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The São Paulo Short Film Festival, also known as Oscar Junior, celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2024. The event is growing and becoming more inclusive, adopting a hybrid format with decentralized online and in-person screenings to reach a diverse audience. Partnerships with cinemas, schools and local associations bring the festival closer to communities.
The program includes not only the screening of short films, but also talks and workshops with professionals from the audiovisual market, as well as business roundtables to boost regional production. The festival now welcomes films from various categories, promoting local talent from Jundiaí. Since 2019, it has offered talks and workshops with renowned professionals. The 2024 edition promises to contribute to the growth of the audiovisual sector in Jundiaí and the interior of São Paulo.
The most complete film festival in the interior of São Paulo.
Submit your film and boost your career.
The Wayuu Film and Video Show was born in 2008 as an initiative of young filmmakers worried about not having spaces for dissemination and exhibition of their work in La Guajira.
Alliances are quickly made between the Wayuu Women's Force Organization and the Jain Wain’juin Audiovisual Foundation (Venezuela).
The young filmmakers David Hernández Palmar, Miguel Iván Ramírez and Leiqui Uriana, with great interest and enthusiasm, show their first cycle of Wayuu cinema on the improvised screens of a wall of the town of Uribia, beginning the Wayuu Culture Festival First cycle of the Wayuu Film and Video Exhibition. Thus, this space was born to promote an exchange where communities, spectators and the general public could contribute critically to the achievements, as well as helping to recognize in us as Wayuu the possibility of telling our own stories.
The Memorable Film Festival is a short films festival dedicated to showing and promoting the creation and dissemination of short films about Alzheimer's disease and its effects on patients and families, as well as its social interest.
The festival is organized by the CIEN Foundation, the Alzheimer Centre of the Queen Sofia Foundation.
"Ciak Film Festival" is a cinema and entertainment event dedicated to Feature Films, Short Films - Italian and foreign.
The 2024 edition will have special prizes dedicated to music video clips, documentaries, feature films, short film shot in Lazio.
The Artistic Direction is curated by Stefano Madonna and Alfonso Chiarenza.
The Festival will be held in Fiuggi (FR) 11-12 September 2021 and will see the participation of well-known celebrities.
Prizes will be dedicated to the best feature films, short films and their artistic and technical figures.
There will be special prizes for famous faces and new faces of the show.
In the city of culture, art, and heritage. Yellowstone International Film Festival is dedicated to celebrating the world-class cinema. Yellowstone International Film festival is home to independent cinema from around the world.
YIFF puts filmmakers first and provides the opportunity for recognition and publicity for quality films and documentaries. Our aim is to be an advocate for filmmakers with a unique vision and to promote their work by showcasing it to a large audience. which is why our mission is to carefully consider and select a wide range of films to promote to the indie film-loving crowd.
YIFF will be a global adventure of the premiere, screenings, nightly red carpets, daring documentaries, eye-opening short films, We also focus films under special categories such as LGBTQ films, Women Empowerment films, environmental films, Students Films,
YIFF will be host to Opening & Closing Night Gale, Opening & Closing night Red Carpet , Press Interaction for participants, Official Portraits for nominated filmmakers, Festival Interviews of Nominated filmmakers, nightly parties, live music performances, filmmaker panels, award presentations, and an enhanced filmmaker hospitality program that includes city tours and more
We invite you to add your voice to the conversation. At YIFF, filmmakers are invited to the festival to participate in a variety of programs, Q&A sessions and a series of panel discussions, Press Conferences. masterclasses where filmmakers have the opportunity to discuss their work and careers with a new generation of content creators.
1) YIFF understands that independent films must get amplification. Two weeks before the festival begins, the YIFF PR team does Pre festival press release and post-festival press releases announcing winners.
2) We create numerous filmmaker's panels and masterclasses with industry professionals for filmmakers to take part in.
CINEMA24 - Córdoba Film Week aims to bring together a wide and varied selection of cinema that is produced from Andalusia, with special attention to the most innovative proposals and emerging filmmakers, having the cordovan capital as a meeting point in order to position itself as the cinematographic event of reference in the cultural agenda of the city and become a meeting point for the state cinematographic sector.
The 3rd Edition of CINEMA24 will take place from November 29 to December 5, 2024.
Due to the Pandemic, there will be no screenings of Films and no Exhibition of Works of Art in theaters, it will be a Virtual Festival from October 30 to 31 BA2025.
Art Non Stop Festival, is the International Film and Art Festival born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which takes place from October 26 to 28. Organized by the Producer Arte Non Stop, combining Cinema, Painting and Sculpture under the exclusive theme of cinema.
The reason for the Festival is to Promote Art in all its Expressions. Providing a new space year after year to the Artists and Sculptors, to interact their works of art together with the Films of Art and Fiction that participate from all over the world in different contests and categories, with functions and exhibitions open to all public.
It is an Official Independent Festival, free exhibitions and with itinerant venues that it renews year after year - Non-conventional Projection, Not in Cinemas - because its seeking to discover and promote new Art Spaces and create new viewers.
That is why it calls the Artists to Carry out Workshops live to create Works of Art intervened by all the Artists present, with the idea that they are Donated to beneficial institutions
Making Films and Art Works Exhibitions, Free exhibitions from October 30 to 31.
1 -Competencia Oficial Largometraje Internacional
Para aquellos realizadores que cuenten con 2 (dos) o más películas de largometraje (nacional y/o internacional) de ficción, animación y/o documental (Realizado en cualquier formato). Duración Superior a los 60 (sesenta) minutos.-
-Competition Official International Feature Film
For those filmmakers who have 2 (two) or more feature films (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration exceeding 60 (sixty) minutes. -Títulos Incluídos-
2 -Official Competition Debut Film
For those filmmakers who present their first feature film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format) Duration of more than 60 (sixty) minutes. -Including Titles
3 -Competition Official Animation
For those filmmakers who present their feature film (national and / or international) of fiction and / or animation made in any format. Free run time. -Including Titles
4 -Official Documentary Competition
For those filmmakers of documentary (national and / or international) of fiction documentary, animation documentary and / or real documentary (made in any format). Duration exceeding 45 (forty-five) minutes. -Including Titles-
5 -Competition Medium-length Official Competition
For those filmmakers who present their film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration from 10 (ten) minutes to 44 (forty four) minutes -including titles
6 -Competition Official Short film
For those filmmakers who present their short film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format). Duration LESS than 10 (ten) minutes -including titles-
ESPIELLO, INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ETHNOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTARY is organized by the Service of Culture of the Comarca de Sobrarbe (an institution that it groups to 19 town halls) along with a wide participation of neighbors of the zone who form the Permanent Commission of the festival. It is celebrated during March and April in Boltaña, a small population of the Pyrenees of Huesca (Spain).
Espiello is the only festival with this specialization in the country. It has an international competition of ethnographic documentary and some different sections out of competition and other activities whith topics related to the documentary and the visual anthropology.
Original Version in Catalan
VOC Festival Òmnium de Curtmetratges és un projecte impulsat per Òmnium Cultural amb la finalitat d’estimular la producció de curtmetratges de qualitat en català, contribuir a la seva difusió i ampliar-ne el públic.
El VOC és un festival únic perquè arriba a més de 90 sales d’arreu dels Països Catalans simultàniament durant els mesos de febrer i març. És un punt de trobada entre creadors, públic i referents del sector, una oportunitat per compartir l’experiència del cinema en llengua catalana.
International LGBT Film Festival of Colombia
We touch the fibers of the human being through the projection and circulation of inclusive and friendly cinema with the community; recognizing and rewarding the new acting talents of the continent and generating value to diverse communities and the Seventh Art, to change the stereotypes of Colombian society.
With our “OWN BRAND” Diverso Cinema we promote Latin American and world cinema through films, documentaries, short films and feature films that tell stories of the lives of diverse communities.
We have opened inclusive spaces such as: (Universities, Theaters, Restaurants and Bars) for the projection of films that leave an education in the spectators, encouraging a two-way economic interaction that benefits the community.
We generate income through the sale of the Ticket Office, promoting new experiences combining the seventh art and cultural tourism.
“We have managed to impact more than 3,000 spectators in general; in cities where we have screened FILMS, DOCUMENTS, SHORT FILMS, and FEATURES among others, many of them based on real events by people like you or me.
7th Edition 2024
CATEGORIES: Documentary Films
MY FIRST DOC Festival in Tunisia, organized by the Tunisian Documentary Cinema Association, highlights young international cinema by offering the possibility to directors to present their works to the Tunisian public.
MY FIRST DOC Festival in Tunisia sets as its main objective the discovery and promotion of first films by young talents by giving visibility to different expressions of international documentary cinema in front of the widest possible audience.
The programming that combines discovery, diversity and quality will offer the public creative documentaries with a real author's perspective.
Dieciminuti Film Festival was created in 2005 by IndieGesta. It was able to quickly become one of the events dedicated to short films most important in Italy.
The Festival, whose first 19 editions attended by more than 18,000 short films involving a total of nearly 23,000 spectators, is structured in various competitive sections: Official Selection (for short films up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Extralarge (for shorts between 10 and 15 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024) Animations (animations for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Doc10 (documentaries for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Music Videoclip (videoclips for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Visti da Vicino (for short films up to 10 minutes released by directors coming from the province of Frosinone after the 1st of January 2024).
At the Competitive sections, joins the Dieciminuti Academy, a school of cinema that brings young people of our province to create from scratch a short fiction or animation. The thing that is unique about the festival on the national scene is to be a real school for young people who want to explore the world of cinema. It ‘s also very much appreciated the Section Esplorazioni, which allows viewers to get in touch with the short film coming from a different country each year. During last years, the festival has hosted the short unpublished masters of Japanese animation by Studio Ghibli, directed by Hayao Miyazaki, the animated short films of the Tehran Film Festival, the short films of Georges Méliès, the avantguardes, the web-series. During the 13th edition was opened also the Futurama Section, dedicated to masterclasses for students.
PLAY is the first Portuguese film festival, exclusively dedicated to children and teenagers, determined to promote the access to culture for a younger audience through Cinema and screening films for audiences aged between 1 and 16 years old.
Beautiful festival that takes place in Modica and Gela - ITALY.. Modica is the birthplace of Salvatore Quasimodo and the festival is dedicated to him, the Nobel Prize for poetry. The festival has reached its 16th edition and welcomes poets, videographers, directors, writers and any artist who deals with the theme of the Festival: Cinema and Poetry. The cinema section is for short films of videopoetry, short films of fiction, videoclips and feature films.
The Capricorn Film Festival is a not for profit organisation that discovers local, national and international cinema gems, and shares them with a diverse audience of film lovers.
The Capricorn film festival was established to encourage production, not just exhibition. Our event is not just about ‘showing’ films – it’s about ‘making’ them. We aim to provide you with the opportunity to showcase your work to as wide an audience as possible, and help you promote your career and film-making endeavours.
The event is held mid year, where a crowds of thousands from all over Central Queensland enjoy five days of cinema, supporting filmmakers from the region and all corners of the globe.
Shortlisted films are screened at the event with a total prize pool of $4,000 in cash and prizes awarded between the winners of each category.
The festival is open to any level of filmmaker, from amateur to professional and is supported by some of Australia's premiere filmmakers and industry companies.
We appreciate our Festival ALUMNI. Contact us to receive your DISCOUNT coupon code on any upcoming entries.
Opening of the festival: 13th september, 2024.
Inscription: Until 14rd october, 2024.
The GEH Short Film Competition is a short film competition on human rights held in different localities of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country).
This competition is part of the global project human rights Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Bringing human rights to the people.). The GEH is a human rights awareness project created by the dar-dar Productions cooperative in 2015. The first editions were based in Ordizia. In 2023, the festival has developed and extended to several towns in Gipuzkoa (Euskal Herria).
The main objective of this competition is to raise awareness and educate on human rights. Because this short film contest is a window that we open to the world, and from that window we can see the different realities that people live in different parts of the planet. In view of these realities, we intend to encourage reflection on human rights violations in different parts of the world.
Whatever the format is, all films will compete on equal terms.
1.First prize 1000€ for the best short film.
2.Second prize 500€.
3.Special Award "Arteria Award" 400€ for Vasque Country's best short film.
4.Young prize 300€.
To these prizes will be applied the retention of the corresponding tax (IRPF).
The Quillota International Film Festival is a film festival that, in its fourth version, becomes a competitive event. A festival through cinema that carries out training, production and distribution activities in the city and province of Quillota during the year 2023 (June to December 2024). Its objective is to professionally mediate cinematographic quality content in various public spaces, movie theaters, cultural halls, and schools and colleges in the commune and province of Quillota.
Film submissions are limited to 15-30 minutes in length. Songs submitted music to be submitted as an MP3 file, and if video, an MP4.
Films Inspiring Hope: The focus of the film should have a storyline in which the characters face a challenge, and find their way to become hopeful and overcome the incident. Character development is especially desirable in this film, and in some manner, the central charter offers the viewer inspiration.
Films of Encouragement: The underlying message of the film is meant to offer encouragement, uplift the viewer, and leave them feeling an increased sense of motivation.
Films Focused on Global Healing: There is a great disparity between countries and the availability of resources to address issues of health and wellness. Films in this category may provide insight to identify problematic areas, and remedies to address these concerns, and to support universal acceptance and love.
Women's Issues: Women are not only a resource of nurturance, but accomplish remarkable achievements either individually, as a part of a family, or within their community. Maintaining life-Balance is frequently a struggle because of the multiplicity of demands placed on women. Social position and status can look different within the context of various cultures. Films in this category are meant to explore female empowerment and bring insight and increased understanding of the roles women place within their culture.
Men’s Issues: The role of men in cultures throughout the world has been undergoing changes. This can lead to confusion and feelings of insecurity. Modern men may stay at home and care for the children, or they may continue to function in traditional roles. Film submissions about men’s issues are encouraged to address the ways in which men come to understand their emotions, become comfortable with the expression of emotion, and how they connect in significant relationships.
Spirituality: Religious practice is not necessarily the same as spiritual practice; however, both or either can play an important role in our health and well-being. Films that focus on spiritual development, our relationship to ourselves and others within this realm, and how we contribute to the world through spiritual practice would be of interest in this film category.
Social Issues, Resilience & Sustainability: In every culture, there are issues of social injustice, conflict, and social differences, which can affect human or animal existence and the ability to maintain resilience. It is frequently not enough to be resilient because multiple losses can occur, we must instead focus on our ability to sustain resilience. Films that speak to how we might address social concerns that involve the depletion of social, emotional, environmental, or financial resources are welcome in this category.
Best Instrumental Score: Music scores may be from any genre, and the music should evoke visual imagery, and heightened imagination.
Best Original Song: All genres are accepted and will be evaluated based on the quality of performance and production.
Music Video: All genres are accepted and will be evaluated based on the quality of production in sound and visual imagery.
Original Holiday Songs: Submit Chanukah, Christmas, or any Holiday song in any genre that inspires hope, encouragement, or global healing through instrumental or vocal music.
Holiday Short Films: Submit Chanukah, Christmas, or any Holiday short films that inspire hope, encouragement, or global healing through instrumental or vocal music.
Holiday Music Videos: Submit Chanukah, Christmas, or any Holiday music video in any genre that inspires hope, encouragement, or global healing through instrumental or vocal music.
Christian Music Video or Original Songs: Profess faith and send a message of hope, encouragement, and global healing through cinema or music.
PG-13 Music Video or Short Films: On occasion, filmmakers, videographers, or songwriters will include language that is not suitable for children but is in the script to emphasize a concept or lyric. This special category has been created so that these submissions don't have to be excluded. Notification of the PG-13 label will be announced at film festival events so that individuals sensitive to language, or who have children or adolescents with them can determine how to make an intelligent decision about viewing.
Special Interest and Historical Topic Short Films or Music Videos: Historical and current events can be cinema-worthy. Please submit films or music videos, that document life events that inspire hope, encouragement, or global healing.
Special Interest and Historical Topic Original Songs: Historical and current events can be music-worthy. Please submit original songs, that document life events that inspire hope, encouragement, or global healing.
Children's Short Films, Music Videos, or Original Songs: In an effort to communicate the importance of inspiring hope, spreading encouragement, and supporting global healing; Round The Globe features cinema and music specially made for a younger audience to view, listen to, and enjoy and they learn about the importance of health and wellness.
Epic ACG fest is a unique event showcase animation, comics and games. Though screening, exhibition and competition, bring together the creative elements, the artists and the general public from worldwide.
During the festival, EACG is also hosting the Live Demonstrations, Networking Receptions, Master Workshops, Panel Discussions, Business Symposiums, Recruiting and the Professional Exhibits offered throughout the event as well as the One-On-One Personal Consultations with creative professionals from top studios and educational institutions both local and international. The Award ceremony is a red carpet event that provides recognition and great memories.
Epic ACG fest will screening animations from worldwide