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The International Film Festival is one of the most important short film festivals in Argentina. A film event Tapiales of important social and cultural impact nonprofit, organized by JC OFCT Films, held in the village of Tapiales, a town belonging to the La Matanza, located in the province of Buenos Aires. It is also a competitive event where selected films are projected to receive the award later Aboriginal under verdict of the honorable members of the jury. The event is held under the premise of enhancing the popular character, free and outdoors. Tapiales also proposes parallel activities such as training spaces, lectures and special exhibitions outside competition.
Dieciminuti Film Festival was created in 2005 by IndieGesta. It was able to quickly become one of the events dedicated to short films most important in Italy.
The Festival, whose first 19 editions attended by more than 18,000 short films involving a total of nearly 23,000 spectators, is structured in various competitive sections: Official Selection (for short films up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Extralarge (for shorts between 10 and 15 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024) Animations (animations for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Doc10 (documentaries for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Music Videoclip (videoclips for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Visti da Vicino (for short films up to 10 minutes released by directors coming from the province of Frosinone after the 1st of January 2024).
At the Competitive sections, joins the Dieciminuti Academy, a school of cinema that brings young people of our province to create from scratch a short fiction or animation. The thing that is unique about the festival on the national scene is to be a real school for young people who want to explore the world of cinema. It ‘s also very much appreciated the Section Esplorazioni, which allows viewers to get in touch with the short film coming from a different country each year. During last years, the festival has hosted the short unpublished masters of Japanese animation by Studio Ghibli, directed by Hayao Miyazaki, the animated short films of the Tehran Film Festival, the short films of Georges Méliès, the avantguardes, the web-series. During the 13th edition was opened also the Futurama Section, dedicated to masterclasses for students.
Accepted films will be short, medium and feature length films produced in digital video; categories in documentary, fiction, experimental or animation; movies about mountain sports, adventure or expedition; films that contribute to knowledge and protection of the environment; films about mountain culture or outdoors lifestyle.
Mario Cervantes ha organizado el XII Festival de cine social ManzanaREC que tendrá lugar en febrero de 2025 en la localidad de Manzanares (Ciudad Real). Los trabajos serán exhibidos en la Sala de la Casa de Cultura de Manzanares.
Within the framework of the multiple activities presented and organized by Andares: Cinematographic Actions, we are pleased to present the third edition of our Contemporary Film Festival. Another short, careful and compact edition to celebrate cinephilia in the peruvian fall.
Biodiversity loss is one of the main threats we face today. Species are disappearing at levels never seen in human history. Climate change, habitat loss, pollution, overexploitation of resources, the appearance of invasive alien species are the main threats that many species face today.
The human being is the main cause of these threats, but the power to reverse these extinction processes is also in our hands. Conservation policies and measures have saved many species in recent years. Communicating and raising awareness about the main problems facing biodiversity is necessary in order to continue advancing. Many times the environmental problems that are treated from education, awareness and the work that is done in research centers do not reach the general public, for this reason using alternative media such as art or culture can be of great help to reach to more audiences.
Although the efforts to communicate the scientific results obtained in universities and research centers are evident, using the cinema as a communication vehicle is currently a little used bet.
At the "CINECO - International Film and Ecology Festival" we bring together scientists, filmmakers, conservation associations and the general public.
The main objective of the meeting is to highlight the role of cinema in communication and awareness of environmental problems. The specific objectives are:
1. Communicate and disseminate environmental problems to society through audiovisual pieces.
2. Establish a collaboration network between filmmakers and scientists for the development of future projects.
Galería Nahualli en su segunda edición del Festival de Cine y Video, convoca a cineastas, artistas visuales, antropólogos y/o aficionados de la imagen en movimiento radicados en la península de Yucatán.
The Festival will take place in Alicante from December 10 to 14, 2024.
Short film productions may participate exclusively with Smartphones.
The festival has a free theme.
mujerDOC - VIII INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF DOCUMENTARY FILMS ON GENDER, organized by the NGO Mujeres del Mundo and the City Council of Soria, is a platform for the exhibition of DOCUMENTS created to help eliminate gender stereotypes and make visible the role of women in development of societies.
The works presented will include topics related to demands for equality and the feminist agenda.
They will be documentaries produced from January 1, 2022.
Participation in the Festival is open to all people, individually or collectively, without distinction of nationality or residence.
The festival will take place in March 2025 in Soria (Spain).
The festival, through a Committee, will select films to be part of an Official Section, with the following prizes:
- Woman Award: 3,000 euros (for this award, only films in which the director is a woman will be eligible)
- Long Film Award: 2,000 euros (from 60 minutes)
- Short Film Award: 1,000 euros (up to 59 minutes)
- CIMA Award for the best filmmaker (statuette and one year as a member of the Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media).
* Each selected film will receive 150 euros for the total exhibition at the Festival, covering a maximum of 4 screenings in the Cinema in Soria or in Festival windows in other cities around the world.
The selected films will also participate, if they wish, in the online edition of the contest, through the online cinema platform Filmin. The films can be seen on Filmin during the official festival dates. The benefits obtained will be distributed as follows: 60% for participating documentary films, 40% for Filmin.
It will be held in person with online activities .
In-person format, it will be held in the cities of Lebu, Capital of the Province of Arauco, and in the city of Concepción in the Biobío Region, Chile, from April 1 to 6, 2025. With national and international virtual sub-venues for the exhibition of competitions. Since 2018, CINELEBU is the only festival in Chile that qualifies short films for the Oscar® Awards in three categories: International Animation, Regional Fiction, and International Fiction. and since 2023, qualifier for the Goya Awards and Marca Chile.
18th Ecozine Film Festival, International Film and Environment of Zaragoza. April 2025. Organized by Asociación Cultural Ecozine
Beautiful festival that takes place in Modica and Gela - ITALY.. Modica is the birthplace of Salvatore Quasimodo and the festival is dedicated to him, the Nobel Prize for poetry. The festival has reached its 16th edition and welcomes poets, videographers, directors, writers and any artist who deals with the theme of the Festival: Cinema and Poetry. The cinema section is for short films of videopoetry, short films of fiction, videoclips and feature films.
"Sezze Film Festival" is a cinema and entertainment event dedicated to Italian and foreign short films.
The 2024 edition in its 6th edition will have special prizes dedicated to films, documentaries, web series and music video clips.
The Festival will be held in Sezze (LT) on 16 and 17 December 2022 for the Documentaries, Music Video Clips and Web Series categories.
For the Short Films and Feature Films categories it will take place in September 2023.
Prizes will be dedicated to the best works and their artistic and technical figures.
For information and applications:
Festival start: October 30, 2022 Festival end: October 31, 2022
The 3TH edition of the HORROR PIFF Festival will take place in the city of Paraná, from October 30 to October 31, 2022.
The central headquarters of the Paraná Festival is located at the following address: B. Pedro Lemebel Civil Association, Santos Vega Street 1754, premises 9, 10 and 11, “El Sol” Commercial Gallery. Its official Fanpage: PIFF: Link: https://www.facebook.com/pifffestival/ Paraná (Facebook) offers detailed information and indicates how to contact the Festival and its different departments.
HORROR PIFF is in part the PARANA INTERNATIONAL INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL, which is made up in equal parts by Grupo Transmedia Argentina, and CICVE (Research Center in Film and Video Art Experimental), belonging to the Civil Association "Pedro Lemebel Library ". The organization of the Paraná Festival is headed by its director, Esteban Amatti.
The Paraná Festival is recognized by the “International Center for Experimental Cinema and Videoart”, within the category “competitive film festivals”.
The Paraná Festival aims to make a positive contribution to the development of culture and the film industry.
All the films presented in the 3TH edition of the HORROR PIFF will be chosen by its selection committee, headed by the Festival management and advised by a network of international delegates, made up of a series of professionals, specialists in the world of cinema and festivals. cinematographic. It will be called "International Film Classification Committee"
All films selected in the 3TH edition will receive a certificate of participation from the management of the Paraná Festival.
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International.
Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms. Regarding the Unification Program of ARFF International, all 4 editions will gather at Amsterddam November/December 2024, till then Barcelona, Paris & Berlin editions will take place online.
See you Around & Fest Regards
A Night of Misfit Films Film Festival, presented by Full Figure Productions announces the sixth edition of A Night of Misfit Films Film Festival held at High Octane Picture Studios 9096 E Bahia Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Founded by Dineta Williams-Trigg a filmmaker and actress, A Night of Misfit Films came out of a desire to see more diverse content in the Valley of the Sun community. The festival celebrates the artistic talent of all filmmakers and artists by focusing on original content that has not been screened at other festivals.
A Night of Misfit films is in association with the Lebanese Independent Film Festival - LIFF and co-directed by Gauthier Raad and FFF Film Festival.