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Hemoglozine은 국내 및 국제 차원에서 강화되는 문화 행사입니다. 세계 각지에서 더 큰 영향력과 추종자를 가진 장르에 초점을 맞춘 영화제, 공포, 공상 과학, 판타지 장르. 즉, Hemoglozine은 다음과 같이 구성됩니다:
- 공포와 환상의 새로운 작품을 제시하는 국제 경쟁 .
-장르와 병렬 활동의 많은 수.
제26회 파사이아 베이 국제 단편영화제, 이쿠스카 2024.
이 페스티벌은 5개의 상영작으로 구성된 국제 단편 영화 공모전을 개최하고 있으며, 이외에도 바스크어와 언어 공존 발전 (Oarsoaldea euskaltegis와 협업한 MINTZAGUN 프로젝션), 양성평등 (베코즈 베코 성폭력 방지 협회와 협력한 BEKOZ BEKO 상), 파사이아 및 주변 지역의 문화 진흥 등과 관련된 비경쟁 세션을 병행합니다.
Terror Film Festival is a blood-chilling, alien-probing, international film festival that is unlike any other film festival, because we are designed specifically for filmmakers and screenwriters. TFF runs every October and being an online film festival allows us to remove all of your shackles from traditional venues. Problems like...capacity limits, late starts, rude staff, bad audio, lobby noise, projection snags, parking fees, ticket mishaps, etc...who needs them?! They are all designed to ruin YOUR screening. Well, no more!!
We have removed these problems, and with them now gone, TFF can offer you MORE people to see YOUR film (imagine 25 people vs 25 Million people). TFF increases the potential for you to gain more loyal fans. Plus, we offer the one and only, Claw Awards, for film and screenplay. And, our world-class screenwriting competition is a great feather in the cap for any screenwriter. We do our best to let you know that it is all about YOU. And, yes, we do accept Music Videos in any of the genres.
“TFF believes that it is through a legion of fans that a filmmaker or screenwriter can build a solid career in entertainment.”
~ Fel Angel, Filmmaker/Screenwriter/Festival Director/Terror Film Festival
Terror Film Festival was founded by filmmakers and screenwriters, and we know how difficult the road to success can be. That’s why we screen short films during the festival, but not the feature films. We only screen the feature film "trailers". The reason being that the integrity of your feature film must be kept intact if you expect to get a distribution deal. This way, your project can still be reviewed, you can still compete in the Claw Awards competition, and you can still have the opportunity to sell your film to fans during the festival. But, you do not suffer any interference with any distribution deal offers! Plus, All films and screenplays are reviewed by our selections committee, and all selected films and screenplays then become nominated for the coveted Claw Awards. Who knows, perhaps YOU will win the next Claw Award!
Terror Film Festival considers both short and feature length films and scripts (completed and Works-In-Progress), and we offer exposure, prestige, recognition, amazing exposure, and the Claw Awards. And we are completely driven by love of the craft. That's why TFF is committed to the filmmakers and screenwriters who bring great genre movies to the world. TFF is Halloween Cinematic!
Terror Film Festival is run like no other festival, because it is designed to help promote YOUR PROJECT, and more importantly, YOU. Our innovations are all designed to further YOUR career. Such as: Princess Horror, the first-ever film festival icon who is loved and followed by a legion of fans; The Claw Awards, the first-ever full-blown genre dedicated awards (heralded as "The Oscars of Indie Filmmaking"); Free Submitted Film Listings, the first and only listing of submitted films on a festival website in our massive stand alone section as an additional promotional vehicle for our creative artists as a thank you JUST FOR SUBMITTING A PROJECT.
Terror Film Festival also pioneered placing video interviews of our creative artists on our website. These are all unique marketing ideas that no other film festival in the world had ever explored before TFF. And we do it all because it brings more attention to YOU. TFF pioneered all of these concepts in 2006 to better serve our filmmakers and screenwriters, and we are proud to continue to offer them to our creative artists.
Thank You and Good Luck from Terror Film Festival.
야생동물 보호 영화제는 세계 생물 다양성의 보전에 전념하는 영화, 영화 제작자, 옹호자 및 과학자들을 국제적으로 대표합니다. 방문객들은 이 독특한 영화제에 참석하기 위해 전 세계에서 뉴욕을 방문합니다. 영화 제작자와 방문자가 상호 작용하고 참여할 수 있는 기회는 토론입니다.
여러 유통 회사의 대표는 존경받는 네트워크에서 TV 목록을 위해 축제의 영화를 검토하도록 초대받습니다.
WCFF는 10월 셋째 주 뉴욕에서 영화 상영, 리셉션, 워크숍 및 파티 10일 동안 열립니다. 또한 WCFF는 10월 일정에 맞지 않는 영화를 수용하기 위해 월간 영화 상영 시리즈를 개최합니다.
모든 영화는 WCFF 채널에 참여할 수 있습니다. 영화 제작자에게 지불하는 구독 플랫폼인 전 세계 시청자에게 다가가는 온라인 영화제.
몰린스 영화제는 1973년 몰린스 데 레이 (바르셀로나) 에서 설립되었습니다. 2024년 11월에 43회 에디션을 개최할 예정입니다.
테러몰린스로 알려진 이 페스티벌은 경쟁적인 장편 영화 공식 섹션, 단편 영화 공식 섹션, 회고전, 다큐멘터리, 라이브 쇼, 워크숍, 네트워킹/피칭, 고등학교를 위한 프로젝션, 어린이를 위한 프로젝션... 그리고 세계에서 가장 오래된 공포 영화 마라톤 중 하나인 12시간 공포 영화 마라톤 (1973) 으로 구성되어 있습니다.
MHFF - 몰린스 호러 영화제는 스페인과 유럽에서 공포만을 전문으로 하는 가장 오래된 축제 중 하나입니다. 이 페스티벌은 멜리에스 국제 페스티벌 연맹 (MIFF) 의 회원입니다.
문화협회 오피치나 델레 이데 (Officina delle Idee) 는 치타델라 지방 자치 단체 (PD), 베네토 지역 및 파도바 지방의 후원을 받아 GEOFILM FESTIVAL - 더 시네마 오브 더 엘리먼츠 (The Cinema of the Elements), “골든 어스 (The Golden Earth)” 국제 영화상의 세 번째 에디션을 실현하고자 합니다.감독이자 배우 로코 코센티노의 연출.
지오필름 페스티벌은 환경이라는 주제로 모든 운영자, 영화 제작자 및 일반 대중에게 경쟁과 혁신으로 자리 매김하고자 합니다. 지구, 물, 불, 공기를 중단편 영화 제작 및 제작의 목표로 삼습니다. 그래서 시네마 오브 더 엘리먼츠 (Cinema of the Elements) 는 우리 각자가 참여하여 직업적, 사회적, 도덕적 목표로 삼아야 합니다.
시네마는 다시 한 번 뉴스와 문명의 보급자입니다. GEOFILM FESTIVAL - 더 시네마 오브 더 엘리먼츠는 영화 프로젝션을 통한 문화 보급과 함께 세계의 환경 문제에 대한 관심을 연결합니다.
The Georgia Latino Film Festival is a 501(c)3 non-profit under the direction of Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association Inc. (LISTA). Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association Inc. (LISTA) is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profit providing institutions, organizations, events and corporations with technology and cultural enrichment services. These services include presentations, workshops, lectures, film festivals and more.
The Georgia Latino Film Festival operate in Atlanta Ga and Norcross Ga. Located just minutes from Stone Mountain. Norcross is a small town known for it’s arts centers, restaurants and easy access to area attractions, trails, restaurants, shopping and scenic byways.
The Georgia Film and TV Office, a component of the Georgia’s Department of Economic Development, the Atlanta Mayor's office on Film and Entertainment and the Georgia Production Partnership are annual supporters of the event and is sponsor of the festival and it’s activities.
Festival objectives:
The purpose of this non-profit organization is to conduct an annual film festival in the state of Georgia that features Latino produced films among other national and international entries.
The mission of the Georgia Latino Film Festival is to build awareness of independent films and film as an art form; provide educational opportunities for students and Georgia Latino filmmakers; and create opportunities for the Georgia communities to experience high-quality Latino films.
To make sure that our stories are being told in Hollywood and around the world and that our community has a place in Georgia where Latino film executives directors and artists at the forefront of the Latino Film and animation industry can come together to discuss the future of our industry and create a vehicle to develop the next generation of Georgia Latino film-makers.
OBJECTIVES: This non-competitive event aims to be a meeting place for independent film production and the public, we encourage the creation and production of audiovisual filmmakers from all over the world and provide a space to allow diffusion of contemporary and cultural film productions.
THEME: Works will be accepted whose aesthetic and thematic proposal refer to the cultural identity of the places of origin of the filmmakers, providing entertainment and cultural knowledge for the audience.
이 시연은 아르헨티나 북부의 시청각 문화 확산과 와이루로 대중통신, 레드 칼리파 TV 등의 방송과 홍보를 위한 제안의 일부분이며, INCAA와 사무국장의 지지에 대한 설명입니다. 후후이 주 문화는 물론, 레드 포커스, 에스파시오 노르테 시청각, 콘타르 (CONTAR) 와 함께 활동하고 있습니다.
Founded in 2000, The Valley Film Festival (VFF) is a non-profit project of Community Partners ® and is the first and longest continually running film festival in L.A.'s San Fernando Valley, headquartered in the NoHo Arts District.
Now in its 20th year, VFF supports local and international voices that advance storytelling, while furthering the education, production, and exhibition of film. In 2010, the City of Los Angeles recognized our cultural contributions with the city seal, and in 2018 the California State Senate stood with us #UnitedByFilm in our efforts to practice conscious programming to unite the international film community.
The Festival is supported by a dynamic community of companies, filmmakers, and moviegoers, that make it possible for VFF to offer year-round programming:
*In 2019, we expanded from a five-day showcase of film screenings to nine days of live music, book readings/signings, screenplay workshops, professional development panels, a distribution symposium, networking, daily happy hours and, of course, film screenings.
FOCUS ON: Series
*Educational panels in The Valley’s schools (Art Institute, Columbia College Hollywood, and New York Film Academy) that bring our network of industry experts together to share relevant, practical knowledge on navigating the industry
*Previously under our Focus On: series, we’ve pulled out our film sales & distribution events to create THE VALLEY FILM MARKET. Our inaugural symposium included panels and a one-on-one matchmaking event between filmmakers & distributors.
VFF screens shorts, features, documentaries, animated films, experimental works, web series, music videos, and more. If you're unsure if your film fits our programming, please review our archives before submitting.
The second Côte d'Azur Sport Film Festival will take place from September 26 to 28 of september 2017, three days of projection, debate and seminar to communicate the Olympic values and spread the importance of sports practice.
The Festival is promoted by the FIFS Association and organized by an ad hoc committee, after the first edition held in Sophia-Antipolis in October 2016, the FICTS challenge (Federation International du Cinema et Television Sportif, associated with the International Olympic Committee) is renewing itself with the Côte d'Azur, it is gaining volume and expanding its scope.,While maintaining its roots in Sophia-Antipolis, the diffusion of films and the organization of thematic symposia on the culture and values of sport will also take place in Nice, such as the National Sport Museum, an emblematic place. The Côte d'Azur sports cinema festival is now an integral part of the international circuit organized by the eponymous federation, which includes 16 festivals in as many countries.
The Music Video Underground is competition festival exclusively focused on music videos, dance films, animated music videos, and other special stuff made of music and video.
You have music, you have images, and it's not a film ? We want it.
It's bizarre or borderline ? Submit to Best Music Video and we will consider you for free in addition for the BEST SPECIAL STUFF category, our own personal jewels we pick every month. There no limit for this one...
We are looking for all sorts of music videos. We are named the International Music Video Underground.
International means we accept videos from everywhere.
Music means we love music.
Video means you can do anything mixing images with music.
Underground means we are looking for fun, for ideas, for engaged artists, not only big budget productions. It also means we are approachable.
We select Music Videos and dance movies from all over the world and we screen them to give young artists both sides of the camera an opportunity to be noticed for their talents
2016 : took place in Paris
2017 : took place in Los Angeles (Sunset Boulevard)
2018 : took place in Los Angeles (Studio City)
2019 : next annual screening will have the festival back in PARIS.
The live New York screenings will take place at the;
358 West 44th St.
New York, NY 10036
Online Red-Carpet Premiere winners are chosen throughout the year and BEST of each category also receives a LIVE RED-CARPET NEW YORK CITY PREMIERE SCREENING!
Simple and to the point, filmmakers have big dreams but few come true for the majority. The festivals and film market are being over flooded with Indies films, and now, from even children who are considered producers and filmmakers. If you have a good film and want a chance for it to be seen, promoted and maybe make a little profit along the way is what the RCCF is about.
The RCCF uses online Red Carpet Premieres to promote, market and screen your film for one to two weeks, just as if it was a live premiere screening but with the chance for a large, potentially huge, audience base. We use social media to promote, market and sell tickets for your online premiere. YOU retain ALL rights to your film. Films chosen to be screened at a Red Carpet Premiere are publicized for two weeks before the online premiere is launched. Filmmakers can earn 15 to 20% of the box office for a successful online screening.
Filmmakers whose films have been made OFFICIAL SELECTIONS have the option to decide WHEN they have their online premiere. BEST of each category will also receive a LIVE NEW YORK CITY SCREENING.
Films are accepted made from 2006 until now. You must own full rights to your film, music, screenplay, etc.. and accept full legal liability for owning those rights.
We accept full length features from 60 minutes or longer, any genre. (NO PORN)
Shorts are accepted up to 59 minutes. All genres, (NO PORN)
Features and Shorts are judged and awarded laurels IN NUMEROUS CATEGORIES,
ALL GENRES, ( horror, history, comedy, documentary, animation, family films, inspirational, experimental, music videos, dance videos, series pilot, etc.
First time or master filmmaker, Best Editing, Best Music Score, Best FX, Best Cinematography, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress. Best Woman Filmmaker, Best Foreign Film, Best Director, Best Ensemble Cast, etc.
The submission fee covers all this and more to give YOU the filmmaker a better chance for your film to be recognized and noticed by other festivals and distributors. People are more apt to buy an Indies Film if they see that they were award winners and recognized by various festivals. LAURELS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAT YOU MAY HAVE EVER IMAGINED. We give filmmakers the opportunity to win multiple award laurels for just ONE SUBMISSION FEE, plus CASH and a Red Carpet Online Premiere, AND a NEW YORK CITY LIVE PREMIERE SCREENING!
MUSIC (Instrumental, band, orchestra)
and more.......
SORRY, there are NO WAIVERS or Student discounts due to the unique nature and cost involved of creating this type of festival and the management and marketing aspect of the online Premiere Theater.
NOTE: Unlike your film being accepted to an online distributor and lost within dozens and dozens of films being sold, YOUR FILM is the exclusive film screened for your premiere for the two weeks BEST OF EACH CATEGORY FILM WINNERS RECEIVE THE LIVE NEW YORK CITY SCREENING AS WELL.
LA 언더그라운드 필름 포럼 (LAUFF) 은 영화, 비디오 및 오디오 기반 매체에서의 실험의 로스앤젤레스 최고의 쇼케이스입니다. 이 영화는 아방가르드, 아트 하우스, 독립적이고 저예산 영화 제작에 중점을 두고 있으며, 2020년7월에는 5번째 에디션이 개최됩니다.
우리의 프로그램은 영화 제작자들이 새로운 접근 방식을 재발견하고 탐구하며, 새로운 형태의 미디어 아트를 육성하고, 그러한 작품에 대한 청중을 키울 수 있는 장소를 제공합니다. 우리는 “지하”의 개념에 대한 많은 정의와 해석을 탐구하는 광범위한 작업을 제시하고자합니다.
열정과 강박 관념으로 만든 영화, 기대와 장르를 뛰어넘는 영화, 수용된 형태와 콘텐츠의 경계를 넓히기 위해 노력하는 영화, 비디오 및 오디오 프로젝트를 찾고 있습니다. 저자의 강한 감각은 필수입니다.
LauFF는 드라마, 다큐멘터리, 실험, 컬트, 아트 하우스, 외국어, 코미디, 공포, 공상 과학, 판타지, 애니메이션, LGBT, 원주민, 에로티즘, 슬로우 영화와 비디오 아트...
EddiesComedyAwards at PACE Dedìcated to Eddìe Cantor, famous show man ìn Usa, Oscar © wìnner, whose famìly was from Russìa (jewìsh emìgrated), the Eddìes Comedy Awards become the European movìe Tony to promote the best ìn Euro- Amerìcan contemporary new comedy. 2017 edìtìon takes place ìn Padùa, ìt. for the PACE, Padùa Awards for Comedy Excellence.
We have 4 categorìes for thìs edìtìon: A) comedy B) dramedy C) fantaromance D) ìphone comedy format
Rules are so easy: you have to send to the festìval the lìnk to yr. Short or Feature Fìlm (short, from 1' to 30' maxìmum), yr web serìal pìlot (max 15'), ìphone format teaser (max 3') and the early bìrd ìnscrìptìon (deadlìne Aùg.30) The Fee ìs: 25euro (30 USD) for short and web pìlot; 40euro (45 USD) for feature fìlm; 15euro (20 USD) for teaser.
All the selected works take part of Euro-Amerìcan Comedy Academy and the categorìes wìnners wìll get the 2017 Eddìe Award (Certìfìcate of Award). Other prìzes are: orìgìnal paìnts by Seba Steìn well known art paìnter made for festìval, specìal promotìon on oùr dedìcated web channel, FAME awards for new dìrectors (Famoùs Award for Medìa Excellence), ìndìe creatìve productìon free tutorìng and other specìal awards.
The fìnal days and wìnners cerìmony wìll be on Oct. 6/7/8 at the GEA space ìn Padùa, ìt, at 18 Lagrange st.
The dìrector of ECAff and presìdent of Euro-Amerìcan Comedy Academy ìs Fabrìzìo Sebastìan Caleffì, an ìnt. playwrìght, screenwrìter, dìrector and actor, co-fonder of the prìvate tv ìn Mìlano (Canale5), awards wìnner and awards juror.
Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.
We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.
We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.
THE INTERNACIONAL ALTERNATIVE MEDIA FILM FESTIVAL (FICMA) has as its objective to offer a space for the exhibition of quality films made with non-professional cameras, cell phones, handy cams, sport cameras, smart watches, tablets, etcetera, looking to promote the talent and creativity of those who have the desire of taking their stories to the screen but do not count with the big budgets that filmmaking often requires.