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We proudly announce 12th edition of PCISFF in September, 2025.
Before submitting your entry/entries please be informed that your film(s) will be screened in various Colleges, schools and Universities of Rajasthan, for free. The audience will watch and rate your film on the spot. On the basis of their ratings, best films will be short listed. These films will then be judged by our jury.
No compensation is admissible for the screening of your film(s). Your film(s) can also be shown on local or national TV channels. No royalty will be paid for such screening.
People expecting any payment for the screening of their films are requested not to send any entry to PCISFF.
The FENAVID International Film Festival is held annually in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Organized by the Audiovisual Foundation (FUNDAV), the Festival has become the most important film event in Bolivia and one of the most relevant in Latin America.
Since its first version, carried out in 2001, more than 10,000 audiovisual works from 30 countries have been presented at this meeting, which has transcended the borders of Bolivia and America.
In each version, FENAVID offers the public more than 150 screenings of feature films, short films, music videos and a series of audiovisual works that are exhibited free of charge for the public.
FENAVID always has first-rate guests. The event was attended by internationally renowned figures such as Celso Franco, protagonist of "7 boxes", Marisol Correa, Colombian actress, Alexandre Rodrigues and Leandro Firmino de Hora (protagonists of the acclaimed Brazilian film "Ciudad de Dios"), the Argentine producer Vanessa Ragone (winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2010), Bolivian directors Marcos Loayza and Rodrigo Bellot and Argentine actress Aymará Rovera, to name a few.
Beyond glamor and film screenings, FENAVID is a macro meeting where producers, directors, actors, specialists and a whole multitude of people passionate about cinema converge.
During the days of its realization, the Festival has a series of parallel activities, such as children's film shows, video clip competition, workshops, talks, colloquia and debates.
One of the most anticipated events of FENAVID is the Santa Cruz 100X100 Film Production Meeting. It consists of bringing together 25 emerging film talents in Latin America. The chosen ones travel to Santa Cruz de la Sierra and, during the development of the festival, have the mission of producing a short film in 100 hours.
The SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is a specialized, competitive fantastic genre Festival in accordance with the regulations established by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Associations). The Festival has also been declared a “Qualified Festival” by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences® in the United States. This means that those shorts winning the awards for “Best Short Film” in the Official Fantàstic Selection and “Best Short Film” in the Anima’t category will automatically be taken into consideration by the Hollywood Academy Awards® selection committee.
The festival’s themes are the environment, ecology and sustainable development in a comprehensive sense. The festival accepts films that question the global place and impact of Man in and on his environment: biodiversity, environmental and human stakes, climate change, natural resources, science and research, evolution of borders, alternative energies, indigenous communities and issues, environmental health, urbanism, mobility, environmental activism, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and so forth.
The International Human Rights and Film Festival Venezuela, pretends to be a communicational platform to allow cinematographers around the world to project movies that contemplate one or more topics in Human Rights matters, involving publics and private’s organizations and Non Governmental Organizations, nationally and foreign.
POST MORTEM at its 12th . 2023 edition
is an international film festival based in Aguascalientes Mexico, every year we receive hundreds of film from all around the world, this year we will focus especially on short film as we believe that it is the explorer and creator of the new cinema paths that someday we will contemplate.
Since the International Short film Contest Festival “Ciudad de Soria” considers at all times Short Films CINEMA in capital and appreciates as essential culture dissemination, our purpose is to promote as mean of audiovisual expression; the contribution to acknowledgment and dissemination. This format must be essentially and basically a part of CINEMA.
During one week of the year over 100,000 film-lovers gather in over 400 Cinemas across 6 Continents to view and vote on the Finalists Films' in the Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival - MANHATTAN SHORT is more than just one of the largest short film festivals in the world....it's the World's First Global Film Festival.
If making short films is about getting your work out there, nothing compares to MANHATTAN SHORT.
Every Film Selected is eligible to enter the Oscars:
MANHATTAN SHORT does a full week's run in a cinema in Los Angeles, California. This theater booking means all ten finalists in the 2025 MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival will be eligible to enter the Oscar competition for 2026.
MANHATTAN SHORT is now in compliance with the rules governing the Oscar Awards set forth by the Academy of Motion Pictures of Arts and Sciences
Featured Musical Artist
We are excited to announce that the MANHATTAN SHORT will be featuring a Musical Artist or Band leading up to and throughout the duration of the Festival each year.
The selected Musician or Band will have his/her music featured in over four hundred venues and to over 100,000 people worldwide during the MANHATTAN SHORT intermission and in all promotional materials leading up to the festival dates, including exclusive headline billing on our website. This is a tremendous opportunity for new or unknown musical talent to have their music broadcast to our ready-made worldwide audience of eager festival attendees. It is also a unique chance to gain name recognition and immediate exposure. Check ManhattanShort.com to enter the Musical Artist Comp.
The Esseoesse Cultural Association announces the competition "CortoDino Film Festival Dino De Laurentiis 2024 - XIV Edition", a competition that stems from desire to remember and celebrate, in his native land and in commemorative and propositive terms, the figure and work of Dino De Laurentis. The Metropolitan city of Naples, Vesuvian areas, “Giorgio De Chirico’s Secondary School of Art and Communication”, the others secondary schools of the area and the main cultural associations of the Vesuvian and Campanian areas will collaborate in the event.
So, the main aim of the initiative is to create an opportunity for meeting, confrontation and knowledge of young filmmakers who enter the cinematographic sector, in which the influence left by the illustrious “Torrese” has certainly been significant, promoting cinematographic culture through the inclusion of disadvantaged people and the research and promotion of works by talents from Campania, and also national and international.
The presence of the world of solidarity, cultural associations and of school is the clearest sign of the purpose of connecting in particular with the world of young people.
Cortodino Film Festival XIV edition will take place in November 2024. Cities, places and days of the event will be subsequently communicated.
The San Diego International Kids' Film Festival promotes the idea of entertainment with education. Supported by many across the world, the festival supports the entertainment and education industries by showcasing international films, and gives young, aspiring filmmakers a channel to communicate to an international community. The resulting collaboration produces a unique multicultural experience, engaging young viewers with positive media, as a diverse education.
Accepted films will be short, medium and feature length films produced in digital video; categories in documentary, fiction, experimental or animation; movies about mountain sports, adventure or expedition; films that contribute to knowledge and protection of the environment; films about mountain culture or outdoors lifestyle.
Berliner Fenster and Seoul Metro in cooperation with SESIFF (Seoul) present:
From the 7th September until 22th 2015 Berliner Fenster and Seoul Metro in cooperation with SESIFF (Seoul) will run the 12th International Short Film Festival for 'Ultra Shorts' in Berlin's and Seoul´s underground trains. On over 6,100 monitors in Berlin and Seoul subways, 2.7 million passengers turn into an underground movie audience for two weeks, and can vote for their favorite of the 26 films.
ANTOFACINE, the Antofagasta International Film Festival, is a gathering instance for national and international filmmakers; based on this premise we would like to contribute to:
● Promoting fiction, nonfiction and animations films as tools for cultural and social transformation and to benefit all of Antofagasta Region residents.
● Fostering the development of audiovisual projects in the region and country, supporting the creation of a professional space in order to promote local, national and international audiovisual works; contributing to audience formation and generating a gathering point in Antofagasta for the necessary interaction of all relevant agents of the audiovisual industry.
The 12 version of the Antofagasta International Film Festival, ANTOFACINE 2023 will be held from November 14 to 18, in the city of Antofagasta and other places of the region.
The Festival is an event full of color and emotion which shake the senses.
La Boca Erotica aims first to present a quality films, showing the casual, committed, funny, daring and courageous way, relationships that are present: sensuality, eroticism, love, seduction, desire, passion, lust, jealousy, conflict and everything that has to do with the approach and communication between the sexes.
We want to offer a transversal vision of eroticism. At the same time we ask ourselves about the meaning of the word within a diverse society.
An exploration of sexuality from a social point of view and without gender barriers.
The festival discuss about politics, education and society, taking as starting point sexuality.
*Payment of screening rights for selected short films
The International Film Festival of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (Cinema Movilh) is shown on feature films, shorts and documentaries largest and best known of Chile that takes place every year in Santiago and then travels sexual diversity regions. Local or foreign works can be projected at the Festival after postulating in the form indicated in these rules.
The Arusha African Film Festival (AAFF) is an international platform for the exhibition and celebration of films by filmmakers from around the world whose works are Africa-oriented.
AAFF is significantly a global traveling film festival, bent on promoting the understanding of Africa through film in all the regions of the world.
AAFF is also a forum for film education, production, distribution, marketing and networking.
The festival brings from around the world, filmmakers, actors, producers, commissioning editors, distributors, scholars, poets, performing artists, cinema enthusiasts, students, and the public together for the common purpose of understanding Africa through film.
AAFF is an eclectic, Africa-worldly cinematic niche that serves as a creative universe for the awakening of the African chi, memory, counter-memory, remembrance, and the symbiotic representations of our collective unconscious. These sensibilities are richly explored in the films we screen.
Cinema Workshop Project, Magic Eye Audiovisual Production Company and Wild Wood Corporation invite artists, visual artists, filmmakers, professionals, students and amateurs, to present their work in Intermediations, a Video Art and Experimental Video Showcase.
The Showcase will take place in the City of Medellin, Colombia. It is a non-competitive event, that seeks to promote and divulge different practices surrounding audiovisual works, specifically, artistic and experimental video.
Entries will be exhibited in three categories: Local, National and International exhibitions.