Logo of East Coast Film Festival

Крайний срок
27 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 26 Aug 2016
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Banner East Coast Film Festival

East Coast Film Festival

Skegness, United Kingdom

The East Coast Film Festival is an independent film festival for lovers of independent film. The festival is based at the Savoy Hotel on the Lincolnshire coast. Entry for students and Linconshire based films & filmmakers is free! ( proof required )

All film genres are accepted at the East Coast Festival with a focus on low budget independent films. Selected Film makers are invited to attend the screenings and awards ceremony on 3rd September. The selected films will also have the opportunity to be included in The East Coast Anthology DVD compilation which will be available exclusively through the East Coast Film Festival website with all proceeds donated to Starlight Children's charity.

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 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор

Logo of ShortPole London International Film Festival

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27 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 26 Aug 2016
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Banner ShortPole London International Film Festival

ShortPole London International Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

Don't forget to check our film platform that has been upgraded in order to provide you with even a greater experience:



Stay Tuned - 2016 AUTUMN OFFICIAL SELECTION - To be announced in Early November!

ShortPole London International Film Festival is an online based film festival, headquartered in the heart of the United Kingdom.

The festival runs in 4 quarters, selections being made every 3 months.

The entry deadline for our next selection will be September 31st and the winners will be announced by the end of October 2016.

There will be 20 categories and Best Film will receive the London GoldenEye Trophy, a Professional Review from our jury board and a cash prize which will be set depending on the number of entries.

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 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный  Клип

Logo of Great Lakes International Film Festival

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27 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 26 Aug 2016
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Banner Great Lakes International Film Festival

Great Lakes International Film Festival

Erie, United States

Always striving to be one of the most progressive and creative Festivals in the world, the Great Lakes International Film Festival is now officially accepting films of all genres and lengths from around the world and across the United States for our 2019 Festival.

The passion and commitment that each filmmaker and writer puts into his or her work is both noble and unique, to say the least, and deserves to be acknowledged. As not only the cornerstone of our Mission but as the foundation of our belief system and morals, we seek out, acknowledge and award the many talented independent filmmakers who may not get the recognition they richly deserve.

The Great Lakes International Film Festival strives to serve the interests and needs of Independent Filmmakers worldwide by connecting artists with audiences, exhibiting and promoting new films and filmmaking talent, as well as nurturing a creative community by facilitating relationships that last well beyond each year’s festival.

Considered among most popular film festivals in the world, the 18th annual Great Lakes International Film Festival genre categories for feature length and short length films are Narrative, Documentary, Experimental, Religious/Spiritual, Animation, Comedy, Horror, with Horror sub-genres that include Supernatural, Thrillers, Wicken, Magical, Slashers, Science Fiction, Suspense, Horror Documentary, Horror Animation and all genres of Music Videos and GLBT films for the 2019 festival.

If there is anything as universal as the ageless storytelling of motion pictures, it’s the music that makes up life’s soundtrack.

The 2019 Great Lakes International Film Festival shall accept Music Videos from around the world of cross-continent and cross-genre productions. We shall accept Music Videos of all genres from Pop, Punk, Rock, Alt-Country, Country-Western, Folk, Reggae, Hip-Hop to Electronica, Jazz, Blues, Zydeco, Industrial, Metal, Hardcore, Gothic, Karaoke, Avant-Garde, World Music, and Experimental, and all other genres that may not be listed here.

The 2019 Great Lakes International Film Festival will accept all forms of Religious, Christian, and Spiritual films including African, African-American, GLBT, Black, Hispanic, Islamic, Latino, Native/Aboriginal and student films from the United States and around the world.

In addition to awards presented to Filmmakers for Best of Genre, our Festival will present an Audience Choice Award to the Filmmaker whose film is the most popular with our attendees, and that receives the most attendee votes.

Showcasing the best films of the 2019 season, the Great Lakes International Film Festival will be held LIVE in the great city of Erie, Pennsylvania starting on September 19th, 2019, with our virtual festival taking place September 19th thru September 28th, 2019.

Though the GLIFF success does not come from an excess of big names celebrities crowding its red carpet, but instead from a formidable catalogue of exceptionally high caliber Independent Films and career launches, still, over the years we have had many films that have screened on the Sundance Channel, IFC, PBS and HBO along with countless filmmakers who have received distribution deals after screening in our festival.

Since our inception, the Great Lakes International Film Festival has showcased more than 2,000 films, and has played host to countless celebrities such as actor, writer, producer Bill Hinzman of Flesheaters and Night of the Living Dead; director Lloyd Kaufman of the Toxic Avenger films, Pot Zombies, and President of Troma Films; actor Gunnar Hansen of Texas Chainsaw Massacre; actor and director Mark Borchardt of American Movie and Coven; Erick Rodgers (Writer of NYPD Blue); best-selling mystery author Jamian Snow (Shrouded Insanity); John Hancock (“Hill Street Blues”, “The Twilight Zone”, & California Dreaming); actress and “Scream Queen” Debbie Rochon (Blood Relic, Vampyre Tales, & Lord of the Undead); Bobby Logan (Meatballs 4 & Repossessed), along with so many more.

As one of the premier film festivals worldwide, the Great Lakes International Film Festival held its inaugural festival in the fall of 2002, welcoming internationally acclaimed celebrities like Dirk Benedict, best known for his work on Battlestar Galactica and A-Team, along with Hollywood script guru Harri James who worked as script supervisor for blockbuster films and TV Shows as ER, Alias, Tremors II: Aftershocks, and Tremors 4: The Legend Begins, to name only a few.

That same year, B.J. and the Bear & Up in Smoke producer, Otto Felix visited the festival along with the renowned Keith Carradine being presented with a lifetime achievement award for his dedication and contributions to indie film.

Since that time, the Great Lakes International Film Festival has had many films go on to greatness like “The Derby Stallion” that was released through Echo Bridge Home Entertainment, a subsidiary of Disney, and Director Joel Miller’s film “The Still Life” that received distribution through Warner Home Video after having been screened at the festival.

In 2004, the Great Lakes International Film Festival had the proud pleasure to present the North East United States Premiere of “SAW”, Lions Gate Films’ gripping psychological thriller starring Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, and Leigh Whannel.

The legendary Terry Moore was our special guest of honor and was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her amazing accomplishments in film over the past 60 years, while international recording superstar Dizzy Reed of Guns ‘N Roses performed before a capacity crowd at our Film Festival.

From the feature narrative genre to documentary to animation; experimental, horror and Spiritual films, the Great Lakes International Film Festival celebrates the film arts in dynamic transition. As emerging technologies continue to redefine the form, filmmakers from the Great Lakes region, across the country and around the world express the common and the diverse through the age-old tradition. — The art of the story.

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 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный  Клип

Logo of Cine Libre International Film Festival

Крайний срок
26 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 25 Aug 2016
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Promotional card of Cine Libre International Film Festival


Cine Libre International Film Festival

NECOCLÍ, Colombia

Фестиваль FECILI (International Cine Libre Fest) зародился как культурная инициатива, направленная на распространение колумбийских, латиноамериканских и международных кинематографических произведений.

Являясь выставочной площадкой, мы стремимся создавать и обучать людей, занимающихся различными неформальными видами преподавания. Мы предложим людям, которые видят в художественном кино и аудиовизуальном языке возможность встречаться, учиться, общаться и веселиться.

Международный кинофестиваль Cine Libre, организованный Corporación Cine Libre, родился как культурная инициатива, возглавляемая молодыми людьми, которые хотят, чтобы искусство было в сердцах разных городов. Этот кинофестиваль пройдет в Эль-Кармен-де-Вибораль. Антиокия.

Мы делаем ставку на то, чтобы продвигать кино как инструмент социальных преобразований, создавать культурную платформу и выставочного художника, оставаться вместе в сети фестивалей, которая поможет нам передавать знания.

Отобранные фильмы будут демонстрироваться в часы, указанные в расписании фестиваля и на нашем официальном сайте www.fecili.com и в сетях:


Мы — фанаты разных направлений, которые открывают путь к новым впечатлениям и где города могут насладиться разнообразием культур, публики, людей — и все это связано с удивительным миром под названием Festival Cine Libre-fecili.

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 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of IKUSKA - Internacional Short Film Festival of the Bay of Pasaia

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26 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 25 Aug 2016
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Banner IKUSKA - Muestra Internacional De Cortometraje De La Bahía De Pasaia

IKUSKA - Internacional Short Film Festival of the Bay of Pasaia

Pasaia, Spain

XXVI Международная выставка короткометражных фильмов о заливе Пасайя, IKUSKA 2024.

В рамках фестиваля проводится международный конкурс короткометражных фильмов, состоящий из 5 показов, и другие параллельные внеконкурсные сессии, посвященные развитию сосуществования баскского языка и языков (проект MINTZAGUN в сотрудничестве с Oarsoaldea euskaltegis), гендерному равенству (премия BEKOZ BEKO в сотрудничестве с Ассоциацией по борьбе с гендерным насилием Bekoz Beko), продвижению культуры в Пасайе и ее окрестностях и т. д.

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 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие

Logo of San Luis Potosì International Film Festival (Mexican Cortos Fest)

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26 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 25 Aug 2016
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Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de San Luis Potosí

San Luis Potosì International Film Festival (Mexican Cortos Fest)

San Luis Potosí, Mexico



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 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of Filmsthan International Film Festival On Wheels

Крайний срок
25 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 24 Aug 2016
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Banner Filmsthan International Film Festival On Wheels

Filmsthan International Film Festival On Wheels

New Delhi, India

First of its kind in INDIA , Filmsthan is an International Film Festival On Wheels. The name and the tagline are self-explanatory. We at Filmsthan aim to take cinemas to every nook and corner of the country. Filmsthan will build an entire ecosystem of enthusiastic artists, and movie makers. Interaction with artists and makers will give audience a better understanding of the industry. This forum will act as a platform for upcoming and rising artists to voice their opinions and ideas. Makers and creators will get this extraordinary chance to connect with wider audience and convey their messages. Filmsthan is making exemplary efforts to give cinema and art more exposure.

Filmsthan is amalgam of Cinema, Theatre, Music, Art, and Culture. Hardly do we see one platform where all these categories are brought together. We believe that all these fields go hand in hand; one is incomplete without the other. Filmsthan will give this one of its kind opportunity for all the people from these fields to interact and exchange their expertise. This will not only enrich the performance on stage with diversity but also build a strong ecosystem for the future of stage art in the country.

The world has been blessed to receive some wonderful film creations; unfortunately some part of the same world never got the opportunity to witness these creations.

Filmsthan is going to knock at every door of rural India and enlighten people with Film Festivals. The outreach of the silver screen has been limited to cities and towns; Filmsthan will bridge this gap and take silver screen to every corner of the country. Filmsthan’s journey will comprise screening of both Indian and International movies, it will also include renowned short movies and documentaries.

Local film makers and regional artisans will get a wider exposure with us.

Theatre artists are seldom recognized and appreciated in rural India, as their audience is mostly restricted to cities. Filmsthan will take theatre to every possible audience and raise the bar of the theatre art. Performances with a pinch of culture create an unparalleled essence.

We want our audience to experience that essence. Music is the soul of every show; aspiring musicians will get the opportunity to witness and interact with great musicians. The number of artisans involved in art forms has been declining in recent years. We aspire to give art a different face as profession and portray it as a promising career to pursue. All that artisans wish for is a platform of recognition, and that is exactly what we are creating.

Each Film Festival will have its own theme and purpose. Filmsthan will travel across the country to bring film makers and audience together. It will be a unique opportunity where art and art lovers will be seen together.

Event Key Points:
# Event Duration : Approx. 27 days
# Film Screening at 51 Locations [ City/Rural ] in Rajasthan ( INDIA )
# 5000 + Kilometer Journey
# 4 day’s full of Theatre
# Photography exhibition cum competition
# Cultural Music Nights
# Panel Discussions
# Samvaad – Interaction with Audience
# Audience / Viewership : 2 Millions [ Total Event Coverage/ Viewership Direct / Indirect ]
# Workshops / Training Sessions

We invite the digital media community at large to participate in this annual celebration of national and international talent.

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 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of Canadian Diversity Film Festival

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25 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 24 Aug 2016
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Banner Canadian Diversity Film Festival

Canadian Diversity Film Festival

Toronto, Canada

Канадский кинофестиваль многообразия (Canadian Diversity Film Festival) — премьерный фестиваль, посвященный разнообразию в Торонто, Канада. Наше мероприятие пройдет в центре Торонто с 25 по 26 июля 2020 года.

Канадский кинофестиваль многообразия — это знаменательное событие, которое празднует наше невероятное разнообразие. Наша цель состоит в том, чтобы объединить различные сообщества, чтобы принять наши различия и открыть для себя наш общий опыт. Это фокус, с помощью которого кинематографисты продвигают, оспаривают и развивают понимание равенства, социальной справедливости, недискриминации, разнообразия и мультикультурализма.

Мы принимаем все жанры фильмов со всего мира. Мы создаем возможность для кинематографистов оценивать свои фильмы и позволяем им конкурировать с другими кинематографистами. Мы проводим всесторонний процесс оценки и подбираем только высококачественные фильмы.

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Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный  Клип

Logo of The São Paulo Times® Film Festival

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25 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 24 Aug 2016
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Banner The São Paulo Times® Film Festival

The São Paulo Times® Film Festival

São Paulo, Brazil

The São Paulo Times Film Festival is an event held by newspaper The São Paulo Times® in 2017.

The idea is to reward short films that have been internationally distinguished between 2-50 minutes.

We want to see the excellence that has been produced around the world in various categories.

The exhibition will take place in cinema Caixa Belas Artes, famous cinema of street in São Paulo.

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 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of Experimental Forum

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25 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 24 Aug 2016
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Banner Experimental Forum

Experimental Forum

Los Angeles, United States

Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.

We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.

We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.

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Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный  Клип

Logo of A-TARcito: international showcase of cinema for kids

Крайний срок
22 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 21 Aug 2016
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Banner A-tarcito Muestra Internacional De Cine Para Niñ@s

A-TARcito: international showcase of cinema for kids

Mexicali, Mexico

A-TARcito: международная витрина кино для детей приглашает всех национальных и международных кинематографистов всех возрастов зарегистрировать свои аудиовизуальные произведения для детей, принять участие в A-TARcito, который состоится с 04 по 06 ноября 2020 года, в городах Мексикали и Энсенада, до н.э. Мексика.

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 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация

Logo of International LGBTIQA+ Film Festival  / MOVILH CINEMA

Крайний срок
22 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 21 Aug 2016
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Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Lgbtiqa+ / Cine Movilh 2024

International LGBTIQA+ Film Festival / MOVILH CINEMA

Santiago, Chile

Международный кинофестиваль лесбиянок, геев, бисексуалов, трансгендеров и интерсексуалов (Cinema Movilh) представлен в крупнейших и самых известных в Чили художественных, короткометражных и документальных фильмах, который ежегодно проходит в Сантьяго, а затем охватывает регионы сексуального разнообразия. Местные или иностранные работы могут быть представлены на фестивале после публикации в форме, указанной в настоящих правилах.

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Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of Antofacine. Festival Internacional

Крайний срок
22 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 21 Aug 2016
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Banner Antofacine. Festival Internacional

Antofacine. Festival Internacional

Antofagasta, Chile

ANTOFACINE, Международный кинофестиваль в Антофагасте, собирает национальных и международных кинематографистов; исходя из этого мы хотели бы внести свой вклад в:

● Продвижение художественных, научно-популярных и анимационных фильмов в качестве инструментов культурных и социальных преобразований в интересах всех жителей региона Антофагаста.

● Содействие развитию аудиовизуальных проектов в регионе и стране, поддержка создания профессионального пространства для продвижения местных, национальных и международных аудиовизуальных произведений; содействие формированию аудитории и создание в Антофагасте места встречи для необходимого взаимодействия всех соответствующих представителей аудиовизуальной индустрии.

12-я версия Международного кинофестиваля в Антофагасте ANTOFACINE 2023 пройдет с 14 по 18 ноября в городе Антофагаста и других местах региона.

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 Художественный  Документальный  экспериментальный

Logo of International Fashion Film Festival Brussels

Крайний срок
21 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 20 Aug 2016
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Banner International Fashion Film Festival Brussels

International Fashion Film Festival Brussels

Ottignies, Belgium

International Fashion Film Festival Brussels is the very first of its genre in the capital of rising fashion design nation Belgium.

This 3-day interactive fashion-related film festival is an event where Fashion meets the Film industry in a unique way: Fashion Film screenings, an exclusive B2B & B2C Industry Show and a Career Fair where professionals can showcase their services and products to a targeted audience of potential customers as well as established experts looking for reliable partners and employees.

We invite film makers, designers, brands, advertising agencies, photographers, performers and creatives connect on one single stage to bring up the very latest in the sector.

The founders of the festival aims at creating a space for up and coming creatives of national and international renown to promote their work within the film and fashion industry. The most prominent artists will be awarded by an international jury of acclaimed professionals.

This truly innovative concept offers a platform where not only experts’ masterpieces will line up, but also dedicated workshops, lectures, debates and networking events to introduce participants to global trends.

The festival will be punctuated with red carpet events around Brussels, giving fellow fashion and film enthusiasts the opportunity to indulge in the ultimate experience of the art in the iconic cosmopolitan European capital. Some of the best Belgian designers will be invited to exhibit their newest creations to a targeted audience of industry captains.

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Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of International Diversity Film Festival Moldova

Крайний срок
21 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 20 Aug 2016
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Banner International Diversity Film Festival Moldova

International Diversity Film Festival Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova

International Diversity Film Festival Moldova has become the premiere festival to celebrate diversity in Eastern Europe. Our event will take place in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, on September 15h during International Day of Democracy.

Diversity Festival is a key event that celebrates our incredible diversity. Our aim is to bring diverse communities together to embrace our differences and discover our shared experiences. It is a focus through which filmmakers promotes, challenges and develops an understanding of equality, diversity and multiculturalism.

The Film Festival will exhibit a quality selection of narrative features, documentary features, short films, animated films and experimental films.

All accepted filmmakers are provided with festival all-access passes, but will need to cover their own costs of transportation and accommodation in Chisinau.

The festival will provide filmmakers lounge stocked with food, drink, desserts, press interview areas, and other treats generously sponsored by USA Embassy of Moldova.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of DocuRock

Крайний срок
20 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 19 Aug 2016
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Короткометражные фильмы
Полнометражные фильмы

Banner DocuRock


S/C de Tenerife, Spain

DocuRock — международный фестиваль документального кино, который предлагает лучшие документальные фильмы недавней международной панорамы, ориентированной на мир музыки.

DocuRock приходит для покрытия судебного иска, который не покрывают коммерческие залы. В DocuRock зрители смогут увидеть премьеры на Канарских островах и Тенерифе в оригинальной версии с субтитрами с бесплатным входом.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов


Logo of 3Little Wolves Film Festival

Крайний срок
20 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 19 Aug 2016
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Короткометражные фильмы

Banner 3Little Wolves Film Festival

3Little Wolves Film Festival

Ljubljana, Slovenia

We welcome two categories of films: films about children/childhoods and films made by children (up to 18 years old).

We are interested in the films that provide us with the insight into children's lives and various childhood experiences.

This is the 2nd edition of the festival. More info about the first edition can be found at http://anthrochildrenyouth.wix.com/childrenfirst

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация

Logo of Crearity International Film Forum and Monthly Screenings

Крайний срок
20 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 19 Aug 2016
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Короткометражные фильмы

Banner Crearity International Film Forum and Monthly Screenings

Crearity International Film Forum and Monthly Screenings

Sofia, Bulgaria

Crearity film forum and monthly screenings aims to support the creators in developing their strong sides and unique individuality. This year the focus is to further authors knowing deeper their strengths, to focus on success and to develop their talent on in`s best way.

We accept shot films (up to 30 minutes length) in the following categories: Animation, Documentary, Narrative, Inspirational, Mobile and Monthly Screenings.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of Russian Film festival

Крайний срок
20 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 19 Aug 2016
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Короткометражные фильмы
Полнометражные фильмы

Banner Russian Film festival

Russian Film festival

Singapore, Singapore

Russian Film Festival was established to showcase some of the best award-winning independent feature length and short films from Russia and all over the world. Russian Film Festival was established to showcase some of the best award-winning independent feature length and short films from Russia.
RFF will be held consecutively in Moscow in 15-16 October 2016.

One of our major missions is to create a platform for filmmakers to be seen, but more importantly, to help them gain industry exposure and help sustain their film entry in to the Russian film market.

We are currently accepting and curating entries for the festival, where the confirmed lineup will be announced in late September 2016.

The Festival also annually welcomes a large number of guests, with many filmmakers, actors, distributors and industry professionals attending and experiencing the Russian Film Festival.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный  Клип

Logo of Festival de Cortos del Alto Guadalquivir de Córdoba. Cinenatur.

Крайний срок
20 Aug 2016

Опубликовано: 19 Aug 2016
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Короткометражные фильмы

Banner Festival de Cortos del Alto Guadalquivir de Córdoba. Cinenatur

Festival de Cortos del Alto Guadalquivir de Córdoba. Cinenatur.

Montoro, Spain

Dar a conocer la importancia de la naturaleza en nuestra zona, el uso económico-turístico que una importante cantidad de empresas y comerciantes realizan de la misma, el imponente cuidado y trato que a la misma se le da por parte de las instituciones de toda índole, es otro de las metas que persigue el festival.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  экспериментальный