Logo of Grimm up North

29 Aug 2014

公開済み: 28 Aug 2014

Banner Grimm up North

Grimm up North

Manchester, United Kingdom

If you love brand new and classic horror, cult, extreme fantasy and Sci-fi movies then GRIMMFEST is for you. We pride ourselves on bringing you the very best in new genre film from around the world.

Movie premieres, special film makers and celebrity guests and a selection of genre classics on display. Now in its sixth year, Grimmfest has quickly become the premiere UK festival of genre film outside of London.




 フィクション  ホラー

Logo of Hollywood Shorts Film Festival

29 Aug 2014

公開済み: 28 Aug 2014

Banner Hollywood Shorts Film Festival

Hollywood Shorts Film Festival

Hollywood, United States

Short Film & Animation Festival; Monthly microcinema. The longest running short film series in Los Angeles. Caters to wide audience of professional filmmakers and Film/TV industry creative leaders.

Annual Spotlight Festivals:
Women Directors ShortsFest,
African American ShortsFest



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of FesticineKids Cartagena

28 Aug 2014

公開済み: 27 Aug 2014

Banner FesticineKids Cartagena

FesticineKids Cartagena

Cartagena, Colombia

FestiCineKids 26は、カルタヘナ・デ・インディアスで開催される国際的な児童・青少年映画祭で、コロンビア、ラテンアメリカ、世界の映画の制作と配給を子供や若者向けに強化することを目的とした映画コンペティションです。

2024年、FesticineKidsは第26回目を迎えます。その精神は、女の子、男の子、若者を対象とした映画を紹介し、称えるという同じ精神です。 スローガンには「コロンビア西部を見てみよう」というフレーズが選ばれました。 このコンセプトは、子どもや若者に、自分たちの環境を変える責任を自覚させることを目的としています。 子供や若者は未来であり、地球、彼らを取り巻く人間、動物や植物、そして彼らが訪れる場所への配慮を奨励すべきです。 アフロ映画や先住民向けの映画を見る傾向。

FesticineKids 26のプロフィールを構築するにあたり、画面が少女、男の子、青少年の合流点になるという問題がある。 映画を感情、感情、信念が表現されるシナリオと仮定することで、少女、少年、青少年が、映画が彼らを呼び起こすもの、そこから何を抽出し、その意味を理解し、自分たちの生活の中で、自分たちの環境の中で、彼らが望む場所や夢見る場所と並行して、映画が自分たちの生活の中で、自分たちの環境の中でどこにあるのかを疑問に思うことを意図しています。





 フィクション  アニメ  ファンタジー  その他  実験映画

Logo of CineTrofa - International Festival of Cinema & Literature

25 Aug 2014

公開済み: 24 Aug 2014

Banner CineTrofa - Festival Internacional de Cinema & Literatura

CineTrofa - International Festival of Cinema & Literature

Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Film and Literature – a passion more than perfect

To paraphrase Freud, behind every great movie is a great argument, and behind a big argument, most often, is a great book. When Cinema was born in 1895, and had emerged as the Seventh Art, Literature (Sixth of Arts), already had long and rich history.
No wonder Cinema, characterized by it’s irreverence and ambitiousness, has turned to it’s older sister for inspiration, plots, stories and characters.
This almost umbilical connection runs through the history of cinema, as an almost perfect passion. But like all passions, there are moments of overwhelming intensity, sublime betrayals, mediocre or brilliant adaptations. Without the support of Literature, Cinema would perhaps be a hollow technique, an invention without a future. With inspiration in Literature, Cinema is a dream that is making millions of viewers worldwide dream, the great art of our time, a creative synthesis of all the arts.
Recognizing the importance of Literature in Cinema, rather than diminishing it, will only magnify it.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  ファンタジー  その他  実験映画

Logo of FREAK SHOW Horror Film Festival

25 Aug 2014

公開済み: 24 Aug 2014

Banner FREAK SHOW Horror Film Festival

FREAK SHOW Horror Film Festival

Orlando, United States

Raindance.org の「エッセンシャル・ホラー映画祭」

MovieMaker Magazine の「20クール映画祭」

MovieMaker Magazine の「13のホラー映画祭」

MovieMaker Magazine の「クールホラー/SF映画祭」

Production Hub.comによる「最優秀ホラー映画祭」


「このフェスティバルが大好き」! ロバート・エングランド、別名フレディ・クルーガー

フリーク・ショー・ホラー映画祭(FREAK SHOW Horr Film Festival)は、フロリダ州で最大かつ最長ランニングのホラージャン コンベンションホールではなく、実際の映画館にあります!

FREAKO ザ・ピエロは、私たちと一緒に気紛れを取ることを歓迎します! 私たちは切望された「FREAKY AWARD」の本拠地です。

インディペンデントホラーの芸術を祝い、サポートしよう! この国際的なホラージャンルの映画祭は、FEAR FILM Studiosオーナーのロバート・J・マセッティが創始したものです。 ベテランのインディペンデントホラー映画監督として、ロバートはアーティストに自分の作品を見せるフォーラムを与えることで、インディペンデントホラー映画監督を祝う映画祭を作りたかった。

このフェスティバルは、世界で最も才能のある新進のホラー映画製作者のショーケースであり、映画制作者が自分の映画で目標を達成するのを助けようと努力しています。 これは、楽しさと露出を見逃すことのないフェスティバルです。

フェスティバルは、リー・ビスタの真新しいエピックシアターで映画を上映します! 劇場には電動リクライニングシート、最先端のプロジェクション、ドルビーサウンド、リザーブ席、ロビーにはビール&ワインバーがあります! ホテル、レストラン、バーがあるオーランド国際空港からわずか数分の距離にあります。 FREAK SHOW ホラー映画祭を世界で最高のフェスティバルにしましょう!




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画  Music Video

Logo of Lumière 2015 - 6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival

23 Aug 2014

公開済み: 22 Aug 2014

Banner Lumière 2015 - 6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival

Lumière 2015 - 6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival

Rome, Italy

6th CinemAvvenire Film Festival carries on and strengthens the International/European dimension of the Associazione Centro Internazionale CinemAvvenire, a project managed with enthusiasm and determination since 1992 through the starting idea by Gillo Pontecorvo.

Lumière 2015 signs a crucial step forward; the previous edition hosted 100 feature films and 200 shorts from 60 different Countries.
Each tool of the festival is at disposal for the discover and the exploration of new styles and talents, assisting and supporting the independent productions setting a European platform for their expectations. A look at the past won’t be ignored –bringing to light some unpopular zone of Cinema History – as it belongs to the logic of discovery too.
We have concluded many deals with several partners around Europe. This partnerships are planned to decentralize the event with the aim to promote young talents inside a European web allowing audiovisual works to get a broader circulation around EU.
This European direction led us choosing the platypus as logo for our festival. It unites different parts from different animals and this feature makes it unique. It has a duckbill, the tail as rodents, the paws as reptiles and it lays eggs notwithstanding it is a mammal animal. Its skills let it free form categorization and guardian of a precious metaphor: united in diversity.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  実験映画

Logo of Etranger Film Festival

23 Aug 2014

公開済み: 22 Aug 2014

Banner Etranger Film Festival

Etranger Film Festival

Gioia del Colle, Italy

From 2nd to 6th October 2018, the cultural association Etranger, is proud to present the third edition of Etranger Film Festival. The aim of the event is to exploit the culture of diversity, encouraging global integration in respect of ethnical, cultural, social, religious, sexual and gender peculiarities, by means of cinematic expression. The festival's main goal is that of encouraging emerging authors who manage to distinguish themselves formally and stylistically




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ

Logo of La Femme International Film Festival

23 Aug 2014

公開済み: 22 Aug 2014

Banner La Femme International Film Festival

La Femme International Film Festival

Beverly Hills, United States

A Femme International Film Festival is a premier festival that focuses on platforming women filmmakers “by women, for everyone”. Our Festival was created in 2005, when it became apparent that there was a need to enhance women behind the camera as Directors, Producers, and Writers. We were the first in Los Angeles to host such an event and film festival empowering women. All those that followed are just duplicates of the movement we started over a decade ago.

Through our Partners and Sponsors we have provided one-one-one meetings with our filmmakers or helped secure financing. CBS Entertainment Diversity Department and Sony Entertainment met with a selected group of our filmmakers with the goal to offer potential employment and/or placement as a director or writer under their diversity department. It is through our direct efforts that these opportunities are being secured for our LA Femme Int. Film Festival Filmmakers.

As LA Femme moves into the next few years, it plans to expand its platform so that more women in the industry and from around the world can have the benefit of taking their film to the next level through increased distribution outlets, more key positions in the entertainment industry and more recognition as artistic creators emerging as leaders in the industry.

Our goal is to create more such opportunities through exemplary programming, networking, and panel events. A classic professional atmosphere will create a sense of ‘opportunity’ for participants. LA Femme International Film Festival is “By Women for Everyone.”

To continually showcase and celebrate commercially viable films Written, Directed, or Produced by women.

To opening a pathway for women entering the industry by encouraging mentor-ship and artistic sharing between those women established in the field and those just beginning.

To Platform new emerging talent and support established women in cross-over roles.

To assist in distributing the feature films that are platformed in our festival with domestic theatrical releases and home video distribution.

La Femme International Film Festival will support and nurture the artistic entertainment productions of women for the benefit of distribution to an international and domestic audience.

»Our emphasis is on providing a complete specialized festival based on showcasing and celebrating commercially successful films written, directed, or produced by women and creating a system of access for those new to the industry directly to established women industry professionals.
»To assist in distribution of these films
»To mentor other women into positions of power in the independent and big budget, studio entertainment community.

LA Femme Film Festival is more than a festival it is an emergence of artistic, professional women who make a difference in the entertainment community by creating productions that speak to a world wide audience. We were the first festival of its kind in Beverly Hills to not only platform existing films and artists but also distribute and mentor such films and the woman artists who created them.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ホラー  その他  Music Video

Logo of Great Lakes International Film Festival

23 Aug 2014

公開済み: 22 Aug 2014

Banner Great Lakes International Film Festival

Great Lakes International Film Festival

Erie, United States

Always striving to be one of the most progressive and creative Festivals in the world, the Great Lakes International Film Festival is now officially accepting films of all genres and lengths from around the world and across the United States for our 2019 Festival.

The passion and commitment that each filmmaker and writer puts into his or her work is both noble and unique, to say the least, and deserves to be acknowledged. As not only the cornerstone of our Mission but as the foundation of our belief system and morals, we seek out, acknowledge and award the many talented independent filmmakers who may not get the recognition they richly deserve.

The Great Lakes International Film Festival strives to serve the interests and needs of Independent Filmmakers worldwide by connecting artists with audiences, exhibiting and promoting new films and filmmaking talent, as well as nurturing a creative community by facilitating relationships that last well beyond each year’s festival.

Considered among most popular film festivals in the world, the 18th annual Great Lakes International Film Festival genre categories for feature length and short length films are Narrative, Documentary, Experimental, Religious/Spiritual, Animation, Comedy, Horror, with Horror sub-genres that include Supernatural, Thrillers, Wicken, Magical, Slashers, Science Fiction, Suspense, Horror Documentary, Horror Animation and all genres of Music Videos and GLBT films for the 2019 festival.

If there is anything as universal as the ageless storytelling of motion pictures, it’s the music that makes up life’s soundtrack.

The 2019 Great Lakes International Film Festival shall accept Music Videos from around the world of cross-continent and cross-genre productions. We shall accept Music Videos of all genres from Pop, Punk, Rock, Alt-Country, Country-Western, Folk, Reggae, Hip-Hop to Electronica, Jazz, Blues, Zydeco, Industrial, Metal, Hardcore, Gothic, Karaoke, Avant-Garde, World Music, and Experimental, and all other genres that may not be listed here.

The 2019 Great Lakes International Film Festival will accept all forms of Religious, Christian, and Spiritual films including African, African-American, GLBT, Black, Hispanic, Islamic, Latino, Native/Aboriginal and student films from the United States and around the world.

In addition to awards presented to Filmmakers for Best of Genre, our Festival will present an Audience Choice Award to the Filmmaker whose film is the most popular with our attendees, and that receives the most attendee votes.

Showcasing the best films of the 2019 season, the Great Lakes International Film Festival will be held LIVE in the great city of Erie, Pennsylvania starting on September 19th, 2019, with our virtual festival taking place September 19th thru September 28th, 2019.

Though the GLIFF success does not come from an excess of big names celebrities crowding its red carpet, but instead from a formidable catalogue of exceptionally high caliber Independent Films and career launches, still, over the years we have had many films that have screened on the Sundance Channel, IFC, PBS and HBO along with countless filmmakers who have received distribution deals after screening in our festival.

Since our inception, the Great Lakes International Film Festival has showcased more than 2,000 films, and has played host to countless celebrities such as actor, writer, producer Bill Hinzman of Flesheaters and Night of the Living Dead; director Lloyd Kaufman of the Toxic Avenger films, Pot Zombies, and President of Troma Films; actor Gunnar Hansen of Texas Chainsaw Massacre; actor and director Mark Borchardt of American Movie and Coven; Erick Rodgers (Writer of NYPD Blue); best-selling mystery author Jamian Snow (Shrouded Insanity); John Hancock (“Hill Street Blues”, “The Twilight Zone”, & California Dreaming); actress and “Scream Queen” Debbie Rochon (Blood Relic, Vampyre Tales, & Lord of the Undead); Bobby Logan (Meatballs 4 & Repossessed), along with so many more.

As one of the premier film festivals worldwide, the Great Lakes International Film Festival held its inaugural festival in the fall of 2002, welcoming internationally acclaimed celebrities like Dirk Benedict, best known for his work on Battlestar Galactica and A-Team, along with Hollywood script guru Harri James who worked as script supervisor for blockbuster films and TV Shows as ER, Alias, Tremors II: Aftershocks, and Tremors 4: The Legend Begins, to name only a few.

That same year, B.J. and the Bear & Up in Smoke producer, Otto Felix visited the festival along with the renowned Keith Carradine being presented with a lifetime achievement award for his dedication and contributions to indie film.

Since that time, the Great Lakes International Film Festival has had many films go on to greatness like “The Derby Stallion” that was released through Echo Bridge Home Entertainment, a subsidiary of Disney, and Director Joel Miller’s film “The Still Life” that received distribution through Warner Home Video after having been screened at the festival.

In 2004, the Great Lakes International Film Festival had the proud pleasure to present the North East United States Premiere of “SAW”, Lions Gate Films’ gripping psychological thriller starring Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, and Leigh Whannel.

The legendary Terry Moore was our special guest of honor and was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her amazing accomplishments in film over the past 60 years, while international recording superstar Dizzy Reed of Guns ‘N Roses performed before a capacity crowd at our Film Festival.

From the feature narrative genre to documentary to animation; experimental, horror and Spiritual films, the Great Lakes International Film Festival celebrates the film arts in dynamic transition. As emerging technologies continue to redefine the form, filmmakers from the Great Lakes region, across the country and around the world express the common and the diverse through the age-old tradition. — The art of the story.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画  Music Video

Logo of Tirana International Film Festival

23 Aug 2014

公開済み: 22 Aug 2014

Promotional card of Tirana International Film Festival

Banner Tirana International Film Festival

Tirana International Film Festival

Tirana, Albania


アカデミー賞® およびヨーロピアン・フィルム・アワードの公式予選フェスティバルとして承認されたことを嬉しく思い、光栄に思います。私たちの映画製作者にとって、また将来の最優秀短編映画賞受賞者にとって、また学生アカデミー賞(SAA)にとっても本当に素晴らしい機会です。

TIFFは、アルバニアだけでなく、この地域でも、世界的なオルタナティブ映画やインディペンデント映画の文化の中心地となることを目指しています。 アルバニアは太陽に恵まれ、熱狂的で友好的な国です。TIFFは、「激しい競争」のほかに、ティラナの人々、ゲスト、映画を愛するすべての人々が映画と言語のコミュニケーションウィークを開催する、文化の出会いの場となることを同時に目指しています。

TIFFは、アルバニア、ヨーロッパ、そして世界中の映画アーティストや映画愛好家が集まり、映画芸術形式に対する情熱と知識を共有するための友好的な空間を作ることを目指しています。 TIFFの目的は、この興味深い景勝地での将来の協力を促進することを期待して、世界中の映画製作者、プロデューサー、配給業者をティラナに呼び込むことです。 TIFFは、これらの独特な声と彼らの作品を一つにまとめることで、観客に並外れた多様性というオルタナティブなビジョンを紹介することにコミットしています。 TIFFのスローガンでありモットーは、「違うことを考えて、同じように見る」です。

TIFFは、1年間の活動や、国内のさまざまな小規模なパートナーや小規模なフェスティバルとの他の都市への旅行など、イベントの前、最中、後に活動を実施することにより、(特に若い視聴者向けに)視聴者育成の効率を高めることを目指しています。 各都市の既存の施設を利用するために、全国の小さな組織や青少年センターと提携することは、TIFFに国家的に大きな影響を与えるだけでなく、TIFFが開催される各都市での小規模イベントの価値を高めることにもつながります。

このフェスティバルは毎年、世界中の120か国以上から何千もの応募があり、オンラインプラットフォームを通じて応募され、選考を申請しています。 TIFFは、アルバニアのあらゆるジャンルとデュレーションのヨーロッパおよび非ヨーロッパ映画の会場数と上映時間を拡大することを主な目的とする国際的な映画イベントであり、映画の上映と映画の上映を組み合わせて、全国に新しい観客を育成するイベントと見なされています。公開討論とテーマ別討論は、映画リテラシーにも焦点を当てた、新しい映画視聴者と増加する映画視聴者に近づいています。

TIFFのデイリープログラムは、フィクション、ドキュメンタリー、アニメーション、エクスペリメンタル、ビデオアートなど、あらゆる形式とジャンルのコンペティションの長編映画と短編映画の200以上のプレミアを組み合わせたものです。 世界中の映画製作者なら誰でも参加できるTIFFは、国際的に高い評価を得ている著名な監督による新しい映画作品や、才能のある学生や若手アーティストによる映画を紹介しています。

A. コンペティションプログラム

1。 長編映画
• 長編映画
• Perspectiff(デビュー長編映画)
• ドキュメンタリー
• アルバニア製

2。 短編映画
• フィクション/ライブアクション(オスカー® &ヨーロピアン・フィルム・アワード予選)
• アニメーション(オスカー® &ヨーロピアン・フィルム・アワード予選
• ドキュメンタリー(ヨーロッパ・フィルム・アワード予選)
• ビデオアート&エクスペリメンタル(ヨーロッパ・フィルム・アワード予選)
• 学生映画(全ジャンル)(アカデミー賞® 予選)
• バルカン映画(すべてのジャンル)
• アルバニア語で

3。 PANORAMAには、子供、女性、移民、障害者の統合、LGBTなどについて、最もデリケートな社会的トピックや問題のある社会集団に特化したテーマ別のセクションがいくつかあります。

• キッズ
• 世代
• 新世界
• 多様な心
• パレード

4。 脚本コンテスト/IFF

B. 特別プログラム&上映

1。 FOCUSは、映画作家や特定の国のフィルモグラフィーへのオマージュやオマージュに基づいた特別なプログラムです。

2。 RetrospectiffとTIFF Classicsは、映画史上最も著名な国内外の作家を新しい観客に呼び込みます。

3。 自分の人生を描き、未来を創造しよう
TIFFは、平均5歳から15歳までの子供向けの特別プログラムであるKiDSの特別プログラムに引き続き大きなスペースを提供します。 このイニシアチブは、ヨーロッパ映画の配給とプロモーションのためのクリエイティブヨーロッパでの買収プロジェクトを通じて、芸術的な映画で将来の映画観客を育成し、教育するための長期的な投資として提供されています。

4。 リフレクティングアルバニアは、アルバニアまたはアルバニア語圏で映画を制作した外国の映画製作者に捧げられた、映画祭で最も古いプログラムです。 FestiffALは、フェスティバルパートナーが厳選した作品を集めた特別プログラムです。

5。 オスカー® ノミネートショートフィルム&ヨーロピアン・フィルム・アワード短編ツアー

6。 FestiffALは、フェスティバルパートナーが厳選した作品を集めた特別プログラムです。

C. 新機能 — 並行上映

ティラナ国際映画祭では、応募者が利用できる4つの主要なサービスを発表します。 2003年の設立以来、TIFFは世界120か国以上から4万本以上の短編映画と長編映画を受け取りました。 これらの応募の中から、毎年200本以上の映画がコンペティションプログラムに選ばれます。 これら4つの新しいサービスにより、TIFFは多くの映画をより多くの視聴者と専門家に別の方法(テレビ、オンライン、マーケット、特別番組)で上映する機会を提供します。

• TIFF.TV コンペティション

• ツアー中のTIFF
TIFFは、応募された映画のアンバサダーを務め、今年中にアルバニアの他の都市を厳選して旅行します。 TIFFは、各コラボレーションフェスティバルの特定のテーマやテーマに合わせて、他の地域のフェスティバルにも特別上映を提案します。

• TIFF オンラインライブラリ
TIFFでは、映画ライブラリの一部として、各映画のオンラインプレゼンテーションを専用ページで提供しています。すべての関連情報と、国際的なインターネット視聴者や業界からのコメントを受け取ることができます。 映画の上映は誰でも無料で参加できます。 映画は、監督/プロデューサーが希望する限り、映画ライブラリーで視聴できます。

• TIFF マーケットコーナー
TIFFは、潜在的な買い手がすべての映画を見て選択できるマーケットコーナーを作ります。 TIFFはフェスティバルのプロモーターおよびディストリビューターとしても機能します。 ディストリビューターとの金融契約の場合、TIFFは5%の手数料を受け取ります。

info@tiranafilmfest.com | www.tiranafilmfest.com | facebook.com/tiranaFilmFest |
instagram.com/tiranafilmfest | twitter @TiranaFilmFest | youtube.com/user/tiranaFilmFestival1 | vimeo.com/ tiranafilmfest | linkedin.com/ company/1796049/admin/





 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  その他  実験映画

Logo of MadSwell - Madeira Island Surf Film Festival

22 Aug 2014

公開済み: 21 Aug 2014

Banner MadSwell - Festival de Cinema de Surf da Madeira

MadSwell - Madeira Island Surf Film Festival

Funchal, Portugal




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Terror Film Festival

21 Aug 2014

公開済み: 20 Aug 2014

Banner Terror Film Festival

Terror Film Festival

Malvern, United States

Terror Film Festival is a blood-chilling, alien-probing, international film festival that is unlike any other film festival, because we are designed specifically for filmmakers and screenwriters. TFF runs every October and being an online film festival allows us to remove all of your shackles from traditional venues. Problems like...capacity limits, late starts, rude staff, bad audio, lobby noise, projection snags, parking fees, ticket mishaps, etc...who needs them?! They are all designed to ruin YOUR screening. Well, no more!!

We have removed these problems, and with them now gone, TFF can offer you MORE people to see YOUR film (imagine 25 people vs 25 Million people). TFF increases the potential for you to gain more loyal fans. Plus, we offer the one and only, Claw Awards, for film and screenplay. And, our world-class screenwriting competition is a great feather in the cap for any screenwriter. We do our best to let you know that it is all about YOU. And, yes, we do accept Music Videos in any of the genres.

“TFF believes that it is through a legion of fans that a filmmaker or screenwriter can build a solid career in entertainment.”
~ Fel Angel, Filmmaker/Screenwriter/Festival Director/Terror Film Festival

Terror Film Festival was founded by filmmakers and screenwriters, and we know how difficult the road to success can be. That’s why we screen short films during the festival, but not the feature films. We only screen the feature film "trailers". The reason being that the integrity of your feature film must be kept intact if you expect to get a distribution deal. This way, your project can still be reviewed, you can still compete in the Claw Awards competition, and you can still have the opportunity to sell your film to fans during the festival. But, you do not suffer any interference with any distribution deal offers! Plus, All films and screenplays are reviewed by our selections committee, and all selected films and screenplays then become nominated for the coveted Claw Awards. Who knows, perhaps YOU will win the next Claw Award!

Terror Film Festival considers both short and feature length films and scripts (completed and Works-In-Progress), and we offer exposure, prestige, recognition, amazing exposure, and the Claw Awards. And we are completely driven by love of the craft. That's why TFF is committed to the filmmakers and screenwriters who bring great genre movies to the world. TFF is Halloween Cinematic!

Terror Film Festival is run like no other festival, because it is designed to help promote YOUR PROJECT, and more importantly, YOU. Our innovations are all designed to further YOUR career. Such as: Princess Horror, the first-ever film festival icon who is loved and followed by a legion of fans; The Claw Awards, the first-ever full-blown genre dedicated awards (heralded as "The Oscars of Indie Filmmaking"); Free Submitted Film Listings, the first and only listing of submitted films on a festival website in our massive stand alone section as an additional promotional vehicle for our creative artists as a thank you JUST FOR SUBMITTING A PROJECT.

Terror Film Festival also pioneered placing video interviews of our creative artists on our website. These are all unique marketing ideas that no other film festival in the world had ever explored before TFF. And we do it all because it brings more attention to YOU. TFF pioneered all of these concepts in 2006 to better serve our filmmakers and screenwriters, and we are proud to continue to offer them to our creative artists.

Thank You and Good Luck from Terror Film Festival.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画  Music Video

Logo of Public Service Announcement Festival (PSAF)

20 Aug 2014

公開済み: 19 Aug 2014

Banner Public Service Announcement Festival (PSAF)

Public Service Announcement Festival (PSAF)

Chennai , India




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  ファンタジー  実験映画

Logo of Fliqio (Curated VOD platform)

18 Aug 2014

公開済み: 17 Aug 2014

Banner Fliqio (Curated VOD platform)

Fliqio (Curated VOD platform)

London, United Kingdom



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Curta Vale Short Film Festival of the Valley Jacuípe

18 Aug 2014

公開済み: 17 Aug 2014

Banner Curta Vale Festival de Curtas do vale do Jacuípe

Curta Vale Short Film Festival of the Valley Jacuípe

Riachão do Jacuípe , Brazil



Logo of Short Film Festival MULTIFEST

16 Aug 2014

公開済み: 15 Aug 2014

Banner Muestra Internacional de Cortometrajes MULTIFEST

Short Film Festival MULTIFEST

Guadalajara, Mexico

MULTIFEST is an independent film exhibition of local, national and international shortfilms, it will be held in the city of Guadalajara and call for entries to your shortfilms to be part of the programming of this film encounter.



 フィクション  アニメ

Logo of Making Waves Film Festival

15 Aug 2014

公開済み: 14 Aug 2014

Banner Making Waves Film Festival

Making Waves Film Festival

Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Making Waves Film Festival takes film out of the cinema to promote entertaining, immersive, engaging and challenging film events delivered through a combination of film, performance and the use of an exciting range of venues. Making Waves also supports and exhibits pioneering work by international talent and local independent film-makers. Making Waves supports opportunities to develop skills in film-making, distribution and events.

Now in its third year, the Making Waves Short Film Competition 2015 will be open for entries from Friday 1 May.

Film makers are encouraged to enter the Best International Film, Best National Film and Best Local Film categories with winners’ films being screened during Making Waves Film Festival week and at partner film festivals in France and Italy.

In 2014 the Making Waves Short Film Competition attracted over 250 entries from across the world. Best Film went to Irish film “I've Been A Sweeper” and Best Local Film was awarded to “History Bombs”. The competition was judged by three industry experts led by Oscar nominated short film screen writer Julian Unthank who has written multiple episodes of NEW TRICKS for the BBC and the Oscar Shortlisted short film"Love at First Site) starring John Hurt.

Confirmed partner film festivals for 2015 include Taranto and Fermo Film Festivals in Italy.



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cine de No Violencia y Medio Ambiente (Non-Violence & Environment International Film Festival)

15 Aug 2014

公開済み: 14 Aug 2014

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de No Violencia y Medio Ambiente

Festival Internacional de Cine de No Violencia y Medio Ambiente (Non-Violence & Environment International Film Festival)

Piedecuesta, Colombia

You can find Us as NOVMA FILM FESTIVAL 2017.

It´s the way of calling: NOVMA (non violence & Enviroment Film Festival)

The first edition of the NOVMA FILM FESTIVAL took place on october 2012.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  ファンタジー  ホラー

Logo of Green-Go Short Film Contest

15 Aug 2014

公開済み: 14 Aug 2014

Banner Green-Go Short Film Contest

Green-Go Short Film Contest

-, Hungary

The Green-Go International Short Film Contest aims to gather environmentally and socially conscious youngsters to organize the contest and the festival on one hand, and on the other hand, to inspire youngsters to creatively express their ideas in a
short film format. With the shorts, we aim to raise awareness on environmental and social problems at global, European and national level. With Green-Go festival, we wish to create the basis of a sustainable green film event that activates both youngsters and the civil society, attracts interested people and stakeholders and generates dialogues within the whole society about key eco-social questions.

Within the film contest, we accept shorts in three categories to reflect on European awareness, global environmental and social problems and the connection between biodiversity and society.

The Green-Go Short Film Contest is generously supported by the European Commission.

This year we are awaiting short films (and Testimonies!) in the following three categories:

1. Build green, live green (Green infraestructure)
2. The last day on Earth? (Earth's overshoot day)
3. Your Europe in 2050 (EU budget)



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  その他  実験映画

Logo of San Francisco Immigrant Film Festival

15 Aug 2014

公開済み: 14 Aug 2014

Banner San Francisco Immigrant Film Festival

San Francisco Immigrant Film Festival

San Francisco, United States

Show a human face on the issues of immigration, and immigrant workers' rights through the exhibition of films/videos that document the lives of immigrants, and exiles, the facts that motivate people to migrate, and the problems most people face in the process to migrate to other country.



 フィクション  アニメ  実験映画