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The 19th Jecheon International Music & Film Festival will take place from the 10th to 15th of August, 2023 in Jecheon City, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea.
The Jecheon International Music & Film Festival (JIMFF) aims to be a celebration of both film and exhilarating music, shared and enjoyed by everyone of all generations. The Festival presents a series of programs that combine film and music including a section specifically for music, a program which introduces the various currents of contemporary music & cinema, and a number of live concerts staged outdoors on the shores of Cheongpung Lake and Uilimji. Jecheon International Music & Film Festival is presented by Jecheon International Music & Film Festival and hosted by the Jecheon International Music & Film Festival Executive Committee.
The Salento International Film Festival Is a celebration of films and filmmakers, promotes international independent films, in recognition of the fact that movies are the most powerful form of cultural communication and link between cultures' and peoples'.
Founded in 2004 by Luigi Campanile, the Salento International Film Festival emerged as a major cultural event and the top film festival in South Italy. Each year it introduces filmmakers worldwide to the Salento area's unique resources, while celebrating the history and future of the film industry with 5 days of world premieres, special events, seminars, feature films, short films, documentaries.
For the past few years SIFF has organized and run a world tour, taking the festival to international destinations like Zurich, London, Hong Kong, New York, Santiago del Cile, Moscow, San Petersburg, Oslo and more, presenting the “Best of the Fest” event. This gives SIFF the opportunity to showcase some of the best movies presented at the Festival to an international public, in prestigious locations such as Italian Cultural Institutes in the world and Cinema theatres, increasing the visibility and appreciation of such works which struggle to find a distribution channel.
THE CATALONIA INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL FILM FESTIVAL has as his basic aims the dissemination and promotion of films that contribute to the knowledge of world cinema Social Film, on Human Rights and Civil Rights
Cultural Association Time & Memory organizes the thirteenth edition of the Short Film Festival called "SHORT TO SOUTH", to be held in Polla (SA)ITALY from the 21 - 22 June 2025 at the Auditorium "Holy Nicolicchio".
You’ve chosen to film. Chosen to put together a visual piece of art if we may say so. Today when anyone with a camera can, in theory, make a film... how will you make your short film stand out? What you intend to do with your film is what the Bengaluru International Short Film Festival is all about. We will be what you create.
After the tremendous success that was BISFF 2024, we are all set to host the 15th edition. Just as every year, this is an attempt to understand the medium a little better and go a little further in inventing new forms of storytelling as filmmakers.
This year the Festival will be a HYBRID Version, having both Online and Venue Screenings. Online Screenings will be only for INDIAN Geography
The festival showcases shorts from across the world, creating a physical space for a great audience experience and bringing together a keen audience for the filmmakers. BISFF also exhibits works by past masters who have dabbled in short filmmaking that today is viewed as an art form that needs a unique approach. Additionally, the festival presents talks and panel discussions with leading thinkers and industry practitioners, enabling budding makers to interact with the best in the industry. BISFF also includes hands on learning experiences in workshops and demonstrations by professionals, putting together an exclusive audience experience and perhaps space for makers to find what they are looking for.
OJO DE PESCADO International Film Festival for Children and Youth is an annual event in Chile that gathers the most recent and exclusive film and TV contents from all over the world aimed at children and youth.
The Festival is organized by the OJO DE PESCADO CULTURAL CORPORATION, an exploration and action platform that, through the exhibition of films and the promotion of audiovisual creation, aims to help guarantee the right of children and young people to the integral education and communication and expression of their opinions.
The 11th edition of Ojo de Pescado Film Festival will take place online through the entire Chilean territory and in person only in the Region of Valparaíso (if the health situation allows it) between november 5 and november 15, 2024,
Competition Categories are:
- Short films for children.
- Television or web series for children.
- Feature films for children and adolescents.
- “Young Filmmakers” (short films made by children or young people).
12th. Children's Audiovisual Festival (FICAIJ), 2021-2022
The Children's Audiovisual Festival, known by its acronym FICAIJ, was born in Mérida, Venezuela, in 2010, and has consolidated itself after 12 years as one of the most important windows for exhibiting quality educational and alternative content as well as commercial content for children, adolescents, youth and families in the country and the region.
After having attended to more than 41,385 participants in its 11 previous editions which have impacted directly in 6 countries of the world. Facing the panorama of pandemic that we are still living through the COVID-19, we assumed the challenge of transforming ourselves and activating our 12th edition in the web with main incidence in the countries of our region. Additionally, we are planning to have some in-person screenings in Venezuela and Colombia.
More than 1,506 short and long films from 81 countries around the world were broadcast on FICAIJ's screens, and more than 392 people, including children, adolescents, young people and adults, evaluated and judged these films.
Our jurors came not only from Venezuela but also from 9 other countries: Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Spain, and South Africa, participating in representation of their places of origin.
We promote audiovisuals from a reflective and productive viewpoint, inviting children, adolescents and young people to take an active role as creators and prosumers.
FICAIJ seeks to encourage the creation, production, exhibition and distribution of quality content for and by children, adolescents and young people in the region, stimulating the protagonism of children in all these processes.
2nd. Laboratorio FICAIJ:
With the double purpose of strengthening, on the one hand, the production of children, youth and family contents at a regional level, and on the other hand, the training of teachers in education with and for media, a more evident need in view of the digital education imposed by the pandemic, the organization of FICAIJ assumes the challenge of developing the 2nd. edition of its Laboratorio FICAIJ, a training space aimed at the sector of production of contents for Latin American boys and girls and at the sector of education.
More information:
Valdivia International Film Festival showcases Chilean and international cinema in five competitive categories: Feature Competition, Youth Feature Competition, Latin American and Caribbean Short Film Competition, Latin American and Caribbean Children’s Short Film Competition and Chilean Short Film Competition for Film Students. Its non-competitive program includes historical retrospectives, contemporary filmmakers’ retrospectives, political cinema, avant-garde cinema, genre, and a children-family oriented cinema slot.
The festival aims to offer Chilean and foreign filmmakers a place to screen and to compete, and by doing so, promoting national and international film works of artistic quality.
The festival will be held from October 13th to 19th, 2025, in Valdivia, Chile.
Biografilm Festival – International Celebration of Lives is a dynamic 10-day long festival that takes place in Bologna, Italy. The focus is on new European films that are character driven, showcasing current social and political changes in the society.
The 18th edition of Biografilm takes place from the 10th to the 20th of June 2022 in Bologna and online.
The 9th edition takes place June 16th – 18th 2022 in Bologna.
Bio to B is the annual Biografilm Festival appointment devoted to business-to-business networking between audiovisual professionals. The goal is to promote and support Italian and European productions of character-driven documentaries, docuseries and biopics.
Film funds, producers, distributors, festival programmers, commissioning editors and project scouts will be participating.
The European cinema professionals have the opportunity to meet, discuss and promote their works within an international context. Over the course of the event, there is a Pitching Forum for film projects, workshops, round-tables and one-to-one meetings.
The Sakhalin International Film Festival has become an important initiative promoting independent cinema and is considered today as one of the most important cultural events related to independent cinema in the city of Sakhalin, Russia. The mission of the festival is to draw attention to independent cinema from all over the world, which both films and their creators deserve.
The film festival is held under the patronage of the Governor of the Sakhalin Region. Founder: Ministry of Culture and Archival Affairs of the Sakhalin Region. Executor: State Autonomous Institution of Culture “Sakhalin Cinema and Leisure Association”.
Fantafestival (Italian: Mostra Internazionale del Film di Fantascienza e del Fantastico; English: International Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Show) is a film festival devoted to science fiction, fantasy and horror films that is held annually in Italy since 1981.
Fantafestival takes place every year in Rome. In the past years, while maintaining its headquarters in Rome, some editions were held in contemporary in different Italian cities like Milan, Naples, Genoa, Verona, Parma and Ravenna.
For more than 40 years, Fantafestival has been one of the leading Italian events specialized in fantastic films and one of the most important international events of this kind. It has presented and launched in Italy many filmmakers who later would become among the most popular in the fantastic film world.
The Elche Film Festival, organized by Mediterraneo Foundation's main objective is to offer a cultural space to filmmakers and moviegoers.
In a constant commitment to the promotion of culture and supporting emerging values of cinema, focusing on innovation, public conversation with the authors and the elimination of technological compete when barriers and vote.
The 3rd International Comedy Film Festival will present to the public contemporary worldwide film production dedicated to the comedy genre in its various variants, enabling the circulation of films that do not find space in the traditional commercial distribution and exhibition medium.
Festival Cine en las Sierras, is an international film festival, which takes place in the city of San Francisco del Monte de Oro (San Luis) Argentina.The FILM FESTIVAL IN THE SIERRAS, SAN FRANCISCO DEL MONTE DE ORO opens its 2nd CALL 2022 and is open from February 25 to April 25, 2022 in JULY and closes on AUGUST 22, 2021, it is aimed at filmmakers and producers national and foreign provincial films that have made feature films, short films and minute films aimed at children and families; as well as Mexican and/or foreign mini-filmmakers between 5 and 14 years old, between 15 and 18 years old and I publish in general up to 30 minutes of short films sent in their original language with Spanish subtitles in the case of foreign languages. They can be recorded with professional film equipment
The objective of the call is to ensure that children in vulnerable situations and the general public can access valuable content that awakens emotions and empathy in them, that leaves them learning and makes culture reach them through cinema as factors determinants for their identity and social inclusion and improvement of their reality by contributing to Mex society
The sample of films that are part of the 2021 Selection of the CHURUMBELA Children's Film Festival will be included in the following categories:NATIONAL PRODUCTION
Children's short film
-Documentary film
INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION children's short film
-Documentary film
The works can be registered by the filmmakers, producers and/or distributors at no cost since the festival is non-profit and what we want is to bring their stories to many children so that they serve as a reflection, inspiration, awareness and to generate self-confidence.
In this edition, we extend the production date of the works, which can be carried out between 2019 and 2022.
The official selection will be published from June 20, 2022 on social networks and the official website of the Festival:
Registration must be done only through FESTHOME/ www.festhome.com or by sending an email to cinefestivalsierras21@gmail.com with the following information:
• 2 Stills in .jpg format (300 dpi),
• Movie poster in .jpg format (300 dpi),
• Photograph of the director in .jpg format (300 dpi),
• Technical sheet (You can
The final exhibition formats will be exclusively in digital downloadable file, H264 compression, 4K (4096 x 2160) and/or in H264, (3840 x 2160) in the case of Mini-filmmakers, it can be received in an HD format (1920 x 1080) type .mov or .mp4.
It is requested to send a subtitled version in case the work is made in a language other than Spanish.
Send movie trailer for dissemination and promotion.
The deadline for receiving exhibition material is February 25 to April 25, 2022
The CHURUMBELA CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL will take place from September 25 to December 5, 2021; It is supported by the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE), the Trust for the Promotion and Development of Mexican Cinema in Mexico City (PROCINE) and important alliances have been established with the private initiative and benchmarks in the film industry such as EFD MÉXICO, EWOK POWER RENT, COVESTRO, INTEGRAL SERVICES among others.
Thanks to this collaboration, it is possible to bring cinema closer to children for free so that they can immerse themselves in the wonderful world of cinematography.
In this 5th edition we will reach more girls and boys who live in vulnerable communities in other states of the republic through workshops and film screenings based on the programming that you can consult at: churumbelafest.com/programación2021.
Due to its social and supportive nature, access to the Churumbela Children's Film Festival is free, fosters an inclusive environment and promotes dialogue, the seventh art and artistic expression as tools for social transformation.
Baripada Indigenous Short Film Festival (BISFF) is a Santali Short Film Festival Organised by SANTALI ART & FILM DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, ODISHA in Association with DKB MARNDI PRODUCTIONS & MARDI BROTHERS PRODUCTION. They came together to promote Santali Cinema while nurturing Indigenous talent and work towards the community's development.BISFF provides the right platform to showcase short films to the world unfolding the essence of Indigenous communities
In a historical moment in which the fear of different seems to prevail and the values of equality and social justice are neglected for the benefit of a widespread selfishness, it seems important to us to experiment new initiative to promote the positive values that the Associazione Orchestra Multietnica di Arezzo tried to convey in these years using the universal language of the music. Solidarity, hospitality, integration, civil commitment, those are the values we want to pass on through cinema and Audiovision’s language, in an active citizenship experience above all young people, to give our contribution to a wide cultural sensibility growth, with a view to a supportive, multicultural and cohesive society.
Officine social movie: 6nd cinema and Audiovision’s festival dedicated to social issues and civil commitment and to dissemination of content that promoted solidarity, hospitality, social inclusion, cultural diversity and rights values.
Officine social movie is born for an attempt to create new artistic context and new formulas to convey, through cinema and audiovision’s versatility, the idea of cultural and social commitment above expressed. An open festival to short films presented by young emergent and independent filmmakers and videomakers, a showcase dedicated to projection of titles (movie, docu-movie, animation…) on call through film distribution channels also alternative. Projections that will be enriched by guest’s presence (filmmakers, authors, screenwriters, actors) with whose the audience will have the opportunity to confront at the end of projection.
We want to report that Officine Social Movie is born with the intention to pose the same caution both on the final result, the festival that will take place at Arezzo from 3th to 8th june 2025, and on the project creation and implementation process. One of the targets is in fact the involvement of a group of young people who can share an active citizenship, giving space to their creativity.
To arrive to the festival made up by the step of design, analysis, planning and management, communication and critical vision of short films in the competition, will be part of the project itself, with the same importance of the festival days.
The group will be composed by some young people of the promoter association with around twenty people of the students from the Multimedia, cinema and graphic design sections of Liceo Artistico “Piero della Francesca di Arezzo” that, flanked by expert and operation, will draw the outlines of the festival, will draw up the national competition announcement, will be an integral part in the selection of short films in competition and will be part of the jury who will designate it the winners.
The students, in addition of being part of the group of the design team, will be involved in the creation of an own short film too, to be presented out of competition, as well as for the project and the festival’s video-photographic documentation.
The Officine Social Movie project has as leader the Association “Orchestra Multietnica di Arezzo” (OMA), in collaboration with Officine della Cultura, the Liceo Artistico Coreutico Scientifico Internazionale “Piero della Francesca”, annex to Convitto Nazionale “Vittorio Emanuele II” of Arezzo and Poti Pictures, with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze and Ottopermille chiesa Valdese, contribution Prodigio Divino and Associazione Autismo Arezzo. Media partner of the event Teletruria.
Non-traveling film festival that takes place annually thinking about the exhibitions to Covid-19 distancing and free face to Covid-19.
The second edition has free entries and submissions for Angolan territory only.
The general regulation defines the rules for registration, selection, exclusion, winners,
awards and honorable mentions.
IndiFest is festival organized by alterNativa in collaboration with CLACPI (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas), with the aim of giving its own voice to the indigenous peoples and to demand the fulfillment of their Rights.
The Festival’s main objective is to promote the Identity and the Rights of the indigenous peoples through audiovisual tools. The festival includes screenings at physical venues as well as an online week event.
IndiFest is complemented with other activities such as political incidence and conversations with indigenous leaders.
A commitment that enhances the decentralization of cultural habits as well as the communication of indigenous peoples concerning their Rights and intercultural relations.
The "Gulf of Naples Independent Film Festival" is an event intended to serve as an international showcase for films of various types and gender, in order to promote and spread the art, auteur and experimental films that are not released in cinemas playhouses, to foster dialogue between different experiences and to create a meeting point for the support of cinema culture.