Blog: Festivals de cinéma

Logo of NewFilmmakers Los Angeles

Date limite
31 Dec 2015

Publié: 30 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner NewFilmmakers Los Angeles

NewFilmmakers Los Angeles

Los Angeles, United States

NewFilmmakers Los Angeles (NFMLA) is a non-profit organization designed to showcase innovative works by emerging filmmakers from around the world, providing the Los Angeles community of entertainment professionals and film goers with a constant surge of monthly screening events. NFMLA provides a forum where filmmakers can be recognized for their contributions, have open audience discussions about their projects and connect with industry professionals for insight on distribution, production, acquisition and representation.

Each month, NewFilmmakers Los Angeles (NFMLA) presents red carpet screenings of documentary, short and feature films that have been submitted from all over the world, followed by a Q&A with each films director. The program also offers a special after party so the audience can meet the filmmakers and incredible talent involved

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental

Logo of 11º FIACINE - Iberoamerican Film Festival

Date limite
31 Dec 2015

Publié: 30 Dec 2015
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Banner 11º - FIACINE - Festival Ibero-americano De Cinema

11º FIACINE - Iberoamerican Film Festival

Ribeirão Pires, Brazil

Cachaça Filmes organise le festival depuis 2009. Il fait toujours appel à des cinéastes et artistes de renommée nationale de la région, dans le but d'offrir des options culturelles et de loisirs et de favoriser l'économie de la région. À court terme, nous avons l'intention d'attirer un public « d'élite » à Vila de Paranapiacaba et, à moyen et long terme, de proposer des productions cinématographiques dans la région.

Nous avons également le concours de courts et longs métrages.

Réglementation :

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental

Logo of Sguardi Altrove Film Festival

Date limite
30 Dec 2015

Publié: 29 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner Sguardi Altrove Film Festival

Sguardi Altrove Film Festival

Milano, Italy

The Festival’s aim is to encourage, through cinematographic art and expression, a reflection on relevant issues for women related to their specific cultural, political and social context. The Festival is a place for intercultural dialogue and dialectical comparison between different cinematographies as well as an opportunity to promote distribution of films that are unlikely to have access to commercial venues.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental

Logo of TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

Date limite
30 Dec 2015

Publié: 29 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

Glasgow, United Kingdom

Mentionné dans des publications comme Vox, Medium ou Backstage, TMFF a été nommé par ShortFilm Connection « probablement le plus célèbre festival de films actuellement sur le web ». Avec près de 3500 FILMS SÉLECTIONNÉS jusqu'à présent et des dizaines de milliers de visites de sites Web chaque mois, nous espérons que grâce à TMFF, vous vous démarquerez avec votre projet et obtiendrez la portée dont vous avez besoin et que vous méritez ! De plus, en plus d'être un événement de qualification IMDB, chaque sélection officielle sera automatiquement inscrite dans notre vaste COLLECTION DE FILMS :

Chaque mois, nos juges (qui travaillent tous dans l'industrie cinématographique) décideront qui sont les nominés et les gagnants du TMFF. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons reçu plus de 13 000 projets, organisé plus de 80 éditions mensuelles et récompensé plus de 800 films du monde entier !

❗ ET GARDEZ CELA À L'ESPRIT : Nous ne mettrons pas la version complète de votre film sur notre site Web si vous ne le souhaitez pas. UNE BANDE-ANNONCE VA FAIRE.

❓ Foire aux questions :

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Horror, Action and Fantastic Film Festival & Awards “drop“

Date limite
30 Dec 2015

Publié: 29 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner International Horror, Action and Fantastic Film Festival & Awards “drop“

International Horror, Action and Fantastic Film Festival & Awards “drop“

Moscow, Russia

Live Entertainment, LLC, Russia in co-operation with EVENT FILM, Canada proudly present an annual festival event – International Horror, Action and Fantastic Film Festival & Awards "DROP".

The festival is being annually held in the city of Moscow since the year 2011 and contains 4 events:

- opening screening

- closing awards ceremony

- master-class and Q&A with movie stars

- film festival competition program screenings in cinema theatres

The Awards ceremony takes place in a big concert venue (changing every year) and consists of the show program and the ceremony of granting awards which is divided into the following jury voting categories:

- awards granted to local film distribution companies for the blockbusters screened in cinema theatres of Russia in the reported year;

- awards granted to young directors and producers as competition program. The category is called “Hope for Survival”;

- awards granted to World stars for the contribution to horror genre

The Awards ceremony is always visited and recorded by a large number of mass media.

The Master-class is a so-called Q&A horror convention held in a cinema theatre in a form of a question-answer session between the star guests of the festival and the audience + autograph session. The event usually ends with a premier film screening.

The festival program is a week non-stop screening of new movies in several Moscow cinema theatres. The films-participants of the competition program are being selected by the festival’s jury. Submissions are being analysed and accepted by the festival's organization committee during the whole year.

The festival's schedule usually also contains a pre-party and an after-party arranged for the honored guests and winners.

The TV version of the festival is televised by Tricolor TV platform.

The festival specializes in all sub-genres of horror and action film industry, i.e.: cartoon horror, comedy horror, psychological thriller, trash horror, zombie horror, giallo, slasher, suspense, detective, action, fantasy, sci-fi etc. Starting from the year 2013 the festival also specializes in survival horror video games sphere.

The festival is annually visited in person by World-known honored guests. The previous years’ guests were: Eric Roberts, Stuart Gordon and Bryan Yuzna, Jodelle Ferland, Costas Mandyllor & Tobin Bell, Lloyd Kaufman, Akira Yamaoka, Marco Ristori and Luca Boni, Preity Uupala, Yeppe Laursen, Silje Reinaamo, Daniel Licht, A.J. Annila, Leonid Kuravlev, Igor Zhizhikin, Oliver Robins, Corbin Bernsen, Lauren Esposito, John Kassir, James Russell, Mick Garris, Shawn Hall, Liesl Ahlers, Kyle Catlett, Lina Leandersson, Richard Cutting, Helen Crevel, Javier Botet, SWERY, Adnan Koc, Naomi Grossman & Ben Wolf, Sergio Stivaletti
...and many others

A great number of star winners also annually send their exclusive video messages which are being screened during the ceremony.

A more detailed information about the festival can be found on the English version of our web site, on Wikipedia and in social media.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video


Date limite
30 Dec 2015

Publié: 29 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner Festival Internacional de Cinema Social de Catalunya



LE FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU FILM SOCIAL DE CATALOGNE a pour objectif fondamental la diffusion et la promotion de films qui contribuent à la connaissance du cinéma mondial, du film social, des droits de l'homme et des droits civils.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Autres  Experimental

Logo of Unmasked

Date limite
28 Dec 2015

Publié: 27 Dec 2015
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Banner Unmasked


London, United Kingdom

Unmasked is a series of film screening and networking event that aims to give upcoming filmmakers the chance to see their work on the big screen.

Januarys event is focusing on both short films and web-series, we want to help you meet potential future crew, get feedback and, perhaps most importantly, get recognised for your talent.

At our event you will get the chance to not only see your film/web-series on a cinema screen to an audience of 150 people, but you will also get the chance to network with everyone after over drinks at the bar.

You can expect a wide range of attendees from industry professionals to ethusiasts just starting out but everyone there will be there to support the upcoming talent that you have.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Indieflicks International Monthly Film Festival

Date limite
24 Dec 2015

Publié: 23 Dec 2015
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Banner Indieflicks International Monthly Film Festival

Indieflicks International Monthly Film Festival

Manchester, London, Sheffield, Liverpool, United Kingdom

IndieFlicks is the UK's monthly film festival, supporting the best up and coming filmmakers from around the world. IndieFlicks is continuously growing, hosting simultaneous screenings in Manchester, London and Sheffield. We also host a repeat screening the following week in Liverpool.

"They only pick the best films for their screenings so it's not only a great festival to enter, but a great film night to attend. I've enjoyed every film i've seen so far.”
Chris Cronin, Director.

How our monthly festival works…

Our Monthly Festival is a showcase of Short films from around the world, screening 50 minutes of short film in the first half, followed by our selected Feature Short in the second. We also host a Q&A with filmmakers able to attend and talks with local creatives.
At each event, two films will be selected to win either one of our awards:

The People’s Choice Award
The Directors Choice Award

Films included in the first half are nominated for our 'The People's Choice Award’; This is evidently voted for our audiences on the night and votes are calculated collectively from all of our venues.

In the second half of the night we host our 'Feature Short', one film no longer than 50 minutes. This is our headliner for the event. This film is awarded, ‘The Directors Choice Award’, one that our Judging panel felt deserves recognition.

"Not only is IndieFlicks a brilliant opportunity to network within the Manchester filmmaking community, it offers insight into short filmmaking approaches worldwide."
Martyn Ellis, Sound Engineer, Noise Four


Filmmakers will be notified throughout the year. If successful, your film will be screened on the first Wednesday of a selected month.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Horror Film Festival Aurora

Date limite
24 Dec 2015

Publié: 23 Dec 2015
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Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Horror Aurora

International Horror Film Festival Aurora

Guanajuato, Mexico

Festival international du film d'horreur basé dans la ville de Guanajuato, au Mexique. Toutes les activités du festival sont à but non lucratif.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Terreur  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cinemystic Film Festival

Date limite
21 Dec 2015

Publié: 20 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner Festival Cinemística

Cinemystic Film Festival

Granada, Spain


Ce qui nous anime :

Un concours consacré au cinéma transcendantal, dans ses différentes acceptions, dont le cinéma philosophique, psychologique, scientifique, anthropologique, spirituel et poétique.

Parce que la transcendance de l'homme et du monde peut finalement être ineffable et, à cet égard, l'art cinématographique possède certains avantages et une énorme responsabilité.


Toutes les possibilités cinématographiques sont les bienvenues, avec un intérêt majeur pour les raretés


La cinemística est un espace-temps ouvert, doté de fonctionnalités non restrictives, permettant aux auteurs de développer leur propre langage : tous les formats, durées, nationalités, années de production, etc. sont acceptés.


Un refuge international pour les films qui visent, techniquement ou par l'intrigue, à aborder le grand mystère de la représentation du monde, dans l'art et dans l'homme. Sans dogmes, dans une perspective individuelle ou collective, issue de la foi, mais aussi de l'agnosticisme, de l'athéisme spirituel et de la pensée scientifique.


Les regards des cinéastes, dans toute leur diversité socioculturelle, s'intéressent à tout film à la suite de découvertes personnelles, de recherches ou d'expériences, d'inspiration et de travail, de révélation ou d'introspection des auteurs. Quotidien, extase et disparité comme structures permettant de donner de la profondeur au traitement cinématographique.


Le mysticisme et l'ascèse dans la production cinématographique représentent probablement un domaine plus absolu que d'autres, car un cinéma doté d'un budget énorme et d'une plus grande complexité technique pourrait être réalisé, mais le film le plus humble et le plus simple est parfois universel.


Les cinématographies impermanentes, issues du cinéma « amateur » (du verbe français aimer), définissent les réalisateurs non seulement en fonction de ce qu'ils montrent et de la manière dont ils le font à l'écran, mais aussi en fonction de ce qu'ils décident de ne pas montrer.


Ce qui apparaît et disparaît, les topologies émergent, les matériaux ou le conscient, et leur invisibilité ou leur expiration ultérieure. L'environnement séquentiel du vide, de la matière et du temps. Des failles dans le discours, éloquentes, chacun peut le comprendre par lui-même. Absence et miracle : Mystic en tant que possible cohabitent ensemble.


Grande importance des colloques et de l'interaction en direct entre les spectateurs et les cinéastes. Communication, respect, sympathie et proximité maximaux de la part de l'organisation envers les cinéastes, artistes et réalisateurs qui viennent présenter leurs films.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Autres  Experimental

Logo of FIFES Comedy film festival

Date limite
20 Dec 2015

Publié: 19 Dec 2015
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Banner FIFES Comedy film festival

FIFES Comedy film festival

Zagreb, Croatia

Laughter :)

Laughter is the cure and the best means of combating the problems of life, it is also free and does not issue a prescription.
One of the greatest remedies that we have invented, and heal the world, entertaining it too.

Weed to entice and use laughter to achieve happiness and success in life.
Laughter is the art and skill of the world's most powerful habit.

Laughter is the exhaust valve of our soul, but it's a matter of us shell we use it.

It's reflects many virtues such as generosity, selflessness, optimism, altruism, hope, empathy, joy, serenity, happiness ...

These are just some of the thousands of words being sung in his honor, and that is why we, as FIFES's organisers, decided to provide the opportunity for all people of good will who want to express their creative soul, a very unique, funny, lighthearted way, through the art of film as a wonderful way of human expression.

Send us your work and thus force a smile on our faces.

We do not laugh because we're happy, but we are happy because we laugh
Who laughs the last, laughs too late ...

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Experimental

Logo of OffsideFest. Barcelona International Football Documentary Film Festival

Date limite
20 Dec 2015

Publié: 19 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner OffsideFest. Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de Fútbol

OffsideFest. Barcelona International Football Documentary Film Festival

Gelida, Spain

OFFSIDEFEST is a festival specialized in football film documentaries, and movies can be addressed from any point of view or approach to the beautiful game, whether sporting, social, ideological, biographical, anthropological, etc.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage



Date limite
20 Dec 2015

Publié: 19 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Por Los Derechos Humanos -Colombia | FICDEH


Bogotá, Colombia

Depuis 2013, le Festival international du film pour les droits de l'homme en Colombie propose aux participants un programme audiovisuel, culturel et universitaire qui contribue à la formation du public, au renforcement des industries cinématographiques et culturelles, à la création d'espaces de dialogue sur la vie, à la réconciliation, à la promotion et à la défense des droits humains et à la construction d'idées pour la paix.

Le Festival est le cadre idéal pour la communauté cinématographique de Colombie et du monde entier qui mise sur la narration audiovisuelle axée sur les droits humains. C'est pourquoi il devient la principale plateforme de promotion, de circulation, de distribution et d'exposition d'œuvres audiovisuelles dont la demande est limitée en raison de leur sujet non commercial.

Le festival se tient simultanément dans les villes de Barranquilla, Medellin, Cali, Bogota, Soacha, Cartagena, Manizales, Pereira et Villavicencio, ainsi que dans une dizaine de municipalités du pays, organisé par la Fundación Impulsos.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation

Logo of International Mobile Film Festival

Date limite
19 Dec 2015

Publié: 18 Dec 2015
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Banner International Mobile Film Festival

International Mobile Film Festival

La Mesa, United States

MFF2017 is an International Mobile Film Festival based in San Diego. Our film festival is exclusive to films shot with mobile phones. No other cameras qualify.

Our 6th International Mobil Film Festival™ in San Diego takes place April 29 & April 30, 2017. See you there! TAG is #MFF2017SanDiego

It is very important that you only submit ONE film per filmmaker or company and it MUST BE SHOT WITH A MOBILE PHONE. One (1) Entry per Filmmaker Only.

****NEW COMPETITION beginning with MFF2017 is the MOBILE FEATURE COMPETITION. SEE CATEGORY: ***Feature Mobile Films Competition (NEW!) Deadline 11/19/17 and visit our website. for details. *You cannot submit a film without requesting a password.

****SEPARATE SHORT FILM COMPETITION: All films must be shot with mobile phones to qualify for this film festival and must be between 1 & 5 minutes in length. ****

Submissions are completely free for our SHORT FILM COMPETITION!

Everyone MUST fill out the REGISTRATION FORM to be eligible AND YOU WILL RECEIVE IT IN AN EMAIL. Email us to request the form:


ONE FILM PER FILMMAKER & LENGTH BETWEEN 1 to 5 MINUTES (20-60 minutes for feature film competition)

No exceptions. All films must be shot with mobile phones only.

See RULES PAGE on our website for deadlines. Link is above.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental

Logo of FlixxFest (Online)

Date limite
19 Dec 2015

Publié: 18 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner FlixxFest (Online)

FlixxFest (Online)

-, United States

FlixxFest was designed to bring thousands of filmmakers together in one virtual place to showcase films from all over the world and across the United States Of America. We are currently accepting feature and short length films of all genres including Documentary, Experimental, Religious/Spiritual, Animation, Comedy, Horror, with Horror sub-genres that include Supernatural, Thrillers, Wicken, Magical, Slashers, Science Fiction, Suspense, Horror Documentary, Horror Animation and all genres of Music Videos and GLBT films for our festival.

The FlixxFest Film Festival is different from all other festival because it offers an unique method of viewing films in an online film festival that is totally secure and safe for a filmmaker’s project, and even those that provide online fests cannot duplicate the safety and security that we offer.

FlixxFest is a Year Round Festival

Films will be announced as they are selected

Films will be presented as they are announced

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental

Logo of Festival Internacional Estudantil de Cinema de Barra do Piraí

Date limite
18 Dec 2015

Publié: 17 Dec 2015
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Banner Festival Internacional Estudantil de Cinema de Barra do Piraí

Festival Internacional Estudantil de Cinema de Barra do Piraí

Barra do Pirai, Brazil


Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental

Logo of Palencia International Film Festival

Date limite
18 Dec 2015

Publié: 17 Dec 2015
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Promotional card of Palencia International Film Festival

Banner Muestra de Cine Internacional de Palencia

Palencia International Film Festival

Palencia, Spain

Le Festival international du film de Palencia est organisé par l'association Friends of the film et l'Université populaire de Palencia.

Cette édition porte le numéro 34, et pendant toutes ces années, notre philosophie a considéré le cinéma comme un outil de développement et de cohésion sociale.

Notre festival collabore avec l'Académie espagnole du cinéma, et c'est un festival qualificatif pour les GOYA Shortfilm Awards.

En outre, le court métrage qui aura remporté le premier prix par le jury du MCIP (le prix Milagros Alcalde) ira directement au finaliste des prix FUGAZ, constituant ainsi la liste restreinte des films qui seront ensuite évalués en vue de leur nomination par la commission qui décerne ces prix chaque année.


Festival International

Festival d court métrage


Logo of DocsBarcelona, International Documentary Film Festival

Date limite
17 Dec 2015

Publié: 16 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Promotional card of DocsBarcelona, International Documentary Film Festival


DocsBarcelona, International Documentary Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

DocsBarcelona est un festival international spécialisé dans le genre documentaire composé de sections de compétition internationales et nationales, de sections non compétitives et de rétrospectives. Le comité de direction artistique et de programmation sélectionne tous les documentaires qui composent ces sections.

DocsBarcelona fêtera sa 28e édition du 8 au 18 mai 2025.


Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage



Date limite
17 Dec 2015

Publié: 16 Dec 2015
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Banner Jornadas de Cine y Video Independiente UNCIPAR


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Festival with national and international competition section.

Special sections for invited movies and to workshops

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental

Logo of 43rd Boston Science Fiction Film Festival

Date limite
16 Dec 2015

Publié: 15 Dec 2015
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Long métrages

Banner 43rd Boston Science Fiction Film Festival

43rd Boston Science Fiction Film Festival

Somerville, United States

The Boston Science Fiction Film Festival is an 11-day cinematic event held at the historic Somerville Theatre from February 9th to the 19th. The 2018 edition marks our 43rd anniversary as the oldest science fiction film festival.

The first nine days is a traditional film festival. Films submitted and curated from around the world are screened, whether they be features, shorts, or webisodes. Plus we have workshops, parties or anything else that seems appropriate. Here at BostonSciFi we emphasize emerging directors with distinct visions.

The Festival concludes with The Marathon, a.k.a., “The ‘Thon”, a 24-hour orgiastic motion picture endurance test featuring classic, new and schlock films. Think of it as binge viewing with 750 close friends. It starts at noon on the 18th and ends at noon on President’s Day.

Boston SciFi is the oldest genre fest in the country and one of the oldest in the world. Being in Boston has many advantages, it is a world class city. Boston is one of the world’s best college towns (hello Harvard, MIT, BU, BC, Tufts and more). As such, BostonSciFi endeavors to reflect all of that in the festival. Then toss in, we are housed in the classic 1914 Somerville Theatre in the almost too hip Davis Square, and you can see why FilmFreeway touted us as one of the Top 100 Film Festivals.

If you’re a filmmaker, a film fan or a simply lover of science fiction, the Boston Science Fiction Film Festival is fresh, vital, and more importantly, a fun place to screen, watch and enjoy film!

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video