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Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival is an annual event held in Alexandria, Egypt. It aims to disseminate film culture and the progress achieved in various branches of film art and to strength the relations among filmmakers throughout the world in general and Mediterranean countries in particular.
Puerto Madero IFF is an online annual competition based of the technical execution of films.
All submission are evaluated on each technical category: Script, Cinematography, Sound, Acting and Direction.
At the end of each year we announced the official selection films based on their creativity and technical execution.
Our festival is ONLINE only at the moment, we are working hard to make an annual event with public screening.
All the Official Selections and Winner are posted in our Social Network with a growing audience of more than 4600 followers and also on our web site.
All Official Selection will receive laurels.
The winner film will receive a technical reviews and laurels.
The Tenerife International Film Festival of World Cinema MILAN is an international film event to celebrate the movie making whilst bringing together film makers and the business of film making, from the smallest independent film maker to the most popular English and foreign language films and is open to all film genres.
The Tenerife International film festival is like no other International film Festival, we put you the filmmaker in front of potential investors in any new production you may be considering, we put your movie in front of potential distribution and sales to look at the possibility of offering you real deals and real help for you the filmmaker, look at our program read the short bios of the professional attending, join us and put your movie in a market place. Unproduced scripts also form part of festival week, were we bring together script writers with film directors.
Generally, we take nothing into account other than the art of film and the pre-eminence of artistic talent, and to facilitate transmission, so that tomorrow's Festival can continue the adventure with the combined strengths of experience and modernity, for those that enter the Filmmaker Award will truly be the future filmmakers of the film industry.
Berlin 2018
One of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony.
A unique festival with our other festivals a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network, do business festival week.
We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.
We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.
Carl Tooney
Festival President
복스, 미디엄 또는 백스테이지와 같은 출판물에서 언급 된 TMFF는 ShortFilm Connection에서 “현재 웹에서 가장 유명한 영화제”라고 명명되었습니다. 지금까지 약 3500 개의 영화와 매달 수만 건의 웹 사이트 방문을 통해 TMFF를 통해 프로젝트를 돋보이게하고 필요한 도달 범위를 얻을 수 있기를 바랍니다! 또한 IMDB 예선 이벤트 외에도 모든 공식 선정은 당사의 광범위한 필름 컬렉션에 자동으로 입력됩니다. https://tmff.net/collection/
매월 우리 심사 위원 (영화 업계에서 일하는 사람들) 은 TMFF 후보자와 수상자가 누구인지 결정할 것입니다. 지금까지 13,000개 이상의 프로젝트를 받았으며, 80개 이상의 월간 에디션을 개최하고 전 세계에서 800개 이상의 영화를 수상했습니다!
❗ 이 점을 염두에 두십시오: 원하지 않는다면 저희 웹 사이트에 영화 정식 버전을 넣지 않을 것입니다. 예고편이 할 것입니다.
❓ 자주 묻는 질문: https://tmff.net/faq/
Arlington International Film Festival (AIFF) is an award winning organization with its mission being to foster appreciation for different cultures by exploring the lives of people around the globe through independent film. In 2014 AIFF was awarded the Community Recognition Award by the Arlington Martin Luther King Committee, in 2013 the Alan McClennen Community Arts Award by the Arlington Center for the Arts and the Gold Star Award by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Through the founding of AIFF, the mission has also focused on enriching the community and broadening the view of our world and ourselves. AIFF believes that the arts are here to connect us, to communicate across boundaries, and touch our common humanity.
AIFF is open to national and international filmmakers. Whether professional or a first time filmmaker, we welcome innovative, original films with unique perspectives. Many of our selected films have been nominated for Academy Awards; i.e. BOTSO: The Teacher from Tbillisi directed by Tom Walters, Elena directed by Petra Costa, and Documented directed by Jose Antonio Vargas. We Still Live Here directed by Anne Makepeace was chosen by the U.S. State Department to screen around the world.
매사추세츠 독립 영화제 (매사추세츠 독립 영화제) 는 영화 제작자, 영화 작가, 영화 애호가가 운영하는 501 (c) (3) 비영리 단체입니다. 우리의 목표는 진정으로 독립된 영화 제작자가 만든 전 세계의 영화를 선보일 것입니다. 우리는 모든 장르 (드라마, 실험, 코미디, 공포, 슬로우 영화, 공상, 공상, 판타지, 애니메이션, 다큐멘터리 등) 에서 현대 독립 영화 제작의 최고를 보여주고 싶습니다. Q&A 시간을 정하고 방문 영화 제작자를 위한 비디오 인터뷰를 진행합니다. 또한 선택한 영화를 홍보하여 새로운 시청자를 찾는 데 도움을 줍니다. 우리는 영화의 예술을 사랑하고 우리는 우리와 함께 모든 것을 환영합니다! 이전 축제를 엿보려면 저희 웹사이트 www.massiff.org를 방문하십시오.
CINESEPTIEMBRE, A.C. convoca a Artistas visuales y Realizadores Cinematográficos
a proyectar su obra en la novena edición de la Muestra Internacional de Cine Independiente
CINESEPTIEMBRE 2016, a realizarse en septiembre en Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México.
With twenty-two years of existence, (the first edition was in 1997) AVANCA Film Festival was awarded first place in 2011 contest of the support film festivals sponsored by ICA / Ministry of Culture.
An additional thematic programming has happened over all these years, giving space to screening of significant works of contemporary cinema appropriately framed in concerns and / or well-defined objectives.
The AVANCA is known as a space for workshops led by personalities of world cinema, and being more than a "master class", has allowed a unique cinema practice. Every year we have always 6 or 7 workshops, bringing together participants from all over Europe. The media have written that this is the largest European area of professional workshops in the field of cinema.
AVANCA is the only festival that congregates a Cinema International Competition, works from the television area, video and new supports of multimedia, with a special concern of exhibit the best world productions done in each category.
Since the first edition, the festival only accepts unprecedented films in Portugal.
The World Premiere competition is unique in our country and was only possible because Avanca became a passage point of unpublished authors and movies with great quality. Films that have their world premiere in the festival, independently of the submitted category, are also participating in the World Premiere Competition.
AVANCA is the Portuguese festival with the highest percentage of worldwide unpublished movies that find here their first showing.
In 2020 Edition, Avanca will bring for the first time the VR Competition, where films in virtual reality 360°, narrative or experimental (but with no interactivity) are allowed.
Since 2010, we have organized the international film conference AVANCA | CINEMA, becoming the most important conference in the field of cinema in the Iberian Peninsula. This conference brings together speakers and participants from around the world.
Thematic exhibitions, editions of books, bibliographic presentations and various projects have marked these last 10 years of AVANCA with the quality that compels the festival and the participants obviously require.
Shortfilms (until 16 minutes)
Feature film (from 75 until 180 minutes)
Category: Horror – Thriller – Pulp – Exploitation – Gore – Trash – Fantasy – Zombie Movie – B Movie - Western
Stop Motion Barcelona Festival is the first animation festival in Barcelona dedicated to stop-motion, including all his techniques: pixilation, cut out, puppets...
The day of the festival, the films selected will be screened and two prizes will be awarded: the jury and the public .
Hawaii Shorts International Film Festival showcases the best short films and its filmmakers from around the world.
Last year's Hawaii Shorts was held at the Kahala Theater. The inaugural year took place at the Koko Marina 8 Theaters in Honolulu on the island of Oahu.
We believe that short form cinema and its creators should have their own premier film festival in Hawaii deserving similar recognition given to the feature film and its creators. The heart of the festival will be our quality and scope of extraordinary film programming.
프사로코칼로 국제 단편 영화제는 2007년부터 그리스에서 열리는 연례 축제입니다. 이 페스티벌은 전 세계의 신인 영화 제작자들의 작품을 선보이고 단편 영화의 다양성과 풍성함을 홍보하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 페스티벌은 영화 제작 예술의 연구, 홍보 및 개발을 목표로 하는 프로젝트의 일부입니다. 페스티벌 프로그램에는 시청각 행사, 강의, 마스터클래스, 전시회 및 라이브 콘서트뿐만 아니라 그리스 및 해외 단편 영화 상영이 포함됩니다. 상영, 강연, 전시회의 수준 덕분에 영화 애호가, 영화 제작자, 전문가 및 신인 예술가에게 기준점이 되었습니다. 매년 페스티벌의 활동이 확대되어 다양한 국가의 참여가 증가하고 영화 제작자와 전문가들의 더 큰 지지를 받았습니다. 이 축제는 국경을 초월하여 전 세계의 국제 축제 및 영화 제작자와 우정과 협력 정신을 발전시키는 것을 목표로 합니다. 프사로코칼로 국제 단편 영화제는 아테네에 본사를 둔 비영리 단체인 키클로스가 운영합니다. 키클로스는 영화와 관련된 활동을 장려하고 환경 문제에 대한 대중의 인식을 높이는 것을 목적으로 합니다. 그리스어로 '키클로스'는 사이클을 의미하며, 사이클의 비전은 자유, 기회 균등, 문화적 다양성을 포함한 기본권에 대한 존중입니다.
The Festival de Cine Comprometido de Guadalajara (FESCIGU) celebrates its 23rd edition this year at its (exile) headquarters in Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara, Spain). Over the years, we have strived to bring our audiences the best in the world of short films, with social, activist, or simply humanistic content. All genres are welcome, as long as they do not condone violence. FESCIGU is a pre-selection festival for the Goya Awards. This year, the central theme is PEACE, so short films that address this topic will be especially welcome.
We are happy to announce the Third Edition of Documentary, Animation and Short film festival, which will be held in the desert city of Rajasthan, Bikaner from 1-2 September 2018. The Acharya Tulsi Short Film Festival (ATSFF) will use the power of film makers to further the cause of Peace, Harmony, Social justice, Meditation, Social taboo and Environment on earth. From the outset, the ATSFF envisioned “peace” not as the absence of conflict but as a framework for channelizing, processing and resolving conflicts through respectful and non-violent means.The ATSFF, the primary project of Acharya Tulsi Shanti Pratishthan, is a non-profit festival established to celebrate and encourage the work of independent filmmakers from around the country on the theme of peace, harmony, social justice, meditation, social taboo and environment. ATSFF aims to contribute towards culture of peace, non-violence, harmony, social justice, meditation through cinema, dialogue and programming highlighting the individuals on the vanguard of peace activism and social change.ATSFF works to connect expression – artistic, political, social and personal – to positive, respectful vehicles for action and change. The festival program is carefully curated to create a place for open dialogue, using the films as catalysts for change.
UGUFF was initiated as one of the Sollywood Films Pty Ltd’s social responsibility programmes in 2013 under the direction of Senzo Zindela.
The event screened 2 films on its first year, 4 films on its second year accompanied by 3 workshops (script writing, acting & editing) which were conducted by local industry experts, & had around 400 audience in 2014.
It also had an international workshop (action & stunt coordinating) held by Hollywood veteran/Hall of Fame, Steve Lambert known for Indiana Jones, Robocop, Rambo etc.
On its 3rd year, it received 60 international films, screened 23 altogether including local films, had around 5 international guests who came on their own expenses, & had around 1000 audience.
We are proud to be the first festival that managed to identify and award the best international films that continues to receive awards after our event. The following films were chosen and won best awards in our 2015 festival and never stopped from there:
Candela: Spanish Film awarded around the world: South Africa, India, Romania and USA. Nominated in Spain, Singapore, Canada, India, UK, Los Angeles and China.
Palm To The Sun: Japanese Film awarded around the world: South Africa, Spain and nominated in more.
Our Goals are as follows:
-To recruit and expose talented individuals.
-To provide information about the film industry.
-To create sustainable employment.
-To change perspectives, motivate, uplift & give hope to disadvantaged communities.
-To heal mental crippled youth who are victims of previous massacres like Shobashobane.
-To upgrade local film industry by bringing international experts to share their knowledge & experience each year.
Senzo Zindela (Filmmaker)