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MWFIFF is an International Film Festival, which promotes new filmmakers, students, professionals by exchanging of knowledge, information, cultures, through movies. This will be 2 days Event with LIVE Screening & Award Ceremony along with Entertainment Programme in the heart of Mumbai city, India.
All Categories, All Genres All Languages are Accepted from All Continents including the Music Videos.
*English Subtitle is Compulsory.
*DCP / J2K File would be Compulsory if the film is selected for Screening in the Film Festival or Extra Cost would be charged if the filmmakers wants us to convert the file for the same. Extra Cost For the Film Conversion Would be $25 per movie.
We will be screening ONLY selected movies. Final Winners will be Awarded with Lady Trophy and Certificates. Nominated, Participants will be receiving Certificates ONLY. All the Awards and Certificates will be given by our Panel of Jury listed on our website and also by the Chief Guest, Bollywood Celebrities, VIP's guest etc present on the day of the Event. FOR more Updates please visit our websites: www.mwfiff.com
We have Jury From Radio Mirchi 98.3fm , World Famous Singer, Film Producer, Director, Choreographer International TV fame Personality and many more on the list.
Film or music video can be submitted directly through our website : www.mwfiff.com , www.festhome.com/f/4015 , OR (youtube / Vimeo, / Google Drive, like platforms) and sending us link ( and password if protected ),
In case of using submission platforms like Festhome, or any other platforms Press Kit, Film Posters, DCP file etc MUST be E-mailed to - contact@mwfiff.com, in order to complete submission.
Other Requirements :
Crew & Cast List including the technical team, Filmography of the Film director.
1. ( One Photograph of Director ).
2. ( Two Posters of film in JPEG format COMPULSORY (300 dpi, 768 x 1169 - pixel size) and (300 dpi, 3508 x 4961 - Pixel size)
Your film's trailer link not more than 1 minute in duration (Optional, for promotion & publicity purpose)
Direct Online i.e. submissions through our website : www.mwfiff.com
Step 1- Submit your film or music video through our direct online page available on our website : www.mwfiff.com/submission then share the link of your film or music video ( e.g. youtube, Vimeo, Google Drive etc) which is protected with the password, you will be required to mention the URL of your project in our direct online form.
Step 2- E-mail the "FILM PRESS KIT" to - contact@mwfiff.com ( NO HARD COPIES, ONLY SOFT COPIES TO BE E-MAILED )
Step 3- Pay the Appropriate Entry Fee to complete the registration.
Other Requirements :
Crew & Cast List including the technical team, Filmography of the Film director.
1. ( One Photograph of Director ).
2. ( Two Posters of film in JPEG format COMPULSORY (300 dpi, 768 x 1169 - pixel size) and (300 dpi, 3508 x 4961 - Pixel size)
Your film's trailer link not more than 1 minute in duration (Optional, for promotion & publicity purpose)
Direct Online Downloadable Film or Music Video Form i.e. submissions through our website by downloading form : www.mwfiff.com/submission
Step 1- Submit your film or music video by downloading the entry form through our website : www.mwfiff.com/submission
Step 2- Fill the form and email it to- contact@mwfiff.com along with "FILM PRESS KIT" ( NO HARD COPIES, ONLY SOFT COPIES TO BE E-MAILED )
Step 3- Pay the Appropriate Entry Fee to complete the registration.
Other Requirements :
Crew & Cast List including the technical team, Filmography of the Film director.
1. ( One Photograph of Director ).
2. ( Two Posters of film in JPEG format COMPULSORY (300 dpi, 768 x 1169 - pixel size) and (300 dpi, 3508 x 4961 - Pixel size)
Your film's trailer link not more than 1 minute in duration (Optional, for promotion & publicity purpose)
Award Ceremony Event Venue :
Balgandharva Rangmandir ( Sheila Gopal Raheja Auditorium ) 24th and 32nd Road, near to Patwardhan Udyan, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050
Film Screening Venue :
INOX Metro
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Dhobi Talao, New Marine Lines, Junction, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020
This time to bring to the Colombian stage all the productions and experiences that have already turned Latin America with great and successful results because they are increasingly sought after and recognized by the public.
What is the mission?
Become one of the main platforms for promotion, circulation, exhibition and distribution of horror, suspense and / or science fiction audiovisual works in the country with the purpose of publicizing and supporting quality productions to promote the evolution of cinema, favoring the development of the industry and to screen films of this kind on a large scale.
With the spirit of exchange that characterizes the Latin American universe, the Bogotá Horror Film Festival will provide venues for meeting professionals from the sector and their audience; a public alive and eager of searches that take them to transcend in the human thing.
What is the Vision of the Festival?
Bogotá Horror Film Festival is a cultural event that aims to create a space where you can live together, share and disseminate the best of cinema genres of horror, suspense and / or science fiction, Latin American and the world. Lovers of this type of cinema, besides being spectators, will have the opportunity to participate in different dynamics, screenings, talks, workshops and much more.
Make a film and Video Festival to foster the creation and production of National filmmakers, foreigners and school students in Chile. And allow provide a space for dissemination and discussion of the geographies postponed for hegemony
media, along with promoting the audiovisual and cultural production of each people.
Celebrating 13 years the Toronto Shorts International Film Festival is the largest short film festival in Canada.
Toronto Shorts is a non-profit organization that provides a showcase for the best short films and its creators from around the world, annually in the heart of Toronto.
We feel that short-form cinema and its creators should have their own premier film festival in Toronto deserving similar recognition given to the feature film and its creators.
Toronto Shorts is where films from all genres intersect. The heart of the festival is the quality and scope of extraordinary film programming which consists of a wide spectrum of categories from high to low budget films under 45 minutes.
The festival has become a career stepping stone, establishing a tradition of discovering and promoting filmmakers who have gone on to be Academy Awards Nominees, including :
2021 Oscar Nominee 'The Present' by Farah Nabulsi
2019 Oscar Nominee ‘Weekends’ by Trevor Jimenez
2018 Oscar Nominees 'Watu Wote - All of Us' (Germany) and 'The Eleven O'Clock' (Australia)
Toronto stands as the largest media market in Canada, it boasts the world-renowned Royal Ontario Museum, the massive Art Gallery of Ontario, the Soulpepper Theatre Company, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and now includes a premier international short film festival.
We showcase the best short films and its filmmakers from around the world.
MIFF (from English acronym for Milan International Film Festival), nicknamed by the press as the "Milanese Sundance", has been recognized and distinguished as the official International Cinema exhibition festival of Milan. MIFF existed as a conventional film festival for 10 years, until 2010, when MIFF reinvented itself as MIFF Awards, a brand new genre in the sphere of film events that featured an avant-garde format pointed at the best of the best through a tough Winner category's selection.
An high recognition formula specifically designed to make independent filmmakers - and their films - more successful and marketable. A new and unique film event concept based on the traditional award "Nomination" categories selection format - originated by the Academy of Motion Picture, Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) or Oscar system, merged along with a traditional film festival of "only Winner category's" screenings program, to select a final Best Film of all.
Organized by the non-profit Italian cultural association Leonardo Da Vinci Film Society (LDVFS), MIFF Awards wIth its Independent Spirit Identity, it's an event studied for filmmakers/distributors who always necessitate to raise the prestige and the Media impact of their films.
accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival welcomes films and filmmakers from all over the world, to share the art of independent short films with the local audience, to entertain and enlighten festival attendees, to provide filmmakers the opportunity for professional networking and development, and to encourage cultural tourism and film industry development in Naples and the surrounding area in Campania.
accordi @ DISACCORDI (Consonances and Dissonances) is an audience-friendly festival that focuses on quality programming of all genres of seventh art from comedy to drama, animation to documentary, and art to experimental movies. In addition to the film program, attendees can enjoy talks, Q&As, laboratories, workshops, exhibitions, seminars and conferences; the entrance to cultural events is free of charge. We want to give a heightened sense of the experience to all who participate and attend.
International Short Film Festival celebrates its 21st anniversary on November 11 - 17, 2024.
Submit your film to be in with a chance of screening at our International Short Film Festival and this could be your chance to win a nice acrylic or wooden plaque!
The "Fiorenzo Serra" Visual Anthropology Laboratory, managed by the Department of History, Human Sciences and Education of the University of Sassari (from now on, called "Department") and the Società Umanitaria - Cineteca Sarda (from now on, called “Film Archive“), as part of a project aimed at enhancing public awareness of the director, filmmaker and ethnologist Fiorenzo Serra, announce for the year 2024 the Competition for ethnographic film productions titled “Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival”. The definition “film production" (from now on, “film”) means any audiovisual product, a documentary film, produced using analogue or digital technologies. The competition aims to promote the production of films that can contribute to the awareness of ethnographic cultural realities through the audiovisual medium and pursues the objective of protecting and implementing, in a scientific and systematic manner, national and foreign audiovisual productions concerning the ethnographic, archaeological, historical, cultural-linguistic and environmental heritages. The competition also has the function of better defining, within the framework of the theoretical-methodological debate of the demo-ethno-anthropological disciplines, not only the important role of visual anthropology, but also the objective of supporting the realization of audiovisual documentation concerning the identity and the cultural specificities of Sardinia, as well as the different national and international social realities.
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.
See you Around & Fest Regards
FKM, Fantastic Film Festival of A Coruña, is a Festival especialiced in horror, fantasy and science fiction films. The competitive sections involves the best shortfilms and featured films produced in 2020 and 2021. Which objective is to contribute to development of the audiovisual industry and arts, fomented the genre perspectives, the distribution of independent productions and to foster the incorporation of new men and women filmmakers to the film culture.
FICSO, International Festival of Social Cinema, promotes themes and actions that promote and disseminate the formation of awareness and education in fundamental values such as integration and social equity, environmental sustainability and human solidarity.
The Festival proposes the dissemination of works in all formats and durations, national or international, individual or collective, that aim to critically influence reality but above all to contribute ideas and approaches to the most pressing issues. We summon the entire audiovisual community and civil society organizations, CSOs, NGOs, civil associations, organized groups and communities represented in associations, foundations, study centers, neighborhood clubs and also the educational and university community and religious organizations to be part of this initiative.
Any incidence in the matter of human and civil rights is a matter of interest for FICSO; the impact of the globalized economy; the debt of developing countries and the growth of poverty; the preservation and care of the environment and the ecosystem; the rights of minorities, women, children and youth; gender issues; the rights of native communities; the rights of migrants; segregated minorities and a long etcetera.
The festival champions great films but is particularly seeking work from those filmmakers who might not yet have had a prestigious public screening of their work.
Screening in the heart of London UKFF welcomes films of all types from all over the World - connecting up-and-coming filmmakers with more established names such as Judi Dench, Dustin Hoffman, James Corden, Bill Nighy, Timothy Spall, Steven Berkoff and most recently Willem Dafoe.
Category awards are given for Best Feature Film; Best Feature Documentary; Best Short Documentary; Best Animation; Best Music Video; Best British Short; Best International Short; Best Student Film; as well as special awards for excellence.
Mat Kirkby, Oscar Winner and Director at Ridley Scott Associates states that "The UK Film Festival is the most focused, passionate and quality driven film festival in the UK. Their invaluable support helped get me to the Oscars in 2015, where I won the Academy Award for best short film."
With a programme that showcases new talent alongside established directors, filmmakers and actors UKFF is a lively networking hub. Over the last 7 years UKFF has quickly become a career stepping stone, establishing a tradition of discovering and promoting films which have gone on to be Oscar and BAFTA nominees and winners. The script competitions have also made a big impact - five scripts have been optioned and three have been produced and gone on to win multiple awards and gained prestigious worldwide distribution deals.
Led by a jury of well respected professional filmmakers and as a member of Universal Films and Festivals Organisation we ensure a fair selection and judging process.
Our exciting screening events have created a networking hub that continues to connect new filmmakers to industry including television exposure by leading British broadcaster, Channel 4.
International Short Film Festival with the aim of establishing a useful platform for the promotion of the audiovisual industry: a space and time for the dissemination and promotion of audiovisual content, transforming it into a meeting point for filmmakers, favoring the exchange of initiatives and promoting a open market for the development of new projects.
All selected films will be screened at our public event. Show of shorts is a competition within many festivals of the Podcultura production company. With an annual festival dedicated to awards of Brazilian actors for TV and Cinema.
We do not require release status and will consider short films that are available for viewing online.
Each film submitted will be viewed in its entirety by members of our selection team.
The Festival is open to the public, as well as to professional sales and distribution assistants. By submitting your film, you agree that the Actor Mund Festival will screen your film during the Festival and use your film for promotional purposes, as well as all regulations above.
The IV International Devotional Film Festival will take place between August 8 and 11, 2025 and the call for entries will be open until July 5.
The Festival aims to carry out a ritual, a bridge, between the spectators and the audiovisual works that seek, through the expressive possibilities of cinema, to understand reverence and fervor, questioning devotion as a way of being in the world. We understand devotion as a surrender, mystical or not, to an experience, an idea, a thing, a thought, a person, an object, everything is susceptible to devotion.
We clarify, as fundamental, that this festival, under no point of view, will be a participant in any propaganda and that it does not subscribe with any religious or other group.
Why trust us?
We are a new addition to the crowded area of film festivals, but we are working hard to earn the reputation of a respected one. Since we are operated by the oldest and one of the most esteemed private film schools in Poland, we are grouping professionals with the serious filmography under the belt.
Our festival has a real audience and real happening.
We are producing this Festival as we were making a film — to gather a real audience in front of the screen and make them love what they see.
Every edition serves to pick up innovative and original shorts, with unique voice and artistic qualities, and select them for screenings program.
It is film we care about.
We value good films. That's why we make them timeless.
The Idea behind our festival is to bring attention to the spirit of cinema which consists of Time, Memory, and Stream of Thoughts.
Festival is a yearly festival with an online competition. Once a year, there will be a physical Four Seasons Event – screenings of awarded and curated selection of films at the theater in the center of Wrocław.
See our website www.timelessawards.art for more info.
Initiated in the backdrop of 60th year of India's Independence, CHINH INDIA KIDS FILM FESTIVAL and FORUM is an initiative to celebrate knowledge,ideas and perspectives on culture, development and education in context of children programming.
The objective of the CHINH INDIA KIDS FILM FESTIVAL is to inculcate taste for quality children programme and to generate awareness about new genre, innovations, and formats linking education with culture & development issues among children.
The highlight of CHINH INDIA KIDS FILM FESTIVAL is intelligence exchange sessions of children with experts to share, voice and express their views.
In CHINH INDIA KIDS FILM FESTIVAL, childrens' opinion matters and they decide the winners.
The video clippings of the children jury and judgement process is uploaded on www.chinh.in
Opening of the festival: 13th september, 2024.
Inscription: Until 14rd october, 2024.
The GEH Short Film Competition is a short film competition on human rights held in different localities of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country).
This competition is part of the global project human rights Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Bringing human rights to the people.). The GEH is a human rights awareness project created by the dar-dar Productions cooperative in 2015. The first editions were based in Ordizia. In 2023, the festival has developed and extended to several towns in Gipuzkoa (Euskal Herria).
The main objective of this competition is to raise awareness and educate on human rights. Because this short film contest is a window that we open to the world, and from that window we can see the different realities that people live in different parts of the planet. In view of these realities, we intend to encourage reflection on human rights violations in different parts of the world.
Whatever the format is, all films will compete on equal terms.
1.First prize 1000€ for the best short film.
2.Second prize 500€.
3.Special Award "Arteria Award" 400€ for Vasque Country's best short film.
4.Young prize 300€.
To these prizes will be applied the retention of the corresponding tax (IRPF).
The goal of Agora Awards and our NFT Awards Festival is to provide visibility to talent worldwide. Everyone can participate in our Awards. The TOP100 finalists of each category will be offered to become part of our NFT marketplace: a curated marketplace of Photography, Art and Video Art. The most voted creation of each category will win $25.000.
The Festival will take place in Barcelona from the 27th to the 29th of October 2022.
Finalists will also be offered to appear with their work on Agora TV: our worldwide digital television with an audience of 30k of daily viewers.
You provide your talent, we give you visibility. We win if you win.
How do we select the finalists?
The Agora Jury is in charge of selecting the TOP100 finalists of each Award. The Agora Jury consists of a mix of Photography, Video and Art experts, who are chosen internally, but also community members that proved their great talent on previous awards. The jury takes into account quality, diversity, artistry and originality. It takes into account that the final selection is from different countries, different ages and with the intention of having gender equity.
What happens if I am selected as finalist?
If you receive an email from us indicating you are an Agora Awards finalist, congratulations! This means your creation has gone through our Agora Jury curation process and been selected as one of the best among thousands of creations. Your creation will then move to the voting rounds, where the entire Agora community votes for the best via our app Agora Awards. As a finalist you will automatically be eligible to appear on our international Agora TV channel. If you succeed in the voting rounds, you will participate in the final round, where the winner is chosen! A fantastic prize of $25,000 is waiting for you. Will you be the lucky one?
The final awards ceremony will take place in Barcelona, from October 27th to 29th in 2022. At this event the best finalists will be exhibited, the awards ceremony will take place, our NFT market will be presented and we will have talks, podium discussion, further exhibitions, meetings and last but no least a big party. The event will be broadcasted on Agora TV.
We are looking forward to celebrate with you!
Power to artists
Power to the people
Power to you.
CineAlter: Latin American Film Festival is organized by Instituto Território das Artes (ITA) and co-organized by the Santarém Theater Association (ATAS).
Entries are open for all types of films that will be selected and identified according to the schedule of 5 (five) sections by a curator committed to the artistic conception of the Festival and the profile of cultural, regional, ethnic and gender diversity , decoloniality and sociocultural and socioenvironmental themes.
International Fantastic Film Festival of Castilla y León "Terroríficamente Cortos" born from enthusiasm and love for the cinema of palencian young and the need to boost the cultural and leisure in the city of Palencia on it involving institutional and business sector of the Spanish province.