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The Mostra Curta Vazantes: cinema in community, aims to contribute to the inclusion and social and cultural promotion of the residents of the Vazantes Community, Aracoiaba district, Ceará (Brazil) and neighboring locations through the exhibition of films produced anywhere in the world. world with the idea of understanding, observing and making visible the social and cultural processes that are developing both in the south and in the north of the planet.
General regulations
International Festival Screen Culture “Thelovetcheskoje Kino” (hereinafter - Festival) is held among collectives (groups) of youth production in different forms of art, connecting with cinema, television, photography and different digital technologies.
Festival events are directed to formation and evaluating new global culture of production and reproduction age-diverse communicative samples of generations interplay and provides conditions of establishing new information community (environs), new culture of information society, where social-noetic (immaterial) factors of evaluating are information and knowledge. Festival holding promotes establishing of screen culture as a part of general information culture of present society.
General guiding of Festival methodology and organization is brought into action of Educational Complex “Nasha Shkola” (Russia, Novosibirsk).
Time, conditions, place and procedure of organization and holding of regular Festival are annually established of special document – Standing Order of Holding.
The International Film and Human Rights Festival - HUMANS FEST, held in Valencia since 2008, is one of the main initiatives promoted by the Fundación por la Justicia. Its aim is to bring audiovisual culture closer to both the general public and especially vulnerable audiences, while advocating for human rights and denouncing their violations worldwide. Additionally, it features a series of activities with a social focus.
The 16th edition of HUMANS FEST will take place from May 29 to June 7, 2025.
The national film festival of Berja aims to disseminate and serve as a showcase for national and only cinema. It will show audiovisual works such as short films, feature films as well as colloquiums with great figures of national cinema.
The FescinaB takes place at the prestigious "Miguel Salmerón" auditorium in Berja (Almería), which will welcome filmmakers from all corners of Spain to learn about the culture, gastronomy and people of this land.
21st of June - 29th of 2025 | Espinho, Portugal
FEST – New Directors | New Films Festival is an all-encompassing celebration of the new tendencies of world cinema. The event focuses on a competitive and non-competitive showcase of the most promising new figures and works from around the globe.
The 21st edition of the festival will take place between the 21st of June and the 29 June 2025, in the seaside town of Espinho (Portugal).
The selection is divided into several categories which include Feature Film and Short Film competitions in the Fiction, Documentary, Animation, Experimental Non-Narrative formats, as well as content adequate for children and teenagers. The event also includes non-competitive sections that range from retrospectives to showcases that can be Shorts, Features or Series.
We are accepting films under the following formats:
A) Fiction and Non-Fiction feature films (minimum length is 55 minutes) from directors who are on their first or second feature-length project, regardless of age.
B) Fiction, Documentary, Animation, and Experimental Short films (up to 54 minutes of duration) from directors who have completed no more than two feature films, regardless of age.
C) Fiction, Documentary, Animation, and Experimental Series (up to 55 minutes of duration) from directors who have completed no more than two feature films, regardless of age.
Candidates must choose one of the available submission categories. Do not worry if your film fits different categories (Ie: Hybrid productions), as all submissions will be considered for the different competitions. If your film is also eligible for the NEXXT competition (focused on academic productions) but you wish the film to be considered for all other competitions please mention in the comment section of the submission the academic institution where the film was produced. If you have any doubts at all please do not hesitate to contact us at films@fest.pt.
Throughout the years' FEST has selected for its feature film competitions films such as Celine Song’s “Past lives”; Ainhoa Rodríguez´s "Mighty Flash"; Teodora Mihai´s “The Civilian”; Anders Ølholm and Frederik Louis Hviid with "Enforcement"; Julie Lecoustre, Emmanuel Marre´s “Zero Fucks Given”; P.S. Vinothraj “Pebbles”; Eugen Jebeleanu´s “Poppy field”; and Valdimar Jóhannsson´s “Lamb”, all of this on the fiction side, then in the Documentary side, Karima Saidi´s "A way Home", Michał Edelman´s "Last Knights Of The Right Side", Franz Böhm´s "Dear Future Children" among many others.
FEST’s Short Film sections are known for its wide variety of styles and filmic visions, having been throughout the years a platform for the launch of new artists such as Govinda Van Maele (Luxembourg), Christos Massalas (Greece), Mati Diop (France), Adriano Valerio (Italy), Patrick Vollrath (Germany), Ninja Thyberg (Sweden), Manuel Abramovich (Argentina), Daria Belova (Russia), Simon Mésa Soto (Colombia), Aga Woszczynska (Poland), Jela Hasler (Switzerland), as well as hundreds of other up-and-coming filmmakers.
FEST also includes a series of other activities that run parallel to the festival, in particular, FEST – Training Ground (one of Europe’s largest film forums) and FEST – Pitching Forum (film project competition), and others. For more information please visit our website at www.fest.pt
Onward!! Join us during this decadal survey of sci-fi excellence.
It is a celebration of old and new. As one of the oldest science fiction festivals, we will present you with a selection of insights and stories never seen. There is plenty of planning and work to do. We are open to participants planetwide to join us in the beautiful city of Miami, Florida.
The intent of SciFi Miami is to showcase the best in Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comedy, and other imaginatively-themed films from around the world. This celebration is in the trendy and progressively global megalopolis of Miami, Florida. Our creative and inspirational environment is ideal for exploring films that ponder the infinite possibilities our multiverse holds.
There will be workshops, panels, and lectures. In addition to this ninth season, the Film Market will be available. We have invited distributors to connect with filmmakers.
Notifications typically begin a week after the last submission date. So grab tickets early, inform your friends, and prepare for the best original content to reach South Florida.
The Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival (HKKFF) is an annually film festival to showcase innovative independent film makers and artists from around the world.
HKKFF is aiming to inspire, motivate and award new talent.
The Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival accepts all forms and genres: short films, medium length films, feature films, drama, experimental, comedy, horror, slow cinema, sci fi, fantasy, animation, and documentary.
El Festival Audiovisual Terrícola nace con la idea de difundir el trabajo de artistas del ámbito audiovisual de nuestro país, y de la región patagónica en particular, haciendo foco en aspectos que involucran a la sociedad. Esta primera edición del festival se desarrollará los días 14 y 15 de abril de 2023 en la localidad de Lago Puelo, provincia del Chubut y las temáticas elegidas son el cuidado del medioambiente, la agroecología, el trabajo y las economías regionales.
El festival busca fomentar el potencial que tienen las realizaciones audiovisuales para difundir y tratar temáticas importantes en la actualidad, apostando a sumar espacios de interdisciplinariedad entre áreas de la comunicación audiovisual y otras relacionadas a problemáticas sociales. Durante el evento, además de proyecciones, se podrá asistir a charlas y talleres relacionados a estas temáticas.
En nuestro país, desde hace tiempo se viene planteando un cambio de paradigma en cuanto a la producción de alimentos saludables a pequeña y mediana escala, vinculada al desarrollo de economías regionales. La agroecología es un enfoque interdisciplinario que promueve el desarrollo de modelos más participativos, de bajo impacto ambiental, respetando la biodiversidad y el acervo cultural de los habitantes.
De entrada libre y gratuita, la muestra está organizada por Aguafuertes Cooperativa Audiovisual, una cooperativa formada por estudiantes y graduados/as de la Lic. en Diseño Artístico Audiovisual de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro.
Además, cuenta con el apoyo del INCAA - Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales, y de la Secretaría de Cultura y Educación de la Municipalidad de Lago Puelo.
Se encuentra abierta la convocatoria para la categoría de Muestra No Competitiva de Cortometrajes Nacionales desde el 1º de febrero y hasta el 17 de marzo inclusive. Las bases de la convocatoria y el formulario para la inscripción de obras se encuentran en el perfil de Instagram de la Cooperativa @aguafuertes.coop.
Más información sobre la programación y actividades del Festival Audiovisual Terrícola será publicada en las redes sociales de la cooperativa, en Instagram y Facebook como Aguafuertes Cooperativa Audiovisual. Para comunicarse con la organización, escribir por correo electrónico a aguafuertescooperativa@gmail.com.
X CortoGijón Festival
The Gijón Short Film Festival arises
in 2015 as a parallel section within the
Aula 18 National Short Film Contest
in the delivery After the disappearance of
emblematic festival three of the programmers
decide to maintain their essence by transferring
the festival to Gijón. It is in the second edition
that of 2016, where the festival moves to the
municipal centers of the city to develop a festival with an eye on short films and music. Since then
to the competitive sections (Official Section,
Asturias Section) And to the sample sections
(Panorama Asturias and Mirada FICX) have been
there have been concerts that have given luster to the
cultural spaces of the city and that have
served to put the climax to each projection.
Names like Marilia, Pablo Und
Destruktion, Marem Ladson, Tiger and Diamond,
David Feito… confirm the high level
musical that lives the festival and its local and regional look.
In 2020 Laboral City of Culture joins
with a new screen inside CortoGijón
thus amplifying collaborations between
all cultural entities in the region started in 2017 with the Mirada Ficx section in
collaboration with the Gijón Film Festival.
Enrolled films (short films and feature films) may participate as long as they fit into one of the following film genres: animation, drama, fiction, action, thriller, comedy, horror or children.
O FICASC objetiva promover através do cinema socioambiental uma reflexão na sociedade contemporânea sobre temas ambientais considerados de extrema urgência e relevância. O festival não se limita meramente a exibir filmes, mas através deles promover uma ampla discussão nos mais variados setores da sociedade, levando conhecimento e entretenimento à crianças, jovens e adultos.
We excited to announce the second edition of the Fantasy Film Festival in Paris! An opportunity for regional and international filmmakers to let their imaginations shine.
The Fantasy Film Festival team wants to meet, inspire and support the next pioneers of Science Fiction and Fantasy.
The Fantasy Film Festival is the first of its genre in Paris.
The FFF Lab exists to provide huge opportunities for filmmakers, producers and festival goers discussions, feedback on your work, workshops, and future support for your project.
The Fantasy Film Festival accepts Shorts, Features, Animations, Scripts, Works in Development, Web Series, music videos and VR.
Our focus will be to provide live, interactive entertainment throughout the entire festival. We want people to feel like there are things to do and see at every turn.
Aside from all of the above, you will be able to forge connections with your attending peers interested and working in Sci-Fi and Fantasy. It will be a day packed with insight, all developed so you may take your work, and ultimately your career, further!
FFF is in partnership with a Night of Misfit Film Festival (USA), LIFF - The Lebanese Independent Film Festival (Lebanon), CIFF - The Canadian Film Festival (Canada).
Getafe en Corto is a short film festival organized by Onda Vecinal Getafe, in collaboration with the Getafe City Council.
It will be held on March 27, 28 and 29, 2025, at 8:30 p.m., at the Getafe Market Space. Pl. de la Constitución, 5, 28901 Getafe, Madrid
The festival screens narrative and documentary feature and short films, music videos, as well as experimental and animation films, in competitive and non-competitive sections. This event is complemented with repertoire and special screenings. The 22nd Cine Las Americas International Film Festival (CLAIFF22) took place May 1st to 5th, 2019 in Austin, Texas. In addition to welcoming over 3,000 audience members for films and special events, CLAIFF22 screened 114 titles; these selections represented 25 countries’ participation in the production or co-production of the projects, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Jordan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, UK, Uruguay, USA, and Venezuela.
Over the past 22 years, Cine Las Americas has presented more than 2,600 films in Austin and at various screenings across the state of Texas, becoming one of the most prestigious of Latino film organizations in the country. Cine Las Americas remains a community-oriented organization, offering diverse opportunities for culture, education, professional development and entertainment. Each year the film festival brings a wide range of international films and filmmakers to Austin, creates networking opportunities for industry professionals, and provides a rich cultural experience for attendees.
XII EDITION: Recognizing our shadow
Our shade can be a real problem.
It is that side of our humanity, which we prefer to keep hidden, and which makes us act questionably.
This shadow, is in part, what has led us to cause a terrible impact on the environment.
Deforestation, oil spills, pollution of soils and seas, annihilation of species, violation of indigenous rights and assassinations of environmental defenders.
This shadow, individual and collective, is projected from the big cities over our ecosystems and under the protection of state legality and private investments in favor of “progress and industrialization”.
In times where the imbalance we have caused in the environment, comes back at us like climate disasters and nature embezzles, it behooves us to dare to look back at this shadow.
We have a responsibility to understand its impact, point out those projecting it and demand regulations to defend those it affects.
They say that the first step to solving a problem is to identify it and today, through cinema, we seek to acknowledge our actions, to stop the advance of their consequences on our unique natural environment.
The AVIFF Festival presents a program of films by Artists in Cannes during the period of the Cannes Film Festival 4 days in May.
The concept: show another "cinema" and present audiovisual works to an audience of festival-goers and professionals.
The works selected must have been produced by Artists for less than 2 years and have never been presented in France before.
The program presented in Cannes will then be programmed during the year in partner places of education and culture: Festivals, museums, Center of Contemporary Arts, Foundations, Universities, schools... and this in the world, in Europe and in France.
With the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region, the Angel Orensanz Foundation in New York and private and public partners, the AVIFF Festival has been working for 13 years to promote the Artist's film and its dissemination, in favor of worldwide artistic freedom and the expression of one's creativity.
All Artist Directors are welcome whatever the format of your films and their duration.
SIFFCY (Smile International film festival for children & youth) is one of a flagship initiatives of India's leading development organisation Smile foundation launched in 2015 with an objective to engage, encourage, educate & empower young people through Good Cinema, screenings of value based films, interactive sessions, capacity building activities & related workshops. The festival has created a benchmark in its category and has already been recognised as a highly credible international film festival for young audiences. The weeklong film festival caters to More than 30000 audiences & 100 international & national industry experts, Jury, Filmmakers during December every year and then travels to other parts of the country reaching out to maximum audiences staying in remote locations, small towns & villages of India.
KINDLY NOTE: This year due to the pandemic situation of Covid-19 (Omicron variant) the festival (SIFFCY) has been planned to be hosted on a hybrid model (Majorly Online + selected physical screenings)
• To Engage,Educate, Encourage & Empower young minds through GOOD CINEMA and film related workshops.
• To promote GOOD CINEMA that meant for children & youth
• To bring together high quality, entertaining, multi‐cultural cinema for children & youth
• To cultivate understanding of other cultures, lives & experiences through the medium of film
• To catalyse critical appreciation and creative pursuit of cinematic art amongst children & youth
• To support the work of talented and dedicated children & young film‐makers and encourage the exchange of ideas amongst them
Smile Foundation, one of the leading development organisation in India has been working continuously for last 18 years in all core areas to best serve the needs of the people, especially young people keeping in mind all challenges. The foundation is directly benefitting over 15,00,000 children and their families every year, through more than 400 live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, in over 2000 remote villages and slums across 25 states of India. SIFFCY (Smile International film festival for children & youth) is one of such flagship initiatives of Smile foundation launched in 2015 with an objective to engage, encourage, educate & empower young people through Good Cinema, screenings of value based films, interactive sessions, capacity building activities & related workshops.
Festival Dates: 17-23 April 2023 (New Delhi, India)
Submission Dead Line: 15 March 2023
Dock of the Bay is a festival focussed on the dissemination of non-fiction films addressing the extensive world of music in its different thematic and formal aspects.
The Dock of the Bay Festival will run in Donostia-San Sebastian from May 3rd to 8th of 2023.
Welcome beloved filmmakers!
MOMO International Film Festival is an independent film festival, located in Hollywood, Los Angeles which is the Movie Capital of the World. Let's celebrate the diversity of international cinema in the city that has been continuously shaping this industry and art form the beginning of its history. By combining a vibrant local social scene with a state-of-the-art cinema, every filmmaker and film lover is sure to be impressed and delighted with the theater and surrounding location. Our vision for the MOMO International Independent Short Film Festival is that it will become an annual 'must do' for Filmmakers who wish to combine networking, brainstorming, soaking up great films and chilling in one of the most desirable spots on this Planet. MOMO International Film Festival provides the kind of intimate festival experience that will change your life. Our aim is become a haven for independent filmmakers from throughout the world. Our main goal is to increase your audience reach and engagement. We believe that every film we watch, shapes the future of the industry and the world around it.
And now we are proud to announce our partnership with StudioVity! Best Video, Film-TV production management & Screenplay software.
It enables our winners to take control of their storywriting & film production now..
They can manage & collaborate projects with their team. They can send call sheet, arrange scenes, attain new productivity peak.
We are really glad that we found such a strong partner to make filmmaking for our winners even better.
We can't wait to watch all of your submissions!
Thank you!