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Anim!Arte is an international festival of animated films made by children and youth, and made for children and youth.
The Anim!Arte Festival is just for Animated Short Films !
The maximum duration of each film is 15 minutes.
In 2023 will be held the 17th edition of Anim!Arte and the festival will take place in November !
For International Students (students from around the world), there are two competitive categories (only for animated short films): Maxi (18 years or over) and Mini (under 18 years).
For International Professionals there are two categories: "Environmental films", and "World Cultures" .
The selected animations will be projected following the program prepared by the Festival's organization board.
If the film has dialogues in language other than Portuguese, it will be necessary the sending of a text file with the dialogues of the film in English (if possible, with the time code) to the email: animarte@vouanimarte.com.br.
A version of the film with English subtitles is welcome to facilitate the work of translation and subtitling for the Portuguese, but the version that will be shown at the festival must be submitted without subtitles.
There are also 2 exclusive categories (only for Animated short films) just for students who are enrolled in educational institutions in Brazil: Maxi (University Students) and Mini (High School Students, and Students of Elementary Education).
The European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation (the Federation) is a tightly knit network of 22 film festivals from 14 countries, with a global attendance of over 450 000 visitors, making it a vital economic and cultural player on the fantastic film scene.
Ascona Film Festival started on the social networks and after 5 years received more than 12000 submissions form 95 countries.
The Ascona Film Festival success is due to the concept of a nice VIP film festival in the legendary Ascona Venue at the Hotel Ascona.
Admission to the projection is on invitation only to selected VIP international personalities.
DMOFF is an International, Independent online event for all Short, Documentary, Feature, Music Video and Web Series. Goal of DMOFF is to Provide homes to group of young and vibrant film enthusiasts who are committed in creating spaces for independent cinema and devoted to spreading of the knowledge of the modern visual art form to all interested.
Direct Short and Documentary Film Festival hosts monthly 'Online International Short and Documentary Film Festivals'. We, at Direct Short and Documentary Film Festival , aim at bringing out the best short films, Documentary, Music video and web series from around the globe and to present it all on one single platform which is our website.
Mitreo Film Festival Association in collaboration with
duration: 10 minutes
age limit author: 25 years
N.B. short films with languages other than Italian and English will not be taken into consideration if they do not have English or Italian subtitles/dialogues!
(provisional dates)
"Whoever dreams can move mountains." (Fitzcarraldo, W. Herzog)
The cultural association Mitreo Film Festival, for the 19th edition of the festival of the same name, announces a selection call for international short films with a maximum duration of 10 minutes, made by filmmakers under 25 years of age, developed on the central theme of “Courage”.
Courage should be not only the main plat, but it must also connotate the language and feeling, the setting and the atmosphere by which the story unfolds, whatsoever kind of genre the author narrates his story (comedy drama etc). Moreover courage should also inspire the author in such a way to make him choose a courageous form of performance, in a few words we are also looking for courageous, and daring film makers, who are able to work in a different way and from an original perspective.
It’s basically important that the theme of courage is clearly expressed in the synopsis of the work
and in the author’s notes which each candidate must produce together with the application form, under penalty of exclusion.
Mentioned in publications like Vox, Medium or Backstage, TMFF has been named by ShortFilm Connection "probably the most famous film festival currently on the web". With almost 3500 SELECTED FILMS until now and tens of thousands of website visits each month, we hope that through TMFF you will stand out with your project and get the reach you need and deserve! Plus, besides being an IMDb-qualifying event, every official selection will automatically be entered into our extensive FILM COLLECTION: https://tmff.net/collection/
Month by month, our judges (who all work in the film industry) will decide who the TMFF nominees and winners are. We have received over 13,000 projects so far, held over 80 monthly editions and awarded over 800 films from all around the world!
❗AND KEEP THIS IN MIND: We won't put the full version of your film on our website if you don't want to. A TRAILER WILL DO.
❓Frequently Asked Questions: https://tmff.net/faq/
Thank you for considering our festival for your film!
We are looking for the best features, shorts, docs and animation we can find to present in San Francisco. For 26 years SF IndieFest has developed a great reputation for eclectic, adventurous programming, getting great press for our films and filling theaters with enthusiastic film fans. Dozens of festivals and distributors have requested and received industry accreditation to view SF IndieFest titles at our festivals over the years.
Top 50 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee
25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World
“I’m certainly happy that IndieFest exists, because it is a celebration of films that don’t necessarily get distributed widely,” HITS director David Cross says, “I’m happy to be a part of it with my film, which is very much in the category of a low-budget, little indie movie. I’m glad there’s a place for it.” – SF Chronicle
“Sundance may have sold out, but SF IndieFest keeps it real” – Annie Lo, Flavorpill
“While the Bay Area is flush with festivals, this one remains an under-the-radar standout.” – Randy Myers, San Jose Mercury News
“The San Francisco Independent Film Festival, the Bay Area’s version of Slamdance, provides a showcase for edgy cinematic work — and a great excuse to do some serious partying.” – David Lewis, San Francisco Chronicle
"The movie business is in a perennial state of constant tension between ambition and collaboration, joyful inventiveness and jaw-dropping paydays. This roiling undercurrent, usually invisible to the public, gushes to the surface in the run-up to the Academy Awards ceremony. There is an antidote, however, to Hollywood’s annual backslapathon: SF IndieFest. The San Francisco Independent Film Festival is a beacon to anybody excited by the basic impulse of making movies. In its heart of hearts, IndieFest is a celebration of the minor miracle of finishing a film and getting it up on a screen in front of a live audience." - Michael Fox, KQED
“For many independent filmmakers, festivals such as SF Indiefest—aka the San Francisco Independent Film Festival–are the only way to bring their works before an audience. For filmgoers, SF Indiefest is the place to see original cinematic works created by directors who want to tell edgy stories which come from their hearts and souls. While some have bemoaned the death of cinema, the curators and filmmakers at SF Indiefest are keeping the craft of film alive.” – David Elijah Nahmod, SF SOUNDS
“SF IndieFest is the one festival of the year where you should throw a dart at the program and take a chance. Not because you’re guaranteed a masterpiece, but because it’s the best fest to see something that would never, ever breach your filter otherwise.” -Michael Fox, KQED
Press Coverage for past year's festivals: https://sfindie.com/press-coverage
"Hey Jeff: Just want to shoot you a quick note of thanks on hosting us at IndieFest and giving us our World Premiere. We had a great time and really enjoyed our time at the fest and in SF; it's a great vibe and the diversity of features and shorts in the program made for a really exciting and energized atmosphere. "- Max Gardner, Go/Don't Go
"Festivals bring unexpected benefits. Festivals are essential for brand creation. Premiering at Tribeca was enough to convince people to at least listen to me, but surprisingly it was the San Francisco Indie Fest that was just as crucial for our theatrical release. Our press from this festival helped convince the Red Vic to book us in April (I thank the amazing S.F. publicist Karen Larsen for convincing me of this in advance). We also incorporated festivals into our broader theatrical release, and while we did not claim them as cities in our 17-city count, they helped give us something to crow about."
"I've got to tell you that Indiefest was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I tell all filmmakers - and festival organizer friends of mine - how you run your fest and how you run each film twice. Every single time people look at me with shocked disbelief. Truly, Bonnie and I loved being a part of the event.
Thanks again for including us. SF Indiefest really made me feel that making YEAR was worth the whole effort.
"We LOVED San Francisco, meeting other filmmakers, seeing their films, participating in your screenplay panel and of course our awesome sold-out screening. You have one of the most engaged, passionate cinephile audiences I’ve ever seen at a film fest — they were incredible." - Warren Sonoda, THINGS I DO FOR MONEY, IndieFest 2020
"You have a great and engaging festival and one that draws on extremely passionate indie film audiences you are rabid for amazing content for which you definitely provide in bunches! You support of us and our film is greatly appreciated and we hope we are privileged To be welcomed back again in the future!" - Avi F.
"Thanks for these amazing photos (kudos on composition, lighting, and hyping up the crowd - what a great gift to filmmakers!). A million thanks to you both for pulling off an amazing event. We love the ethos of SF IndieFest and we're so honored to have participated. Thanks for your dedication to uplifting local filmmakers and for putting our all-female team (and our unexpected and important story) in the spotlight. Looking forward to seeing and working with you both again in the future!!" - Leslie Tai, How To Have An American Baby
"Thank you for a wonderful experience. The festival was a blast, the people so kind, the films inspiring, and great vibes all around. I'll be back to catch more films in the coming days." - Kerry Muir, Madame
"Thank you so much for having us and all that you and SF IndieFest do to champion independent film." - Anna Moot-Levin, Matter of Mind
"Thank you all for such a fun festival! You all really did a wonderful job all around and we were honored and grateful to be a part of it!" - Liz McBee, Finding Lucinda
SF IndieFest is a founding member of the FILM FESTIVAL ALLIANCE
DSOFF is an International, Independent online event for all Short, Documentary, Feature, Music Video and Web Series. Goal of DSOFF is to Provide homes to group of young and vibrant film enthusiasts who are committed in creating spaces for independent cinema and devoted to spreading of the knowledge of the modern visual art form to all interested. We, at DSOFFest aim at bringing out the best Short, Documentary, Feature, Music video and web series from around the globe and to present it all on one single platform which is our website
The XII International Film Festival of the Border is organized by the Associação Pró Santa Thereza e Urcamp, promoted by the Municipal Department of Culture of the City of Bagé.
It will be held in Bagé, on the Brazil/Uruguay border, from December 17th to 19th, 2021.
Democratization and access to audiovisual production, as well as training activities aimed at the economic and social development of the region, are the main focuses of the Fronteira International Film Festival. Its short and feature film program is free and participatory, with an official jury and popular jury awards. After a hiatus due to the pandemic, we returned with the necessary adaptations and restriction measures for the in-person enjoyment of the event.
We dare you to edit a full feature length movie down to 5 minute
True Edit Award – You create a short film using only the material (audio/visuals) provided by the 90 minute feature without losing the essence of the story!
Creative Edit Award – Or you create a 5 minute edit using different music (or even add a few visuals from another source) and be as imaginative as you can!
Golden Orchid International Animation and Film Festival is one of the most famous and important animation & film festival in the world, since 2012.
Horrorvision is organized by Spooky High School and Grace Xtreme Maniac, but we have a number of collaborators, who selflessly and raring help us make this festival possible.
The Short Film Festival Operas premiums and Barquisimeto , created eleven years ago with the idea of offering an annual Venezuelans living space where talent at home and abroad to exhibit their work and share with like-minded people their desire to improve and expand map of the audiovisual in Venezuela .
Within the framework of the multiple activities presented and organized by Andares: Cinematographic Actions, we are pleased to present the third edition of our Contemporary Film Festival. Another short, careful and compact edition to celebrate cinephilia in the peruvian fall.