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The celebration of the XV Edition of the CortogeniAl Film and Short Film Festival will take place in the town of Puente Genil (Cordoba, Spain) between October 11th and October 19th of 2024.
It is welcome any person (film director, production or distribution) who has the legal control of the work or works submitted may participate.
− Short films must have been produced in 2023 or 2024.
− Short films shall not last more than 20 minutes.
− Every filmmaker may submit as many works as desired.
− Productions not filmed in Spanish as main language must be submitted with Spanish subtitles for their exhibition.
− Filmmakers will be owners of the legal rights to their works and the responsible of the authorship rights of the short films.
The Malaga Festival, in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Area of the Malaga City Council, pursues the objective of supporting the presence of women in film production, creating spaces that make visible the work of women in the audiovisual field, professional field where they are underrepresented, both in the direction, in the production or in the writing of scripts; favoring the film industry with the diverse views of women.
In order to fulfill this objective, the Equal Opportunities Area will hold its “XXII FILM SHOW WOMEN ON STAGE”, between the months of October and November 2024.
THE WOMEN ON STAGE FILM EXHIBITION was created in 2002 with the aim of debating, through the holding of cineforums, the existing gender inequalities in our society as well as in other nearby ones, reflecting on their causes and possible social strategies to eradicate them.
Since 2010, this objective of raising awareness and visibility has been added to supporting the presence of women in film production, an area in which there is a large gender gap, taking advantage of the fact that every day there are more women interested in developing their professional careers. In this field, therefore, one of the purposes of the OFFICIAL WOMEN ON STAGE SECTION is the visibility of audiovisual productions made by women, and it is achieved by dedicating the evening sessions to the exclusive projection of works directed, produced or scripted by women .
The conditions described below correspond to the requirements proposed by EUREKA University Film Festival and its programming team. The registration and selection of audiovisual pieces sent by those students and filmmakers who would like to be part of the official programming depend on these requirements, bases and conditions.
EUREKA University Film Festival is an event initially organized by students from the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano of Bogota and students from different universities in Colombia. The festival will take place from September 01 to 08, 2023 in the city of Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
The call for entries will be open from March 11st until June 01rd, 2023. The only platform we will enable to receive the audiovisual material will be :
We will not receive short films through other channels unless the platform may present an inconvenience around your application, in this case you can send us the materials of your short film to the following email:
The materials to be sent in those cases are:
-Two (2) copies of the short film
One (1) in códec ProRes 422, contained as .MOV o .MP4 with a minimum resolution of Full HD 1920x1080px.
One (1) in códec H264, contained as .MOV o .MP4 with a minimum resolution of full HD 1920x1080px.
-Subtitles in Spanish and English in a .srt file
-PDF file with the Technical Sheet
-Trailer (if available)
-Official Poster
-3 Stills
-Director and Producer’s picture
-PDF file with Profiles for both Director and Producer
-Instagram account of Director, Producer or Short Film Distributor
You can attach these materials through the platform of your preference, for example: WeTransfer, MyAirBridge, Filemail, etc.
Additionally, the programming team may request short films that they consider should be part of the call by means of the official mail and the festival reserves the power to make direct invitations to outstanding works.
The Places of Culture Film Festival, by CCBB Educativo, seeks to build a window for works that address the audiovisual universe, celebrating the transformative power of education and cinema.
The Banco do Brasil Cultural Center Rio de Janeiro (CCBB) is one of the largest cultural centers in Latin America, with more than 1.5 million visitors per year.
------- JURY OF THE FESTIVAL 2025 ---------
- Koji Yamamura (Japan)
- Che Marcheti (Brazil) - Winner of the 2024 festival competition program in the “Best Debut” category.
Additionally, negotiations are underway with three more jury members.
The Participant winning in competitive program of the festival 2024 in nomination "Best Debut" becomes the member of jury of following festival.
T-Short Festival for professionals from all over the world and animated movie fans in Germany.
Only short films up to 15 minutes are presented at the festival, preferably without monologues and dialogues.
T-Short Festival treats any auteur animated films with trepidation, however, it prefers abstract, experimental, and especially surreal animated films.
The festival is aimed at an adult audience only.
The festival is international and has no national awards.
National awards can only be presented by sponsors and partners of the festival.
Films are judged by our highly respected Jury.
Festival films can be watched both Online and Offline in the Cinema.
The International Imago Film Festival was born with the idea of promoting cinema, especially independent cinema, by encouraging research and experimentation with cinematographic language.
The idea of the festival was born from the meeting of IMAGO with the city of Civitella del Tronto, where the award-winning film "The right to happiness" by Claudio Rossi Massimi was made by IMAGO.
After the first two editions in the wonderful setting of Civitella del Tronto, the Festival has moved to the Municipality of Teramo with a broad cultural program, full of new features that go beyond national borders and that strengthens and highlights this fascinating bond.
The International Imago Film Festival will be all this and much more.
Organized by the Brazilian Vegetarian Society, the event was launched in 2009, in the city of Curitiba, and aims to create a debate on animal rights and the socio-environmental impacts that the interaction of humans with other animals can bring.
The films are shown to the general public free of charge, and previous editions brought together renowned artists, environmentalists, activists, authorities, writers and, above all, admirers and defenders of animals.
IMDB Qualified
Welcome to the 2023 CMCS Wall of Fame Film Festival!
Launched in 2013 in Toronto, the Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) is now proudly sponsoring the Wall of Fame - an international film festival in Lisbon, Portugal, that helps filmmakers screen unique moving images often overlooked in the tabloid politics of fame. In doing so, the CMCS Wall of Fame film festival bridges gaps between film stars and independent filmmakers, supportive of inspirational stories and social issues for both human and non-human animal ethics. CMCS has been featured for its views on celebrities in a wide range of media, including CTV, CBC National News, Global News, the Telegraph, VICE, Flare, Chatelaine, SUN Media, Yahoo! Entertainment, and many more. As the world’s first celebrity expert to be on tabloids, CMCS will offer honour, exposure, and connect unique film artists as role models for human rights and non-human animal ethics in celebrity culture. The festival will offer an additional screening to the first-runner-up award winner as a part of the annual Samita Nandy Productions Award and Hollywood’s Stage 32 (partnered with Netflix) webinar to the CMCS Wall of Fame best film award winner.
Registered under Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) Festival https://www.imdb.com/event/all?ref_=pe_2610490_199225680
Venue: ChasingRabbits at Rua do Sol ao Rato 61A, 1250-262 Lisboa, Portugal
Time: 4 to 7 pm (Lisbon time) on Saturday, June 24, 2023
For international audience: LIVE broadcast link: https://www.youtube.com/samitanandy
The latest festival program link in our 85th newsletter https://mailchi.mp/2135cadce946/ed85?e=[UNIQID
Nominations on our IG Wall of Fame www.instagram.com/cmcs_media
Insular & other seas Film festival(IOSAFF)
For outdoor performing arts and film screenings: How to bring your art to beaches, plazas and streets>
IOSAFF, not only competitions and film screenings but also an artists' tour during which we explore creative activities in various artistic specialties.
»IOSAFF is a coherent whole of a multidimensional cultural and cinematographic project will take place Palms Casino Resort Las Vegas
four days for a traveling festival (artist tour), we launch creative projects that bring people together, and we create high impact campaigns with influencers to motivate audiences to share their creativity.
If You're a filmmaker, screenwriter, designer, actor or actress, musician or band, painter or sculptor, or any other creative expression, we welcome you to the tours of creative artists...
Let's explore the oceans, seas & islands
- Environment,
- Designs animations,
- Author's cinema,
Islands in music & video
Oceans and seas cover 71% of the earth's surface, produce half of the oxygen we breathe, absorb 25% of carbon dioxide, capture 90% of the additional heat generated by these emissions and feed 3, 2 billion people. The oceans, seas & marine resources, lungs of the earth, are essential for sustainable development.
Promoting the heritage and creativity of the world's islands and caring for the oceans & seas is a major factor in developing the blue bio-economy, which is why we adopted it as the main axes of our cultural and media project.
The islands of the world, through the oceans and the continents of the planet, conceal important cultural and patrimonial wealth, as much by their variety, their specificity as by their authenticity. The islanders, being cut off from the continent, are forced to live in osmosis with their environment, to vibrate to the rhythm of the elements of their natural setting, and to dominate the rigors of their daily life by giving free rein to their creative imagination and their innovative spirit. In this perspective, artistic creativity is the best support for the expression of their dreams, their emotions & their collective memory
FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, is an international short film festival with 50 years of history. It is a reference festival in Catalonia awarded by the Barcelona Provincial Council and is a prescriber of the Goya awards.
Badalona celebrated the first edition of the old festival in 1971, on a biennial basis. The Amateur Cinema Section of the Museum was the entity that organized that international contest with the name 'Badalona World Amateur Cinema' and also held other contests such as Images (for members of the entity), the National Festival of Filmed Song (state wide) and the Religious Film and Human Values Contest (state wide). The entity collaborated with the main amateur film festivals in Catalonia, such as those held in Barcelona (Union of Amateur Filmmakers, the Catalonia Excursionist Center or the Barcelona Photographic Association) and others in Figueras, Terrassa, Valls, Mataró, Manresa, Vilanova i la Geltrú, etc.
These festivals screened films in 8 mm, Super8, Single 8 and 16 mm, where works by amateur filmmakers Tomàs Mallol, Rafael Marcó, Enric Menal, Miquel Esparbé, Jan Baca, Toni Garriga, Tomàs Freixas, Arnal S. Licer, Josep Parra, Enrique Montón, Agustí and Rafel Argelich, Joan Vidal, etc. At the end of the 1980s, a new association was created, with the name of Badalona Independent Filmmakers, which took charge of the new festival, the Badalona International Film and Video Festival, until the end of the 1990s.
In 2001, the Badalona City Council and Badalona Comunicació SA, with the support of historical members of the festival, launched the 27th edition of the new festival, under the name of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival. That new edition had 400 registered short films and 2,000 viewers and was the starting point and the new benchmark for short film festivals in Catalonia.
From then on, FILMETS Badalona Film Festival has been a benchmark not only for the short film festivals with the most international coverage and echo, but it is also a meeting point for filmmakers and, above all, for the most loyal public. Since its recovery, it has had the participation of the main short filmmakers from Catalonia and from the rest of the state and in its twenty-two years of the new stage, true film talents have participated who have subsequently stood out with the production of feature films with worldwide impact.
Some of the directors who have participated in the festival are Álex de la Iglesia, Fernando Trullols, Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza, Kiko Maillo, Judit Colell, Mar Coll, Javier Fesser or Àlex Pastor among others, as well as the participation of prominent international filmmakers like Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Pedro Almodóvar. It has also given way to the new current generations of short filmmakers such as Bill Plympton, JA Bayona, Ari Sandel or Carla Simón, among others. The international jury has been made up of people of recognized prestige in the audiovisual scene such as Manuel Huerga, Josep Maria Forn, Roland Nguyen, Joao García, Ventura Pons, Antoni Verdaguer, Lluís Marco, Roger Coma, Romà Gubern, Florence Keller, Judit Colell, Jaume Figueras, Llorenç Soler, Sílvia Quer, Carles Bosch, Albert Solé and Oriol Sala-Patau, among others. In recent years, professionals from the short film distribution sector have attended, such as Marvin&Wayne, Freak, Kimuak, Catalan Films, Agence du Court Métrage, Nikita Distribution, France TV, RTP, or festival programmers such as Medit, Mecal, Fec Cambrils-Reus , Cittadella di Corto, Biennale di Vicenza, Off Courts Trouville L'Alternativa, My first festival, OH, LA LA!, BCN Sports Film. They have also played an important role in the film schools of Catalonia (ESCAC, Bande à Part, CECC, 9 Zeros, ECIB, FX Animation, EMAV) or the renowned Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany, ESRA, ESMA, Arte FX, Les Gobelins of France USC California, etc.
The festival is also a platform for our filmmakers, since the presence of the festival in the main international markets (WSFF Toronto, Regard Saguenay Quebec, Short Film Corner Cannes, Tous Courts Aix -en-Provence, Off-Courts Trouville, Clermont-Ferrand , BISFF Brussel·les, etc) has made it possible for FILMETS Badalona Film Festival to be a catalyst for the genre, also promoting its own productions. Directors and producers of short films that have subsequently won the Oscar, or Goya, Gaudí, César, Donatello, etc., have attended and participated.
FILMETS Badalona Film Festival has maintained relationships and collaborations with the main festivals in the world since its origins, from the USC of Southern California, the New York Film Institute, the London Film School, among others, but mainly the most important producers and distributors of independent short films (Premium Films, European New Sales, Marvin&Wayne, Freak, Agencia du Cortmétrage, Interfilm Berlin, Kurtz Film Hamburg, Ouat Media, etc.)
In this regard, the festival is active throughout the year and beyond the dates of the celebration it has organized sessions all over the world, with anthological sessions in several European cities. FILMETS develops year after year a pedagogical work of the best cinema, with contents that have been carefully worked on by the programming team. At the same time, members of the organizing committee of the festival have actively participated in different conferences, round tables, professional meetings and as members of the official jury of the festivals: ImagineNative Toronto, WSFF Toronto, Regard Saguenay Quebec, Off-Courts Trouville/Deauville, Très Courts Aix -en-Provence, Short Film Corner Cannes, Huesca International Festival, Docs Barcelona, Cryptshow Badalona, BISFF Busan South Korea, Clermont-Ferrand, etc. On the other hand, they have also participated as speakers or moderators in: Short Film Corner, Clermont-Ferrand, Quebec, Trouville, and in different exhibitions and festivals in Catalonia, as well as a member of the short film commission of the Gaudí Award by the Catalan Cinema Academy.
FILMETS Badalona Film Festival has promoted all over the world not only the festival brand, but also the main short film festivals of Catalunya Film Festivals CFF (founding member).
Atlántida: Locación de Cine
Desde los años 40 se vienen filmando películas en Atlántida, producciones argentinas, norteamericanas y uruguayas han tenido como paisaje y protagonista distintos espacios de la ciudad.
Desde "La casta Susana", con Mirtha Legrand, hasta "Miami Vice", la playa y las construcciones costeñas han otorgado un set de rodaje realmente inspirador para realizadores y público. Sin duda la infraestructura y las bellezas de Atlántida permiten el feliz rodaje de films de las más variadas facturas.
Aquí verán fotos de algunos de los rodajes, seguramente faltan varios pero los podremos agregar si ustedes nos envían los registros.
Recientemente descubrimos a la gente de Uruguay desde lo alto quienes, como no podía ser de otra forma, han cubierto Atlántida desde el cielo.
The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation awards this prize to an audiovisual project, with the winning entry receiving 5000 euros to support the production of the finished work.
The prize aims to promote education, discussion and analysis of bioethical issues with a social impact, through work aimed at a general audience.
DONOSSKINO Short Film Festival Vol.IX
Festival will be held in Donostia / San Sebastian in October 2025.
Media affirmation association “MAT” (in further text: The Association) is non-governmental and non-profit voluntary association, founded for an indefinite period of time due to media affirmation of all social segments via audio-video material making, press articles and web presentation making. One of the aims of the Association is the organization of festivals which, due to their content, contribute the development of culture. From 2016. one of the organized festivals is International festival of short movies and photography, called “Short cut”.
The Association for Media Affirmation "Mat" from Indjija, has announced a competition for the ninth edition of the International Short Film and photographs Festival "Short cut" Indjija 2024. Short feature, documentary and animated films are shown at the festival. The festival is open to films by domestic authors, as well as to authors from all over the world. The topics of the films should be in the field of: ecology, tourism and life. The public call for authors of short films lasts from May 17 to 31, 2024. Received films are reviewed by a selection committee that will not consider films that contain offensive or aggressive messages or content.
The International Short Film and Photography Festival "Short cut" Indjija will be held on August 30, 2024. The festival screens short feature, documentary and animated films on the theme of ecology, tourism and life. The festival is open not only for the movies made by native authors, but also for the authors from all over the world. The following program consists of the photography exhibition (the theme is “Objective(s)”),which is a competitive nature too, and will be realized from August 30 to September 5, 2024.
The Short Cut Festival organizers organize an exhibition of photographs titled “Objective(s)” in the accompanying program, inviting all interested people to participate in the exhibition, photographs with personal information and contact send on shortcutfest @ gmail.com with an indication for a photo contest “Short cut”, from 17 to 31 May 2024. Photo authors for the competition can send a maximum of 10 photos, the size of the longer page of acceptable digital photos cannot be less than 3,000 pixels, the file type can only be jpg, ie. jpeg and the maximum file size must not exceed 20MB.
An exhibition of selected photographs for the competition will be held from August 30. to September 5., 2024.
"38Retinas" is an annual itinerant film festival, which aims to bring the best of short films and audiovisuals from any corner of the world to the 38 municipalities of the El Bierzo region that request it.
Palma Mountain Film Festival (Mallorca) open the 2024 call for entries for the competitive short film section, which aims to promote and publicise short films on mountains sports (mountaineering, expeditions, climbing, caving...), mountain nature and ethnography.