovisual creation or at the same time that pays homage to the local talent, valuing the Marin Town identity and its parishs, located in one of the most beautiful corners of Galicia.

Our main objective is to connect the New Galician Cinema to the neighborhood, as well as to seek a connection between local and country creators and creators with other international audiovisual communities. Paying special attention to those who have a strong cultural connection with Galicia and our roots.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental

Logo of International University Film Festival Lanterna

06 Aug 2023

Published: 04 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna

International University Film Festival Lanterna

Ciudad de México, Mexico

Dear students, filmmakers, and cinema lovers,

We are thrilled to announce the fourteenth edition of FICU LANTERNA!

This year marks the beginning of a journey that goes beyond the mere projection of images; we want to dive even deeper, exploring what lies beyond the screen.

This year's theme, *Beyond the Screen*, aims to focus on the emotions, sensations, and connections that cinema evokes, also highlighting the aspects of film projections that we often fail to see. We want to demonstrate that cinema is not just about the visual; it is a true experience that transcends the limits of the screen.

Cinema is an art that can reach both the mind and heart of people, placing importance not only on what can be seen, but also on what can be felt.

Cinema is a universal language that communicates with everyone, regardless of cultural, linguistic, or social barriers. It is such a powerful medium that through it, we can explore the complexity of the human being in all its wonder, and with this edition, we aim to celebrate its power to go beyond the surface and explore human emotions.

We invite you to participate in this edition of the festival, share your vision, and be part of an event that continues to transform the way we experience cinema.

With deep gratitude and excitement, we await you at FICU LANTERNA 2024, to discover together what lies beyond the screen.

Best wishes,
Carlotta de Pompeis
Head of the Call for Entries Committee

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of FENAVID Santa Cruz International Film Festival

06 Aug 2023

Published: 04 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Santa Cruz  FENAVID

FENAVID Santa Cruz International Film Festival

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

The FENAVID International Film Festival is held annually in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Organized by the Audiovisual Foundation (FUNDAV), the Festival has become the most important film event in Bolivia and one of the most relevant in Latin America.

Since its first version, carried out in 2001, more than 10,000 audiovisual works from 30 countries have been presented at this meeting, which has transcended the borders of Bolivia and America.

In each version, FENAVID offers the public more than 150 screenings of feature films, short films, music videos and a series of audiovisual works that are exhibited free of charge for the public.

FENAVID always has first-rate guests. The event was attended by internationally renowned figures such as Celso Franco, protagonist of "7 boxes", Marisol Correa, Colombian actress, Alexandre Rodrigues and Leandro Firmino de Hora (protagonists of the acclaimed Brazilian film "Ciudad de Dios"), the Argentine producer Vanessa Ragone (winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2010), Bolivian directors Marcos Loayza and Rodrigo Bellot and Argentine actress Aymará Rovera, to name a few.

Beyond glamor and film screenings, FENAVID is a macro meeting where producers, directors, actors, specialists and a whole multitude of people passionate about cinema converge.

During the days of its realization, the Festival has a series of parallel activities, such as children's film shows, video clip competition, workshops, talks, colloquia and debates.

One of the most anticipated events of FENAVID is the Santa Cruz 100X100 Film Production Meeting. It consists of bringing together 25 emerging film talents in Latin America. The chosen ones travel to Santa Cruz de la Sierra and, during the development of the festival, have the mission of producing a short film in 100 hours.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of ANIFF - Active Nonviolence International Film Festival

06 Aug 2023

Published: 04 Aug 2023
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Short films
Feature films

Banner FICNOVA - Festival Internacional de Cine de la Noviolencia Activa

ANIFF - Active Nonviolence International Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

FICNOVA is an initiative that is celebrated around the 2nd of October every two years, thus commemorating the International Day of Nonviolence declared by the United Nations. The competition phase has been held every two years since the second edition in 2014, following the unanimous decision of all the organizing venues taken in May 2015. It is organized by the non-profit Humanist Association FICNOVA in collaboration with other humanist organizations, associations, entities and people who share the transforming sensitivity of active nonviolence, in different cities of different countries.

After its first six editions held in October 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022 in different cities of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Guatemala, Mauritania, Mexico, Peru and Spain, again participate in the preparation of the Seventh Edition of FICNOVA 2024 activists from different cities around the world.

The final list of venues may vary, either because new incorporations take place or because in some cities the minimum conditions for their celebration were not achieved in time, taking into account the difficulties of voluntary work in each country, self-financing and compliance with the permanent independence of any type of government agreement that could condition the objectives of the festival.

Depending on the logistics achieved in each place, three months before the start of the festival, we will publish the venues that meet the minimum general conditions for its celebration.

In no case can the non celebration in an initially proposed city be detrimental to the whole, nor to the authors of the works presented, since the festival is neither commercial nor remunerated. Each place is independent, and all efforts made at a point that could not be completed can be used for future editions of the festival.

We also wish to inform authors that the submission of works to competition is not made exclusively, allowing them the free disposal of the same and simultaneous submission to anyother contest they consider.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Frenesí La Unión Valle Film Festival

06 Aug 2023

Published: 04 Aug 2023
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Short films
Feature films

Banner Frenesí Festival Internacional De Cine y formatos audiovisuales De La Unión Valle

Frenesí La Unión Valle Film Festival

La Unión Valle, Colombia

The International Film Festival of La Union Valle FRENESÍ, seeks to be a platform for the meeting, support and dissemination of new audiovisual creators in search of expanding their knowledge. We celebrate the passion for cinema, giving the opportunity to share with creatives in the same line.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival Internacional  FESCILMAR

06 Aug 2023

Published: 04 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional  Fescilmar

Festival Internacional FESCILMAR

Barcelona, Venezuela

We are an International Short Film Festival, which works in the Dissemination and promotion of Venezuelan cinematography, Latin American and worldwide in four countries simultaneously;

And of all its cultural scope. Try to show cinematographic works that entertain, but above all, that exert an influence education in children, youth and the general population.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Skate or Die Film Fest

05 Aug 2023

Published: 03 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Skate or Die Film Fest

Skate or Die Film Fest

Pottstown, United States

In the year 2023, Skate or Die Film Festival returns for our second year, presented once again by the joined forces of The Farsighted and Rockstar Roller Derby. Returning to the historic Ringing Rocks Roller Rink in Pottstown, the one-of-a-kind genre film festival will once again feature live music, films from all over the world, roller skating, vendors, food, and all of the fun that we had in year one. This year, we'll also have some new wrinkles, such as a few special guests and even a dance skate class.

Additionally, the event will expand from 2 days to 3, this time including a Sunday program, in addition to the Friday and Saturday programs.

Full details and schedule will be available later this year, with several announcements throughout the coming months, as we confirm the exciting events and surprises currently being planned for all of you, our friends in the greater Philadelphia area.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Film and video art for a new non-violent culture of peace

05 Aug 2023

Published: 03 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Међународни фестивал филмске и видео уметности за нову ненасилну културу мира

Међународни фестивал филмске и видео уметности за нову ненасилну културу мира

Novi Sad, Serbia

Every artist bears his own responsibility for the state of reduced and diminished power of art in the modern world. We need to find new models of creation and a new peace-making and myth-making language and code of the new art of a non-violent culture of peace.

With his film, the artist can convey emotional impulses so that the viewer's soul, under the influence of the film, feels peace, harmony, happiness or restlessness, disorder and unhappiness of the artist as his own emotions.
Therefore, the film has the role of a psychagogue, i.e. the guide of the soul, that is, the great power for freeing or enslaving the soul of the viewer. That's why the artist should and must be aware of his artistic actions and work, i.e. responsible for the feelings they evoke in viewers.

Can the language of film and video art, to begin with, bring closer and connect cultures and peoples (their ideas and symbols) that are in conflict and conflict so that they can better recognize and recognize each other's right to different meaning of styles of living, creating and existing ? Can film and video art, artists and their works build a bridge between opposing fundamentalist and radical political, economic, philosophical and religious ideologies and dogmas and thus reduce extreme hatreds and radical conflicts?

Film and video art for a new non-violent culture of peace is such an art that has the power to overcome tensions between religions, languages, peoples and cultures. It is an art that, with its stylistic and montage matrices of forms and symbols that communicate or convey ideas and emotions, restores faith in the common genetic pool of all humanity that no longer wants to deal with itself alone, i.e. to support unnatural programs and agendas that lead to new divisions, conflicts and "voluntary", read violent, domination of one over another, elimination of "different", read disobedient, war of all against all and self-destruction.

Every responsible film and video artist should try to design and realize in his works of art a beneficial intersection and permeation of the opposing forces of reality and utopia, limitations and freedom, subjective and objective, material and spiritual. It is necessary to create a new ascetic film and video art of a non-violent culture of peace that can become the common heritage of people today, if we want to preserve and guarantee the sustainable development of the diversity of the differences of the specifics of humanity tomorrow.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Jujuy/Short Films International Showcase

04 Aug 2023

Published: 02 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Muestra Internacional De Cortometrajes Jujuy/cortos

Jujuy/Short Films International Showcase

San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina

La muestra forma parte de las propuestas de difusión y fomento que apuntan a la difusión de la cultura audiovisual en la región norte de la República Argentina de Wayruro Comunicación Popular y de la Red Kalipa TV, y él cuenta con el apoyo del INCAA, de la Secretaría de Cultura de la Provincia de Jujuy, entre otros, y cuenta con el acompañamiento de la Red Focos, el Espacio Norte Audiovisual y CONTAR.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Dare To Imag9ne Short Film Festival

04 Aug 2023

Published: 02 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Dare To Imag9ne Short Film Festival

Dare To Imag9ne Short Film Festival

Lowell, United States

Lowell, Massachusetts is gearing up for the premiere of its newest international short film festival, "Dare to Imag9ne." Set to take place on August 26th at the Richard and Nancy Donahue Family Academic Arts Center, the festival is set to showcase a wide range of films from around the world.

The inaugural edition of the festival will showcase a diverse range of films from various countries, with a focus on highlighting the work of emerging filmmakers as well as established ones.

Attendees will be able to enjoy a variety of short films across different genres, ranging from drama and comedy to documentary and animation.

In addition to the film screenings, the festival will also feature a number of other events and activities, including Q&A sessions with filmmakers. Top selected films will feature Q & A’s from the film’s creators. This will provide attendees with a unique opportunity to gain insights into the creative process behind the films that they have seen.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Rajaleña Film Fest

04 Aug 2023

Published: 02 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Rajaleña Film Fest

Rajaleña Film Fest

La Plata, Colombia

Rajaleña Film Fest is one of the three components that are part of the Cinema Tres platform. This is a film festival focused on promoting folklore through moving images that for 4 days will bring national and international guests who will be in charge of training the new generations of Huila filmmakers with talks, conversations and workshops to tell the stories that many want to count for them. Rajaleña Film Fest is a commitment to the territory that seeks to make history with the stories of all the people of La Plata.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation

Logo of Film Festival La Otra Historia

02 Aug 2023

Published: 31 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cine Y Video Comuna 13, La Otra Historia

Film Festival La Otra Historia

Medellín, Colombia

The 14th version of the Festival has as its central theme ¨Community Cinema as a generator of Social Change and Progress¨, the jury prioritizes content that has this focus, however the reception of audiovisual pieces is not closed exclusively to said theme, for Therefore, other types of content will be widely accepted.
¨Community cinema is not only an art form, but also a powerful tool to promote fundamental values of a progressive society, such as gender equality, social justice and citizen participation. It facilitates debate, plurality and solidarity, and offers a means of expression for the different groups and identities that make up the social, cultural and identity fabric of Colombia, at local, regional and national levels. ¨

It is for this reason that the Comuna 13 Film and Video Festival, The Other History in its 2024 version has decided to generate spaces for dialogue and exchange of knowledge around community cinema, encouraging the participation of the most prominent groups in the country in this modality in order to share experiences, methodologies and knowledge with the academic sector of our city (Audiovisual creation network, technical media, peace schools among others)

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video