Logo of Women Directors Film Carnival

19 Feb 2023

Published: 02 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Women Directors Film Carnival

Women Directors Film Carnival

Delhi, India

Carnival Information -
We’re Women Directors Film Carnival, Initiative taken by well experienced and well connected Media Professionals with aim to provide a platform for Women Directors, Producers, Editors, Writers and Cinema Lovers to share their works. We give a space for women in all areas of filmmaking to share their stories, experiences, and expertise. As we strongly believes that Media in our society can be reshaped to have a stronger positive impact on our society, If we educate and empower more Women to work in the medium, take part and active involvement in ownership of the industry, and educate the people on these issues. We at Women Director Film Carnival wants to shine a light on Women being overlooked for jobs with the lack of equal opportunity that is given in the Film and Television industry and create conversations and opportunities for Women to develop an industry that has equal opportunity.

Schedule -
This three-day extravaganza, consisting of Indoor and Outdoor red carpet film screenings, fashion shows, workshops, and of course Food Court. It's a celebration of women and all who love women. Films and Screenings are selected and hosted by filmmakers, professors, and other notable figures in the world of film. In addition to exhibiting the next new wave of women filmmakers, We will also makes time to pay tribute to films by Women with Historical significance.

Preview -
Premiering in Campus of The Creative Work in the capital city, New Delhi, India for its first annual festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of BEFREE

31 Oct 2022

Published: 02 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Zaragoza, Spain

El Festival "Be Free" es un proyecto educativo y participativo para concienciar a niños, jóvenes y adultos sobre la violencia, considerada como la coacción física o psíquica ejercida hacia una persona para conseguir objetivos en contra de su voluntad, conocer los tipos de la misma: violencia de género (sobre la mujer), violencia doméstica o intrafamiliar (la vulneración se produce con cualquier miembro de la unidad familiar) y violencia de pareja (entendido como cualquier acto dañino producido en la intimidad de la pareja indistintamente de que la victima sea hombre o mujer, e incluyendo en esta tipología también a las parejas homosexuales), los diferentes tipos de maltrato (físico, psicológico, sexual, económico, social, ambiental y patrimonial) y sus repercusiones en la época actual (la influencia de los medios de comunicación y publicitarios, el poder de las redes sociales como medida de control, la evolución del machismo en los adolescentes y el aumento del individualismo, aplicando una falsa "normalidad" y "aceptación social" ante actos violentos desde la perspectiva del espectador, es decir, mirar hacia otro lado ante la visión de una situación de maltrato) cuyo objetivo es la lucha contra esta violencia, aprender a reconocer el maltrato y potenciar la igualdad de sexos.

Short film festival



10 Sep 2022

Published: 02 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Trujillo, Peru

The World Cinema will be present in the tenth edition of the Trujillo International Independent Film Festival, with short and feature film productions; In an event that will last four days in the important Peruvian city of Trujillo, from September 23 to 26, 2025.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Algeciras Fantastika

30 Sep 2022

Published: 02 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Algeciras Fantastika

Algeciras Fantastika

Algeciras, Spain

Algeciras Fantástika is a multidisciplinary cultural event specialized in matters of fantastic nature, suspense, terror and science fiction, organized by Algeciras City Council and the University of Cadiz.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of FENAVID Santa Cruz International Film Festival

15 Aug 2022

Published: 01 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Santa Cruz  FENAVID

FENAVID Santa Cruz International Film Festival

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

The FENAVID International Film Festival is held annually in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Organized by the Audiovisual Foundation (FUNDAV), the Festival has become the most important film event in Bolivia and one of the most relevant in Latin America.

Since its first version, carried out in 2001, more than 10,000 audiovisual works from 30 countries have been presented at this meeting, which has transcended the borders of Bolivia and America.

In each version, FENAVID offers the public more than 150 screenings of feature films, short films, music videos and a series of audiovisual works that are exhibited free of charge for the public.

FENAVID always has first-rate guests. The event was attended by internationally renowned figures such as Celso Franco, protagonist of "7 boxes", Marisol Correa, Colombian actress, Alexandre Rodrigues and Leandro Firmino de Hora (protagonists of the acclaimed Brazilian film "Ciudad de Dios"), the Argentine producer Vanessa Ragone (winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2010), Bolivian directors Marcos Loayza and Rodrigo Bellot and Argentine actress Aymará Rovera, to name a few.

Beyond glamor and film screenings, FENAVID is a macro meeting where producers, directors, actors, specialists and a whole multitude of people passionate about cinema converge.

During the days of its realization, the Festival has a series of parallel activities, such as children's film shows, video clip competition, workshops, talks, colloquia and debates.

One of the most anticipated events of FENAVID is the Santa Cruz 100X100 Film Production Meeting. It consists of bringing together 25 emerging film talents in Latin America. The chosen ones travel to Santa Cruz de la Sierra and, during the development of the festival, have the mission of producing a short film in 100 hours.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Brittany International Film Festival

01 Jun 2023

Published: 01 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival International du Film en Bretagne

Brittany International Film Festival

Locronan, France

The Brittany International Film Festival features quality films from the world’s filmmakers as well as new independant talents from around the world.
Our mission is to discover high quality and ambitious films to award and promote.

From the 14th to the 23th of July, our Official Selection will be screened publicly in the most beautiful and Celtic town of Brittany: Locronan.

Welcome to you all !

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of ARCICORTO FILM Festival

01 Jul 2023

Published: 31 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner ARCICORTO FILM Festival


Valdarno Inferiore, Italy

We present the 2024 edition of the Arcicorto Film Festival.

The Festival was born from the need and the desire to shorten the distance between cinema and spectator, thus favoring low and medium cost self-productions, in order to make the public participate as much as possible.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of SVCAPlex

24 Sep 2022

Published: 30 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner SVCAPlex


Anantapur, India

We are happy to inform you that the SVCAPlex International Short Film Festival of India, Anantapur  (ISFFIA) is celebrating its 1st Annual.

The Registration for the 1st SVCAPlex ISFFIA 2022  is now open.

 The Earlybird Deadline is June 12, 2022, 2022, for all submissions; the
    Regular Deadline September 19th, 2022,
The Late Deadline September 24th, 2022, The Notification Date September 26th, 2022, The Event Date is Oct 01, 2022, 10:30 AM – Oct 07, 2022, 6:00 PM for Shorts, Submit today!  

please visit more info SVCAPlex.com

International Short Film Festival of India, Anantapur runs OCT 01–07, 2022.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Music Video


09 Sep 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cinema Lab V2.0


ZAPATOCA, Colombia

The Cinematographic Residence CINEMALAB 2020 V2.0

CinemaLab is an opportunity for the maturation of feature film projects and low-budget series, in the script, construction (work in progress) or finalized in search of promotion and distribution, so that, strengthened by the collaboration and advice of experts, they can advance and consolidate.

In Zapatoca "The Happiest Town in the World", 20 selected projects will be incubated, within a national and international call, providing the right environment for filmmakers to focus their energies and move forward, through new and creative paths.

The laboratory will focus on the most neuralgic areas of realization, an immersion through individual, group and master classes, with renowned filmmakers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of 2025 ARFF Paris // International Awards

27 Oct 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of 2025 ARFF Paris // International Awards

Banner 2025 ARFF Paris // International Awards

2025 ARFF Paris // International Awards

Paris, France

Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.

Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International.

Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms. Regarding the Unification Program of ARFF International, all 4 editions will gather at Amsterddam November/December 2024, till then Barcelona, Paris & Berlin editions will take place online.

See you Around & Fest Regards

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Rural FilmFest

30 Apr 2023

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Rural FilmFest

Rural FilmFest

Camp d'Elx, Spain

Rural FilmFest, member of Green Film Network (GFN), is an international itinerant film festival, which offers a current overview of international documentary film, fiction and animation in a short, medium and long format related to the rural world, ecology, sustainability and natural and cultural resources. Rural FilmFest is not a common film festival, it is a unique and unrepeatable event. It is a summer camp, with excursions, multi-adventure, geocaching awards ceremony (Yes, you read that right. As a filmmaker you will have to find your trophy at the closing gala via GPS coordinates), international coexistence, dance, party and lifelong friendships. It is the experience of your life and if you attend, you will not want it goes over and you will want to return next year... Just read the reviews to discover the opinions of other filmmakers who have attended the Rural FilmFest. If you have a fiction film, animation or documentary whether it is a short film or a feature film, do not hesitate to submit.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Seedlings Film Festival

10 Oct 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Seedlings Film Festival

Seedlings Film Festival

Denver, United States

Seedlings Film Festival is an initiative from The Rock Church Denver to plant seeds of love in people’s lives through film screenings in Denver, Colorado.

We encourage filmmakers locally and nationally to submit films of any genre that is family friendly. The purpose is to help filmmakers of all ages to feel inspired to make an impact through their work.

Professional filmmakers and amateurs are encouraged to submit feature films and short films.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of CINI – International Children´s Film Festival

31 Oct 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner CINI - Festival Internacional de Cine Para Niños

CINI – International Children´s Film Festival

Lima, Peru

The Cultural Británico cordially greets you and opens the call for entries to the “XI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN, CINI 2025”, to be held in Lima, Peru, from February 12 to 16, 2025.

This festival is held in the auditoriums of the Centro Cultural Británico, located in the districts of Surco, San Miguel, San Borja, Pueblo Libre, San Martín de Porres, Santa Anita, San Juan de Lurigancho, Camacho, and Miraflores.

All screenings to be held during the “XI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN, CINI 2025” will be free of charge for the general public.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other


30 Sep 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes Visualízame En Tu Memoria


Almería, Spain

V International Short Film Festival "Make me visible in your memory" aims to promote reflection on death and the subsequent process on personal and family, social and historical memory.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Lebu International Film Festival 25

30 Oct 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Lebu International Film Festival 25

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Lebu 25

Lebu International Film Festival 25

Lebu, Chile

It will be held in person with online activities .

In-person format, it will be held in the cities of Lebu, Capital of the Province of Arauco, and in the city of Concepción in the Biobío Region, Chile, from April 1 to 6, 2025. With national and international virtual sub-venues for the exhibition of competitions. Since 2018, CINELEBU is the only festival in Chile that qualifies short films for the Oscar® Awards in three categories: International Animation, Regional Fiction, and International Fiction. and since 2023, qualifier for the Goya Awards and Marca Chile.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Music Video

Logo of New York Short Film Tuesdays

21 Oct 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner New York Short Film Tuesdays

New York Short Film Tuesdays

Brooklyn, United States

in Williambsburg & Park Slope- Brooklyn, New York.

We have great venues; artsy areas in the heart of New York City.

It's more than 50 seats and Big SCREEN.

Since 2014, We have reached our 118th Event recently.

We have hosted more than 2500 short films & 3200 filmmakers and over 15.000 auidiences!
It is organized bi-weekly from Fall to Summer in a year.




Rules & Terms

Lenght of short films should be from 1 minute to 40 minutes maximum.

The films are selected by Festival & New York Eurasian Film Festival & American Filmatic Arts Awards Organizers.

Filmmakers will be informed when the jury & selection committe make decisions.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Santurtzi Film Festival

14 Aug 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Santurtzi - Santurtzi Zine Jaialdia

Santurtzi Film Festival

Santurtzi, Spain

Santurtzi Film Festival will take place between October 3rd and 19th.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Frame Film Festival

20 Aug 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Frame Film Festival

Frame Film Festival

Itinerante, Spain

FRAME Film Festival es un festival de cortometrajes itinerante, sin una única ubicación, que se celebrará en la provincia de Tarragona.

El FRAME Film Festival consta de dos fases.


El objetivo principal es difundir y promover la cinematografía en general y el cortometraje en particular, apoyando a las directoras y los directores de cortometrajes y creando un espacio donde puedan dar a conocer sus trabajos.

Pero sobre todo trabajamos para que las y los cineastas se sientan acogidos y vivan la experiencia de visitarnos cómo si estuvieran en familia. LA GRAN FAMILIA DEL CORTOMETRAJE!

Otro motivo es ampliar la oferta de acontecimientos culturales para hacer llegar el cortometraje a a poblaciones que no tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de nuestro cine en formato CORTO.

En el FRAME Film Festival queremos darle al público que sigue y disfruta los cortometrajes, la oportunidad de decidir sobre la selección de las películas que pasarán a la FASE FINAL para recibir los premios TALENTO FRAME.

Short film festival


Logo of Chungbuk World Family Film Festival

05 Sep 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 충북세계가족영화제

Chungbuk World Family Film Festival

Chungbuk, South Korea

Chungbuk World Family Film Festival is a film festival with family.

Chungbuk World Family Film Festival is the only family film festival in Korea.

Regardless of age, all family members can enjoy movies in one place.

I want to be a film festival where families can communicate through movies.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Other

Logo of Theta Short Film Festival

29 Dec 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Theta Short Film Festival

Theta Short Film Festival

Baiano, Italy

Theta Short Film Festival
The TSFF is an International short film competition, created with the aim of providing directors with the opportunity to express their artistic poetics. Our mission is to encourage and support authors around the world in order to provide the recognition and satisfaction they deserve. We accept short films of all genres.
The TSFF wants to create connections between directors, producers, studios, viewers. The festival is organized by people who believe in the art and communicative power of cinema. The Official Selection includes a number of 40 short films, chosen by a quality jury.
We revise the submitted works every month.

Cinema is essence of the soul.

In the first year the event will take place on two dates at the headquarters of the "Proteatro" in Baiano (AV)/ and “Cinema Partenio” in Avellino. The projection of each work will be followed by a dissussion between the author and the spectators.

There are also specific categories for “Short Animation”, “Short DOC”, “Music Video” and other.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental