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At B-Retina Festival we want to become a platform for B-Movies of all kinds, from guerrilla trash cinema to unclassifiable cult masterpieces; therefore, emergent talents, consecrated artists and difficult to classify characters will show us how they understand and see the world around us using their inventiveness and boldness.
During the days of the festival, we will become a showcase for a variety of classic films, premieres, shorts, web series, talks, interviews, and many surprises.
The festival has several sections:
-International competition in the official FEATURE FILMS section
-International competition in the official SHORT FILM section
-Free outdoor shows
-Screenings for all audiences
The objective is to present a selection of the best short films in the fiction, animation, experimental and documentary genres in order to allow the dissemination, dialogue and evaluation of the development and importance of the short film within audiovisual production.
The International Film Festival of Leon IFFOL, invites all filmmakers to participate in the IFFOL Official Call 2024 from April 1 to August 05 of this year, being able to apply with fiction, non-fiction or animation feature film, short film or short documentary to be part of the 10th Consecutive Edition to be held between October 30 to November 03 of this year. Those selected may be part of the three competitive sections of the festival: International Talent, Local Talent and University Talent.
Horror Minutes 2023
Minutes of Terror 2023
Bases of participation 2023
The call is open from April 2 to June 30, 2023.
All those interested in the genre of Suspense, Horror and Sci-Fi may participate without restriction of age or professional career.
In this fourteenth edition we are
Short films produced or co-produced in Mexico will compete for the "Juan Mora Catlett" award in honor of the director.
Each team or participant may present an unlimited number of works.
Edinburgh Short Film Festival Now Open! International Tours & Cash Awards
The 15th edition of the ESFF with International Film Festival showcases, more short film screenings, trophies, cash prizes and awards!
Max Length 25 minutes, international films welcomed, all genres eligible.
Open for entries online and via Festhome!
Looking forward to seeing your films!
The Massachusetts Independent Film Festival (MassIFF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by filmmakers, film writers, and film lovers. Our goal is to showcase films from around the world made by truly independent filmmakers. We want to show the best of contemporary independent filmmaking in all genres(drama, experimental, comedy, horror, slow cinema, sci fi, fantasy, animation, documentary, and more). We dedicate Q&A time and conduct video interviews for visiting filmmakers. We also help promote the selected films to find a new audience. We love the art of cinema and we welcome all to join us! Please visit our website www.massiff.org for a glimpse into previous festivals.
The Tenerife International Film Festival of World Cinema MILAN is an international film event to celebrate the movie making whilst bringing together film makers and the business of film making, from the smallest independent film maker to the most popular English and foreign language films and is open to all film genres.
The Tenerife International film festival is like no other International film Festival, we put you the filmmaker in front of potential investors in any new production you may be considering, we put your movie in front of potential distribution and sales to look at the possibility of offering you real deals and real help for you the filmmaker, look at our program read the short bios of the professional attending, join us and put your movie in a market place. Unproduced scripts also form part of festival week, were we bring together script writers with film directors.
Generally, we take nothing into account other than the art of film and the pre-eminence of artistic talent, and to facilitate transmission, so that tomorrow's Festival can continue the adventure with the combined strengths of experience and modernity, for those that enter the Filmmaker Award will truly be the future filmmakers of the film industry.
Tribal Film Festival plays an important part in pushing for the accessibility of indigenious films with inspiring and uplifting stories that change people’s lives.
We know that, as filmmakers, we have unlimited amount of stories to tell and to preserve. Therefore we have partnered with TribalTV to extend our reach globally.
The objective of the festival is to arrange a meeting of young filmmakers, to introduce the work of local and international film schools, and to award films chosen for the competition by the international jury. The festival is organized by Filmfest Písek, The Independent Film College in Písek and The Film Academy of Miroslav Ondříček in Písek in cooperation with the town of Písek.
Dublin Doc Fest is an exciting short documentary film festival showcasing work from both Irish & International documentary filmmakers in Dublin, Ireland. Founded in 2013 by award winning documentary filmmaker, Tess Motherway, Dublin Doc Fest's objective is to provide a unique platform for short documentary film in Ireland & to place Dublin firmly on the map as an international destination for documentary film.
Our objective is to exhibit short documentary film in innovatively repurposed and non-traditional screening spaces across Dublin city. Dublin Doc Fest's previous editions took place in The Sugar Club, Dublin (July 2013), The National Library of Ireland's Reading Room (March 2014), The Irish Georgian Society (Feb 2015), Teeling Whiskey Distillery (Nov 2016) & The Royal Hibernian Academy (Nov 2017).
To indigenous and non-indigenous audiovisual filmmakers, of various nationalities and territories, to submit their works on indigenous and/or Afro-descendant themes, free style and extension, of individual or collective creation, to the 8th edition of the FicWallmapu Festival, to be held between on November 14 and 18, 2023, in the city of Temuko, Ngülumapu and surrounding communes of the Mapuche territory, Araucanía Region.
Veterans Film Festival is dedicated to sharing stories that explore real or imagined perspectives, in and out of war.
The Veterans Film Festival (VFF) presents an annual program that showcases the human experience of our serving and ex serving personnel and their families. We also include stories about the influences, impact and the complex situations before, during and after war.
The Veterans’ Film Festival presents a unique annual festival program: feature films and short films, film competitions, spotlights and retrospectives, film and TV previews, special screenings, industry events, networking sessions, discussion panels and other events.
The festival embraces all genres, including:
Action, Adventure, Alternative, Animation, Art, Avantgarde, Biography, Classics, Comedy, Comedy Drama, Crime, Culture, Dance, Dark Comedy, Documentary, Family, Fantastic, Fantasy, Film Noir, Flash, Health, History, Horror, Human Rights, Independent, Kids, LGBTI, Live Action, Medical, Melodrama, Mockumentary, Music Video’s, Mystery, Nature, News, Parody, Postmodern, Realism, Reality, Religion, Road Trip, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Satire, Science Fiction, Silent movie, Social Issues, Spiritual, Surreal, Thriller, Transgender, Underground, Urban, War, Western… and more.
The Veterans Film Festival is curated by a not for profit creative enterprise that engages, entertains and educates audiences by showcasing films made by creatives of all ages, cultures and abilities around the world.
« Courant 3D, the Angoulême meeting of 3D short films», a festival dedicated to short movies in 3D stereoscopic format.
Film Festival Ponferrada renews its objectives to specialize in the dissemination and promotion of short films anywhere in the world without taking into account its production, distribution, exhibition, category, gender or theme format.
We also want to value the short film as an audiovisual, current or historical document, which reflects the cultural, social and linguistic diversity of any region of the world as part of the memory of the most unknown universal audiovisual heritage and heritage.
The International Short Film Festival of Cali, with the opening of its call, is to be a space for the exhibition of professional and university short films from the city of Cali and the world to serve as a meeting point between the new filmmakers and the professionals of the short film.
The XVI International Short Film Festival of Cali will take place from october 1 to 5 of 2024, in the city of Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
The call for the competitive categories of the festival will be open from June 11 th of 2024 and we will close the registration period at midnight of agost 11 th of 2024 Colombian local time (UTC-5).
Films sent to the following categories: National Official Selection, National Official University Selection, International Official Selection and International Official University Selection must have been completed after January 15, 2023.
The results of the call for the competitive categories will be announced on the festival’s official website www.cortoscali.com by August 31 th, 2024.
(Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival)
HALF Festival stands for Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival. ‘Haiku’ is a very short form of Japanese poetry, here used to mean any short form of aesthetic creativity. ‘Amateur’ here denotes a creation by a creator whose chief intention in the creation is not financial gain. ‘Little’ here stands for shortness of duration of the film. ‘HALF’ denotes also the stipulated duration of the film which is 5 minutes or ‘half’ the time of a traditional film reel which is 10 minutes. Insight, which is organizing this festival, is a group of creative artists, with base at Palakkad, who believe in the infinite potential of the short film as a medium of communication and aesthetic creativity.
The Rome Independent Film Festival (RIFF) is Italy 's first independent and international film festival. Its aim is to unite enthusiasm for films and filmmaking among young filmmakers with the realities of film production and distribution.Since its first edition in 2001, RIFF has become an event that is followed with more and more interest by the public in Rome and a reference for worldwide filmmakers. In these years, the Riff has received works coming from the 5 continents, ending up being an attentive witness representative of the directions and passions of the independent film industry.
(r)evolution AI - the RIFF new section dedicated to the production of films and videos with the application of AI technology.
From this year the RIFF celebrates visual storytelling created with artificial intelligence.
This new competition section promotes innovative applications of AI technology in audiovisual production and presentation.