Logo of Festival itinérant Afrikabok

24 Feb 2015

Published: 23 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival itinérant Afrikabok

Festival itinérant Afrikabok


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Other

Logo of Pacific Coast International Short Film Festival

23 Feb 2015

Published: 22 Feb 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Pacific Coast International Short Film Festival

Pacific Coast International Short Film Festival

Torrance, United States


• Only films with a maximum running time of 29 minutes or less will be considered. There is no minimum running time.
• All non-English films must have English sub-titles.
• Works-in-progress will not be considered.
• Do NOT submit stills or press kits. If your film is selected, we you will be asked to submit stills and press information.
• Exhibition format will be original DVD or Blue Ray.
• All selected films for the Festival must grant the Pacific Coast Short Festival the rights to use DVD and press materials for promotional purposes.
• Works-in-progress will not be considered.
• All DVD/Blue Ray discs must be labeled with the title, running time, contact name, email and phone number.
• Films must NOT have screened in a SHORT-ONLY film festival in Southern California.
• Multiple entries are accepted, however, all films must be on a separate disc and be accompanied by their own completed submission form and entrance fee.
• All films selected for the PCISFF grant the rights to upload a clip/trailer online for promotional purposes.
• Films currently in distribution through public media or any kind, including broadcast television or internet streaming at the time of the Festival exhibition date will not be accepted.
• The Torrance Cultural Arts Foundation will email all confirmation of delivery to each submission. Please no phone calls.
• Entrance fees may be paid by credit card, money orders or checks made payable to Torrance Cultural Arts Foundation.
• Foreign entry fees must be paid in U.S. dollars.
• All fees are non-refundable.
• Entries will not be viewed until payment has been cleared.
• Discs will not be returned without a self addressed envelope with sufficient postage.
• All selected films for the Festival will be kept by the Foundation for historical record.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Cine a la calle Short Film Festival

20 Feb 2015

Published: 19 Feb 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of International Cine a la calle Short Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes Cine A La Calle

International Cine a la calle Short Film Festival

Barranquilla, Colombia

Our call is open to all individuals, agencies, art collectives or producers that own the rights of short length audiovisual work, including documentary, argumentative, experimental and/or video-art. Short films must have been produced in film, video or animation format.

FICICA will take place from 12th to 16 th of August in Barranquilla, Colombia and through virtual channels. You are all welcome to visit us!


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of RIOS - IV International Documentary Film and Transmedia Festival

20 Feb 2015

Published: 19 Feb 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner RIOS - IV Festival Internacional de Cinema Documental e Transmedia

RIOS - IV International Documentary Film and Transmedia Festival

VILA REAL, Portugal

The RIOS - International Documentary Film Festival and Transmedia is defined as an activity platform for the creation and promotion of author projects within the scope of independent cinema and audiovisual and aims to:
a) give visibility, serving as a promotional platform, cinematographic and audiovisual works whose aesthetic approach is related to the reality of the river;
b) to serve as a work platform for a deep reflection on thematic documentary cinema;
c) encourage the creation of author projects that focus on the aesthetic deepening, the discovery of new territories, new styles and new supports that can define the reality Rivers;
d) create a creative platform linked to the Rios theme in the field of photography, plastic arts, literature and dramatic performance;
e) to contribute to the diffusion of first university works and documentaries in the thematic scope;
f) encourage the creation of inter-university partnerships in the field of documentary film and audiovisual.

The RIOS - International Documentary Film Festival and Transmedia, inserted in a region inevitably linked to the Douro, intends to explore and divulge the aesthetic potentialities linked to the river, making it a privileged space of cinematographic creation in the documentary scope. Vila Real, during the festival, will be an international cinematographic meeting point that will allow the exploration of the region and the gestation of new projects and new aesthetic creations.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Festival Nacional de curtametraxes Redondela en Curto

20 Feb 2015

Published: 19 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Nacional de curtametraxes Redondela en Curto

Festival Nacional de curtametraxes Redondela en Curto

Redondela, Spain

This festival only admits submissions from SPANISH NATIONALS. No film-makers from any other nationality will be allowed to submit their films to this festival.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Depth of Field International Film Festival

16 Feb 2015

Published: 15 Feb 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Depth of Field International Film Festival

Depth of Field International Film Festival

Nassau, United States

Feedback: The one element most festivals ignore.

Instead of paying submission fees and getting nothing in return, EVERYONE who submits to DOFIFF.COM will receive EITHER ONE OF TWO benefits: Either 1): your film is already competition calibre, and becomes an Official Selection, OR 2): you’ll receive a letter outlining exactly what is keeping it from being accepted. If you can make corrections, you resubmit for FREE.

First-time filmmakers: when have you ever received a letter and had the festival explain "WHY" you weren't selected? See why filmmakers thank us and say “Best Festival Ever!”

-Guaranteed distributor review by World Wide Motion Pictures Corporation (WWMPC.COM), Adler & Associates, and Polaris Pictures (for Screenplays) among others, AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU, for our select few ‘Best Of’ and "Award of Excellence" winners based on sufficient qualified entries. For this free service, DOFIFF requires NO CONTRACTS to be signed.

-The chance to thereby be included in one of that distributor’s buyers’ packets on the world film market

-A festival that is run as a web-based competition, instead of a traditional film festival: 100% of our effort and investment goes into finding a market for you, not into renting theatres unless it is dictated by the distributors to further test the market.

-All "Best Of Show" and "Award Of Outstanding Excellence" may have their trailers shown on WRPN.TV entertainment news next to Hollywood celebrity interviews (optional)

-Any film that is rejected will receive a personal letter explaining what elements caused the rejection (unlike other fests who never give any explanation at all). HINT: majority of rejections or low award levels, are due to insufficient volume on dialogue soundtracks.

-Any film that is accepted, but fails to move on to award status, will be given a free synopsis of the judges notes, at the filmmakers request, for free

-FREE Earlybird entry of any rejected film, into DOFIFF’s next competition, upon completion of the suggested corrections outlined in your rejection letter

-$28 flat fee for ALL STUDENT FILM ENTRIES regardless of deadline status (proof required of student status at time of filming: no refunds if your ID is not legitimate)

-Unique Category distinctions:

“Dust Collector” category for pre-2009 films

“Tight Shorts” and “Loose Shorts” distinction between running times of less than 15 minutes and those between 15-59 minutes

“Horror” and “Sci-Fi” have been separated into two distinct categories

-Finally, you can rest assured that our co-founder is a proud Committee Member for the Universal Film & Festival Organization (UFFO.ORG). The UFFO is a non-profit operating out of the U.K., which exists for "Promoting best business practices for film festivals.” This guarantees that your film will benefit from a fair and thorough judging process.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Voghera Film Festival

16 Feb 2015

Published: 15 Feb 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Voghera Film Festival

Voghera Film Festival

Voghera, Italy

The association Iria Cultura presents the eighth edition of the Voghera Film Festival.

VFF intend to promote the knowledge and spreading of the cinema and to be an important meeting point for international cinematographers.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of National Film festival Clemente de la Cerda

15 Feb 2015

Published: 14 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine Latinoamericano y Caribeño Clemente de la Cerda

National Film festival Clemente de la Cerda

Anaco, Venezuela

National Festival of Short Films "Clemente de la Cerda", aims to encourage the production and dissemination of audiovisual work by individuals or groups whose work represents a vision that reflects the everyday realities of social, political, economic, cultural and artistic their community, as well as stimulate awareness and reflection among young people and promote dialogue and audiovisual narrative among new generations of filmmakers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Youngabout International Film Festival

15 Feb 2015

Published: 14 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Youngabout International film Festival

Youngabout International Film Festival

Bologna, Italy

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Sardinia Film Festival

15 Feb 2015

Published: 14 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sardinia Film Festival

Sardinia Film Festival

Sassari, Italy

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Sunset Film Festival Los Angeles

15 Feb 2015

Published: 14 Feb 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sunset Film Festival Los Angeles

Sunset Film Festival Los Angeles

Los Angeles , United States

With so few spots available at the bigger film festivals, independent filmmakers struggle to get noticed. After all the hard work of making a movie, there's nothing like seeing it on the big screen. Sunset Film Festival seeks hidden gems bigger fests often overlook. Sunset Film Festival programmers are looking for visionary filmmakers with fresh voices to share with an audience hungry for independent film.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of NonStop Barcelona Animació

15 Feb 2015

Published: 14 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner NonStop Barcelona Animació

NonStop Barcelona Animació

Barcelona, Spain

NON STOP BARCELONA ANIMACIÓ is a cultural integral event about animation cinema that offers to stimulate the interest for this language, learning, practising it and seeing it.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Taglia Corti - International short movie and music video Festival

15 Feb 2015

Published: 14 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Taglia Corti - Festival per cortometraggi e videoclip musicali under 35

Taglia Corti - International short movie and music video Festival

Trieste, Italy

Can enroll only under 35 years old director.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of DokuFest

15 Feb 2015

Published: 14 Feb 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner DokuFest


Prizren, Kosovo

DokuFest, International Documentary and Short Film Festival, is the largest film festival in Kosovo. Recognized as one of the top film and music event in SouthEast Europe, festival fills the cinemas and improvised screening venues around historic city center of Prizren with a selection of more than 200 hand picked films from around the world, whileat the same time bringing top international and local music acts to perform at DokuNights music festival. Documentary photo exhibitions, debates, master classes and lively atmosphere in the city all add to the charm of the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Banjara International Film Festival

15 Feb 2015

Published: 14 Feb 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Banjara International Film Festival

Banjara International Film Festival

-, India

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Logo of World Extreme Film Festival of Veracruz

15 Feb 2015

Published: 14 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Mundial de Cine Extremo de Veracruz

World Extreme Film Festival of Veracruz

Xalapa, Mexico

The FMCEX 2014 calls for submissions for our Official Selection of extremely independent films from all over the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Tahoe Film Festival

14 Feb 2015

Published: 13 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Tahoe Film Festival

Tahoe Film Festival

Tahoe, United States

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Sacramento Food Film Festival

13 Feb 2015

Published: 12 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sacramento Food Film Festival

Sacramento Food Film Festival

Sacramento , United States

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other


13 Feb 2015

Published: 12 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Jornadas de Cine y Video Independiente UNCIPAR


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Festival with national and international competition section.

Special sections for invited movies and to workshops

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Rodinia Short Film Festival

10 Feb 2015

Published: 09 Feb 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortometrajes Rodinia

Rodinia Short Film Festival

Rodinia, Spain

17th Rodinia Short Film Festival 2025

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video