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Detroit’s Trinity International Film Festival. The festival takes place August 20-23, 2020 in beautiful Downtown Detroit at The Marlene Boll Theater, 1401 Broadway, Detroit, Michigan and The Carr Center Gallery. The 4-day event themed “FILM YOUR FUTURE” features an array of independent films, screenplays, workshops, The Future panel discussion and filmmakers from around the world. We are also hosting a Best screenplay competition, 2nd Annual Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey 100 Proof! Red Carpet Award ceremony. We expect an audience of over 4500 people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds to attend. This event will give your company a distinct marketing opportunity with this population in Detroit.
The TI Film Festival has hosted industry professionals locally and nationally to share their knowledge and expertise in various workshops and industry discussions. Special guests have included famed Actress and Producer, Tangi Miller, Syndicated Radio Host and Film Producer, Russ Parr, Former BET Executive Producer, Ralph Scott, currently with the Aspire Network (Owned by Magic Johnson), film segment producer/head of production for more than 100 episodes of SNL, Tanya Ryno and Writer, Director, Qasim Basir, “Destined,” and Actress/Singer Deborah Joy Winans of the acclaimed TV series “Greenleaf,” which airs on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network.
The highlight of this event over the years has been all of the innovative work we've showcased by indie filmmakers and our audience that supports Detroit's TI Film Festival.
2020 Festival Schedule (Screening Schedule Coming Soon)
The Unreal Film Festival is an annual film competition held in September in Memphis, TN. The festival accepts both short and feature length films from all over the world, but only films that fall under the horror, sci-fi, and/or fantasy film genres.
픽몬터레이는 끊임없는 움직임과 변화, 상호 연결과 혁신을 통해 세계에서 나오는 관점에 의존하여 선택을 내리는 인간의 이야기를 끊임없이 찾고 있습니다.
영화제는 관객의 집단적 기억 속에 머무를 수 있는 힘, 관객을 감동시키고 대화를 이끌어낼 수 있는 힘을 지닌 영화를 찾습니다.
ficmonterrey 조직 팀의 주요 관심사 중 하나는 나이 때문이 아니라 신선하고 비판적인 태도를 유지하고 혁신으로 자신을 성취하고 다양한 위험에 도전하는 젊은 사람들에게 새로운 관점을 장려하는 것입니다.
ficmonterrey의 일반적인 목표는 영화 제작자들이 다양하고, 신선하고, 위험하고, 비판적이고, 혁신적인 비전을 가진 현대 멕시코 및 국제 영화를 선정하기 전에 누에보 레온에 직접 관객과 멕시코 전역의 가상 관객을 모으는 것입니다. 마찬가지로, 우리는 영화 제작자, 영화, 관객 간의 만남을 촉진하는 교육 공간과 영화 제작, 특히 여성 및 지역 영화 제작을 촉진하는 활동을 제공하는 데 관심이 있습니다.
Horror Films in Hotlanta, is a horror film festival in Atlanta, Georgia. This annual event showcases horror films from around the world. Atlanta has a great film scene in general, but also a dedicated horror film community that is eager to see new films. All flavors of horror are accepted including creatures, suspense, vampires, zombies, psycho killers, dark comedy, animation and other horrific situations that will make our audience jump. We've recruited 12 judges in the Atlanta area that are ready to watch every minute of every film submitted. We are also looking for horror film screenplays and hope to recognize exceptional work that can one day be produced into a short or feature film.
Tokyo Sun Film festival attemtps to setting up in Tokyo to provide independent filmmakers with a platform that offers them interaction, networking and greater visibility.
Our screening takes place at the cinema chupki theatre in the tabata District, located in the north of Tokyo - a hip location in Tokyo for independent, counter-culture and progressive thinking.
LA 언더그라운드 필름 포럼 (LAUFF) 은 영화, 비디오 및 오디오 기반 매체에서의 실험의 로스앤젤레스 최고의 쇼케이스입니다. 이 영화는 아방가르드, 아트 하우스, 독립적이고 저예산 영화 제작에 중점을 두고 있으며, 2020년7월에는 5번째 에디션이 개최됩니다.
우리의 프로그램은 영화 제작자들이 새로운 접근 방식을 재발견하고 탐구하며, 새로운 형태의 미디어 아트를 육성하고, 그러한 작품에 대한 청중을 키울 수 있는 장소를 제공합니다. 우리는 “지하”의 개념에 대한 많은 정의와 해석을 탐구하는 광범위한 작업을 제시하고자합니다.
열정과 강박 관념으로 만든 영화, 기대와 장르를 뛰어넘는 영화, 수용된 형태와 콘텐츠의 경계를 넓히기 위해 노력하는 영화, 비디오 및 오디오 프로젝트를 찾고 있습니다. 저자의 강한 감각은 필수입니다.
LauFF는 드라마, 다큐멘터리, 실험, 컬트, 아트 하우스, 외국어, 코미디, 공포, 공상 과학, 판타지, 애니메이션, LGBT, 원주민, 에로티즘, 슬로우 영화와 비디오 아트...
정부 기관 및 젊은 감독들이 국제 개발에 관한 세계 최초의 영화 페스티벌을 개최합니다.
페스티벌 목표
영화 제작자/창작자들이 협력하여 이러한 주제를 중심으로 제작된 영화를 상영하여 세 가지 자유의 기둥에 대한 인식을 높이도록 장려하십시오.
자유와 환경의 세 가지 기둥
* 빈곤으로부터의 자유: UN 지속 가능한 개발 목표 달성을 통해
* 두려움으로부터의 자유: 집단적 안보와 평화를 위한 노력을 통해
* 존엄하게 살아갈 자유: 세계 인권 선언에 따른 모든 사람을 위한 정의 적용을 통해
개발: 빈곤, 피난처, 의료, 교육, 성별, 거버넌스, 금융
인간 안보: 분쟁 예방, 분쟁 해결, 평화 유지, 피난처, 이주
인권: 성별, 교육, 존엄성, 참여
환경: 생태 문제, 자연 재해 대비 및 결과, 지속 가능성, 신기술
단편 영화: 위 영화 중 하나
젊은 영화 제작자: 25세 미만
Dreamers International Film Festival is an annual celebrating event.
DIFF is to discover and spotlight an unique perspective and fresh films all around the world.
DIFF is an annual celebrating event for all genre short, documentary, music video and film with footage being shot using drones.
Your film will be viewed by our local audiences and will be judged by a jury of film professionals and a community of cinephiles.
25 APR 2017 "White Nights Film Festival"
is now accepting applications for a second season.
Waiting for your movies.
In a world of huge amount of festivals held annually.
But in Russia, they are very few. "White Nights Film Festival" in St. Petersburg is designed for what would be at least as something to correct this situation.
We decided to give the opportunity to filmmakers from around the world to show their work at our festival. Special attention will be paid to students' works which provides significant discounts.
As our festival will be presented almost all film genres.
"White Nights Film Festival" will be held annually in April.
All films winners will receive awards.
Our second goal.
To enable our viewers to see a large number of interesting films from all over the world. As viewers will be able to participate in the award-winning.
Another good news is that we organize online movie viewing parties "White Nights Film Festival." As for the outcome of voting and number of views, will be the winners.
We are waiting for our festival.
"White Nights Festival Film"
Will have a second season from 12 to 14 April 2018.
In the conference hall of Hotel Park Inn by Radisson Nevsky St. Petersburg
Russian Federation St. Petersburg
4 lit. A, Goncharnaya Street , Nevsky Prospect
“Diritto al Corto” aims at promoting a discussion about topics that play a central role in the public debate and that imply a strong relationship with juridical, conceptual and linguistic instruments.
En medio de la indiferencia y apatía de un mundo hipercomunicado, el Colectivo Fílmico G/A propone por segundo año consecutivo, la plataforma de proyección cinematográfica Cámara Lúcida, enfocada en la muestra y difusión de cine de autor, experimental, no ficción, periférico y contracultural.
El objetivo de este encuentro cinematográfico plantea crear un espacio de empatía, donde como autores y espectadores podamos escucharnos y saber del otro, de sus investigaciones y preocupaciones. Esperamos que la sala de cine florezca como lugar creador de complicidades de un andar, de una forma de ver o entender el mundo, un lugar en que la vinculación entre el autor y el espectador nos permita soñar juntos.
Fieles a nuestra decisión inicial decidimos fundar este espacio de proyección mostrando aquellas obras fílmicas que plasman la realidad que nos enmaraña; la confrontan y la ayudan a transformarse.
Cámara Lúcida decide apoyar a los autores que reconocen y proponen nuevas narrativas desde sí mismos y en medio de su cohabitar con la realidad, a las películas que reinterpretan y plastifican la realidad, el cine que resignifica al cine día a día.
Esperamos ser un espacio que supere las censuras y prejuicios en el quehacer cinematográfico y sus temas. Apoyamos a los autores que no le temen a los nuevos formatos y su movimiento, a sus temas y su tratamiento, cine en constante mutación e irresistible transformación, es decir, cine libre.
Sean todos y todas bienvenidos.
Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.
We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.
We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.
The Secretariat of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Rosario, through Punto Audiovisual, invites you to participate in the 30th edition of the Rosario Latin American Film Festival that will take place from June 5 to 15, 2025, in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
The Festival has four competitive categories:
- Feature Film Competition
- Santa Fe Feature Film Competition
- Short Film Competition
- Rosario Short Film Competition
TO APPLY FILL THIS FORM: https://iam.pl/en/form/project-film-2018
The Adam Mickiewicz Institute/Culture.pl and the Transatlantyk Festival have announced the 2nd edition of the International Short Film Contest to take place under the theme of Capturing Freedom: Creating the Future. Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining independence which falls this year, the organizers encourage young filmmakers to express their views on the issue of FREEDOM.
FREEDOM can be understood not only through the prism of community, society, or nation but also from a personal standpoint as the right to communicate one’s own culture and values to others. Freedom may be seen as a bridge established between tradition, present day and the future, or a road to creating and pursuing dreams. Film school students or graduates from any country worldwide aged up to 35 may submit their films of up to 10 minutes by 7 May 2018. The authors of the best short films will be invited to Poland for the awarding ceremony taking place during the Transatlantyk Festival.
The participants to the Capturing Freedom: Creating the Future contest are invited to share what FREEDOM means to them. Similarly to many European countries, the year 2018 is an exceptional one in Poland. It was exactly 100 years ago that Poland reappeared on the map of Europe following a long period of disappearance.
The organizers focus special attention on two aspects: the possibility to present one’s culture and to create common future by means of both sharing and listening to personal experiences. Social and national communication is of utmost importance. A nation not able to share stories about their culture is never truly free. Just as individuals who are refused the right to communicate their own experiences and emotions become slaves.
The organizers would like to invite filmmakers to make films about freedom and communicating freedom, to share stories of people who present their culture openly, show interest in stories of others, and are open to dialogue. The history of one’s own country, neighbourhood, local community, or personal experiences may serve as a source of inspiration. Freedom and dialogue established between two or more people may lead to the development of the whole societies or countries in the future.
La 1ª Edición del Festival de cine Cortejos convoca un concurso de cortometrajes de ámbito nacional, a celebrar el 1 de Julio de 2017 en la localidad de Villarrobledo (Albacete).
Only for Spanish filmmakers.
Los Angeles Academy of Film Awards (LAAFA) is an organization focused on bringing Independent films from around the world a venue to show filmmakers’ shorts and feature films to an audience in the center of the Entertainment Industry. LAAFA is a quarterly festivals with a yearly LIVE screening, for selected winners from each quarter, held in Hollywood, California on February 10, 2018. All filmmakers who entered are welcome to join us at the LIVE screening. We will also hold Q&A’s as a live streamed interviews for those filmmakers’ films who can not attend.
아홉 번째 스타 필름 페스트
제9회 스타 필름 페스트는 2022년 9월 1~3일부터 아름다운 도시 위치인 극장 21에서 개최됩니다. 축제 기간 동안 방문객들은 다양한 영화와 사진 워크샵을 방문하여 스스로 새로운 것을 시도 할 수 있습니다. 역학 조치에 따라 축제가 온라인 버전에서 일부 또는 전체가 열릴 가능성이 있습니다.
이 축제의 목적은 시청자와 전문 관객에게 다양한 유형의 젊은 작가의 영화를 가져 오는 동시에 영화 전문가와 아마추어가 창의적인 아이디어를 공유하는 장소를 만들어 프로젝트를 발표하고 새로운 것에 대한 영감을 얻을 수있는 기회를 제공하는 것입니다.
Star Film Fest의 영화 카테고리는 다큐멘터리, 실험, 특집, 산업 및 애니메이션 영화입니다. 이 페스티벌은 국제 대회 수상 (5 상, 최고의 기능, 애니메이션, 실험, 다큐멘터리 및 산업 영화), Audience Award (카테고리에 관계없이 가장 많은 투표로 영화에서 수상) 및 스페셜 어워드 (최고의 지역 영화, 최우수 편집, 최고의 사진/카메라)
영화에서 없어서는 안될 부분 인 음악도 축제 스타 아래에서 자리를 차지할 것입니다. 축제 기간 동안 2022년 7월 말까지 이름이 깜짝 될 젊은 예술가들의 음악을 즐길 수 있습니다.