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The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival is a unique event that brings Brooklyn’s celebrated film and media makers together with their peers across the country and around the world. The award-winning AoBFF is a filmmaker-focused event, platform and showcase for exciting emerging creators and established voices. We partner with film distributors and media organizations, host world-class talkbacks, create innovative programming for networking and skill building, and screen in state-of-the-art theaters for enthusiastic audiences across Brooklyn.
Founded by working artists in 2011, ten festival premieres have gotten theatrical distribution to date — and one became an HBO series. We have held events in nineteen different venues in nine neighborhoods across Brooklyn (so far,) often partnering with local businesses and organizations to reach the widest possible audience.
Our innovative approach to ensure that no single POV dominates the curation process includes working with a different Guest Festival Director every season. And our ethical and transparent submission policy is a model for the industry.
We believe that film festivals exist for filmmakers, not the other way around.
In 2014 we became the only indie film festival to build and program our own video-on-demand streaming platform: Brooklyn On Demand, where we broadcast festival favorites, original series and more, online and on a Roku channel with over 16,000 subscribers, alongside Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. brooklynondemand.com
MDOC – Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival will select for 2025, documentaries under the themes of identity, memory and border. All films must express the author's point of view on aspects related to social, individual, cultural and identity issues.
OJO DE PESCADO International Film Festival for Children and Youth is an annual event in Chile that gathers the most recent and exclusive film and TV contents from all over the world aimed at children and youth.
The Festival is organized by the OJO DE PESCADO CULTURAL CORPORATION, an exploration and action platform that, through the exhibition of films and the promotion of audiovisual creation, aims to help guarantee the right of children and young people to the integral education and communication and expression of their opinions.
The 11th edition of Ojo de Pescado Film Festival will take place online through the entire Chilean territory and in person only in the Region of Valparaíso (if the health situation allows it) between november 5 and november 15, 2024,
Competition Categories are:
- Short films for children.
- Television or web series for children.
- Feature films for children and adolescents.
- “Young Filmmakers” (short films made by children or young people).
This festival is an initiative born of the Director Miguel Becerra Ortiz, with the support of the city Council, where you will be able to see projections of the selected short films.
This event aims to promote film culture through the short film.
The 9th edition of the Skyline Benidorm Film Festival will take place in the city of Benidorm, from March 29 to April 5, 2025, in the city of Benidorm (Spain).
Segunda edición del Festival de Cine en Corto Ciudad de Vera.
La SECCIÓN OFICIAL del II Festival de Cine en Corto Ciudad de Vera está dirigida a los cortometrajes de ficción. Puede participar cualquier director/a nacional e internacional. Uno de los requisitos es que la duración no exceda de 20 minutos y que, si el idioma original del cortometraje no es el español, este sea subtitulado al mismo.
El concurso CORTO EN 48 HORAS BAYRA, que se realizará entre el 29 y 31 de marzo de 2019, será una de la actividades que envolverá a la ciudad en esa sensación de vivir un rodaje de cine. El día 29 de marzo se hará público el tema del concurso y el día 31 de marzo será el límite para entregar los cortometrajes realizados.
Zabut Festival aims to have the ambition to achieve an international appeal, to propose a path of strong cultural innovation and to become a reference point for fans, insiders and audience of animation film.
Zabut shows special interest to the soundtracks of animation films and to “drawing” and aims to create an archive/museum of operas by directors, animators and designers selected by the Festival Committee.
Zabut was born in 2016 in the Savoca city center, a small Art heritage village in Sicily. In 2019, it moves to Santa Teresa di Riva.
Zabut is primarily an event that will connect space and community, people and places.
The International Festival of University Short Films ''CINESTESIA FEST' is an international cultural space that was born in 2017 at the Los Libertadores University Foundation, located in Bogotá, Cartagena, Colombia.
The main objective is to offer spaces to new audiovisual filmmakers and students affiliated to a University from any country in the world, to be able to exhibit their projects, generate ties of recognition and reflection, the training of audiences. It stands out, among other things, having international guests of high prestige such as the nominees for the Goya awards (Mario Campoy, Nacho Rui Pérez, David Desola, Jose Luis Pechorroman, Jonas Trueba) the Colombians (Harold trumpeter, Miguel Urrutia, Aida Morales, Santiago Henao, Jaime Manrique, Jose Alejandro González, Andrés Valencia, Laura Gutiérrez and Jimena Prieto) among others
The Festival annually takes place in the month of October in Bogotá and Cartagena, Colombia, granting the statuette called Kinesthesia recognition to international university talent.
GENERAZIONE FUTURO : International Section of Fiction and Animation Shorts. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters from 10 to 15 years old, have to be send in this Section.
TEEN CLUB + 16 : International Section of feature films and animation. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters from 16 to 18 years old, have to be send in this Section.
TEENAGER PLUS 18+ : International Section of feature films of fiction and/or animation. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters with more than 18 years old, have to be send in this Section.
CINEMA & SCHOOL : International Section reserved for works produced by schools or universities.
The “KINOSVET” International Children's Cinema and Television Festival will be held from October, 2025 in Minsk, Belarus.
Festival "KINOSVET" is designed to develop, inspire and support young cinematographers; those who will soon influence the mass culture in their countries. The festival will allow those who want to make this world better, to be seen and heard. And also give a wide range of viewers the taste of a highly moral, deep, humane, inspiring art.
What movies and TV shows are shown around the world today? Who teaches contemporary and, most importantly, future artists and media ways to illuminate moral and, spiritual laws? Who controls the content and ideological direction of the most meaningful and strong types of art? The festival’s purpose is to seek, find, and give a venue to young talents who can create beautiful and meaningful art that makes our world brighter and kinder.
Festival goals:
development of cinematography;
moral education of children and adolescents;
the formation of personality with the help of cinema;
initiation of the younger generation to spiritual culture;
increasing the interest in creating films focused on children and youth audiences.
Festival tasks:
to fill the world with good pictures with humane ideas, moral values in order to make our world brighter;
to revive children’s, youth and family cinema;
to draw the attention of society around the world to social problems that are associated with children, people in need and nature;
to promote true, universal spiritual values;
to educate a new generation of filmmakers;
to expand and strengthen filmmakers connections from different countries both for children and youth;
to draw the attention of state, public and commercial organizations to supporting children’s and family filmmaking as well as to encouraging of the young authors.
Seoul International ALT Cinema & media arts Festival (NeMaf) is the annual festival that shows media-based art with innovative spirit in its themes and forms.
The types of works we show include single-channel video arts, media arts, documentaries, found-footage films, essay films, experimental films, and so on. It takes place at multiple cinemas around Seoul.
It has been founded and showcased more than 2,000 media-based works and discovered 1,000 artists since it was founded in 2000.
NeMaf now opens for submissions and seeks innovative films and media art works.
- Submission Deadline
MAY 17, 2024 11:59 PM (Korea Standard Time)
BSIFF is a not-for-profit festival that seeks to create global connections through film and to help bridge the gap between African cinema and the world.
Focused on the business of film and industry advocacy, the festival is committed to giving you the best development experience and networking opportunities. BSIFF provides the occasion to meet with fellow filmmakers, talents, and distributors, and attend daily workshops and panels designed to broaden your understanding of all aspects of the film industry.
BSIFF’s home is Accra, the capital of Ghana. BSIFF offers cultural experiences to all our festival participants to showcase the wonders of Ghana.
Accra your August!
International call for official short and feature film competition 11th international film festival in the mountains.
The tenders are invited for the Neum Animated Film Festival 2024.
The Tenders are invited for the participation in the Competition Part of Neum Animated Film festival 2024. Deadline is antil 01.04.2024. The Neum Animated Film Festival shall take place from 30.08. till 03.09.2024. in Neum
Animated films (duration 15 minutes) can participate. Author can report 3 films. Films that propagandize racism and pornography will not enter competition program. All registrations must fulfill next: 1.HD file of film 2. Filled and signed entry form 3. Photography and biography of director 4. 3 photos from film (minim.) 5. Declaration of author if he is willing to work with children during the camp.
The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival (MDFF) is looking for a Melbourne-based or Melbourne-made feature documentary to either open or close our historic 10th edition. You can submit via Film Freeway or email us at info@mdff.org.au.
The festival has become a cultural phenomenon in Melbourne, with sold-out sessions and encores, ranking as one of Australia’s top film festivals. We aim to promote diverse, independent, and creative filmmakers, supporting global and local talent. MDFF has helped filmmakers reach major platforms.
MDFF is known for its commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and safety. We’ve had no reported COVID cases at our events for the last five years and have worked to ensure a safe environment for everyone.
This year, we're excited to host encores for popular short documentaries and have seen great success. We've also become the Film Freeway Top 100 Melbourne Film Festival and are ranked in the top global documentary festivals. We are especially proud to have had 7 documentaries eligible for the 2024 Oscars.
MDFF showcases documentaries that promote critical and independent thinking, debate, and diverse perspectives, with a focus on issues like human rights, equality, social issues, and freedom of speech. We have supported various causes, including BLM, Indigenous communities, and environmental organizations.
MDFF is an indie festival that helps filmmakers make their mark, offering opportunities for premieres, screenings, and networking with industry professionals. The festival takes place at Cinema Nova, one of Australia’s largest independent cinemas, and offers a fun, community-driven atmosphere.
We’re looking for local and international feature documentaries, short films, VR projects, video essays, and web series to compete in our Australian Documentary Awards. Submit your documentary to be part of this prestigious event and help us celebrate the best of the documentary genre.
The biggest Black Film Festival in Canada
The goal of the Montreal International Black Film Festival (MIBFF) is to bring audiences the most beautiful and the most amazing new Black films, while creating a space to debate major cultural, social and socio-economic issues. The MIBFF wants to promote a different kind of cinema, cinema that hails from here and from abroad and that does not necessarily have the opportunity to grace the big screen, groundbreaking cinema that moves us, that raises awareness and that takes us all by surprise. The MIBFF wants to deal with issues and present works that raise questions, that provoke, that make us smile, that leave us perplexed, that shock us...
The MIBFF is a dynamic, innovative and audacious festival whose ambition is to promote the development of the independent film industry and to showcase more films on the realities of Blacks from around the world. It wants to take a fresh, new look at black cinema from the four corners of the globe!!!
supports the creative process
The MIBFF is always on the lookout for new talent and is focused on serving as a springboard for the creative process. This is why it grants awards, gives workshops, and organizes debate conferences and networking events for all participating professionals.
diversifies the film offering in Canada
The MIBFF wants to diversify the film offering in Canada, thereby helping independent filmmakers conquer new audiences and giving the public access to a wider variety of quality works from both Canadian and foreign filmmakerss.
showcases independent films
The MIBFF aims to showcase independent films from Canada and abroad that deal with the realities of black people. By virtue of the quality of the films screened, the number of countries represented, its growing moviegoer base, the interest of the public and of the artistic community in the Festival, its international media coverage, its networking activities, its bilingualism (French and English) and its geographic position (Montreal), the MIBFF can boast being the largest festival in Canada dedicated entirely to screening films on the realities of blacks from the four corners of the globe.
holds activities all year long
The MIBFF wants to give the public access to Canadian and foreign filmmakers and their works all year long through film screenings, debates, round tables, workshops, etc., with an eye to facilitating the exchange of ideas, broadening people’s knowledge, bringing new films to the public and helping viewers get a better understanding of these films. The Festival also wants to help filmmakers conquer new audiences.
operates in French and in English
The MIBFF screens films and holds activities in the two official languages of Canada: English and French. Its documents, promotional and interpretative materials are also bilingual. However, in certain cases, some films are presented in either English or French only.
The Zanzibar International Film Festival is an esteemed annual event showcasing films from diverse regions, promoting cultural exchange and celebrating the vibrant art of filmmaking. Established in 1997, ZIFF continues to inspire and unite global audiences through the magic of cinema.
The Zanzibar International Film Festival 2024 is set to take place from 01st Aug to 04th Aug, 2024. ZIFF management would like to inform film professionals worldwide that the festival is currently accepting applications for all African films (including African Diaspora) and films from the Dhow Countries’ region- South East Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, The Persian Gulf, Iran, Pakistan, India and the Indian Ocean Islands from 06th April, 2024 till 05th May, 2024. Films must be have been produced after 2022. ZIFF reserves the right to accept any films with a specific interest to the festival.
This year ZIFF management extend special interest to Tv Drama Series from East African Countries (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, Somalia & Republic of the Congo) The Tv Drama series should be between 25 to 60 minutes in length per episode.
Films should preferably depict the Festival theme; Rejuvenation. Films reflecting the theme of global cultural interaction, cultural encounters or sociocultural commentary will be given priority. Films must have been completed no later than May 05th, 2024.
We will accept submissions of works in progress only after agreement with ZIFF management. The Submission Deadline is 05th May 2024. The festival reserves the right to also invite films for screening at ZIFF.
The festival is an event aimed at the talent of film professionals, artists and students, to emerge creativity with the noble diffusion of values and deep thought.
It is the festival with more theaters of release in Catalonia, 10 theaters.
It has an exclusive entrance to the city center, the emblematic Plaza de la Independencia.
It is the oldest festival in Catalonia after Sitges,
All the films in the world are registered.
400 films are screened between feature films, shorts, documentaries, etc.
It has more than six thousand spectators.