Logo of International Crime and Punishment Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
03 Aug 2015

Publicado: 02 Aug 2015
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Banner International Crime and Punishment Film Festival

International Crime and Punishment Film Festival

Istanbul, Turkey


Initiated by Istanbul University Faculty of Law - ‘The International Crime and Punishment Film Festival’ will be held between the dates of 16-22 October 2015 in Istanbul.

Festival aims to draw attention to the relationship between cinema and justice within an international organization and is considered to be unique as it will be held for the very first time in the world. During the Festival, approximately 100 films – amongst which are feature films, documentary and short films- will meet the audience.

The Festival will screen the latest movies of acclaimed film-makers as well as recent independent and examples from both Turkish and World Cinema. During the festival, panel discussions on cinema and justice, exhibitions, workshops and concerts will take place in addition to the movie screenings.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Terror  Outro  Experimental

Logo of Trinity International Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
03 Aug 2015

Publicado: 02 Aug 2015
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Banner Trinity International Film Festival

Trinity International Film Festival

Inkster, United States

Detroit’s Trinity International Film Festival. The festival takes place August 20-23, 2020 in beautiful Downtown Detroit at The Marlene Boll Theater, 1401 Broadway, Detroit, Michigan and The Carr Center Gallery. The 4-day event themed “FILM YOUR FUTURE” features an array of independent films, screenplays, workshops, The Future panel discussion and filmmakers from around the world. We are also hosting a Best screenplay competition, 2nd Annual Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey 100 Proof! Red Carpet Award ceremony. We expect an audience of over 4500 people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds to attend. This event will give your company a distinct marketing opportunity with this population in Detroit.

The TI Film Festival has hosted industry professionals locally and nationally to share their knowledge and expertise in various workshops and industry discussions. Special guests have included famed Actress and Producer, Tangi Miller, Syndicated Radio Host and Film Producer, Russ Parr, Former BET Executive Producer, Ralph Scott, currently with the Aspire Network (Owned by Magic Johnson), film segment producer/head of production for more than 100 episodes of SNL, Tanya Ryno and Writer, Director, Qasim Basir, “Destined,” and Actress/Singer Deborah Joy Winans of the acclaimed TV series “Greenleaf,” which airs on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network.

The highlight of this event over the years has been all of the innovative work we've showcased by indie filmmakers and our audience that supports Detroit's TI Film Festival.

2020 Festival Schedule (Screening Schedule Coming Soon)

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Outro

Logo of COLCHAGUA International Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
02 Aug 2015

Publicado: 01 Aug 2015
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Banner Festival Internacional Colchagua Cine

COLCHAGUA International Film Festival

San Fernando, Chile

O objetivo principal do Festival é abrir diálogos sobre questões de contingência através do cinema como plataforma de mediação e engajamento, na Província de Colchagua, assumindo também o papel de expositor do cinema nacional e latino-americano e obras independentes de diferentes partes do mundo.

Nossa motivação para esta versão 2021 reside nas transformações sociais focadas nos direitos humanos e na conservação do ecossistema, bem como na disseminação e valorização do patrimônio, a fim de consolidar o Festival Internacional de Cinema de Colchagua como espaço de intelectuais, políticos e culturais Turbulência.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror

Logo of Direct Short Online Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
01 Aug 2015

Publicado: 31 Jul 2015
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Banner Direct Short Online Film Festival

Direct Short Online Film Festival

Online, United States

DSOFF is an International, Independent online event for all Short, Documentary, Feature, Music Video and Web Series. Goal of DSOFF is to Provide homes to group of young and vibrant film enthusiasts who are committed in creating spaces for independent cinema and devoted to spreading of the knowledge of the modern visual art form to all interested. We, at DSOFFest aim at bringing out the best Short, Documentary, Feature, Music video and web series from around the globe and to present it all on one single platform which is our website

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Outro  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of UniFilmFest Universitary Film Festival in Puebla

Prazo de entrega
01 Aug 2015

Publicado: 31 Jul 2015
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Banner UniFilmFest Festival de Cine Universitario en Puebla

UniFilmFest Universitary Film Festival in Puebla

Puebla, Mexico

We have the pleased to announce one more edition of the University Film Festival in Puebla, which aims to promote local, national and international university cinema.


Exhibit and publicize the most outstanding proposals of university cinema.

Encourage film production in a professional manner within the university community.

Offer a meeting and exchange between young university filmmakers, experts in the film industry and audience.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Experimental

Logo of Ruff Cuts Film Festival - Celebrating Man“s Best Friend

Prazo de entrega
01 Aug 2015

Publicado: 31 Jul 2015
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Banner Ruff Cuts Film Festival - Celebrating Man“s Best Friend

Ruff Cuts Film Festival - Celebrating Man“s Best Friend

Charlottesville, United States

Festival Overview

Ruff Cuts Film Festival (RCFF) shows films that celebrate the amazing attributes of dogs and serves as a fund raising mechanism for Service Dogs of Virginia (SDV), a non-profit organization that places dogs to help people with disabilities. SDV has programs in three primary areas: physical assistance, autism and diabetic alert. For more information on SDV, please visit our website: www.servicedogsva.org.

The premier film festival was held in Charlottesville, Virginia on June 28, 2014 at The Dickinson Fine and Performing Arts Center at Piedmont Virginia Community College. The second annual festival will be on October 17, 2015, again at The Dickinson Fine and Performing Arts Center at Piedmont Virginia Community College. The festival will be leased to other non-profit organizations with animal-related missions, and tour various U.S. cities.

Awards and Selection Process

All entries will be viewed prior to the festival by a pre-selection committee and subsequently judged and selected for screening at the festival by the “Working Like a Dog Group”.

Award winners will be announced at the Festival.
Cash Prizes (USD) will be awarded for overall categories/themes.

1st – Best In Show - $500 + automatic inclusion in the turn-key festival
2nd – Best of Class - $250
3rd – Best of Breed - $100
Palm D’og certificate

Additional prizes may be added at the discretion of the SDV/RCFF staff.

Film themes are suggested but not limited to:

Canine Sport
Canine Search and Rescue
The Human-Animal Bond
Veterinary Medicine
Shelter Dogs
Guide and Service Dogs
Military and Law Enforcement

Acceptable categories are Documentary, Drama, Comedy, and Animation.

Entry Details

a. Submitting a film and signing the entry form implies the person entering the submission has read and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions listed herein.

b. Films must be between 2 minutes to 20 minutes in length.
c. Foreign Language films must have American English subtitles.
d. Music rights and model releases must be obtained prior to submission. Submission to the Festival implies that these have been properly cleared for use.
e. Entries may have been shown before.
f. Films may be student or professional but may be shown separately at the Festival’s discretion.
g. No films portraying animal cruelty or bestiality will be accepted.
h. Filmmakers agree to provide stills and clips for promotional purposes.
i. Filmmakers understand that aside from the prizes, there is no financial remuneration to the filmmaker. Filmmakers are invited to attend the RCFF in Charlottesville, VA, at their own expense.
j. No screening fees will be collected for screening purposes.
k. Submissions will not be returned.
l. RCFF has (non-exclusive) use of the film for two years from the date of the first screening and may use the films in future showings in other locations for two years.
m. Entrants grant the Festival and its successors and licensees the right to copy and version the entry to facilitate operations of the Festival through any media format.
n. RCFF reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the Festival.
o. An admission charge will be made to the public when the films are shown publically.
p. Entrants agree to allow the Festival all rights to promote the Festival on the internet and other media outlets.
q. The Entrant agrees that all matters will be decided by the Festival organizers or the Festival jury at their discretion.

Technical Requirements and Promotional Materials

• All entries should include a completed entry form (per film) and 2 discs containing film submission.
• Both should be in NTSC format.
• One DVD must play in a DVD player.
• The other DVD must contain a digital file of the film. Must be in .mov HD format.
• Please include a short "trailer" for the film in .mov HD format.
• Label both discs clearly with the title, running time, format and your contact information


Festival reserves the right to refuse films without English voiceover or subtitles.

Festival has the option to conform the content to broadcast quality standardization.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário

Logo of CinemaFest 2015

Prazo de entrega
01 Aug 2015

Publicado: 31 Jul 2015
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Banner CinemaFest 2015

CinemaFest 2015

San Luis Potosi, Mexico

CinemaFest 2015 (2nd Edition). The CINEMAFEST FILM FESTIVAL provides more opportunities for the exhibition and appreciation of films, A diverse cultural scene, a critical public and an audience of film-lovers characterise the city of San Luis Potosi at Mexico.

The CinemaFest International Film Festival is a source of inspiration in the global film community: film programmes, workshops, panel discussions, joint projects with other social and cultural actors – the forms of cooperation and the possibilities for creative interaction are countless.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Fantástico  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Morbido Film Fest

Prazo de entrega
01 Aug 2015

Publicado: 31 Jul 2015
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Promotional card of Morbido Film Fest

Banner Mórbido Film Fest

Morbido Film Fest

CDMX, Mexico


Um futuro incerto deixa bem claro que a flexibilidade de adaptação é fundamental para a sobrevivência. Nesses termos, Morbido 2021 terá uma identidade híbrida. O festival terá lugar no canal de TV paga Morbido TV, on-line, um drive-in e espero nos cinemas, respeitando plenamente as diretrizes sanitárias da Cidade do México.

Devido à pandemia e às actuais restrições sanitárias, não poderemos acolher convidados internacionais nem nacionais, mas sublinhamos que todas as nossas sessões serão acompanhadas de sessões de perguntas e respostas com os cineastas em nossa seleção. Estas sessões serão transmitidas pela Morbido TV e seu aplicativo durante o festival.

SELEÇÃO DE CURTOS/Pay-TV + 28 de outubro a 06 de novembro

SELEÇÃO DE FILME/Dirija em + Cinemas 28 de outubro a 06 de novembro

Devido às actuais condições, mantemo-nos atentos ao desenvolvimento da pandemia ou a qualquer outra situação extraordinária. Caso as datas dos festivais ou os locais dos festivais precisem ser modificados, informaremos devidamente todos os participantes.


Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
01 Aug 2015

Publicado: 31 Jul 2015
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Banner Festival Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre

Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre Film Festival

Martinez, Argentina

Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre (BARS) é um festival internacional de cinema dedicado aos gêneros de HORROR, ficção científica e fantasia.

Nasceu em 2000 para focar no cinema de gênero independente e, desde 2004, na forma de um festival competitivo.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Outro

Logo of Batumi International Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
01 Aug 2015

Publicado: 31 Jul 2015
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Banner Batumi International Film Festival

Batumi International Film Festival

Batumi, Georgia

O Batumi International Art-House Film Festival (BIAFF) foi criado em 2006. O fundador e organizador é “Batumi Art-house ARGANI”. O BIAFF é um evento anual realizado na segunda quinzena de setembro em Batumi (Geórgia).

O festival está focado no cinema artístico. As principais seções do festival BIAFF incluem: Competição Internacional (seções de longa-metragem, documentário e curta-metragem), retrospectivas, Meet the Jury, Master Collection, etc. Além das exibições de filmes, o programa do festival inclui vários workshops, master classes e eventos do setor.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Fantástico  Terror

Logo of LGBT Film Festival El Lugar Sin Límites

Prazo de entrega
01 Aug 2015

Publicado: 31 Jul 2015
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Banner Fic Lgbt El Lugar Sin Límites

LGBT Film Festival El Lugar Sin Límites

Quito, Ecuador

El Lugar Sin Límites, está considerado entre los cuatro mejores festivales de Cine del Ecuador y es una de las actividades más importantes de la comunidad LGBTI ecuatoriana, adicionalmente es calificado como uno de los Festivales de Cine LGBTI más relevantes de la región.

Todos los trabajos deben estar doblados al español o con subtitulos en español, cuyo tema principal sea sobre LESBIANAS, GAYS, BISSEXUAIS, TRANS E INTERSEX.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Experimental

Logo of 12 Months Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
31 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jul 2015
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Banner 12 Months Film Festival

12 Months Film Festival

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The 12 Months Film Festival (#12MFF) is farrest challenging film festival available which attracts, displays and awards filmmakers from six continents. Our finest selection system brings the benefits of a quality qualification in the #12MFF and also come with surprise awards where qualify all selected entries. #12MFF was designed to award you amazing prizes. Moreover, we will do our best in working with your needs in order for your talent and dedication to be appreciated by the public.
Together we build a global audience!



Entries requirements:
-> All films must have been made in or after 2012 and have English subtitles (unless English is the main language spoken); A creation date does not apply in case of the screen writings from being stopped for submissions, but the submitted must be in English or have a copy translated in English;
-> We accept shorts, documentaries, animations, experimental, music videos, web and new media, commercials (all specified previously under 45 minutes); feature films and feature documentaries (any length, 45 + minutes);
->A description between 50 and 150 words;
->Trailer (not required for movies under 7 minutes; optional) and the film must be submitted as an on-line screener (Vimeo preferred) which may be embedded on the website for visitors to see your creation; you can further opt for modifications in your entry;
->Cover of the film/screen writing or a defining photo;

We also offer the following services:
Film review; Film improvement support; Trailer for your movie; Web-design and coding; Complete graphic-design. Proceed here: http://12mff.com/services/

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Outro  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival

Prazo de entrega
31 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jul 2015
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Banner IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival

IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival

Malmö , Sweden

IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival- An INternational Animated film festival in Malmö, Sweden, that will take a stand for Noted events in Society, with an Echo.
We stand for anti-racism, equality and every human's right to express themselves.

The film festival is free and it is not a contest. Read more what it is about.

The festival will take place in Sweden's third largest city, Malmö, during the weekend of september 11-13 with a opening evening friday september 11.

IN.S.A.N.E animation film festival will screen animation features, shorts and stop-motion films, for the public. Industry conferences, panels, workshops on the state of the art(s) and educational platforms for children will also be held.

IN.S.A.N.E. animation film festival is a private initiative to make a platform for animation artists to show their work, meet like-minded people, grow the interest for animation and stop-motion films and to start a discussion about issues in society globally.
This is the first time ever for the festival to take place and we look forward to having your animation or stop-motion film and you as a visitor and special guest at the festival.

IN.S.A.N.E. stands for:

.IN International
.S Society
.A Animation
.N Noted
.E Echo

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Animação  Outro

Logo of Locomoción Experimental Animation Festival

Prazo de entrega
31 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jul 2015
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Banner Locomoción Festival de animación experimental

Locomoción Experimental Animation Festival

Distrito Federal, Mexico

Locomoción (locomotion) is an Experimental Animation Festival and takes places in november at Mexico City.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Fantástico  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Digital Griffix Awards

Prazo de entrega
31 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jul 2015
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Banner Digital Griffix Awards

Digital Griffix Awards

Montreal, Canada

Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.

Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Outro

Logo of GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

Prazo de entrega
31 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jul 2015
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Promotional card of GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

Banner GhwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

Jongno-gu, South Korea

O 19º Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens Asiana (AISFF2021) é apresentado pelo Comitê Executivo da AISFF.


Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Outro  Experimental

Logo of Choreoscope - Barcelona Dance Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
31 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jul 2015
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Banner Choreoscope - Barcelona Dance Film Festival

Choreoscope - Barcelona Dance Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

Se há algo que todos temos em comum, é o movimento. Como disse Akram Khan: “O movimento é o ingrediente essencial de como o mundo continua ou sobrevive”.

Quando o movimento do nosso corpo se funde com o movimento cinematográfico, nasce um dos gêneros cinematográficos mais originais: o cinema de dança. Embora as palavras possam enganar, a linguagem corporal não mente.

Choreoscope é o Festival Internacional de Cinema de Dança de Barcelona. Um evento único dedicado não só aos apaixonados pela dança, mas também aos que gostam de cinema de qualidade. Nascido em 2013, com três eventos celebrados em casa cheia, nosso objetivo é promover os fortes laços com a arte em geral e com o cinema e a dança em particular.

Os filmes não conhecem limites. A dança também não. Há uma linguagem comum que os une. A linguagem universal do movimento. A missão da Choreoscope é conectar essa linguagem fascinante a um público ansioso por experimentar algo novo, diferente, algo especial. O Choreoscope Barcelona é o festival de cinema de dança para quem vai um passo adiante.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Outro  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of PLAY - Lisbon`s International Kids Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
31 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jul 2015
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Banner PLAY - Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil e Juvenil de Lisboa

PLAY - Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil e Juvenil de Lisboa

Lisboa, Portugal

PLAY is the first Portuguese film festival, exclusively dedicated to children and teenagers, determined to promote the access to culture for a younger audience through Cinema and screening films for audiences aged between 1 and 16 years old.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Outro  Experimental

Logo of Festival Mal del Cap Narratives Mal Dites

Prazo de entrega
31 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jul 2015
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Banner Festival Mal Del Cap  Narratives Mal Dites Eivissa

Festival Mal del Cap Narratives Mal Dites

Ibiza, Spain

Início do Festival: 23 de novembro de 2024 Fim do Festival: 30 de novembro de 2024

“Mal del Cap, Naratives Mal Dites” é o nome do Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens e Novas Narrativas que Mal del Cap, Cultura Mal Dita de Eivissa realiza desde 2014.

Este festival pretende ser um ponto de encontro e um local para gerar laços entre os participantes e os cidadãos de Eivissa, com o objetivo de se consolidar como um espaço com potencial para criar encontros para exibição e criação audiovisual.

'Mal del Cap' é um festival independente baseado na experimentação e na busca de novas formas de narrar ou se expressar por meio da imagem e, para isso, estamos organizando uma competição de curtas-metragens para incentivar a participação dos cidadãos, especialmente dos membros mais jovens da população.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Short 8 - Curitiba International Super-8 Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
31 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jul 2015
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Banner Curta 8 - Festival Internacional de Cinema Super-8 de Curitiba

Curta 8 - Festival Internacional de Cinema Super-8 de Curitiba

Curitiba, Brazil

O 11º Curta 8 – Festival Internacional de Cinema Super8 de Curitiba é um festival da América Latina exclusivamente dedicado ao super8.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Outro  Experimental