Logo of Gijon International Film Festival

18 Sep 2021

Published: 16 Sep 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Gijon International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Gijón / Xixón

Gijon International Film Festival

Gijón, Spain

GIJÓN/XIXÓN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (FICX) aims to showcase a wide and varied selection of auteur cinema currently being produced worldwide and especially focused on innovative films and emerging filmmakers. High quality, personal, young in its shape, edgy and independent cinema at a creative level. During its selection process, the Festival will prioritise those works of interest that have their World, International, European or Spanish premiere at FICX as well as those that do not have commercial distribution agreements in the Spanish territory.

Acknowledged as “Specialized Festival” by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Association)


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


18 Sep 2021

Published: 16 Sep 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Mafic Málaga Festival Internacional De Cine


Malaga, Colombia

MAFIC: “MÁLAGA- INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL”: Training, BUSINESS AND APPRECIATION Space for new audiovisual, Artistic and Cinematographic products; Academic laboratories; suitable land for the meeting and exchange of alliances and development of projects between the regional, national and international industry.

MAFIC: is composed of 3 EXPERIENCES designed as follows:

REMA: "EXHIBITION ROUTE - MALAGUEÑA": Exclusive Exhibition Spaces throughout the municipality, of the latest Audiovisual Productions - Cinematographic, International, National, and Regional.

MAM “MÁLAGA AUDIOVISUAL AND ART, MARKETING” offers you opportunities that allow you to expand your network of contacts and learn about the regional, national or international Audiovisual market in artistic areas (cinema, theater, music, designers, plastic artists, costumes, decoration, comics, etc.)


They are laboratories of investigation and knowledge, where illustrious and recognized personages, will expose to the public in general or specific, detailed information of subjects of the cinematographic industry.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cortocomenius

17 Sep 2021

Published: 15 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Cortocomenius

Banner Cortocomenius


Valencia, Spain

The 18th edition of CORTOCOMENIUS intends to show the best valencian productions , with the intention of promoting, broadcast and support to the development of the digital cinema.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Other


17 Sep 2021

Published: 15 Sep 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Saint Mitre les Remparts, France


The SMR13 International Independent Film Festival is an annual, IMDb-certified, four (4)-day event held in the second half of November, in Saint-Mitre-Les-Remparts, in the south of France, near Marseille.

First and foremost, it's a physical festival, taking place in "La Manare", a dedicated performance hall with a total surface area of 1000m² and a capacity of 250 spectators.

The 10th edition of the SMR13 international independent film festival will take place from November 21 to 23, 2025.

The festival stands out for its highly developed network, passionate members and trusted partnerships. It is a unique showcase for independent cinema, attracting professionals from all over the world.

Since its inception, the festival has been supported by a patron, an emblematic figure in independent cinema. John Carpenter (2018), director, screenwriter and composer (Halloween, The Thing, New York 1997...). Andréa Ferréol (2019), actress (La Grande Bouffe, Le Dernier Métro, La Scoumoune...). Francis Ford Coppola (2019), director and screenwriter (Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Dracula...). Virginie Lemoine (2020), actress (Famille d'Accueil, Nos années parallèles, Oscar...). Sean S. Cunningham (2021), director and producer (Friday The 13th, Spring Break, DeepStar Six...). Patrice Leconte (2022 and 2023), director and producer (Les Bronzés, Les Spécialistes, Maigret, Olivier Marchal (2024), actor, screenwriter and director ( 36 quai des Orfèvres, Flics, Braquo and Pax Massillia.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Chihuahua International Film Festival

17 Sep 2021

Published: 15 Sep 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Chihuahua

Festival Internacional de Cine de Chihuahua

Chihuahua, Mexico

The FIC Chihuahua aims to promote and boost the cinematographic talent of the north of the country by giving voice to local, national and international artists.

Our Festival celebrates creativity, effort, work and the value of filmmaking in the North of the Country. It plays a vital role in the promotion of emerging national and international talent.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Portrait Film Festival

17 Sep 2021

Published: 15 Sep 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner International Portrait Film Festival

International Portrait Film Festival

Sofia, Bulgaria

IPFF is on the path towards its fifth edition! Once again, we will celebrate short portrait cinema and art which explores, educates, and transforms.


A portrait is an image heavy with meaning. Layered and multifaceted, it has a visual, psychological, material, emotional and spiritual dimension. It can be political, conceptual, poetic. Or something else.

A portrait always undergoes a transformation. It imitates and repeats life, but becomes something or someone new along the way. It changes its original subject while capturing it. Then the portrait is transformed again through the mind of every brave interpreter.

A film portrait is a soul in the form of light encountering the canvas of the white screen while pairs of eyes are staring at its vastness. It is a trace. And a reverie. It is past, present, and future intertwined.


The portrait is the focus of the films that will be screened at the IPFF. We are looking for portrait films that have already been completed, as well as such that will be created with the concrete idea of 'portrait'. Of a person. A group of people. An object. Something invisible, but substantial. Of the self.


IPFF welcomes a wide range of films and filmmakers: students, professionals, from low budget to big-scale productions, alternative and independent films by individuals and by collectives or institutions.


IPFF aspires to bring together artists and viewers who sincerely long for enrichment with art, intellectual discussion, and an experience of cinema through a new prism - that of the portrait film.


IPFF is a hybrid event. A symbiosis of intriguing live encounters and memorable virtual experiences. An interweaving of portrait cinema from around the world with debates, lectures, workshops.


We dream and imagine that the IPFF is for those who profoundly need art and excitement. And for the ones who believe in cinema’s power to change us for the better. For the unafraid to search within the screen even when it offers a strange and experimental viewpoint, or difficult questions about human rights, war and the ecological crises of our shared present.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Waves & Vibes - Tourism & Lifestyle International Film Festival

16 Sep 2021

Published: 14 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Waves & Vibes - Tourism & Lifestyle International Film Festival

Waves & Vibes - Tourism & Lifestyle International Film Festival

Krasnogorsk, Russia

Waves & Vibes - Tourism & Lifestyle International Film Festival is seeking for short films with English subtitles (srt) up to 30 min, produced in 2019 - 2021.

The live screenings will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg on October 1 - 11, 2021.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Music Video

Logo of SACI - Semana de Animação e Cinema Infantil

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Saci - Children’s  Animation and Cinema Week

SACI - Semana de Animação e Cinema Infantil

Curitiba, Brazil


The SACI | CHILDREN'S ANIMATION AND CINEMA WEEK festival is intended for all national and international audiovisual producers that have any short, medium and/or feature-length animation, documentary and/or fiction and series with no time limit on the year of production and/or release, aimed at children and teenagers, as long as they have material suitable for presentation at festivals. The films must be classified as UNRATED, in accordance with the TV Rating Guide of the Ministry of Justice of Brazil. The purpose of SACI is to exhibit diverse and inventive cinematographic works.

2) The second edition of the festival SACI | CHILDREN'S ANIMATION AND CINEMA WEEK takes place between the 13th and 23rd of July in the city of Curitiba and on a digital platform available throughout Brazil. The Festival is organized and carried out by INFINITO GESTÃO DE INOVAÇÃO E AGENCAMENTO DE NEGÓCIOS EIRELI, a for-profit cultural producer under private law, CNPJ 15.721.700/0001-42.

3) The selection committee for the second edition of the festival SACI | CHILDREN'S ANIMATION AND CINEMA WEEK is composed by Célia Catunda, Isabela Silveira and Marília Hughes Guerreiro.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Moscow International Design Film Festival

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Moscow International Design Film Festival

Moscow International Design Film Festival

Moscow, Russia

Russia starts to run the first ever for our country film festival dedicated to all sorts of design art!

Our annual genre offline LIVE film event will take place in early fall (last week of September) at the Foster cinema theatre, which is located in the big design trading center in the very heart of Moscow city at Frunzenskaya embankment, 30, building 19.

Within the framework of the film festival, the following events are envisaged:

-competition program films screenings

-author’s master classes from movie stars and representatives of various spheres of design art

-the opening and closing ceremonies of the festival

The festival management:

Festival President – Boris Khobod (design specialist, owner of Foster cinema theatre, owner and CEO of Foster Group)

Festival Programming Director and Curator – Victor Boulankin (movie producer)

Contact data: +7 495 724 05 93

The essence of design exists for ages. Most people think that design is about making things look pretty – just a decoration. But design is as much an art as it is a science. The design is not allowed to fail. Design is for everyone and no one in particular.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the festival is dedicated to films on the subjects of architecture and landscape, design of toys, jewellery and items, furniture, interior and various technical equipment.

The films may be fiction, documentaries, feature films, or short films. The purpose of the festival is to encourage the production of cinematographic works on these subjects, and to encourage and motivate architects in the use of audiovisual language as a means of communication.

Sections of the festival’s competition program:


Feature and short films about ancient, modern, contemporary architecture and landscape


Feature and short films about design of clothes all aspects fashion industry


Feature and short films about internal world of locations and all sorts of theatrical and home scenery


Feature and short films about any other types of design, i.e.: toys, technical equipment, jewelry, handmade items, web design etc.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente

Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente

Concepción, Colombia

The Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente (FICO) presents its 17th edition, to be made between the 8th and the 11th of November 2024, in the beautiful town of Concepción, in the Antioquia region of Colombia.

The Festival Internacional de Cine de Oriente in this edition, recognizes the cinematographic production effort both national and international, and its official competition Vitascopio 2024 will be made up of national and international short films to be presented and awarded during the festival.

Under the main theme "Times of Women", will take place our official competition VITASCOPIO 2024, opening its doors to short film productions in fiction, animation and documentary, which will make part of the main short film competition to be screened along the general program throughout our festival, aiming to promote and stimulate the growth of cinema both in a local level as well as an international one.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Springboard for shortfilm ’On the assault for shorts ’

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Tremplin De Courts Métrages ’ A L’assaut Des Courts ’

Springboard for shortfilm ’On the assault for shorts ’

AURAY, France

This festival is aimed at all professionals or amateurs who have already made their films between 2018 and 2022!

A programm open to all!

A preference for genre movie!

The exhibition movies selected will be prejected to the cinéma Ti Hanok in october 2023.

We would like to receive director's cut and team as possible as can to the end of the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of ArtDoc Film Festival

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner ArtDoc Film Festival

ArtDoc Film Festival

Boulder Creek, United States

Art & Artists meet Documentary in the short form. ArtDoc Film Festival is dedicated to bringing artist stories to the forefront, in the short form. A touring festival, there will be 7 dates, one of which will be an online-only experience.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of KinoDUEL Trailer Film Festival

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner KinoDUEL Trailer Film Festival

KinoDUEL Trailer Film Festival

Moscow, Podolsk, Russia

The founder of the festival is Marina Vyatkina, director of the KinoDUEL International Film Festival, which has been held since 2018. Our format of kino-batls has already become popular with the audience. Therefore, we are organizing a new online festival where everyone can submit a trailer for their film, vote in battles for the movie trailer they like and get a well-deserved prize. Also, anyone can assign an additional prize to their favorite movie. It will really be a popular vote - the films will go out to the audience as duelists - two as in the boxing ring. The fate of each participant will depend on your vote.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Music Video

Logo of Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Muestra de Cine Iberoamericano de la Ciudad de México

Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition

Ciudad de México, Mexico

Dear producers and/or filmmakers.

Through this platform we inform you that the first edition of the Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition has been postponed to the first half of 2022 (exact dates to be defined) due to the health situation of the COVID 19 pandemic.

This decision has been made, after a thorough analysis, by the General Direction of the event since the situation of the pandemic is still delicate in Mexico City and the first edition of the Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition wants to be carried out in its entirety with audience in the cinemas.

We would like to inform you that all registered works will continue to be taken into consideration for the first edition to be held next year.

We greatly appreciate your valuable understanding.

General Direction
Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition

The Mexico City Ibero-American Film Exhibition invites filmmakers and/or producers of feature films and short films from all over Ibero-America to submit their films to the first edition that will take place during November 2021.


We will consider all feature-length films (fiction and/or documentary and/or animation) produced and/or co-produced in any part of Latin America, with a completion year of 2019-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a running time of at least 60 minutes, including credits.

We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.

We will consider all feature-length films (fiction) produced and/or co-produced in any part of Latin America, with a completion year of 2019-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a running time of at least 60 minutes, including credits. Such feature films will be considered as long as they are the first fiction feature film made by a filmmaker.

We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.

We will consider all feature-length films (fiction and/or documentary and/or animation) produced and/or co-produced in Spain and/or Portugal, with a completion year of 2019-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a running time of at least 60 minutes, including credits.

We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.

We will consider all short films (fiction and/or documentary and/or animation) produced or co-produced in any part of Ibero-America, with a completion year of 2020-2021 as long as they have not been previously exhibited in Mexico, either commercially in movie theaters or in digital platforms and have a maximum running time of 40 minutes, including credits.

We will not accept films made for promotional purposes, or those that have been aired on television, distributed via DVD or Blu-Ray, or via internet in Mexican territory.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films


Banner Rencontres Du Cinéma Latino-américain  - 41ème édition - Pessac - Compétition : Court-métrages


Bordeaux, France

This year, for the 42nd Rencontres du Cinéma Latino-Américain, a festival organized by the association France Amérique Latine in Bordeaux, The cinema team would like to propose for the 4th consecutive year an official competition of short films.

These 12 films selected by the employees and volunteers of the association will be presented to students who will award different prizes and use the short films as a study support.

The scholar work on and with the short films will start in september: the final answer of your participation in the official competition will be given at the beginning of december.

The Award winners will be notified after the Festival is concluded.

The Festival reserves the right to place entries into alternative categories if they feel it is to the benefit of the title. Each submission must be entered separately and it cannot be withdrawn.

By submitting, you agree not to withdraw your film from the festival after it has been accepted by the selection committee. If your film is selected, the festival holds the right to show your film at a time and date of its choosing.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Diputación de Jaen Short Film Festival against Gender violence

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Diputación de Jaen Short Film Festival against Gender violence

Banner XII Festival De Cortometrajes Diputación De Jaén Contra La Violencia De Género

Diputación de Jaen Short Film Festival against Gender violence

Jaén, Spain

The topic of the work will be the violence of gender, in any of its manifestations, its prevention and sensitization against it, being able to present documentaries and short films of plot fiction.

The jury will have special consideration for those works that address this issue by focusing on the youth world.


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary


15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



-, France

Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is an independent NGO that works for the defense of human rights all over the world. Through our field researches, conscious raising campaigns, petitions and letters, and public human rights advocacy, we work for a world in which every human being is entitled to the rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other international texts.
Accordingly, our campaigns focus on themes such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, children’s rights, refugees and migrant’s rights, discriminations, impunity, the death penalty amongst others.

Cinema has always been and will always be a way in which human rights violations can be exposed and denounced. For that, Amnesty International France is pleased to announce the opening of submissions f edition of its annual cinema festival “Au Cinéma pour les droits humains” (To Cinema for Human Rights), which will take place in March 2019. The festival takes place each year in different cities of the south of France and with last year’s edition having had more than 3800 members at the audience. Therefore, we are searching for different entries for our festival. We are searching for films that touch on one or several human rights issues that are connected to any of our campaigns, such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, impunity, and discriminations amongst other things.

If you feel that your film speaks of one or several major human rights issues, and you wish to submit it for selection, then please do send us a link this address in order to review it: acdhamnesty@gmail.com Also, please make sure that the film contains FRENCH SUBTITLES OR IS IN FRENCH LANGAGE. Once our selection committee has a decision, then we will notify you as soon as possible

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of 5th Vintage International Film Festival 2023

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 5th Vintage International Film Festival 2023

5th Vintage International Film Festival 2023

Kolhpur, India

Vintage Film Foundation Present
5th Vintage International Film Festival, 2023

Considering the historical and ancient background in the field of cinema from this cultural city like Kolhapur, the Vintage Film Foundation came into existence. New artists entering this field of cinema can get a huge platform through short films and documentaries, so these artists need exposure to the film industry through such platforms but looking for future perspectives they don’t get a proper platform to showcase their talent. This talent mustn’t be restricted to their local level, so we are providing them a chance to showcase it at the international level.

This historic city has given birth to many famous and prestigious artists like Baburao Painter, V. Shantaram, Master Vinayak, Master Vithhal, Bhalji Pendharkar, etc., who have great contributions in Marathi as well as World cinema, who are still rising and becoming successful. By looking forward to these artists as an idol, the upcoming youth of Kolhapur are chasing their dreams.

Here 5th Vintage International Film Festival gives them a chance to showcase their efforts at the international level to express their ideas, thoughts, and innovations in front of national and international artists and audiences.

Similarly, we have decided to organize a workshop to provide exposure and knowledge about minute details, and techniques of filmmaking to groom the new artist.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival De Cine Socio Ambiental Vi Viendo Cine

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Socio Ambiental Vi Viendo Cine

Festival De Cine Socio Ambiental Vi Viendo Cine

Huancayo, Peru

The 5th Socio-environmental Festival "VIVIENDO CINE" is a space that promotes the environmental and social rights of our communities and native peoples, likewise seeks to sensitize, inform, dialogue and make natural diversity visible with a social and intercultural approach, promoting critical cinema that contributes to social transformation.

The Festival values cinema as a transmitting agent of culture and development, since it is a vehicle capable of moving, moving, motivating reflection and action, it considers the creativity of artists, as fundamental elements to understand the socio-cultural reality and the multiple environmental crises that we face nationally and globally.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Gandhara Independent Film Festival

15 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Sep 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Gandhara Independent Film Festival

Gandhara Independent Film Festival

Karachi, Pakistan

Empowered WOMXN, 2025 (Online)

Back for the fourth time, GIFF is excited to present Empowered WOMXN 2025. This event celebrates the stories, strengths, and journeys of women through films created by female filmmakers, celebrating International Women’s Day with powerful stories from around the world.

Narrative Shorts

*there is no submission fee to submit a film

International Festival

Short film festival
