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The festival of the arts
Although the festival retains the film competition at its core, is now expanding its purposes. From this year NAU will be a multidisciplinary festival with exhibitions of other arts. The objectives for the next editions will have more exhibitions and conferences with their authors.
El festival de todas las artes
Aunque el festival conserva el concurso de cine como su núcleo, ahora expande sus propósitos. A partir de este año NAU, será un festival multidisciplinar con exposiciones de otras artes. Los objetivos para las próximas ediciones serán tener más exposiciones, así como conferencias con sus autores.
Puerto Rico Film Festival is proud to showcase a high quality programming, a strong industry segment, an educational and networking platform for filmmakers; alongside an audience full of film enthusiasts from all over the world, generating presence in the international film industry, film authors and media representatives.
Hosted in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, and surrounded by historical buildings and beautiful beaches, makes up the perfect place to experience true Puerto Rican culture.
Living up to its nickname, the Island of Enchantment, with lush rain forests, dazzling beaches and shimmering city, Puerto Rico has something for everyone.
Let's meet at the Puerto Rico Film Festival to have the best time, with the best artists in the best place to be!
International Mountain Film Festival Ushuaia SHH... is a cultural and educative event born in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. We aim to contribute to a culture of care for nature and sustainable development of human society, specially in mountain environments. Annually and without commercial purposes we set a complex program of screenings, cultural and educational activities such as exhibitions, lectures, live music, visual and performing arts, food tasting and mountain sports to highlight, build and consolidate the genre of mountain cinema in the region. FICMUS is the Latinamérica regional representative of International Alliance for Mountain Film (IAMF) networking with other Mountain Film Festivals and events of the regions to promote mountain culture.
SALÓN INTERNACIONAL DE LA LUZ® Volumen XI Mayo 12-17 de 2020
El Salón Internacional de La Luz, Volumen XI, tendrá lugar en Bogotá D.C., Colombia, del 12 al 17 de mayo de 2020. Este año estará dedicado a establecer las relaciones entre la pintura y la luz, y su aporte a la creación fotográfica y cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz cumple 11 años dedicados a la imagen, a la creación con la luz y a la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Tendrá películas en competencia en las categorías de largometrajes ficción y documental, cortometraje ficción y documental, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental en cine, película preservada, realidad virtual y trabajo universitario entre otras categorías, donde se premiará exclusivamente el área de Dirección de Fotografía.
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz® comprende los siguientes apartados:
1.1. Pueden participar obras audiovisuales de cualquier nacionalidad, producidas con fecha posterior o igual a enero 01 de 2018.
1.2. Las categorías de la presente convocatoria son:
1.2.1. Largometraje Ficción (Duración mínima de 70 minutos).
1.2.2 Largometraje Documental. (Duración mínima 60 minutos).
1.2.3. Cortometraje Ficción ( Duración mínima de cinco minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.4. Cortometraje Documental. ( Duración mínima de quince minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.5. Video Clip.
1.2.6. Spot publicitario.
1.2.7. Obra experimental (Género libre y formato de captura exclusivamente: Cine súper 8mm, cine 16 mm, cine 35mm, cine Súper 35 mm y Cine 65mm, o mezcla de soportes, y con duración no superior a 30 minutos).
1.2.8. Película restaurada de cualquier época (Género y duración libre).
1.2.9. Trabajo de escuela o Universidad de cine, medios audiovisuales o afines (en los géneros de ficción y documental con una duración no inferior a 1 minuto, ni superior a 50 minutos).
1.2.10. Serie o película para televisión (realizadas exclusivamente para canales de televisión u otras pantallas diferentes a las salas de cine), de cualquier temática y duración.
1.2.11. Obras de VR (Virtual reality-Realidad virtual) de cualquier temática y duración.
1.3. Se premiará exclusivamente el área de dirección de fotografía.
1-4- Todas las obras para su selección, deben presentarse con subtítulos en español exclusivamente, si este no es su idioma original.
1.5. La inscripción de las obras (película, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental o trabajo de escuela de cine) deberá realizarse a través del sitio web del Salón, www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com, enviar enlace para preselección a salondelaluz@gmail.com o en las plataformas habilitadas (www.festhome.com), hasta del 21 de marzo de 2020.
1.6. Los interesados deben llenar el formulario de inscripción que aparece en el sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, con toda la información requerida, incluida la ficha bio-filmográfica del participante.
No se aceptarán solicitudes de inscripción incompletas y sin firma. Este formulario se debe enviar antes de la fecha de cierre al correo electrónico: salondelaluz@gmail.com
1.6. La inscripción de una obra se acompañará además, de materiales de prensa y publicidad tales como: stills, press kits y tráileres. La copia de selección contendrá exclusivamente la grabación de la obra inscrita. Se recomienda que el remitente verifique la correcta reproducción de la copia de selección antes de enviarla al Salón. La imposibilidad de visualizar el contenido de una copia de selección, o que esté defectuosa, invalida automáticamente la inscripción de la obra en el SalónInternacional de La Luz®. Las copias de selección no serán devueltas, y pasarán formar parte del archivo del Salón Internacional de La Luz®
Las películas en idiomas diferentes al español, deberán tener obligatoriamente subtítulos en español, de no ser así, no se tendrán en cuenta para la selección final.
1.7. El jurado en cada categoría estará compuesto por reconocidos profesionales del sector cinematográfico, y sus nombres se darán a conocer el día de la inauguración del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1.8. Las características de los premios para cada categoría se informarán durante el transcurso del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1. Las copias para exhibición de las obras seleccionadas por el Salón Internacional de La Luz® , deberán enviarse antes del 15 de abril de 2020.
2. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, sólo podrá exhibir las obras que participen en la Sección Oficial en alguno de los siguientes formatos:
• Cine 35 mm y 16 mm, DCP, Archivo de Datos, BluRay, LTO 6 o 7.
3. Los costos de envío de las copias desde el lugar de expedición corren por cuenta de quien inscribe la obra.
4. Por disposición de las autoridades de aduana, los materiales inscritos entrarán en el país bajo el régimen de importación temporal.
5. El seguro contratado por el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, cubre los riesgos de incendio, pérdida, robo, daño y destrucción de la copia para el período comprendido entre la llegada al Salón y su retorno a la dirección indicada por quien haya inscrito la copia.
6. En caso de pérdida o deterioro imputable, la indemnización por parte del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se limitará al costo real de la reproducción de la copia. El plazo máximo para efectuar cualquier reclamación será de dos (2) meses a partir de la fecha de devolución.
1. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se reserva el derecho de seleccionar las obras que participan en la Sección Oficial y de establecer el orden y la fecha de exhibición de cada película. Una vez que la aceptación de una obra haya sido comunicada por el Comité de Selección al autor, productor u otra parte interesada que la haya inscrito, y esta haya manifestado su conformidad al respecto, dicha obra no podrá ser retirada antes de su proyección en el certamen.
2. La inscripción supone la plena aceptación del presente Reglamento. Para mayor información o consulta dirigirse al sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
3. Toda la correspondencia relacionada con el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, debe dirigirse a:
Salón Internacional de La Luz®
P: (57) 3194957408
salondelaluz@gmail.com saloninternacionaldelaluz@gmail.com
Sitio web: www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com
Durante el Salón Internacional de La Luz se llevarán a cabo una serie de conferencias en torno a la imagen y a la dirección de fotografía, con la participación de reconocidos invitados nacionales e internacionales. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero se requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
El SIL®, ofrece un programa de actividades destinado a los profesionales de la dirección de fotografía, la post producción y todo lo relacionado con la creación de la imagen. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Adicionalmente se dedicará esta edición, a explorar la relación entre la luz y la pintura y su influencia en la fotografía y cinematografía.
5- LABORATORIO DE LA LUZ® Continuamos con el proceso de formación permanente, con seminarios y talleres especializados en la creación con La Luz. Informes en: laboratoriodelaluz@saloninternacionaldelaluz.com
6- Otras actividades: InLight Magazine®, Tienda de La Luz®, Conversatorio de La Luz®, Café de La Luz® Presentación y venta de libros y revistas especializadas, insumos fotográficos y cinematográficos, exposiciones y conciertos. Lanzamiento especial de la revista y portal web especializado en la luz: In Light Magazine®.
7- ADFC LAB Presentaciones, talleres y conferencias de la Asociación de Directores de Fotografía Cinematográfica de Colombia ADFC.
Email: salondelaluz@gmail.com
P: (57) 3194957408 . Bogotá-Colombia.
Evento registrado: Zer01Digital® Media Lab
SIL® está asociado en ANAFE y registrado ante el SIREC.
The Salento International Film Festival Is a celebration of films and filmmakers, promotes international independent films, in recognition of the fact that movies are the most powerful form of cultural communication and link between cultures' and peoples'.
Founded in 2004 by Luigi Campanile, the Salento International Film Festival emerged as a major cultural event and the top film festival in South Italy. Each year it introduces filmmakers worldwide to the Salento area's unique resources, while celebrating the history and future of the film industry with 5 days of world premieres, special events, seminars, feature films, short films, documentaries.
For the past few years SIFF has organized and run a world tour, taking the festival to international destinations like Zurich, London, Hong Kong, New York, Santiago del Cile, Moscow, San Petersburg, Oslo and more, presenting the “Best of the Fest” event. This gives SIFF the opportunity to showcase some of the best movies presented at the Festival to an international public, in prestigious locations such as Italian Cultural Institutes in the world and Cinema theatres, increasing the visibility and appreciation of such works which struggle to find a distribution channel.
The 11th Chinese Documentary Festival organised by Visible Record will be held in October 2018. The Festival comprises two Sections: Competition and Special Selection. The Competition Section is now open for submission. Documentary filmmakers from all over the world are invited to join.
Since its inception in 2008, the Festival has drawn the attention of filmmakers from around the world, especially those of mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Thanks to their support, the Festival is attracting bigger audiences each year and has become a major event for Chinese documentaries.
Founded in 2004, Visible Record is a non-profit arts organization, which has dedicated itself to promoting Chinese documentaries.
The Student World Awards has one objective : seek and spot the best student movie talents from everywhere, then screen their films and show how much raw talent today gets to compete with professional industry levels.
Our first edition took place on May 5, in the Echo Park Film Center, right on Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles.
The festival turns trimestrial. Each 3-months edition will end with its finalists and winners, which will be notified by the end of the 3 months, and receive their certificate awards.
Then for the annual screening, all the winners for August, November, and February will go to the annual competition ending with the annual screening event in Los Angeles. No additive fee, you have nothing to do : we keep you posted.
*** Experience a worldwide competition, student creations from everywhere !
*** Screening in Los Angeles !
*** Low fees.
*** Nomination process and laurel.
*** Award give away in the City of Angels !
*** World Award Certificate
Most of the festivals have a student category to submit, lots of them have student special fees and waivers. But we think this is not enough.
This is why we created a festival dedicated to the student artists. Because it's a special time in your lives that you need to build on.
The film schools, the education the youngsters have, the society of images we live in today pushed a whole new generation to another level of creativity.
Young directors and student crews today are using different technologies than Peter Jackson or Steven Spielberg when they were kids, and maybe they are making different movies. But what students shoot today, most of the time is pretty astonishing. They break the ceiling of what the « student » expectations are.
To get that, you just need to attend some screenings, and to pay attention to certain festivals that screen a selection of student films or films made by students.
But the Student World Awards is 100% dedicated to students. Clear and simple.
25 APR 2017 "White Nights Film Festival"
is now accepting applications for a second season.
Waiting for your movies.
In a world of huge amount of festivals held annually.
But in Russia, they are very few. "White Nights Film Festival" in St. Petersburg is designed for what would be at least as something to correct this situation.
We decided to give the opportunity to filmmakers from around the world to show their work at our festival. Special attention will be paid to students' works which provides significant discounts.
As our festival will be presented almost all film genres.
"White Nights Film Festival" will be held annually in April.
All films winners will receive awards.
Our second goal.
To enable our viewers to see a large number of interesting films from all over the world. As viewers will be able to participate in the award-winning.
Another good news is that we organize online movie viewing parties "White Nights Film Festival." As for the outcome of voting and number of views, will be the winners.
We are waiting for our festival.
"White Nights Festival Film"
Will have a second season from 12 to 14 April 2018.
In the conference hall of Hotel Park Inn by Radisson Nevsky St. Petersburg
Russian Federation St. Petersburg
4 lit. A, Goncharnaya Street , Nevsky Prospect
LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.
Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.
We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.
LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …
An international film festival held in Birmingham, England, showcasing and recognising talent on a world stage.
It will run though November and include features, shorts, documentaries and music videos on our main theatre screen, as well support events with special guests.
All filmmakers who's work is being shown will 3 tickets for the screening of their own film.
Distributors, producers and press from all over the world will be on hand to view the films screened and there will be the chance to network with them at the festival too. Many of the industry’s top companies and film schools will also be in attendance offering advice on education and career opportunities.
Other events and networking opportunities will be announced closer to the date. These will include seminars, Q&As, conventions and memorabilia expos.
There will be a high calibre panel of special guest judges, from various areas of the industry, who will review the nominees’ entries and select the winners at the festival’s closing event. The award ceremony will be held at a high-profile venue in the city and be an open ticket event.
We love horror and we're very excited to watch your films!
The Bloody Horror International Film Festival (BHIFF) is an international festival seeking the best in indie horror (both amateur and professional).
The festival is set up in two yearly sessions. Selected films will be recognized and awarded in various categories.
BHIFF has made a point to keep our entry fees low as to give everyone the chance to enter! We offer a high number of award categories, along with an option to have your film reviewed by our judges.
BHIFF is headquartered in Canada, but its panel of judges is set in different parts of the world and comes with a variety of horror film expertise.
ANNOUNCEMENT!! BHIFF is very happy to share some exciting news with you!
We have partnered up with the nice folks over at B-Movie TV! B-Movie TV is a Live TV Channel that is available via Roku Box. B-Movies 24/7!
Every film that wins BHIFF's Baddest B-Movie award will be exclusively screened LIVE on B-Movie TV's channel! How cool is that?!
More news! Featured judge Andrew J.D. Robinson is a multimedia horror artist behind nonprofit international filmmaking contests the 15 Second Horror Film Challenge and The Horror Movie Awards. The Horror Movie Awards is currently seeking short films and/or features to consider towards their indie horror nomination categories!
Cine Pobre is a self-funded filmmaking genre without a set of stylistic criteria nor format boundaries, involving many geographically separated creators with at least two things in common: a strong desire to tell their story and to do so with their own resources.
Cine Pobre builds bridges based on the belief that film becomes art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper. Since 2002 the 100% cartel-free intersection of culture and capabilities curating the world's best self-funded films.
Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.
We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.
We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.
Festival Terres Catalunya. International Eco & Tourism Film Festival.
Its second edition will be held from 25th to 28th of April in 2018 in Tortosa, Spain (Tortosa is a town located 2 hours from Barcelona).
terres Catalunya has three competitions with their own subsections:
- Tourism Communication:
1. advertisements (up to 1' long)
2. Promotional Films (up to 10' long).
. Tourism Destinations
. Cultural Landscapes
. Routes and expeditions
. Hotels, resorts and spas.
. Events
. Healthy and welfare tourism
. Rural Tourism
. Nature tourism
. Gastronomic, wine tourism and oleo tourism experiences
. Location promotions
. Animation
. Product and Landscape
. Audiovisual Experiencies
. Tourist Companies
- Documentaries:
1. Short Films (up to 30')
2. Medium-length films (up to 45')
3. Feature films (up to 120')
4. Webdocs
. Adventures, expeditions and routes
. Biographies
. History and Heritage
. Sustainable tourism and Ecology
. Ethnography and Society
- Corporative Communication
1. Up to 10' long
. Sustainable and responsible Tourism
. Preservation of the planet
. Maintenance Biodiversity
. Sustainable Mobility
Awards & Prizes
Jury - Commercial
Jury - Promotional film
Jury - Short documentary film (up to30’ length)
Jury - Documentary film (up to 90’ length).
Jury - WebDoc
Jury - Corporative Communication audiovisual production
Technical Awards:
- Cinematography
- Film Editing
- Soundtrack
Special Awards:
- Best Catalonia's advertisement
- Best Catalonia's tourism film
- Best Spain's touristic film
- Terres de l'Ebre Award. The Film which shows better the concept of sostenibility
- Best World Heritage UNESCO film
- Best Tourist competition film
At the moment, there is not expected any metallic prize.
The Portland Comedy Film Festival is a unique forum for international independent comedy filmmakers to showcase their comedy films in Portland, Oregon. In 2018, the Portland Comedy Film Festival became a bi-annual event, which means that we have a spring and fall session. Did you know that the Portland Comedy Film Festival screened 350 comedy films in 2018 alone? Check out the pictures for yourself on Facebook, it was a blast! Did you know that we post on social media about every single screenplay and film accepted to our event? This is a great marketing opportunity for your creative work. The Portland Comedy Film Festival is searching for funny and engaging films to entertain a comedy loving audience in 2019, please send us your film or screenplay and come have a great time with us in Oregon
The main goal of Burgas International Film Festival is to develop a sustainable platform for presentation of feature and short movies by acquainting the audience with the contemporary cinema art.
The mission of The Festival is to turn Burgas into cultural venue of filmmakers and movie fans.
The main scope of the Festival is to present the current trends in the Bulgarian and international cinema practice and to provoke intercultural dialogue.
Animaphix - International Festival of Animated Film, created by Rosalba Colla, It is organized by QB cutural association, was born in 2015 the commitment of a group of people already working in the film industry. The organization aims to promote and disseminates the art and culture of animation cinema in Sicily, territory where there is every reason to create projects in line with the main trends of national and international animated film.
Our mission is to look for the most capting innovations and original languages that the animated film offers, proposing a wide range of initiatives to involve a wide heterogeneous audience throughout the territory.
The information concerning further development will be posted on the festival's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/oneshotfest The festival's FB page and work e-mail kadrrope@gmail.com are available for questions and clarifications.
"One Shot" promotes independent film production in Armenia. Submitted films have no limitations in shooting format. Films can be shot on cell phones, film and HD cameras. Competition has three categories: "One Minute - One Shot", "Short Movies" and "Cinema Without Border". There are special programs and panel discussions too.
"One Shot" International Short Film Festival is an open cinema platform. It was founded in 2003. The founder president is Gagik Ghazareh. Founder organization: Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art. Symbol of the festival represents a three-dimensional statue of ancient rock carving from Geghama mountain which is 5000 years old.