Logo of CortiFestival Cine Escolar

19 May 2023

Published: 17 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner CortiFestival Cine Escolar

CortiFestival Cine Escolar

Alicante, Spain

CortiFestival Cine Escolar will be held in the Ámbito Cultural of El Corte Inglés in Alicante and Elche (Spain).

CortiFestival (Educational centers): Short films made by students, which aims to bring the audiovisual language to the classroom and introduce the cinema as a didactic tool in educational centers.

CortiFestival (Professionals): Short films made by professionals or enthusiasts of the seventh art, with a theme aimed to children and young people where education in values is present.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Music Video

Logo of ADACAM International Diversity Film Festival

19 May 2023

Published: 17 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of ADACAM International Diversity Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Para La Diversidad Adacam

ADACAM International Diversity Film Festival

Puerto de Sagunto, Spain

The Brain Damage Association for Adults and Minors calls for the Third Edition of the International Film Festival for Diversity “ADACAM” in order to continue making the invisible visible and be able to move towards a more inclusive society, focusing on young people but also on filmmakers. professionals, students and people with social concerns.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


19 May 2023

Published: 17 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films



Herbers, Spain

A unique short film festival situated in the backdrop of a beautiful village in the north of Castellón: Herbers.

Promoting film talents that highlights the importance of repopulation, rural environment, biodiversity and diversity in the rural environment giving them the platform to showcase and promote their work.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of KORTERRAZA short film festival

18 May 2023

Published: 16 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre

KORTERRAZA short film festival

Vitoria, Spain

Short and music outdoor. This is what is proposed Korterraza, a festival of short films that celebrate its fourteenth edition of June 25 to 28, 2025 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and throughout the summer, the eleventh edition of Korterraza Araba.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of The Buddha International Film Festival

17 May 2023

Published: 15 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Buddha International Film Festival

The Buddha International Film Festival

Pune, India

THE BUDDHA International Film Festival's main objective is to provide the opportunity for filmmakers from all over the world to excel, and to have the best work selected and showcased in a celebration of cinema, as well as to give filmmakers a platform to network amongst fellow professionals and cinematic artists.

Buddha Fest / TBIFF is looking forward to fostering these relationships and to helping extraordinary filmmakers get their projects seen by global audiences. TBIFF unites cinematic, cultural, educational more over Inspirational objectives by presenting its film discoveries.

The TBIFF is dedicated to showcasing new and innovative films while fostering the next generation of filmmakers. It is a strong advocate for social change, and encourages cultural diversity and understanding between nations. It strives to foster the movie art of all continents by stimulating the development of quality cinema and promoting meetings between cinema professionals from around the world.

The BUDDHA International Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing the spirit, passion, and skill of the best new filmmakers from around the world for audiences around the world.

We are also including and actively supporting not only the finest examples of classic moviemaking, but works that are experimental, breaking ground in new non-narrative forms and crossing over into the video arts. All films will be reviewed as they are submitted, and the best in each category will be chosen to screen at the festival. A jury of industry professionals will then view the finalists and choose the winning selections.

Filmmakers planning on attending should notify the film festival as soon as possible, so their names may be listed in the scheduled program at the venue where their film will be shown.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Boston Film Festival 2023

16 May 2023

Published: 14 May 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Boston Film Festival 2023

Boston Film Festival 2023

Boston, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Greetings and salutations, The Creative Arts department at Boston College is organising a local film festival to showcase films from students and aspiring filmmakers! We would be delighted if you could submit your films and come along to enjoy a chance to see new talent on the big screen, followed up by Q&As with some of the filmmakers behind the films before concluding with an awards ceremony as Boston College in association with Savoy Cinema Boston present to you the first ever film festival hosted by the community!

All proceeds made from the event will go to the 'Be Brilliant' charity in association with the College!

If you have any queries about the event, please contact the email and we will get back to you as soon as possible and go to the Savoy Boston website to book a ticket.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of LAZOS: Festival De Cine Descentralizado

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LAZOS: Festival De Cine Descentralizado

LAZOS: Festival De Cine Descentralizado

Valladolid, Spain

Only for Spanish Filmmakers.

LAZOS es un festival de cine surgido en la zona de Montes Torozos como una iniciativa para promover y divulgar el cine de provincias, alejándose del modelo industrial centralizado en las grandes ciudades.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Brittany International Film Festival

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival International du Film en Bretagne

Brittany International Film Festival

Locronan, France

The Brittany International Film Festival features quality films from the world’s filmmakers as well as new independant talents from around the world.
Our mission is to discover high quality and ambitious films to award and promote.

From the 14th to the 23th of July, our Official Selection will be screened publicly in the most beautiful and Celtic town of Brittany: Locronan.

Welcome to you all !

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of New York Arts and Entertainment Film Festival

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner New York Arts and Entertainment Film Festival

New York Arts and Entertainment Film Festival

New York, United States

New York Arts & Entertainment Film Festival (formerly NYC Popup Film Festival) celebrates quality independent films. Our goal is to bring quality short films to an audience and offer independent filmmakers a place to showcase their work. We also work to create network opportunities for future work to be created.

Short films of all genres are considered for Festival Screening.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Azure Lorica Horror Comedy Film Fest

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Azure Lorica Horror Comedy Film Fest

Azure Lorica Horror Comedy Film Fest

Pasadena, United States

Join us for the first Azure Lorica Horror Comedy Film Festival! The celebration of this hybrid genre is a testament to brilliant filmmaking and witty scriptwriting. We wish to honor this community of filmmakers with a ceremony worth of their talent.

Hosted on Zoom, we will be screening films, showcasing Q&A panels, and hosting the award ceremony online.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of DokStation

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner DokStation


Bucharest, Romania

In the fall of 2015, DokStation introduced itself as a unique, cutting edge music documentary film festival in Bucharest, Romania. It has since established itself as one of the premiere niche festivals in the country, but more importantly as a vital part of the local cultural scene. Now in its 8th year, the festival has expanded to include year-round programming, unique pop-up events, and special screenings including world and national premieres.

DokStation tells the true stories behind the music and examines music in all its complexity and history, focused exclusively on showcasing amazing national and international non‐fiction music documentaries, covering all genres of music during five days.

For all passionate about independent film and music across all genres, DokStation provided the unique opportunity to watch great music documentaries as they were meant to be seen on the screen and venues, but at full volume.

The 2022 DokStation edition presented 28 fascinating and compelling music documentaries, most of them Romanian premieres (about prominent figures such as Leonard Cohen, Jim Morisson, a-ha, Sinead O’Connor, Kate Bush, Bryan Ferry, Sheryl Crow, King Crimson, Shane MacGowan, Bee Gees, Cesária Évora), accompanied by Q&A sessions with directors and other key players involved, gigs, and DJ sets themed on the films presented across five alternative Bucharest venues.

The 2023 DokStation Festival will take place from September 20-24 in Bucharest, Romania. Next September, DokStation will continue to discover, exhibit and champion compelling non-fiction music films, covering all genres of music, hosting interactive panels and live music events.


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Experimental

Logo of 10th Shorty Week International Short Film Festival

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes Shorty Week 10

10th Shorty Week International Short Film Festival

Cádiz, Spain

Shorty Week International Short Film Festival aims to:

- To promote the short film as a means of expression, and therefore part of our culture.

- Provide opportunity for the dissemination of the work of new talent.

- Zoom to the public world of the film through different activities.

- Facilitate, through this format, the contribution to improving the world we live in.

- Enjoy what we do.

The X International Shorty Week 2023 Short Film Festival will take place early September in Santa Catalina´s Castle, Cadiz. There, the public will be able to attend the screening of the short films of different competitive sections and the awards ceremony.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Fascurt, Masnou Short Film Festival

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fascurt, Festival de cortometrajes del Masnou

Fascurt, Masnou Short Film Festival



Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of San Benedetto film fest

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner San Benedetto Film Fest

San Benedetto film fest

San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site https://www.sanbenedettofilmfest.it)

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site https://www.sanbenedettofilmfest.it/magic-screenplay/)

We built a festival in total freedom, without any external conditioning. An International Short Film Competition. A window on cinema from a privileged viewpoint: the city of San Benedetto del Tronto. Born in 2017, the SBFF has become one of the leading international events for the Adriatic Riviera and the Piceno region. The events will take place at the Palazzina Azzurra in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) on Viale Buozzi 14.

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" - (Collateral Event to the SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL) was born from the need to combine the scenic, architectural and natural beauties of the Marche Region in syncrasia with the cultural, social heritage and identity need of the places and the human and professional resources that come from them, evolve and hope for an ever-increasing expansion of training, skills and abilities.

The Contest was born within a strategy of discovery and promotion of national and international emerging talents and represents the exclusive context to select, through a Quality Jury, the best pitch, with a predefined theme, to be declined into a consequent script.

After the selection, the one deemed to perform best will be subjected to development through the creation of a short film with a total length of no more than 15 minutes, produced by the Associated Professionals Association of Art & Management "IL SERPENTE AUREO," in collaboration with and with the support of the FILM COMMISSION MARCHE, the MARCHE REGION and under the patronage of the City of San Benedetto del Tronto.


- " There is no art form like cinema to strike the conscience, shake the emotions and reach the secret rooms of the soul" Ingmar Bergman

- " Life in the depths is completely different from life on the surface and has mysterious and terrifying aspects" Dario Argento

- " I am not an artist but a craftsman" "The heart must mediate between the brain and the hands" Fritz Lang

- " I steal from every single film ever made. If I like things I mix them together. And if people don't like it, then don't go see it.... I steal from everything.... Great artists steal not make homages" Quentin Tarantino

- " No matter where the world goes, even if I can't speak a foreign language, I don't feel out of place. I think of the earth as my home. "Akira Kurosawa

- " An essential element of all art is risk..." Francis Ford Coppola

- " Cinema is a mode of expression that allows one to express all the nuances of a thing and its opposites..." Catherine Breillat

- " Unlike all other art forms, cinema is able to capture and render the passage of time, to stop it almost to possess it in infinity. I would say that film is the sculpture of time. "Andrei Tarkovsky

- " I am just a storyteller and film seems to be my medium. I like it because it recreates life in motion, enhances it ... it is my way of telling a story. "Federico Fellini

- " The art of film can only really exist through a highly organized betrayal of reality" François Truffaut

- " I work with my dreams or nightmares" David Cronenberg

- " If I can't get the characters to talk, then I give up " Quantin Tarantino

- " The poet stretches out his hand to lead us beyond the last horizon, beyond the top of the pyramid, to that land that extends beyond the true and the false, beyond life and death, beyond space and time, beyond reason and fantasy, beyond spirit and matter." Alejandro Jodorowsky

- " Cinema is the 'only art form in which the works move and the viewer remains motionless " Ennio Flaiano

- " Cinema is a cultural industry. Making films also means assuming a social and moral responsibility. Therefore, we should not produce what we can sell, but sell what we want to produce " Franco Cristaldi

- " I think that scandalizing is a right.... " Pier Paolo Pasolini

- " To act is to listen... " Pupi Avati

- " I think the past affects the ability to tell stories" Joel Coen

- " Cinema is beautiful if it can read reality " Ettore Scola

- " Cinema consists of two things: a screen and chairs. The secret lies in filling them both " Roberto Benigni

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Begiradak - International short film festival

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Begiradak - International short film festival

Banner Begiradak - Festival internacional de cine amateur

Begiradak - International short film festival

Donostia- San Sebastián, Spain


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of XIV Edición Rafal En Corto, Festival Nacional De Cortometrajes Y Audiovisual

15 May 2023

Published: 13 May 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner XIV Edición Rafal En Corto, Festival Nacional De Cortometrajes Y Audiovisual

XIV Edición Rafal En Corto, Festival Nacional De Cortometrajes Y Audiovisual

Rafal, Spain

Festival Nacional de cortometrajes y Audiovisual "Rafal en Corto".

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of 3M Festival

14 May 2023

Published: 12 May 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival 3M

3M Festival

Strasbourg, France

The 3M Festival is a short film competition for everyone, where the originality of the story takes precedence over the technical aspect of the productions.


The concept of the Festival revolves around "3M":
participants must produce in less than 3 Months a film of less than 3 Minutes 33 containing the 3 Words of the edition.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of  Shorts Costa Rica International Film Festival

14 May 2023

Published: 12 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Shorts Costa Rica

Shorts Costa Rica International Film Festival

Mercedes de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica

The Shorts Costa Rica International Film Festival is an initiative dedicated to promote and celebrate the richness of the short film, its diversity in themes, styles and voices, and the great national and international talent responsible for its creation.

This festival seeks to strengthen cinematographic diversity through the exhibition, training and dissemination of Costa Rican talent, and participation of international viewings in the country, giving the public the best of short filmmaking.

Our proposal is to provide small and large producers of short films the possibility of obtaining an impact within the cinematographic field, activating presence in cinemas and alternative spaces in the seven provinces of the country as well as in other cities around the world.

We recognize the importance of making short films visible as a means of cultural expression and we hope that you will be part of this great beginning and that we will continue to develop audiovisual diversity nationally and internationally through these efforts.

From March 19 to 29, the third edition of the film festival will be held in San José, with the support of various sectors of the artistic community to raise the efforts present in our present time.

Shorts Costa Rica will be held in four stages: CR Shorts Lab, Shorts Costa Rica Festival, Shorts Communities and SHORTS+, seeking to strengthen cinematographic expressions through the exhibition, training and dissemination of Costa Rican talent, and participation of international viewings in the country, giving the public the best of short films.

The festival exhibits a wide variety of short films from around the world to showcase national and international creativity. Its main objective is to share this artistic diversity with the local audience, highlighting how it influences our ever-changing identity. In addition, it seeks to support all film professionals, offering an inclusive space to promote and develop different regions on a cinematographic level.

The Shorts Costa Rica International Film Festival offers the opportunity to participate in the different eligible competitions, which, through these, seeks to encourage and promote efforts to export, consume and disseminate the talent and creativity of filmmakers from around the world and expose the cultural, artistic and / or social identities of each region.

Eligible categories: Fiction, Animation, Documentary, Videoclip and Experimental.

The National Competition encourages the efforts of all audiovisual sectors, regardless of their artistic background and training. The festival is committed to bring this diversity of projects in front of the national audience, expanding these records through the recognition of those artistic foundations that lead to the evolution of our national identity.

Eligible for the National Competition are those short films where the origin of the director or the production are from Costa Rica.

**There is no entry fee for this competition.

The Central American Short Film Competition aims to promote the efforts of all audiovisual sectors, regardless of their formation and artistic training in this region.

The festival is committed to bring this diversity of projects in front of the public, recognizing those artistic foundations that lead to the evolution of our Central American identity.

Eligible for the Central American Competition are those short films where the origin of the director or the production is from a Central American country.

**To register a short film in the Central American Competition has a cost between $0 and $15 (depending on the stage in which the short film is submitted).

Short films from all parts of the world (except Costa Rica) are eligible to participate.

Those short films where the origin of the director or the production is not from Costa Rica or any other Central American country are eligible for the International Competition.

**To register a short film in the International Competition has a cost between $0 and $25 (depending on the stage in which the short film is submitted).

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of MA/IN Festival

14 May 2023

Published: 12 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of MA/IN Festival

Banner MA/IN Festival

MA/IN Festival

Matera - Potenza - Lecce, Italy

MA/IN is an international festival devoted to experimental film and video, aiming at investigate the relationship between image and sound.

The mission of MA/IN is to provide local and regional audiences with an opportunity to view a wide variety of contemporary experimental works, focused on artistic excellence, different styles, forms, and nationalities.

Since 2016, in collaboration with regional/national institutions and part of the cultural program of Matera 2019 European Capital of Culture, Ma/In festivalt offers a program of live cinema, performances, live sonorization of classic silent film.

The seventh edition will be held on October/November in Basilicata and Puglia, South Italy.
Potenza - Cineteatro Don Bosco
Matera - Auditorium Casa Cava
Lecce - Manifatture Knos
The festival will show premieres, retrospectives, tributes, audio-visual performances, and discussion panels.

MA/IN Festival is opened to artists who want to submit experimental works: found footage, essay film, video performance, expanded cinema, experimental animation, experimental documentary, video art, new sonorization of movies, virtual reality, 360° inmersive cinema.

Only short films with a maximum runtime of 30 minutes. No restrictions on the date of completion, premiere status or whether your work has been made available online

An international jury will selected the artworks to be screened. Only selected works will be in the festival’s program.

Official Selection: Films selected for screening will be notified via email.
Award Winner: The winner will be invited to accompany their film to the MA/IN festival and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Organization.

IMPORTANT NEWS: This year a collaboration with the CRM (Centro di Ricerche Musicali) of Rome will plan a special scheduling of AUDIOVISUAL selected works, during the "Artescienza 2023" festival: July 2023, Goethe- Institut, Rome.

The festival is organized by LOXOSconcept, a non-profit cultural centre, active in the realization of experimental movies, sound art works, artistic installations and promoting research into the aesthetic, analytical, musicological and scientific aspects of music.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of FICdÀ Festival Internacional de Cine de Àger

14 May 2023

Published: 12 May 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner FicdÀ Festival Internacional de Cine de Àger

FICdÀ Festival Internacional de Cine de Àger

Àger, Spain

The Àger International Film Festival (FICdÀ) aims to bring cinema closer to a population that does not have easy access and to become a support space for new film talent.

The festival focuses on short films with a social theme, dealing with issues that add value to society.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation