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CARTON is an international animated film festival whose main objective is to bring together animators, directors, producers, cartoonists, cartoonists, and the entire community to see, enjoy and promote the world of animation as a means of communication and expression of ideas. artistic, technical and political.
The Festival consists of a competitive section of animated shorts. After a pre-selection carried out by the organizing committee, the material is evaluated by a prestigious jury that changes from year to year. Since its inception in 2011, Juan Pablo Zaramella, Tomas Welss, María Verónica Ramirez, Raúl Manrupe, Irene Blei, Salvador Sanz, and Ayar Blasco, among others, have passed through the Carton jury.
The competitive section is divided into the following categories: Fiction/Narrative, Experimental/Non-narrative, Video Clip, Series, Micro-shorts and Training Workshops.
In addition to the competition, the Carton Festival is completed with talks, videoconferences, workshops, feature film screenings and a comic book fair.
£2,500 in CASH PRIZES for the EMERGING TALENT from our sponsor Katie Partridge, CEO of the Saphira Group, to support a new generation of filmmakers/artists.
Apart from a high number of UK and International films, NRFF London has a category for EMERGING TALENT (debut or early stage filmmakers embarking on their careers in the film industry).
Previous winners and nominees have gone onto win major international prizes or have directed their first feature film.
Our friendly and welcoming art-house festival based in London is genuinely passionate about promoting the highest calibre of independent cinema around today. New Renaissance has been described as “One of the UK’s top film festivals,” alongside Raindance and Aesthetica (London METRO, O1.08.16), appeared in reputable publications such as Vogue, GQ and iD magazine, and we are a registered IMDB film festival.
Filmmakers are a discerning audience and the 100+ five star reviews from filmmakers around the world is proof of our commitment and respect for the hard work and care that goes into making a film. Since 2021, we have been awarding cash prizes to support talented up-and-coming filmmakers we believe in thanks to a generous sponsor (see below).
We have premiered and screened films that went on to win an Oscar (The Silent Child, 2017) or later received a major distribution deal (A Bird Flew, 2022; Avi, 2022; Roy, 2022; A Living Dog, 2021; Into The Mirror, 2019; You Go To My Head, 2019; and Phantompain, 2018) to name just a few.
Despite the festival's relatively small size, there are each year many gems to be found among the many short and feature films in the programme. Furthermore, many filmmakers and actors are traditionally present - and a lot of productive networking takes place.
Film is a unique medium, and NRFF’s mission is to support and champion inspiring, independent artists and storytellers. This includes experimental work, emotional drama, music, dance, and emerging talent (see below).
Our festival is built around ARTISTS and their STORIES. By doing so, we aim to establish an international COMMUNITY of inspiring storytellers. We are not interested in following current fashions or being politically divisive. We seek out stories that are genuinely imaginative, emotional and life-affirming. At the heart of what we do is our passion to tell great stories.
Curating a festival is never easy but we strive to put together a great programme each year in an environment that is warm, inclusive and truly dignified. You can visit last year's programme online at ww.nrff.co.uk to get a feel for the quality of curation we are known for.
2025 will be our tenth year in London, a city known for its diversity and innovation in the creative arts. For 3 days in September, we will screen around 100 outstanding films in the heart of London. The programme will include narrative shorts, features, documentaries, animations, dance and music videos, a NETWORKING party and AWARDS CEREMONY.
Running alongside the festival will be a SCREENWRITING COMPETITION, a series of MASTERCLASSES by film industry experts, a filmmaker's PANEL DISCUSSION, Filmmaker Q&A's, and other networking opportunities.
Apart from a high number of UK and International films, NRFF London has a category for EMERGING TALENT (debut or early stage filmmakers embarking on their careers in the film industry). Those selected can win CASH PRIZES. We found a sponsor for this in 2021 and are happy to announce that they continue supporting these cash prizes for emerging talent in 2025.
Please read our Rules & Terms before making your submission.
Key Dates:
Submissions for 2024 will be open. The festival will take place in October 2024, and all contestants will be notified at least 4-6 weeks prior to the event.
It is our passion to not only provide a stage for our filmmakers but also to strengthen the INDEPENDENT film community, by building an engaged audience through social media - especially Instagram and Facebook. We actively encourage directors, screenwriters, producers and actors to network during the festival and after the event. By doing so, new artistic collaborations have occurred.
Former New Renaissance attendees and or winners include: Oscar winning couple Chris Overton and Rachel Shenton (The Silent Child); Oscar winning actress Whoopi Goldberg (Palace); BAFTA and Emmy winning actress Anna Friel (The Sea); Great Expectations and Top Boy director Brady Hood (Sweet Maddie Stone); Oscar winning writer/director James Lucas (Paint The Dragon's Eyes); BAFTA winning actress Sophia Myles (All That Glitters); BAFTA winning actor George MacKay (Infinite); Ivor Novello winning musician Gary Kemp (InSolo); BAFTA winning and double Emmy nominated documentary director Zoe Dobson (The Cunning Man); BAFTA winning animator Catriona Black (You Are At The Bottom Of My Mind); Emmy winning actress Tatiana Mislany (Souls of Totality); Oscar nominated cinematographer Jarin Blaschke (A Million Eyes); BAFTA nominated director Shona Auerbach (Rudy); Actor Tom Cullen (Souls of Totality); BAFTA nominated actress Celine Buckens (Prangover); Silent Witness actress Emilia Fox (The Ghost); Chicago actor Darren Day (Rudy); Rag Doll actor Ali Cook (The Cunning Man); Olivier Award nominated actress Amy Lennox (Near); student Oscar winner Tristan Holmes (The Fragile King); and student Oscar winner Ariel Heller (Mammoth).
FAMILY FILM PROJECT is a film festival which takes place every year in Porto, Portugal, with fast increase in visibility and internationalization since its first edition in 2012.
In addition to the mandatory Portuguese presence, the festival has been receiving films from around the world: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Spain, Holland, Indonesia, Italy, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Taiwan, Venezuela, among many other nationalities.
The sessions of competitive programming traditionally split into three thematic areas: Lives and Places (focusing on the voyeuristic, biographical or documentary recording of habitats and quotidian), Connections (focused on interpersonal and community dynamics) and Memory and Archive (dedicated to creative views from testimony and found footage). There is also a competitive session devoted to fiction and animation.
The festival program always holds a prominent space for directors and guest artists of international renown, such as Jonas Mekas (2012), Péter Forgács (2013), Alina Marazzi (2015), João Canijo (2016), Regina Guimarães (2017), Bill Nichols (2018) and Paula Rabinowitz (2018), Daniel Blaufuks (2018), Jaimie Baron (2019), Cláudia Varejão (2019), among others.
With several lines of action, the festival also organizes various parallel cultural events in addition to the competitive sessions: art exhibitions (which may extend beyond the festival date), movies, concerts, installations, performances at various locations of the city, master classes, conferences and launches of books focused on ethnographic and anthropological dimension.
The festival has expanded through the city in locations like the Rivoli Theatre, Passos Manuel, Coliseu, auditorium Almeida Garrett or the theater Carlos Alberto, but also art galleries, city streets and emblematic bars. Thus, the festival also helps to increase, in its most particular way, the cultural dimension of the city and the touristic appeal associated with it.
With its usual competitive sessions, masterclasses, performance events and video installations, the festival is once again placed on the conceptual boundaries of cinema and its dialogue with other arts and areas of thought.
As in previous years, the festival is organized into three thematic zones: Lives and Places (focusing on voyeuristic, biographical or documentary recording of habitats and everyday life), Memory and Archive (dedicated to creative approaches from testimonies and found footage) and Connections (focused on interpersonal and community dynamics). There is also a space dedicated to the genres of fiction and animation, with a competitive selection that will have a particularly strong Portuguese representation this year. Besides the national films, the festival receives in its competitive program a selection of almost two dozen films of different nationalities, from short to feature film, from documentary to experimental genre, always in a register that extends from the intimate plasticity of “home movies” to the ethnographic landscape.
The Cultural Association "Il Sogno di Ulisse", under the high sponsorship of European Parliament and the sponsorship of MiC Direzione Generale Cinema and Regione Lazio, announces the 11th edition of Visioni Corte International Short Film Festival, that will be hold in September 2023 in the Ariston Theatre of Gaeta - Italy. The official dates of the Festival, which will last 8 days, will be published after the deadline of the contest, along with the program, on our website www.visionicorte.it
In its first edition, Madras Allies Film Festival is planning to be an annual celebration of the year’s best queer films from India and across the world, as well as panels and events bringing together filmmakers, movie lovers, and the LGBTQ community.
With the repealing of section #377, it's time for celebration and all hands must forward in pushing the LGBTQ community into the mainstream. What better way than with the help of cinema!!
We, at MAFF, believe that only the power of the arts allows for true identity construction. Through this festival, we want to create a safe space for dialogue and cultural exchange and for sharing, promoting self-love and the social integration of all.
MAFF is organised annually by The Jabez Kelly Project and Madras Film Screening Club.
Madras Allies Film Festival's collection of narratives, documentaries and shorts aims to portray the diverse and compelling stories from across the entire LGBTQ spectrum.
MAFF wants to give voice and visibility to the full spectrum of the LGBTQ experience by championing films, supporting storytellers, and engaging audiences in order to inspire dialogue, shift cultural bias and empower our diverse community.
Discover emerging talents, as we bring the best of queer cinema to MAFF that will not only help embrace the community into the mainstream, but it will inspire aspiring filmmakers to bring in more diversity into their stories.
By spreading messages of positive examples, Tolerance and dialogue where people can be confronted with realities close to having lived on the screen, we hope to spearhead a major fight in support of the community.
¡Somos el Festival de Cortometrajes más antiguo de Medellín!
Pantalones Cortos es un espacio para el encuentro fraternal de los realizadores con su público en el que compartimos las experiencias y saberes globales, nacionales y locales, que permiten fortalecer los lazos de unión de los colectivos e iniciativas de los interesados, los estudiosos y los realizadores del cortometraje de ficción en Colombia.
En el componente Colombia en Cortos efectuamos un trabajo integrador entre la exhibición de los cortometrajes más representativos gestados en el departamento de Antioquia. La importancia de Pantalones Cortos radica en que destaca y visibiliza a los realizadores, incluidos aquellos que, desde escenarios alternativos, proponen otras miradas y procedimientos para la realización del cortometraje de ficción. Así mismo, generamos espacios de reflexión, análisis y conocimiento del quehacer audiovisual a partir de talleres, master class y conversatorios que contribuyen a formar público en la apreciación y la realización cinematográfica. Acercamos a los realizadores con los espectadores. A los invitados se les reconoce una cifra en pesos por su asistencia a la discusión y por pago de derechos de exhibición de parte o la totalidad de su obra.
Colombia en Cortos proyectará, por primera vez en el festival una película para úblico con limitaciones y establecerá un diálogo entre público y realizadores.
La Maratón Pantalones Cortos, con sus categorías regional y nacional garantiza que siempre los nuevos realizadores locales reciban un estímulo en efectivo y es una ventana de exhibición que los acerca con su público.
Con la categoría Nacional garantizamos la participación de cortometrajes realizados por residentes en Colombia o connacionales formados y/o residentes en el exterior.
Cómo nos ven, cómo nos vemos y cómo nos queremos ver son las respuestas que vemos en la pantalla durante las proyecciones.
La Categoría para realizadores antioqueños es un impulso para los realizadores y realizadoras de la región, con miradas nuevas y propias sobre nuestro contexto.
Una consideración especial merece la realización del Segundo Camping Cinematográfico porque es el fruto de la reflexión de muchos años de la dirección académica de Corpoduni y durante la primera experiencia (2018) vivimos a plenitud una verdadera inmersión cinematográfica. Los participantes trabajaron durante largas jornadas con pasión y amor por la realización cinematográfica y en completa fraternidad. Tríadas que, en la mayoría de los casos, no se conocían entre sí, vibraron juntos por su proyecto. Así mismo, cabe destacar el acierto en invitar directamente a 5 estudiantes del programa de cinematografía de la Institución universitaria ITM pues no desentonaron en las actividades diarias y mostraron el mismo nivel de compromiso que los asistentes con trayectoria. Los del semillero ITM, como los denominamos cariñosamente, realizaron un teaser con gran factura y trabajaron a la altura. Por lo tanto, abrieron la puerta al segundo grupo que será invitado directamente. La invitación directa obedece, básicamente, a que el programa de cinematografía en el ITM es muy reciente pero nos ha demostrado que cuenta con estudiantes con un alto compromiso y un gran futuro en la realización cinematográfica.
El Segundo Camping, sin duda, será el espacio para la consolidación de un taller integrador que pretende visualizar a Medellín como un destino ideal para los nuevos realizadores. Aspiramos a convertirnos en lo que, desde la Corporación Dunav Kuzmanich, llamamos “San Antoñito”, en añoranza a la película del mismo nombre que dirigió en Santafé de Antioquia el Maestro Duni con Pepe Sánchez y, guardadas las proporciones, porque queremos emular a San Antonio de Los Baños, en Cuba para llevar a Tejiendo Cortos a la condición de aspiracional en materia de formación cinematográfica. El nivel de los talleristas y la gran experiencia del Camping 2018 nos hace soñar que sí es posible.
Pantalones Cortos no pretende ser el más grande ni el mejor festival de cortometrajes de Colombia, trabajamos para ser el festival más querido.
The "Corti di Mare" Festival focuses on the "sea" theme: sea as a source of life, nourishment, philosophy, history, peoples, danger, challenge, adventure, necessity, myth, well-being, border, legend, poetry.
The 12th edition of the FICS will take place in Bucaramanga – Santander from September 27 to October 1, 2022. The call in all official competitive categories, will be open from June 24 to August 19, 2022. For this edition, the Festival will have prizes in effective, recognition support for audiovisual development.
The Social Education and Communications Corporation PRESS LIBRE, whose trajectory of more than twenty years, in the leadership of the development of the media in Santander, supports and qualifies the suitability of the FICS.
The FICS is made up of the presidency of the film director Sergio Cabrera and is headed by its director, Oscar Fonseca, in accompaniment of administrative partners.
Its main objective is to work for the formation of a public criticism and for the consolidation of spaces for discussion and appreciation around a real film culture in the region and in the country.
The department of Santander as the headquarters of the FICS, is among other
the department with the highest average economic growth annual and is promoted as one of the most popular tourist destinations
important, a cultural epicenter of enterprising people, who opens its doors to new markets.
The competitive sections of the FICS are windows to the development of the
culture and the film industry, with new looks towards Ibero-America, maintaining its strong commitment to cinema national, supporting the cinema made in Colombia and Latin America
Welcome to Milan Film Awards! MFA is a non for profit organisation with the aim the help Independent filmmakers in every step of the way, from funding to recognition.
MFA aims to support independent filmmakers and scriptwriters from all over the world and their filmmaking. Milan Film Awards accepts films of all shapes and sizes. For further information regarding requirements of the different categories please contact us.
Our event date will include award ceremony, Q & A, live screening and networking opportunity. We're looking for films with a powerful story and distinct voice. We look forward to reviewing your films and meeting you on event night. Our networking opportunity is an amazing time to meet great people in the same industry and even create more work together.
MFA encourages filmmakers/script writers of all backgrounds and experience level to submit. We encourage students to submit and have a special waiver code for submissions. If you are a student please send us your Student ID to take advantage of these.
For any further information regarding categories, deadlines, fees and submissions process, please check us on Filmfreeway or send us an email at milanfilmawards@gmail.com.
Good luck!
LA Shorts International Film Festival ranks among the most prestigious and largest international short film festivals in the world.
The festival is accredited by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences OSCAR®, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts BAFTA and the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television (ACCT) presenters of the Canadian Screen Awards and The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Spain (Goya Awards).
We are proud to have 66 filmmakers from LA Shorts earned an Academy Award® nomination.
Now in its 28th year, LA Shorts is the longest-running short film festival in Los Angeles. The festival screens over 350 films and attracts over 10,000 attendees each year including Hollywood industry professionals and emerging independent filmmakers.
LA Shorts is an official qualifying event for the British Academy of Film and Television Arts BAFTA short film awards. Award-winners at the festival are eligible to win BAFTA Awards.
LA Shorts is recognized by The Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television (ACCT) presenters of the Canadian Screen Awards.
Those who have been honored at the festival include directors, Jon Favreau, Paul Haggis, Bryan Singer, Jan de Bont, Shane Black, and actors Gary Oldman, James Woods, Martin Landau and Richard Dreyfuss. Many recognizable directors and actors have screened films and attended the festival such as Scarlett Johansson, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Courteney Cox, Tim Burton, Sofia Coppola, Jason Reitman, Terry Gilliam, Spike Jonze, Eva Mendes, Jessica Biel, Rachel Weisz, Hilary Swank, Josh Brolin, Kirsten Dunst, Rita Wilson, Ralph Macchio, Ricky Gervais, Vin Diesel, John Stamos, Matthew Modine, Dean Cain, Robin Wright, George R. R. Martin and many many more.
The film programming screens all genres from a wide spectrum of categories with high to low-budget films 40 minutes or under. From recognizable directors and celebrity actors to students from the finest film schools and high school teenagers- they're all here to celebrate the art (and business) of short-form cinema!
Mirror Mountain Film Festival brings the best in independent, alternative and underground cinema to Canada’s capital. We are a diverse and inclusive festival that welcomes all types of films and all types of people to share in the collective cinema experience. Our mission is to promote unique and original creative voices from the Ottawa-Gatineau region and from around the world. Mirror Mountain showcases innovative, groundbreaking and unconventional films in a wide variety of genres, including drama, documentary, animation, experimental, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, dance and music videos. In addition to film screenings, the festival features engaging, community-oriented activities such as live performances, hybrid media presentations, interactive exhibits, parties, panel discussions, Q&A sessions and more. Our events aim to connect filmmakers both with audiences and with one another, and to support artists through educational and professional development opportunities.
Why should I submit to Mirror Mountain?
1. Free festival pass for all filmmakers who submit
Everyone who submits a film to Mirror Mountain, regardless of whether or not it is selected, gets a free pass to attend the entire festival.
2. Free to submit for local filmmakers
Films of any length can be submitted for free if they were shot and/or edited within a 125 km radius of Ottawa. This area includes Gatineau, Maniwaki, Mont Tremblant, Montebello, Hawkesbury, Cornwall, Potsdam, Brockville, Smiths Falls, Perth, Renfrew, Arnprior and more.
3. Free submissions for alumni
If you directed a film that was officially selected in a previous edition of Mirror Mountain, you can submit again at no cost.
4. Your money back
If your film is officially selected to screen in the festival, we’ll reimburse your original submission fee.
5. We pay artist fees
If your film is officially selected to screen in the festival, you will also receive an artist fee to thank you for letting us screen your work.
6. Fewer restrictions
We have no premiere or date-of-completion requirements. Your film is still eligible even if it has screened in the Ottawa region before, has distribution, has been broadcast on television, or is available to view online.
7. Stay in the loop
After you submit your film, you’ll get a notification from the festival to confirm we’ve received your application. Later, you’ll receive a notification informing you of the results, regardless of whether or not your film was selected.
8. Awards for winning filmmakers
Awards are given out in several categories after the completion of the festival. Award winners receive a certificate and a selection of prizes donated by our sponsors.
9. Friendly and alternative atmosphere
As a community of filmmakers and artists, we strive to cultivate a vibrant, dynamic and welcoming atmosphere, where creators and audience members from diverse artistic and cultural backgrounds can come together to engage and grow through shared work and conversation.
Only Argentine citizens or foreigners residing in the Argentine Republic may participate in the competition who comply with the terms and conditions of these regulations.
Documentaries, fictions, animations and experimental.
Political, social, racial, gender issues, etc.
Watch the Highlights of Peterhof Film Festival 2021 on our Youtube channel
Peterhof Film Festival is the annual international film festival, which aim is to show the best films from all over the World in the unique Worldwide known town-museum – Peterhof. This district of Saint-Petersburg is the 8th in the world rank of the most visited museums in the World.
Our festival take place in June in the biggest cultural center of Peterhof – Cascad. This center is located in a few steps from the World heritage parks of Peterhof (https://www.tripadvisor.com/Home-g1207894?fid=30d0637c-0224-437a-ab0e-230ff864252b)
We will screen films in several cinema halls (500, 160 and 60 places).
The winners of the Festival will receive crafted prizes.
There will be a special excursion to Peterhof fountains for filmmakers.
Our motto – unique cinema in unique place!
TAFMF is dedicated to celebrating African culture and history. TAFMF showcases the works of filmmakers and musicians from over 50 countries, in Africa, with the emphasis on film and music produced within the African continent.
Austin's first outdoor film festival, Austin Under the Stars (AUTS) is an international film festival held at Lone Star Court, a retro-inspired boutique hotel.
AUTS aims to make film festivals fun again! Enjoy live music, drinks, socializing, and films - all nestled in the live music capital of the world.
Arrive early & experience a taste of the local music scene! An Austin-based band will set the tone with a movie-inspired playlist leading up to show time. Grab a cocktail or your favorite Texas beer and wait for the show to begin.
As the sun sets, take a seat under the stars and watch the best indie films compete!
Proceeds go towards "Autism Society of Texas".
What could ever be more relaxing and delightful than spending a night on the beach… barefoot, wet hair,sun-kissed skin, summer wind, friends and lovers, drinks and a sky full of stars? We know. All these in the company of a series of great films! We offer you the wonderful experience of mixing the best of summer with cinema, aiming to make you FEEL. Literally.
The Black Sea Film Festival is an annual event which awards new inspiring, motivating talent. Designed to acknowledge the creative contributions of both young and elder artists, beginners or with a long way paved behind, the festival benefits the community socially, educationally and economically – wise.
The Festival will showcase innovative independent cinema from around the world, taking place along the Romanian Black Sea coast. The fourth edition will be held in Vama Veche, a charismatic place known for its young, vibrating and artistic spirit.
On our current edition we are accepting a variety of short films: narrative, animation, experimental, student, documentary, music video, human rights, and also feature films: narrative, documentary. The film production can be made within the last ten years.
Wonderful seaside movie nights are expecting you to enjoy the summer breeze and watch films under millions of stars!
It’s all about the feels. It’s all about the cineFEELS!
[Español abajo]
The Shortcup Film Festival is the world cup of short films. The selected films are distributed in 4 days of exhibition, where each film represents their country and the popular jury votes definies the final round where the winner is chosen in the fifth day.
The festival's main purpose is to merge a competitive film showcase with the casual ambient of a bar; this year, in it's 6th edition it will happen in 4 cities simultaneously, those cities are:
- São Paulo, Brasil
- Bogotá, Colômbia
- Monterrey, México
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
VI Shortcup, el festival de cine que se lleva a cabo en bares en un formato deportivo por grupos de clasificación, acontecerá este año en 4 ciudades simultáneamente, donde el ganador es escogido por el voto popular.
Las cedes del campeonato de este año son:
- São Paulo, Brasil
- Bogotá, Colômbia
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Monterrey, México
Silicon Beach Film Festival located in Los Angeles brings together technology and the film industry. Be apart of the Silicon Beach Film festival and get your film noticed in one of the worlds largest technology media areas (Silicon Beach Los Angeles).
2019 Silicon Beach Film Festival will be held at Cinemark 18 & XD Playa Vista at Howard Hughes HHLA.