Logo of FIIN - International Nature Image Festival

06 Jul 2020

Published: 04 Jul 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of FIIN - International Nature Image Festival

Banner FIIN - Festival Internacional de Imagem de Natureza

FIIN - International Nature Image Festival

Vila Real, Portugal

The main objective of the Short Film Festival is the dissemination of ecosystems and biological heritage through cinematographic and audiovisual works selected through quality criteria.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of FCMA Short Film Festival

06 Jul 2020

Published: 04 Jul 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Du Court Métrage d’Auch | Fcma

FCMA Short Film Festival

Auch, France

Since 2011, the Auch Short Film Festival has been rewarding the best of the short film. With nearly 2,000 films received each year, the Festival has become a showcase for the cinema of tomorrow, with a selection highlighting the new generation of filmmakers.

More informations soon...

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Perugia Social Film Festival

05 Jul 2020

Published: 03 Jul 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Perugia Social Film Festival

Perugia Social Film Festival

Perugia, Italy

The 10th edition of PerSo – Perugia Social Film Festival will take place in Perugia from 27 to 29 September and from 3 to 8 October 2024.

"Concept". The Festival describes the complexity of our world through films and stories that talk about us and that are touching, deep and inspiring. Important and high-quality movies are selected from the most famous international festivals and are presented by their authors and protagonists. PerSo is a festival where the audience and the artists, well-known directors and young emerging ones, can meet and share experiences. It is a festival of dialogue about cinema, social issues, artistic research, divulgation and entertainment.

"The Festival at a glance". One city, four movie theatres, six competition categories, the PerSo Lab aimed to professionally develop young film-makers and support new productions, the PerSo Award (Italian premieres) and the Masterpieces (the best documentaries of the year), the movies shown at the Perugia-Capanne prison, the events dedicated to the world of psychiatry and sound documentaries, the PerSo Off, that refers to concerts, events and meetings.

Each edition offers more than 50 free entry events and welcomes 70 guests: directors, producers, judges, celebrities, staff members and volunteers.

PerSo FF is organised by RealMente Ngo, in collaboration with Foundation “La Città del Sole” – Onlus, in the fascinating medieval city of Perugia.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of NOLA Horror Film Fest

05 Jul 2020

Published: 03 Jul 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner NOLA Horror Film Fest

NOLA Horror Film Fest

Studio City, United States

The NOLA Horror Film Fest takes place in one of the most famous - and most haunted - cities in the world. From the Thursday night festivities (Opening Night Screenings, Opening Night Party), through four days of the best horror & sci-fi programs (Features & Shorts Screenings, Filmmaker Q&A’s, Panel Discussions, Filmmaker Lunch, Special Guests), to the Sunday night events (Awards Ceremony), the NOLAHFF is going to be a weekend to remember. We encourage filmmakers, casts & crews, friends & family, and horror fans alike to experience New Orleans (from the food to the music to the history).

Even though the festival is called NOLA Horror Film Fest, the NOLAHFF accepts ALL SUB-GENRES: Horror / Science Fiction / Fantasy / Thriller / Suspense / Psychological / Action / Gothic / Dark Drama / Dark Comedy / Horror Comedy / B-Movie / Campy / Experimental / Documentary

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fantastic  Terror

Logo of United States International Festival of Film, Art & Music

05 Jul 2020

Published: 03 Jul 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner United States International Festival of Film, Art & Music

United States International Festival of Film, Art & Music

Tysons, United States

USIFFAM is a creative platform and touring festival, which is being held at different venues, to promote dynamic and talented producers, directors, artist, actors, singers,
The screenings of there videos, Films, Art and Music at prestigious venues, and educational institutions, for submission of your videos, contact email usiffam90@gmail.com.

Much more than a short film festival, USIFFAM is an inclusive platform dedicated to the spreading of ideas through short-format Films, Arts and Music.

Since we started in 2019 we have had around 120 submissions from different countries. We aspire to promote, recognize and support independent filmmakers throughout the world by hosting a variety of awards to provide the best opportunities for filmmakers and help them receive their deserved recognition. We welcome submissions from a range of genres including short films, documentaries, features, animations, and screenplays, Art of different types and also Music.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Against the Virus of Hate

05 Jul 2020

Published: 03 Jul 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner against the virus of hate

against the virus of hate

Chicago, United States

We are looking for individuals of all races to share anecdotes of your interaction with someone of another race or ethnicity.

Tell us about a time when someone of another race (for example):

- helped you

- or when you helped them;

- or when someone of another race was courageous and defended you or you them;

- or a surprising interaction with someone of another race, that was pleasantly unexpected; -or a childhood experience with people/someone of a race that is different than your own;

- or the love you felt for someone of another race;

- or the friendship with someone of another race;

- or the kindness shown you by someone of another race/ethnicity; generosity shown/exhibited by them to you or vice versa;

- or share a childhood experience of cooperating without realizing racial difference;

- childhood experience celebrating racial difference;

- or when someone of another race was courageous and defended you or you them;

- or a surprising interaction with someone of another race, that was pleasantly unexpected;

- or the love you felt for someone of another race;

- or the friendship with someone of another race;

- or the kindness shown to you by someone of another race / ethnicity

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Other  Experimental


03 Jul 2020

Published: 01 Jul 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Muestra De Cine Mujeres En Escena


Málaga, Spain

The Malaga Festival, in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Area of ​​the Malaga City Council, pursues the objective of supporting the presence of women in film production, creating spaces that make visible the work of women in the audiovisual field, professional field where they are underrepresented, both in the direction, in the production or in the writing of scripts; favoring the film industry with the diverse views of women.

In order to fulfill this objective, the Equal Opportunities Area will hold its “XXII FILM SHOW WOMEN ON STAGE”, between the months of October and November 2024.

THE WOMEN ON STAGE FILM EXHIBITION was created in 2002 with the aim of debating, through the holding of cineforums, the existing gender inequalities in our society as well as in other nearby ones, reflecting on their causes and possible social strategies to eradicate them.

Since 2010, this objective of raising awareness and visibility has been added to supporting the presence of women in film production, an area in which there is a large gender gap, taking advantage of the fact that every day there are more women interested in developing their professional careers. In this field, therefore, one of the purposes of the OFFICIAL WOMEN ON STAGE SECTION is the visibility of audiovisual productions made by women, and it is achieved by dedicating the evening sessions to the exclusive projection of works directed, produced or scripted by women .

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Kunta Kinte International Afro-descendant Community Film Festival

03 Jul 2020

Published: 01 Jul 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Comunitario Afrodescendiente Kunta Kinte

Kunta Kinte International Afro-descendant Community Film Festival

Medellin-Cali-Quibdó-, Colombia

Submit your production for free in any of our categories.
Open submissions from May 27 to July 31, 2024 on Festhome, Click for festivals.You can also send your application to the email: fickuntakinte@gmail.co
The Eighth Kunta Kinte International Afro Community Film Festival, which will take place from August 28 to September 1, 2024, will focus on the theme of "AFRO DIASPORA". Remember that each production will be reviewed by our curatorial team; you have until July 31, 2024 to register.
We invite filmmakers to submit their films, documentaries, and short films that address aspects of the African diaspora, such as the history of slavery, global African descendant culture, the fight for civil rights, migration experiences, and the influence of African heritage on different cultural expressions. Through cinema, we seek to rescue and value the stories of resistance, resilience, and creativity that have defined the African descendant experience.

Check the terms and conditions here:

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cinespaña, Festival de Cinéma Espagnol & Portugais de Toulouse

03 Jul 2020

Published: 01 Jul 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner 30° Cinespaña, Festival de Cinéma Espagnol & Portugais de Toulouse

Cinespaña, Festival de Cinéma Espagnol & Portugais de Toulouse

Toulouse, France



International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Semillero -Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental

03 Jul 2020

Published: 01 Jul 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Semillero Green Film Fest - Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental

Semillero -Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental

Tigre, Argentina

Semillero Green Film Fest 2020 es la 10º edición del Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental. Su objetivo principal es fomentar la creatividad y apoyar la realización nacional independiente de obras audiovisuales cuyo contenido esté referido a la temática ambiental.
El concurso posee dos categorías de participación:

Incluye a todas aquellas personas residentes en la Argentina, con domicilio acreditable en el país, o de nacionalidad argentina y que residan en el exterior, mayores de 18 años, a través de la presentación de una o más obras.

Incluye a todos los niños y niñas de nacionalidad argentina de entre 5 y 13 años, que estudien en las escuelas de educación primaria de todo el país, a través de la presentación de una o más obras. Se podrán presentar también las escuelas primarias de todo el país, tanto de gestión pública como privada.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Russian Indie Film Festival RUIFF

03 Jul 2020

Published: 01 Jul 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Russian Indie Film Festival RUIFF

Russian Indie Film Festival RUIFF

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Russian Indie Film Festival (RUIFF) is the annual international film festival, which aim is to show the best indie short films from all over the World to the 5-million city of Saint Petersburg, Russia.

RUIFF has 3 cash prizes. Total amount of cash prizes is 600$.

RUIFF is non-profit, non-governmental event without:

– any support from the government;

– any discrimination of films and filmmakers on any basis (nationality, residence, profession, sex, age, faith, politics, theme of the film and so on).

RUIFF principles

1) Everybody is equal in front of the arts.

2) No internet screenings – only live screening of the films.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of The Black Sea Film Festival

02 Jul 2020

Published: 30 Jun 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Black Sea Film Festival

The Black Sea Film Festival

Vama Veche / Corbu, Romania

What could ever be more relaxing and delightful than spending a night on the beach… barefoot, wet hair,sun-kissed skin, summer wind, friends and lovers, drinks and a sky full of stars? We know. All these in the company of a series of great films! We offer you the wonderful experience of mixing the best of summer with cinema, aiming to make you FEEL. Literally.

The Black Sea Film Festival is an annual event which awards new inspiring, motivating talent. Designed to acknowledge the creative contributions of both young and elder artists, beginners or with a long way paved behind, the festival benefits the community socially, educationally and economically – wise.

The Festival will showcase innovative independent cinema from around the world, taking place along the Romanian Black Sea coast. The fourth edition will be held in Vama Veche, a charismatic place known for its young, vibrating and artistic spirit.

On our current edition we are accepting a variety of short films: narrative, animation, experimental, student, documentary, music video, human rights, and also feature films: narrative, documentary. The film production can be made within the last ten years.

Wonderful seaside movie nights are expecting you to enjoy the summer breeze and watch films under millions of stars!

It’s all about the feels. It’s all about the cineFEELS!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of The City in Film Award

02 Jul 2020

Published: 30 Jun 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The City in Film Award

The City in Film Award

Lisboa, Portugal

The City in Film Award will distinguish the best films related to urban issues. It can be fiction or documentary, a short or a long feature. We are looking for films that relate to the city, where the city plays a relevant role in the mood, theme or narrative of the film.

All genres and durations are welcome.

The 4 selected films will be screened live and the best film awarded in July 2021, right in the heart of historical Lisbon, in the mystical Alfama.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Constanta International Film Festival

02 Jul 2020

Published: 30 Jun 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Constanta International Film Festival

Constanta International Film Festival

Constanta, Romania

Constanta International Film Festival (CIFF) is founded and created by active and successful film professionals.

Most of the CIFF BOARD members have a vast array of relevant filmmaking experience, such as Selection Director, Viorel Sergovici, with over 80 professional productions under his belt, ( https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0785150/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1) making him one of the most prolific working Directors of Photography. We are also proud to have as a Directors Board member, Geo Dobre, who has acted in over 40 films, including the 2007 Cannes Film Festival "Palme D’or" award winner «4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days.» (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0229745/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_1). UCLA former peers Robert Eugen Popa and Timothy Michael Brice have won 11 awards for their short films "Regression" and "Veni,Vidi,Fugi" (I came,I saw,I fled) starring Maia Morgenstern, the Romanian actress that played "Mary" in Mel Gibson's "Passion of Christ" and successfully sold the films to Short.TV channel in Los Angeles,after having screened them at over 40 film festivals on 5 continents.

Mission and Philosophy
Through its thematic group of selected films and programs, CIFF seeks to discover, support, and inspire independent films and film professional artists from all over the world. The festival also will serve to introduce Romanian and international audiences to these filmmakers’ visions and works.

CIFF is ideally designed to happen in full summer season, during the 3rd weekend of August, when tourists from all over the world flock to the Black Sea Coast.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of The New Generation Art Festival (Short Films)

01 Jul 2020

Published: 29 Jun 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner The New Generation Art Festival (Short Films)

The New Generation Art Festival (Short Films)

Stuttgart, Germany

Short films from around the World be shown at the New Generation Art Festival.

There is nothing else like it. Selected films will have a one-hour online screening during a one-day film festival on our festival platform. There is a reception before screening and afterward.

Our judges for this festival are Flavia Dima, Simon Denda, Nino Varsimashvili, Milou Gevers, Ali Firoozjang.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Gilbert Baker Film Festival

01 Jul 2020

Published: 29 Jun 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Gilbert Baker Film Festival

Gilbert Baker Film Festival

Parsons, United States

The first festival came about because Aaron Casserly Stewart, Parsons city commissioner in 2017, had wanted to honor Gilbert Baker, the creator of the Rainbow Flag. Gilbert conceived of the idea for the Gilbert Baker Film Festival with a group of his friends. The Festival was to be a celebration of LGBTQIA+ Pride in his old stomping grounds of Parsons, KS. Knowing that Parsons is a town in rural Southeast Kansas, Gilbert wanted to have an event that could showcase the accomplishments of the LGBTQIA+ community without a parade. Unfortunately, Gilbert died in 2017 before the first film festival was held.
The committee working with him proceeded to hold the first festival. It was a small festival but it was a beginning. The town responded to requests to fly the Pride flag and showed support through attendance. Labette Community College provided space and a picture of the flag raising ceremony graced the cover of the local paper, the Parsons Sun.
In 2018, a group of people who want Gilbert's dream to reach its potential began working towards having another Film Festival. It is our hope that this event will honor Gilbert's memory and worldwide legacy. In 2019, we coordinated with the Parsons High School Class that Gilbert would have graduated with if he had stated stayed in Parsons. They are having their high school reunion on the weekend of the Festival. The committee decided that holding the 2019 Gilbert Baker Film Festival in October would afford his classmates the opportunity to attend both events.
The 2020 Gilbert Baker Film Festival begins the tradition of holding the festival the third weekend in September (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) annually from 2020 on. The 2020 festival will be held at the Parsons Public Library in Parsons, Kansas.
The main goal of the Gilbert Baker Film Festival (GBFF) committee is to hold a festival worthy of Gilbert's worldwide legacy. As of 2020 the festival will be held annually on the Third Weekend in September (Thursday, Friday and Saturday). We want to create awareness. The WHERE WE CALL HOME: LGBT PEOPLE IN RURAL AMERICA report published by M.A.P. in April 2019 "suggests that between 2.9 million and 3.8 million LGBT people—or 15-20% of the total U.S. LGBT population—live in rural areas around the country." The Gilbert Baker Film Festival is held in the heart of Rural America.

We are basically started over in 2019 with a new format and website. Each year we hope to grow and improve. We are also working with the Gilbert Baker Estate who have been a great help.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Music Video

Logo of ОКО - International Ethnographic Film Festival

01 Jul 2020

Published: 29 Jun 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Международный этнографический кинофестиваль ОКО

Международный этнографический кинофестиваль ОКО

Krinichnoe village, Ukraine

OKO is a festival that unites filmmakers and film buffs; it is a feast of ethnographic and anthropological documentary (although not exclusively) cinema, where you can see and feel the daily heartbeat of small and large nations, communities, dwellers of villages and small towns. It is also a platform where filmmakers, folklorists, and ethnographers can get to know each other better, share ideas and, possibly, come up with future mutual projects.
There will be no red carpet; nevertheless, there will be awards and prizes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Experimental

Logo of Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

01 Jul 2020

Published: 29 Jun 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

Chagrin Falls, United States

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Sax International Film Festival

01 Jul 2020

Published: 29 Jun 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Sax International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Sax

Sax International Film Festival

Sax, Spain

The Sax International Film Festival, in the province of Alicante, qualifier for the Goya Awards, arises through the initiative of the filmmaker and writer Miguel Herrero Herrero. Since its creation in 2006, the festival has had the support of the Sax City Council and is backed by: Generalitat Valenciana, Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH), University of Alicante, (UA), Alicante Provincial Council,... In the festival the best short films and feature film projects compete in competition. The event has numerous cinematographic activities: shows, exhibitions, concerts, book presentations, courses, workshops, tributes, master classes and meetings with renowned professionals such as the actor and director Aldo Sambrell, the animator and director Raúl García, the actor Carlos Santos, the director and producer Gonzalo García Pelayo, the actress Sonia Almarcha, the composer Luis Ivars, the writer and critic Carlos Aguilar, etc.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Puerto Madryn International Film Festival

01 Jul 2020

Published: 29 Jun 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Puerto Madryn MAFICI

Puerto Madryn International Film Festival

Puerto Madryn, Argentina

The Puerto Madryn MAFICI International Film Festival has been held for 13 years and is one of the most important Festivals in Latin America, which takes place in the Argentine Patagonia.

The objective of the Festival is to provide the possibility of screening national and foreign films both feature films and short films and thus generate a meeting space and diffusion of the cinema, from a corner of the Argentine Patagonia.

The Festival will reward the First Movies to Argentine and foreign filmmakers, with the "Southern Right Whale" award, in addition to the different awards of the Official Section in Competition.

MAFICI proposes from its beginnings, reward and promote the new directors of the world, announcing his first cinematographic work, being the only Argentine Festival with this unique peculiarity.

On the other hand, we intend to encourage the development of the film industry, care of the Environment and contribute to the tourist, cultural potential that our beautiful city of Puerto Madryn.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation