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The FICAH MEXICO will be held annually and its main objectives are to promote and promote the production, completion and exhibition of independent cinematographic works.
El Festival "Be Free" es un proyecto educativo y participativo para concienciar a niños, jóvenes y adultos sobre la violencia, considerada como la coacción física o psíquica ejercida hacia una persona para conseguir objetivos en contra de su voluntad, conocer los tipos de la misma: violencia de género (sobre la mujer), violencia doméstica o intrafamiliar (la vulneración se produce con cualquier miembro de la unidad familiar) y violencia de pareja (entendido como cualquier acto dañino producido en la intimidad de la pareja indistintamente de que la victima sea hombre o mujer, e incluyendo en esta tipología también a las parejas homosexuales), los diferentes tipos de maltrato (físico, psicológico, sexual, económico, social, ambiental y patrimonial) y sus repercusiones en la época actual (la influencia de los medios de comunicación y publicitarios, el poder de las redes sociales como medida de control, la evolución del machismo en los adolescentes y el aumento del individualismo, aplicando una falsa "normalidad" y "aceptación social" ante actos violentos desde la perspectiva del espectador, es decir, mirar hacia otro lado ante la visión de una situación de maltrato) cuyo objetivo es la lucha contra esta violencia, aprender a reconocer el maltrato y potenciar la igualdad de sexos.
Por undécimo año consecutivo, la Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad Verdiblanca y el Ayuntamiento de Almería lanzan el Festival Inclusivo de Cortometrajes Gallo Pedro, dedicado a obras audiovisuales creadas en torno a la inclusión de las capacidades o habilidades diferentes, con el objetivo principal de crear conciencia y sensibilizar a la población sobre las personas con diversidad funcional.
mujerDOC - VIII INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF DOCUMENTARY FILMS ON GENDER, organized by the NGO Mujeres del Mundo and the City Council of Soria, is a platform for the exhibition of DOCUMENTS created to help eliminate gender stereotypes and make visible the role of women in development of societies.
The works presented will include topics related to demands for equality and the feminist agenda.
They will be documentaries produced from January 1, 2022.
Participation in the Festival is open to all people, individually or collectively, without distinction of nationality or residence.
The festival will take place in March 2025 in Soria (Spain).
The festival, through a Committee, will select films to be part of an Official Section, with the following prizes:
- Woman Award: 3,000 euros (for this award, only films in which the director is a woman will be eligible)
- Long Film Award: 2,000 euros (from 60 minutes)
- Short Film Award: 1,000 euros (up to 59 minutes)
- CIMA Award for the best filmmaker (statuette and one year as a member of the Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media).
* Each selected film will receive 150 euros for the total exhibition at the Festival, covering a maximum of 4 screenings in the Cinema in Soria or in Festival windows in other cities around the world.
The selected films will also participate, if they wish, in the online edition of the contest, through the online cinema platform Filmin. The films can be seen on Filmin during the official festival dates. The benefits obtained will be distributed as follows: 60% for participating documentary films, 40% for Filmin.
Inside Nollywood International Film Festival and awards embodies the celebration and exhibition of Cultural heritage and values which was showcased through motion pictures. The Nigerian Film industry, also known as Nollywood which pioneered this initiative was at the forefront on this unprecedented festival.
Inside Nollywood International Film Festival and awards was hosted by the Capital City of Anambra state, Awka and this Officially made it the first ever Film festival that was held in Anambra State.
Apart from the Motion pictures that were rich in Culture, there were Masquerade displays, stage dramas that despicted the Igbo culture and VIP Tours for our guests and Empress Models, to different cultural sites within Anambra state.
INIFFAA as the Festival is abbreviated , will continuously be a haven for film practitioners, Entertainers and lovers of entertainment. We will continue to invent new ways of keeping our Followers engaged and excited.
The Festival was founded by Obinna Muoma, a prolific film maker and a Nollywood stake holder. He is the founder of Inside Nollywood.
#VIEWCONFERENCE is the premiere International event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, Animation, VR/AR, Games, VFX and immersive storytelling.
VIEW CONFERENCE è un evento internazionale a cadenza annuale incentrato sulla computer grafica, le tecniche interattive, il cinema digitale, l’animazione, i videogiochi, gli effetti visivi, Realta' Virtuale e aumentata e storytelling immersivo.
1) VIEW AWARD: First Prize is 2000 Euros
2) ITALIANMIX: First Prize is a Wacom Tablet
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/viewconference
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChGdAnZQE6UcH_OQ5DNFW_Q
Twitter: @viewconference.it
Instagram: view_conference
Cortos con Ñ. International short film festival held in the center of the city of Madrid (Spain).
Every Tuesday, at 19:30 p.m., at the La Escalera de Jacob theater (C / Lavapiés, 9 - Madrid, Spain).
Cortos con Ñ organize public screenings of short films every week in the city of Madrid.
Each short film received at Cortos con Ñ is carefully reviewed by a committee of film experts, who are in charge of selecting the best short films received at our festival.
The awards jury team is made up of notable Spanish filmmakers and producers and the jury prizes are valued at € 500.
The LA MIRADA TABÚ film festival wants to motivate artists and creators to show their view of the “taboo” concept, which is broad and diverse, encompassing from the dreams, the unconscious, the mental worlds and the ghosts that populate them , the mystery, the magic, even the untold reality, the unsaid, "the clothes hanging", in the workplace, emotional, family, vital ... from a vision as polyhedral as human thought is: casual, humorous, dramatic, dreamlike ... always from respect for all ways of thinking and from creativity.
LA MIRADA TABÚ launches an invitation to bring to light the personal and non-transferable world of each creator, which, as we have been able to verify throughout the history of art and cinema, through great names in world cinematography, connects with the deepest, unknown and elusive imaginary of the spectators
Fantafestival (Italian: Mostra Internazionale del Film di Fantascienza e del Fantastico; English: International Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Show) is a film festival devoted to science fiction, fantasy and horror films that is held annually in Italy since 1981.
Fantafestival takes place every year in Rome. In the past years, while maintaining its headquarters in Rome, some editions were held in contemporary in different Italian cities like Milan, Naples, Genoa, Verona, Parma and Ravenna.
For more than 40 years, Fantafestival has been one of the leading Italian events specialized in fantastic films and one of the most important international events of this kind. It has presented and launched in Italy many filmmakers who later would become among the most popular in the fantastic film world.
"Screen Short Fest 2024" is an International Short Film Festival, coming back in its Sixth Year. The festival is the brainchild of Mr. Soham Banerjee, an award-winning Short Film Director and entrepreneur.
The festival invites all short filmmakers, with their short films, in the live-action and Animation genre, in any language (with English subtitles), within the 20-minute duration (including the title and credits).
The festival aims to showcase the best of the latest National and International Short Films of the world in front of the Film lovers of Kolkata, India.
Photopolis Agrinio Photo Festival, announces a film competition and invites you to submit your work in the category: Short Films.
Participation is €10.
Participants are requested to submit their project(s) electronically, which must be downloadable, with a maximum duration of twenty minutes (20'), as well as a short descriptive text of the project and a bio of director.
If the official spoken language is not Greek, then the necessary Greek subtitles material should also be submitted.
The results will be announced by April 1, 2025 on the festival website (www.photopolis.gr), on social media, while the creators of the selected works will also be informed by e-mail.
18th Ecozine Film Festival, International Film and Environment of Zaragoza. April 2025. Organized by Asociación Cultural Ecozine
1. Brain Film Fest
The Brain Film Fest (BFF) is an international film festival dedicated to highlighting and promoting the creation and dissemination of feature films and short films about any aspect of the brain, from its amazing abilities and conditions to its pathologies. The BFF is jointly organized by the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and Minimal Films. In addition to being a film competition, the BFF will also organize throughout the festival other in-person and online social, cultural and/or scientific events that focus on the brain.
The 8th edition of the Brain Film Fest will be held from March 12 to 16, 2025.
Our theme is simple and it is just one word: INNOVATION
We encourage filmmakers to come up with innovative concepts and tell unique stories that promote peace and prosperity in their countries.
Promote international solidarity and a myriad of opportunities for filmmakers, businesses and broadcasters through film.
Create a self sustainable film industry and a new world class breed of filmmakers.
Background History
The Ekurhuleni International Film Festival was formed as a result of Siyafunda Programme an initiative by Rhythm Cycle Trading Projects in partnership With Ekurhuleni’s Metropolitan Municipality: Department: SRAC: Performing Arts division .The purpose of the Programme is to empower the unemployed youth economically and provide them with vital filmmaking skills. Promote the local businesses in the film industry and promote Social cohesion and mainstream youth development. Promoting indigenous music and instruments and participation in the arts is one of the key roles of the Programme.
The Cinematography wing of the project initiated the Ekurhuleni International Film Festival through one of its partners Rhythm Cycle Projects a local Film & Television film production company. The purpose of the festival is to empower Emerging local and international filmmakers. This will provide filmmaking skills; create networking opportunities with local and international broadcasters. This will also promote the local businesses through the film industry and mainstream economic development across a myriad of sectors of the economy.
Introduce young aspirant filmmakers to wildlife filmmaking
Educate the people about the natural world and films
Create networking opportunities for local filmmakers, broadcasters and funders
Promote indigenous music
Enrichment of the arts
Promote culture and heritage
Boost tourism
Mainstream youth development
Attract broadcasters
Create jobs and economic opportunities
Aims & Objectives
1.To ensure that every government department has a progress report on video in preparation for the next financial year.
2.To educate people how our government operates and help them identify what, how they can contribute to boost our economy and get benefits.
3.To develop an advertising medium for SMMEs, Big companies, banks and Educational institutions to generate revenue for the project to empower participants while they are studying.
4.To create a local film industry that will alleviate poverty in rural areas by making films that will tell their stories and attract the international market.
5.To transfer filmmaking skills to the youth out of school and the unemployed.
6.Showcase South Africa’s storytelling talent and introduce a new generation of characters through film and TV productions .
7.To establish partnerships with other territories to implement Co-Production Treaties that RSA signed with other countries to grow our local film industry.
Welcome and Official Opening
Networking Sessions
Fun walks
Wine tasting
Ekurhuleni International Film Awards
The Women and Diversities Film Festival (FESTMYD) will celebrate its fourth edition this year in a self-managed manner with the support of the Film School of the University of Valparaíso and the Ovalle Film Festival. The main objective of the festival is to give visibility and promote national and international cinematographic works directed by female (cis/trans), trans or transmasculine men, non-binary, gender fluid or intersex filmmakers, who address issues from a gender perspective.
On this occasion, FESTMYD will take place in person in the region of Coquimbo and Valparaíso, linking the activities to the territories where they are developed, seeking to generate a reciprocal relationship with the audiences we address, in order to be a contribution to the collective construction of intangible cultural heritage. FESTMYD 4th will take place in the month of November from the 19th to the 22nd in Valparaíso and from the 27th to the 30th in Ovalle.
In the fourth version of FESTMYD, we want to once again give space to the voices and teams of women and gender diversities, maintaining the commitment acquired in our previous versions, giving a showcase to their works in both regions for school audiences and adults.
This year all slots will be non-competitive and the official selection will come from a selection of short films made in educational contexts (formal and informal) made throughout the national territory.
The Festival reserves the right to change the venues and dates mentioned, if it deems necessary for the correct execution of the project.
The festival is about bringing people together, behind the scenes and in the audience. While the project will be collaboratively executed, the organizing will also involve professionals who will share their skills, and sponsors who will contribute their resources. The event itself will provide a setting, much like peaceful campaign of film shows,cultural dance, music performance, games, and educational awareness where people regardless of their life experiences seat together, laugh together, cry together and exchange ideas as an audience.
MAFIC: “MÁLAGA- INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL”: Training, BUSINESS AND APPRECIATION Space for new audiovisual, Artistic and Cinematographic products; Academic laboratories; suitable land for the meeting and exchange of alliances and development of projects between the regional, national and international industry.
MAFIC: is composed of 3 EXPERIENCES designed as follows:
REMA: "EXHIBITION ROUTE - MALAGUEÑA": Exclusive Exhibition Spaces throughout the municipality, of the latest Audiovisual Productions - Cinematographic, International, National, and Regional.
MAM “MÁLAGA AUDIOVISUAL AND ART, MARKETING” offers you opportunities that allow you to expand your network of contacts and learn about the regional, national or international Audiovisual market in artistic areas (cinema, theater, music, designers, plastic artists, costumes, decoration, comics, etc.)
They are laboratories of investigation and knowledge, where illustrious and recognized personages, will expose to the public in general or specific, detailed information of subjects of the cinematographic industry.
FESOHCURT is, in its 7th edition, a reference within the short movie festivals, as it contributes to fostering the use of Valencian through cinema. Thus, at least 50% of the short movies selected for this edition will be in Valencian language (or any of its dialectal varieties).
The Incontrastable Film Festival is a space that promotes the dissemination of independent audiovisual works within the South American countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. It also seeks to bring these independent productions closer to the general population, promoting critical cinema that contributes to the development of a much broader and more inclusive cinematographic culture.