Logo of FENACIR Film Festival

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine FENACIR

FENACIR Film Festival

Rio Verde, Mexico

It is a vibrant and exciting celebration of the film industry whose main objective is to provide a platform for emerging filmmakers and encourage interaction between filmmakers and audience.

This annual event brings together industry experts and film professionals, with seventh art enthusiasts and movie lovers from the central zone of San Luis Potosí.

We strongly believe in the importance of giving young filmmakers a voice and visibility, providing an invaluable platform for these emerging talents to showcase their work.

In the official selection, there is a careful curation of the best contemporary Mexican and Latin American films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Human. Human Rights Film Festival, Madrid

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Human, Festival De Cine y Derechos Humanos, Madrid.

Human. Human Rights Film Festival, Madrid

Madrid, Spain

Se configura como un festival de cine participativo y educativo donde se da voz a trabajos que tratan los Derechos Humanos, tanto en géneros de ficción, animación como documental.

Creemos que hoy es más importante que nunca que la sociedad cree puentes de debate para el acercamiento, con el único ánimo de crear humanidad y empezar a escucharnos. El Festival muestra trabajos donde tanto el contenido como la técnica son de alta calidad y han sido premiados a nivel internacional en anteriores Festivales. Previa selección de las películas por la organización del Festival, un jurado formado por expertos en el ámbito cinematográfico, así como defensores de Derechos Humanos y del ámbito educativo, serán los encargados de puntuar y entregar los premios.

Los Derechos Humanos son el garante de una sociedad sana, educada, despierta y empoderada y pertenecen a toda la sociedad como pilares fundamentales que deben sostener los cimientos donde se sustente todo lo demás. Difundir la cultura de paz, el desarrollo democrático y la humanidad sostenible son también sus objetivos. Para eso se organizan talleres, presentaciones y mesas de debate con los propios autores y autoras de las películas al público asistente así como actores, productores, críticos de cine, periodistas y defensores de Derechos Humanos locales e internacionales.

Te damos la bienvenida al Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Madrid.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Equinale Horse Film Festival

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Equinale Horse Film Festival

Equinale Horse Film Festival

bibow ot neuhof, Germany

The Equinale®
The Equinale® is an international film festival for horse films and films, which horses play an important roll.

The Equinale® is an event which takes place over four days.

Entertainment films (films for adults and children), documentaries, advertisements, music and educational films are going to be shown.

There will also be lectures about horses which will definitely catch the interest of the young and old horse fans.

The highlight of this event is the giving of awards to the films in the various categories.

The films are going to be awarded by a mixed jury. The jury is composed of horse thrilled people out of the riding scene.

The children and youth films are going to be rated from a separate jury.

Furthermore two public awards are going to be awarded.

The big film party on Saturday, on which the films are going to be awarded, is a social event.

To round off this event, a small exclusive horsefair and horseart exhibition invites you to go for a stroll. Fashion, art, interior, culinary delicacies including horse products and presentations are expected to reduce the waiting time between the films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of The City in Film Award

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The City in Film Award

The City in Film Award

Lisboa, Portugal

The City in Film Award will distinguish the best films related to urban issues. It can be fiction or documentary, a short or a long feature. We are looking for films that relate to the city, where the city plays a relevant role in the mood, theme or narrative of the film.

All genres and durations are welcome.

The 4 selected films will be screened live and the best film awarded in July 2021, right in the heart of historical Lisbon, in the mystical Alfama.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Kraljevski Filmski Festival

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Kraljevski Filmski Festival

Banner Kraljevski Filmski Festival

Kraljevski Filmski Festival

Kraljevo, Serbia

KFF was launched in 2013, as International Short Film Festival. From the very beginning, the essential part of our mission was to bring the audience closer to different kind of films and to provoke interest in film art, and furthermore in understanding its impacts in everyday life.

Festival is held annually during September in the city of Kraljevo (meaning "the King's Town"), where seven Serbian kings are said to have been crowned. Because of our historical heritage, we decided to name our festival “Kraljevski filmski festival”.

KFF is offering a filmmaker-friendly environment with a casual vibe, which is the reason why during the last 6 years we have had filmmakers flying in from the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Hong Kong, Finland, France, Switzerland, Russia, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria…

In 2019, Kraljevski filmski festival had significant changes both on programming and management level by evolving to Post-production Film Festival. Our main goal besides showing great Short films will be to promote the art and craft of Post-production as well as the creative people from behind the camera. To achieve this, the KFF will invite postproduction artists from across the globe for masterclasses or workshops, and organize filmmakers meetings at KFF.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Human Rights Film Festival Barcelona

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Barcelona

Human Rights Film Festival Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

To show films that make us think, awaken our conscience, denounce injustice and reflect the social and cultural diversity of humanity. This is the objective of The Human Rights Film Festival, which will celebrate its 18th annual festival this year.

The Human Rights Film Festival, with headquarters in Barcelona and offices in Paris and New York, is the most important festival on Human Rights in Catalonia, one of Spain’s most important and widely internationally established festival.

Among the Festival in Barcelona, the simultaneous venues at Paris and New York and especially more than 20 screenings in different countries, after the Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of  Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Uhvati Film /// Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY


Novi Sad, Serbia

Film Festival “Seize the Film“ is focus on projections of films related to the topic of disability/at least one actor is disabled person and it has editions in Novi Sad (Serbia), Rijeka (Croatia), and Kotor (Montenegro).

In addition to screenings of films on the topic of disability, the Festival also has accompanying programs and post-production - Film Caravan, which includes screenings in cultural spaces, schools, other festivals and „Seize the film Kids“ - screenings of films suitable for children aged 7-12 (in Serbia).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Short Com

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Short Com

Banner Short Com

Short Com

Gullane, United Kingdom

After a mini-hiatus, Short Com will be making it's return in 2019 in Edinburgh at the Cameo Cinema.

Short Com is a short comedy film festival that has grown from strength to strength from humble beginnings back in 2011, where it started in Manchester.

Short Com prides itself on the quality of its programme and the range of comedy stylings it has screened. The most emphatic thing we look for in a film is its content, its ability to make an audience laugh or smile. Short Com has screened films from BAFTA nominated films and multiple award winners to simple home made films that have warmed and vastly amused audiences.

Short Com has screened during the Edinburgh International Fringe Festival, in London and for the first time in Bristol and finished its run and closed with its award ceremony at the Glasgow Short Film Festival. One of the largest short film festivals in the UK.

Why submit to Short Com? Short Com prides itself on the quality of its programme. There is a great deal of honour to selected filmmakers who make it to the annual best of screenings. Plus it will be taking place during the world's largest arts and culture festival. In the past we have been sponsored by Blackmagic Design, Final Draft and Festival Formula all donating fantastic prizes for winning films in our category awards section. We will be looking to work with new brands to continue this tradition and bring some excellent prizes.

To get an idea of what we have screened in the past, you cans see some of the previous years winners in the links below.




*Feature Films

We have the opportunity to extend our programming to feature films. This depends on the quality of the film and appeal it can bring. Features must be a Scottish film premier.
Contact Chris Aitken directly at info@shortcom.co.uk for enquiries.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Trinity International Film Festival

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Trinity International Film Festival

Trinity International Film Festival

Inkster, United States

Detroit’s Trinity International Film Festival. The festival takes place August 20-23, 2020 in beautiful Downtown Detroit at The Marlene Boll Theater, 1401 Broadway, Detroit, Michigan and The Carr Center Gallery. The 4-day event themed “FILM YOUR FUTURE” features an array of independent films, screenplays, workshops, The Future panel discussion and filmmakers from around the world. We are also hosting a Best screenplay competition, 2nd Annual Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey 100 Proof! Red Carpet Award ceremony. We expect an audience of over 4500 people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds to attend. This event will give your company a distinct marketing opportunity with this population in Detroit.

The TI Film Festival has hosted industry professionals locally and nationally to share their knowledge and expertise in various workshops and industry discussions. Special guests have included famed Actress and Producer, Tangi Miller, Syndicated Radio Host and Film Producer, Russ Parr, Former BET Executive Producer, Ralph Scott, currently with the Aspire Network (Owned by Magic Johnson), film segment producer/head of production for more than 100 episodes of SNL, Tanya Ryno and Writer, Director, Qasim Basir, “Destined,” and Actress/Singer Deborah Joy Winans of the acclaimed TV series “Greenleaf,” which airs on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network.

The highlight of this event over the years has been all of the innovative work we've showcased by indie filmmakers and our audience that supports Detroit's TI Film Festival.

2020 Festival Schedule (Screening Schedule Coming Soon)

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Tetova International Film Festival ODA

01 Jun 2019

Published: 31 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Tetova International Film Festival ODA

Tetova International Film Festival ODA

, North Macedonia

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Rosario Latin American Film Festival

31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Rosario

Rosario Latin American Film Festival

Rosario, Argentina

The Secretariat of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Rosario, through Punto Audiovisual, invites you to participate in the 30th edition of the Rosario Latin American Film Festival that will take place from June 5 to 15, 2025, in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

The Festival has four competitive categories:

- Feature Film Competition

- Santa Fe Feature Film Competition

- Short Film Competition

- Rosario Short Film Competition


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Raindance Film Festival

31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Raindance Film Festival

Banner Raindance Film Festival

Raindance Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

Raindance Film Festival is the largest independent film festival in the UK. It is based in the heart of London’s buzzing West End film district.

Raindance Film Festival is officially recognised by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences USA, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts and the British Independent Film Awards. Selected shorts will qualify for Oscar® and BAFTA considerations.
Festival Sections:

- World-renowned programme of the best UK and international independent films
- Masterclasses with special guests
- Raindance Forum and Marketplace – talks and panels
- Raindance Virtual and Augmented Reality Strand
- Raindance Web Fest
- Networking events

Each year, Raindance attracts dozens of thousands of visitors including hundrends of industry professionals into London. The 27th Raindance will take place 25 September – 6 October 2019 in central London.


Amongst others, Raindance has hosted the UK premieres of What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Blair Witch Project, Dead Man’s Shoes, Memento, Humpday, Love Exposure, Ghost World, Capturing the Friedmans, Down Terrace, I Origins and Old Boy. Our programming receives plaudits from press and public alike.

Over the years, the festival has hosted such guests and filmmakers as Christopher Nolan, Shane Meadows, Ken Loach, Marky Ramone, Iggy Pop, Anton Corbijn, Quentin Tarantino, Faye Dunaway and Lou Reed. Over the last few years our international Jury has included Sean Bean, Imelda Staunton, Celia Imrie, Martin Freman, Ewen Bremner, Jason Flemyng, Andrew Scott, Tom Waits, Vicky McClure and Sheridan Smith among top UK industry guest jurors.

Raindance members can submit one short/music video or a feature at half price. If you are a member email festival@raindance.co.uk to receive your unique waiver code. Please include your membership number and expiry date. To join Raindance please go to: http://www.raindance.org/premium/

Submissions for the Raindance WebFest should go through https://festhome.com


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Music Video

Logo of Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema

31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema

Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema 2019 will be hosted in Amsterdam.

The Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema is one of the greatest and most popular festivals in Europe. This naturally fills our festival with a wealth of talent from around the world.

For over 12 years in our other festivals, we have been helping filmmakers find distribution and funding for their next filmmaking venture. Year after year, we are praised by filmmakers for the opportunities that unlock upon entering and participating in our festival.

There is ample opportunity to attend networking events, industry professional talk panels, workshops, guest speaker events, film premieres, financing talks, director Q&A's, film screenings and to socialize with like-minded creatives from all walks of life. All of this is neatly wrapped in a week-long showcasing of films where our strong community supports any and every film, from first-time artists to seasoned creators.

Our prestigious awards ceremony concludes the festival in high fashion with a 5-course gala dinner to celebrate our nominees and winners.

We are a unique festival that provides a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network and do business during the festival week.

We have built a small but exceptional network of industry professionals that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice. We have many success stories where attending distributors have made offers to the filmmakers, launching them and their work into the marketplace. We have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen.

We can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world. It all starts here by entering today

This will truly be a unique festival, giving filmmakers a real platform to meet, network, do business and, of course, watch great films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner II. Festival De Cine De Discapacidad, Gipuzkoa Y Eliminar Las Barreras De Comunicación


Tolosa, Spain

1.Between the 15th and 25th of October 2019, the selected works will be displayed in different towns in Guipuzcoa. On the 25th in Hernani the verdict will be made public and the awards Festival will be celebrated.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Metricamente Corto


Trebaseleghe, Italy

Festival dedicated to the Short Film Competition, Fiction and Animation.

Possibility of hosting the directors and Actors of the Films

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

Agrigento, Italy

Sicilymovie – Agrigento Film Festival is a festival of feature films, short film, documentaries, videoclip, spot and animation shorts, created and organized by the Southmovie Association, which was created with the aim of bringing outdoor cinema for everyone to the heart of Sicily: the evocative Valley of the Temples of Agrigento, a city named Italian Capital of Culture 2025. The themes addressed in the works of directors from all over the world are multiple and educational.

The ninth edition of Sicilymovie is aimed at the best productions and distributions of short films and documentaries in the world who will compete for the Golden Demetra, the representative statuette of the Festival which recalls ancient Greece, cultural symbol of ancient Akragas, the city of Agrigento.
The project is supported and sponsored by the Valle dei Templi Archaeological and Landscape Park of Agrigento, the Municipality of Agrigento, the Sicily Film Commission and the Tourism Department of the Sicily Region. The Valle dei Templi Archaeological and Landscape Park is about 1300 hectares wide and here belong the remains of the ancient city of Akragas and the surrounding area up to the sea. The Valley of the Temples was declared a "World Heritage Site" by Unesco in 1997. Today the Valley of the Temples has more than one million visitors a year.


Sicilymovie - Agrigento Film Festival will take place from 18 to 21 July 2024 at the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento

The deadline for the call will be 2024, May 31 at 23:59

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L`ALFÀS DEL PI

31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L`ALFÀS DEL PI

Banner Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L’Alfàs del Pi

Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes de L`ALFÀS DEL PI

L’Alfàs del Pi , Spain



Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of CineEco’2024 – 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela

31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cineeco 2024 – 30º Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental da Serra da Estrela

CineEco’2024 – 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela

Seia, Portugal

CineEco - International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela, organised by the Municipality of Seia, is the only festival in Portugal dedicated to the environment, which has been held uninterruptedly since 1995.

CineEco offers the public quality cinema and little-known, alternative cinematographies in relation to the traditional market. It is a festival that seeks to raise public awareness of cinema, its history and aesthetics, as well as environmental issues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cinefest Gato Preto

31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cinefest Gato Preto

Cinefest Gato Preto

São Paulo, Brazil


Cinefest Gato Preto ("Black Cat") is a short-film festival for Brazilians film makers.

We will have a specific focus, trying to give attencion to all areas in cinema: art direction, sound design, editing, scrict, direction, acting, photography and production.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Muestra de Cine y Creatividad Centro Botín

31 May 2019

Published: 30 May 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Muestra De Cine Y Creatividad Centro Botín

Muestra de Cine y Creatividad Centro Botín

Santander, Spain

Only for Spanish film-makers

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental