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The PAF festival supports and promotes the training of emerging artists and opens this space considering three main pillars that collaborate in the consolidation of the value chain of the national and international animation industry: educate, connect and multiply, focusing on Central America and the Caribbean region. Education, through its free and specialized workshops held to support emerging and amateur talent, also educates the public by providing national and international works of quality and variety in their proposals; connects national and international talent and collaboration possibilities to develop projects; multiplies growth and development possibilities through networking, contact with recognized personalities in the middle of the animation and the possibility of exhibiting the selected works and / or winners in other platforms allied to the festival. As a result, collaborative work among filmmakers, producers, distributors, and exhibitors is fostered, with which it is desired to exalt the language and creativity of Central American and Caribbean talent.
Colortape International Film Festival is a multicultural film festival promoting worldwide arts & culture through films, while bridging cultural differences, friendship, showcasing the creative vision of filmmakers from over the world. We are strong advocates and promoters of peace, love, friendship and mutual respect. One of very few festivals, if not the only one, to guaranteed acceptance, entry and certification for every filmmaker!
Over 2810 filmmakers were rewarded in the past 8 years!
Colortape is a film competition and film festival offering an Indoor/Outdoor screening opportunity , to showcase filmmakers work, and reward everyone towards the end of the competitive season.
The Festival aims at promoting expressive and artistic short film’s form giving visibility to new authors, enhancing and promoting the products of the film industry and foster the exchange and comparison of experience among filmmakers.
The festival will take place on November 11, 2023 at Calcinaia (Pisa – Italy).
Smallmovie Festival is an International short film competition that provides 3 sections:
A) Short: Section open to short films of any kind and subject,
with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, opening credits and closing credits included.
B) Under 35: Section open to short films of any kind and subject, with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, opening credits and closing credits included, made by directors who, at the time of the expiry of this announcement, have not yet turned 35
C) Tuscany: Section reserved for short films directed by Tuscan directors with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, opening credits and closing credits included.
The International Film Festival on the Island FECISLA, is a film event that has as its lines the identity and culture of African descent, childhood and youth and the environment, permeating and impacting from an educational and cultural process the majority of the native population of Fuerte Island and the diversity of visitors from different parts of the planet who come to our festival.
The Capricorn Film Festival is a not for profit organisation that discovers local, national and international cinema gems, and shares them with a diverse audience of film lovers.
The Capricorn film festival was established to encourage production, not just exhibition. Our event is not just about ‘showing’ films – it’s about ‘making’ them. We aim to provide you with the opportunity to showcase your work to as wide an audience as possible, and help you promote your career and film-making endeavours.
The event is held mid year, where a crowds of thousands from all over Central Queensland enjoy five days of cinema, supporting filmmakers from the region and all corners of the globe.
Shortlisted films are screened at the event with a total prize pool of $4,000 in cash and prizes awarded between the winners of each category.
The festival is open to any level of filmmaker, from amateur to professional and is supported by some of Australia's premiere filmmakers and industry companies.
We appreciate our Festival ALUMNI. Contact us to receive your DISCOUNT coupon code on any upcoming entries.
The BLOWS UP Int. Film Festival showcases films about eroticism and sexualities. We search from multiple perspectives and offers a selection of culturally relevant, transcending the established, commonplace and stigmatized approaches we are all familiar with. We select works that show a specific angle on the vast and diverse states of love, eroticism, and queerness.
The Mesa Film Festival is a laid back event for filmmakers from around the globe. to showcase their films and create unique opportunities to network and have a great time. This festival was created to highlight creativity from diverse voices. The Mesa International Student Film Festival is also very different from traditional festivals in that we don't hava premiere or age of film rules. We will show what we want, when we want. We just want everyone to have a good time and help people do what they love to do.
Start of Festival: 12 December 2022 End of Festival: 14 December 2022
The first international science film festival in Bejaia is organized by Abderahmane Mira University.
The scientific film occupies a place of choice in the arsenal of didactic tools for the transmission of knowledge.
The festival that we organize proposes to remove the reluctance to tele communication by "interposed catode screen" consequently increasing the critical mass in our university.
The festival accepts documentary, animation, and experimental films for the popularization of science and as a didactic tool
Halic Goldenhorn Film Fest & Market, The five-day mega event in the largest consumer of cinematic content, equipment, resources and biggest producer of Content, Turkey, brings together Content Sellers, Buyers, Producers, Directors Financiers and Governments on a single platform. We invite you to participate and find your own resources, connect with professionals, companies, Funds that you need. The Halic Goldenhorn Film Fest & Market, shall have Location Managers, Tourism Boards, acquisition and development executives, agents, attorneys, directors, distributors, Over-the-top media services platforms, festival directors, financiers, film commissioners, producers, writers, film funds, film institutes, studios, the world’s press and all those who provide services to the motion picture and television industry. The event is being supported by the General Directorate of Cinema of Turkey, the apex body of all film making associations-organizations
We are opening a new medium for the cinema industry. "FILM MARKET". Turkey's film industry, the world's leading equipment manufacturers, leasing companies, suppliers, producer companies, directors, academics and film students, film and with experienced filmmakers with new projects, financiers, participants will be here to present their film projects to the film commission.
Haliç Goldenhorn film fest & market, representatives of World cinemas Hollywood, Bollywood, European and Asian Cinema, TV channels, regional and world cinemas come together for a week due to its geographical location. In this cinematic medium, it will be a festival & Film market where they can not give up by cooperating with the world cinema representatives.
The first edition of The Haliç Goldenhorn Film Market aims to trade US $ 3 million. Joining means you have a valid reason
The theme this year is VARIETY! We'll program a bit of everything in our "first" year! As we grow, and with more eyes than ever looking at our screens, we really want your best Drama, Comedy, Genres, Documentary, Experimental, Web / Series, Animated and Student films! We are also proud to say that we have reached representatives of Hollywood, Bollywood, European and Asian Cinema countries so there is always a place for international films as well!
Haliç Goldenhorn Film Festival and Bazaar offers an application discount for films whose original language is Turkish. Yes, for Turkish movies, If your movie is in its original language, please contact us before shipping; we will offer you a discount code that will apply to both Haliç Goldenhorn Film Festival screenings and the Film Market. Contact us directly for the code.
We are a festival that is very proud of screening films made by all filmmakers, regardless of gender or race. Everyone has a chance, and our programming jury is actively looking for films with subjects suitable for world cinema.
We are proud to present the Film Market for the first year, which is the last weekend of the festival and includes Industry Development events, quality networking, sales talks and more! nearly 50 countries will participate. You should too!
The cinema world loves our city and has hosted many world stars. Istanbul, Turkey, an important destination for film and television productions. The birth of Turkish cinema Yeşilçam took place in this city. Directors love the "everywhere" look of the city and people love to see it on screen! If you want to shoot in our big city, you will have the opportunity to meet people who run the festival office!
Filmmakers and directors from all over the world choose Halic Goldenhorn Film Festival & market as a necessary stop. We want you to be a part of this growing scene! See you in Haliç Goldenhorn in December!
Dokumentala was born to show, through the language of cinema, the transforming power of support between people.
That is why the thematic axis of the proposals to the competition will be to make visible support relationships that can occur in society and that generate positive changes in people, in groups and in municipalities.
Argia Fundazioa, opens the Call for the THIRD Edition of the dokuMentala 2022 Festival.
Argia Fundazioa is an entity that supports people with a diagnosis of mental illness to improve their quality of life and the image that society has of this group.
dokuMentala 2022 was born in 2019 to show, through the language of cinema, the transforming power of support between people.
The Call for the Festival for the year 2022 is made public, which will be governed by the rules detailed below.
5ª edición del SEX EDUCATION FILM FESTIVAL, festival internacional de cortometrajes de educación sexual.
El Sex Education Film Festival nace en una época de controversia. En la que en las escuelas y en la sociedad en general se debate sobre si se debe recibir o no una educación sexual. El Sex Education Film Festival se compromete con la educación y tiene dos selecciones oficiales una para adultos y otra para jóvenes y así mostrada en centros escolares de secundaria.
We are an International Short Film Festival, which works in the Dissemination and promotion of Venezuelan cinematography, Latin American and worldwide in four countries simultaneously;
And of all its cultural scope. Try to show cinematographic works that entertain, but above all, that exert an influence education in children, youth and the general population.
CutreCon, Madrid International Cutre Film Festival.
The worst movies in the world on the big screen, where nonsense and bad taste are the protagonists.
To show films that make us think, awaken our conscience, denounce injustice and reflect the social and cultural diversity of humanity. This is the objective of The Human Rights Film Festival, which will celebrate its 18th annual festival this year.
The Human Rights Film Festival, with headquarters in Barcelona and offices in Paris and New York, is the most important festival on Human Rights in Catalonia, one of Spain’s most important and widely internationally established festival.
Among the Festival in Barcelona, the simultaneous venues at Paris and New York and especially more than 20 screenings in different countries, after the Festival.
Se configura como un festival de cine participativo y educativo donde se da voz a trabajos que tratan los Derechos Humanos, tanto en géneros de ficción, animación como documental.
Creemos que hoy es más importante que nunca que la sociedad cree puentes de debate para el acercamiento, con el único ánimo de crear humanidad y empezar a escucharnos. El Festival muestra trabajos donde tanto el contenido como la técnica son de alta calidad y han sido premiados a nivel internacional en anteriores Festivales. Previa selección de las películas por la organización del Festival, un jurado formado por expertos en el ámbito cinematográfico, así como defensores de Derechos Humanos y del ámbito educativo, serán los encargados de puntuar y entregar los premios.
Los Derechos Humanos son el garante de una sociedad sana, educada, despierta y empoderada y pertenecen a toda la sociedad como pilares fundamentales que deben sostener los cimientos donde se sustente todo lo demás. Difundir la cultura de paz, el desarrollo democrático y la humanidad sostenible son también sus objetivos. Para eso se organizan talleres, presentaciones y mesas de debate con los propios autores y autoras de las películas al público asistente así como actores, productores, críticos de cine, periodistas y defensores de Derechos Humanos locales e internacionales.
Te damos la bienvenida al Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Madrid.
São Paulo Film Festival (SPFF) é um festival de cinema independente que ocorre na cidade mais frenética e populosa do Brasil.
SPFF procura apoiar e inspirar filmes independentes de todo o mundo, por uma expressão genuína que pode estimular novos pensamentos para a arte do cinema.
O festival SPFF é uma organização dedicada à descoberta e ao desenvolvimento de novos artistas, com visões além da fronteira da imaginação que podem atrair audiências de todos os países.
Diferente da maioria dos festivais. Nós assistimos todos os filmes. Nosso júri é composto principalmente por cineastas.
Curtas, Animação e Documentários. Todos os gêneros.
Online + Presencial. O Festival ocorrerá no dia 14 de Dezembro de 2025 no Cinema Reag Belas Artes apenas dos filmes finalistas. Os filmes semifinalistas serão exibidos online até o dia 16 de Dezembro de 2025.
The following terms and conditions (Terms) govern the registration of a cinematographic work (The FILMS) for the Santo Domingo Global Film Festival (FCGSD) (The festival) to be considered in the present edition.
The registration process will be exclusively through the official festival platforms, which will be announced on the call. This document shall precede any other document prepared by FCGSD or anyone else.
Please email any request or concern related to these Terms to FTerms@tamoencine.org.
The International Exhibition of Cinema and Science is an event that will take place at Centro Cultural Doctor Madrazo (Santander, Spain), between the 6th and 8th of November, 2024. Is admitted any work of any genre related to science and scientific divulgation.
The objective of the exhibition is to promote the production and divulgation of works that foster the positive and progressive values of science and technology, and that serve as a consultation for any type of audience. The subject is totally free and can refer to own or other people's research, hot topics in the society or scientific community, personal scientific-technical passions, basic science concepts, scientific milestones, historical figures, the science of the future or past, etc.