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CRONOGRAF Festival is at the moment the only international documentary film festival in Moldova and it is organized in Chisinau starting 2001. This event came into existence at the initiative of a young group of Moldavian filmmakers that were organized within OWH Studio. Their aim was to animate the cultural life in the Republic of Moldova and to bring closer to the local public the latest documentaries from all over the world.
IDFF CRONOGRAF has reached the 12th edition. The festival has a great popularity and an international reputation, especially in the South-East Europe, being among the most important film events. Every year the number of films in the contest increases, as a proof that the festival has aroused the interest of documentarists around the world. CRONOGRAF is an opportunity for the local filmmakers to stand out of the crowd as well as a gateway to the world news in this genre.
IDFF RONOGRAF is a cultural and complex event that includes film screenings within the competition, press conferences with the participation of film personalities, round tables on different topics related to cinematographical life, thematic screenings out of competition, workshops for young filmmakers and film premieres.
At CRONOGRAF, documentary filmmakers around the world have the opportunity to meet and promote their works in a new space, a space for cultural interferences, a place where the East (especially the former Soviet area) meets the West and other globe meridians.
CRONOGRAF is beloved by filmmakers most of all for its friendly, informal and hospitable atmosphere, that enables people to meet and approach in the prospect of collaboration or common projects. The cinema-goers have the chance to enjoy a consistent and quality film program, discovering new film formulas and sensational life stories.
The Festival has five sections.
Main Section
The Main Section is opened to creative documentaries from all over the world with no restriction on theme. No corporate, industrial or commercial films are accepted.
cadRO Section
CadRO Section was launched in 2007 and has become a traditional element within IDFF CRONOGRAF. Romanian authors as well as foreign authors are invited to participate with documentaries about Romanians and Romanian communities around the world. CadRO Section, unique in its specific on the world film festivals list, offers an overview of the life and destiny of people that call themselves Romanians, wherever they are.
Local Productions Section
This section is opened for works produced by local independent video production studios, local TV channels and productions of independent filmmakers.
Eyes on Moldova Section
Is the space for documentaries about republic of Moldova realized by foreign filmmakers.
A LIKE for Documentary Section
Is dedicated to teenagers and includes short documentaries for young people
After the successful wrap of 3rd WIIFF, Whatashort is back again with it's 4th Annual Film Festival (WIIFF2018) with a mission to stimulate, promote and enlighten. Let's celebrate short films.
Wikipedia :
Every script has a message to convey, every camera has a story to capture and every short film has a story to captivate. If you have the imagination, message to narrate through your story and the dream to transform your vision into reality then pick up the camera and capture your vision, transform your imagination into reel.
Now accepting short films of all genres, themes or topics from all over the world.
WIIFF is an annual film festival which celebrates short films from around the world. Awards / Certificates are presented to the best of each category. All Official Selections and Winners will be listed on our website and social media, winning films will be awarded with Certificate.
Please like our page ( to stay updated with all Important news related to festival
El Festival Internacional de Cine Corto de Cali, con la apertura de su convocatoria, busca servir de espacio para la exhibición de cortometrajes profesionales y universitarios de la ciudad de Cali y el mundo para ser un lugar de encuentro entre los nuevos realizadores y los profesionales del cortometraje.
El XVI Festival Internacional de Cine Corto de Cali tendrá lugar del 1 al 5 de octubre 2024, en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
La convocatoria para las secciones competitivas del festival, estarán abiertas desde el 11 de junio del 2024 y cerraremos el plazo de inscripción a la medianoche del 11 de agosto del 2024, hora local colombiana (UTC-5).
Las películas enviadas a las secciones: Selección Oficial Nacional, Selección Oficial Nacional Universitaria, Selección Oficial Internacional y Selección Oficial Internacional Universitaria, deben haber sido terminadas después del 15 de enero del 2023.
Los resultados de la convocatoria para las secciones competitivas del festival, se darán a conocer en la página web del festival el 31 de agosto del 2024.
Whether it is a dramatic or comedic piece, we want screenwriters and filmmakers to share their great stories in regards to the world of sports. We felt that creating this festival would give the many sports fanatics out there an outlet for their love of competition.
Some people have asked us to define "sports". Well, we want to include any subject that deals with mental and physical competition for the sake of winning a prize (and not killing anyone along the way to do it). So we're ready to watch and read any stories from auto racing and badminton to spelling bees and chess.
We ask that your film's plot revolve around a competitive theme. We ask to see something other than a film with a sports scene in it that doesn't involve the story line.
Our jury and judges are well respected people in the film and sporting industry. We'll be adding more so check our website periodically to see the updates.
Having your film or screenplay in the festival may open doors that may not be available to you. We can’t promise sudden fame and fortune but we’ll so our best to get you noticed.
This is the sixth year of the festival and we hope to continue to grow.
Bare Bones was created to champion the small budget filmmaker who wears many hats to bring their project to completion By Any Means Necessary. BAMN! 'No Frills-No Waste' is our common battle cry.
If you are a fiercely independent filmmaker producing small budget films or a screenwriter that can craft a script that can be shot on a small (less than a million dollar) budget, this festival is for you.
We are a festival run by Filmmakers, Professors of Film and Film Fans for Filmmakers, Film Students and Film Fans at all levels of expertise. This is a festival where recognition is generous and you are the Star no matter what role you played or how many roles you assumed, everyone is treated like a Rock Star. We roll out the red carpet for your premiere, allow time for Q & A following the screening, or the block of films if you are in the shorts category. We hold live readings of your screenplay with professional actors with you directing.
If you have special skills, you may be invited to moderate a panel or participate as a panelist. Festival Alumni also serve as Awards Presenters during the Bonehead Awards Gala.
Puerto Rico Film Festival is proud to showcase a high quality programming, a strong industry segment, an educational and networking platform for filmmakers; alongside an audience full of film enthusiasts from all over the world, generating presence in the international film industry, film authors and media representatives.
Hosted in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, and surrounded by historical buildings and beautiful beaches, makes up the perfect place to experience true Puerto Rican culture.
Living up to its nickname, the Island of Enchantment, with lush rain forests, dazzling beaches and shimmering city, Puerto Rico has something for everyone.
Let's meet at the Puerto Rico Film Festival to have the best time, with the best artists in the best place to be!
El Festival Internacional BioBioCine es un encuentro intercultural de conocimientos y saberes expresados desde el cine. Su objetivo es convertirse en un espacio de diálogo y reflexión, además de difundir, promover, apoyar y valorar la cinematografía nacional e internacional desde una perspectiva territorial e identitaria, en el marco de su reunión anual.
El Festival Internacional BioBioCine invita a participar con obras provenientes de todos los países y culturas en su undécima edición. Su programación incluye categorías competitivas y no competitivas, de largometrajes y cortometrajes, tanto de ficción como de no ficción, con énfasis en el cine de autor, nuevos realizadores, experimentación, diálogo intercultural y las primeras naciones.
We are IMDb qualifying festival
La Concejalía de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Piélagos pone en marcha la 15ª edición del Festival Internacional de cortometrajes de Piélagos “Piélagos en Corto”
Se admitirán trabajos de máximo 30 minutos y fecha de producción posterior a 1 de enero de 2023
CATEGORÍAS únicamente ficción
1- CANTABRIA cortometraje producido por una productora radicada en Cantabria y/o dirigido por director cántabro de nacimiento o de adopción con mínimo 2 años de antigüedad de empadronamiento.
2- NACIONAL ESPAÑA (Solo producción Española)
DoKer fue creado hace 9 años para traer maravillosas películas documentales independientes de todo el mundo a la audiencia rusa y proporcionar una plataforma de discusión para autores, expertos y espectadores.
Los principios de DoKer son:
- Cuando decimos «película documental» ponemos el énfasis en «película».
- Hay innumerables formas de hacer un documental, pero creemos que tiene que ser dramático e interesante.
- La imagen y el sonido son tan importantes para los documentos como para las películas de ficción. El lenguaje cinematográfico es universal, y lo usamos para contar nuestras historias.
El Festival Internacional de Cine de Tiburon es un evento anual que muestra largometrajes independientes y cortometrajes de todo el mundo.
La Semana de Cine de Medina del Campo (SECIME) es uno de los eventos más consolidados del panorama cinematográfico nacional, destacándose como un referente en la promoción y difusión del cortometraje, y siendo un festival exhibidor clave para los Premios de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España. Sus principales objetivos son apoyar tanto a nuevos talentos como a cineastas consolidados, impulsar la creación y producción de cortometrajes y contribuir al crecimiento de la industria audiovisual.
Annual Festival for amateur short films.
Each Spring, a selection of 30 to 60 films is presented.
SOS RACISMO Madrid convoca la XV Edición del concurso Cortos por la Igualdad de Derechos y contra el Racismo, que tendrá lugar del 19 al 25 de marzo de 2018, en el marco de la celebración de las Jornadas Antirracistas 2018.
Podrá participar en este concurso cualquier persona independientemente de la nacionalidad, sexo, origen o situación legal, etc.
La temática de los cortos deberá estar vinculada a la promoción de la interculturalidad, la inmigración, y la lucha contra el racismo y la xenofobia.
De entre todos los cortos recibidos, el jurado de SOS Racismo Madrid realizará una selección de trabajos que serán proyectados públicamente en la Filmoteca Española. Tras la proyección los asistentes podrán elegir al ganador del premio del público.
El plazo de recepción de los trabajos es hasta el 10 de Enero de 2018, inclusive. En el apartado Bases del concurso encontraréis toda la información necesaria para la participación. También podéis contactarnos para cualquier consulta escribiendo a
Located in the heart of the NoHo Arts District in Los Angeles, the North Hollywood CineFest has established itself as a premiere event for independent cinema from all over the world.
By combining a vibrant local social scene with a state-of-the-art cinema, every filmmaker and film lover is sure to be impressed and delighted with the theater and surrounding location. The combination of great film screenings, press and red carpet events, parties, seminars, all offered in this seven-day event, is what makes this a dynamic and must-go film festival.
Look out for genres and themes. But, ultimately, we're looking for great films. We want to support the courageous, the creative, the new and promising... join us in 2018 for what is certain to be an enormously enjoyable and memorable event.
AMDocs es uno de los festivales de documentales y animación más grandes de los Estados Unidos. Estamos ubicados en la hermosa Palm Springs, no muy lejos de la capital de los medios de comunicación de Hollywood. Nos enorgullece compartir el mejor entorno de visualización tanto para nuestro público como para los cineastas.
AMDocs es muy progresista en la divulgación educativa, el intercambio de mercado y hace todo lo posible para ayudar a nuestros cineastas a alcanzar sus objetivos.
The Cardiff Independent Film Festival will be held over the 5th to 7th May 2017 in Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. This will be our third festival, following highly successful events beginning in 2014. We're a fun, friendly and open festival run by film-lovers that celebrates the best in independent cinema and adheres to the highest ethical standards.
We're non-profit, which means ALL of the submission fees go into the running of the festival. And we are truly independent - we don't take public or corporate money so the films we pick are our favourites.
We also attract big-name guests: CIFF2015 saw talks by Stephen Frears and Paul Andrew Williams and the great John Boorman present the Welsh premiere of his final feature Queen and Country. We may be small but we punch above our weight.
We will be screening five feature films, ten short films and five short animations in competition and there will be out-of-competition screenings for other films of significant merit.
CHILEMONOS es una iniciativa que fomenta la difusión promoción e intercambio de la animación chilena tanto dentro del territorio nacional como en los principales focos del extranjero.
La profesionalización, intercambio de tecnología y conocimiento, además nuestra constante interacción con estudiantes y expertos en animación hacen de CHILEMONOS un espacio de retroalimentación para los amantes de este arte.
Creada hace ya más de 7 años, CHILEMONOS es hoy la mayor plataforma de difusión internacional de la producción de animación chilena. Poseemos una exitosa trayectoria en la participación de festivales de animación de prestigio mundial (Festival internacional Belga ANIMA, Festival CUBANIMA, Festival ANIMAMUNDI, Brasil, el festival de animación más importante de América) y una itinerancia que refleja la participación y el compromiso que tenemos con la industria nacional.
The first AfryKamera Film Festival was organized by FilmGramm Foundation in cooperation with the South African Embassy during the months of April-June 2006. It aimed to use cinematography to bring Africa to the attention of the Polish public. The 1st AfryKamera premiered in Warsaw and also ran in Krakow, Poznan, Lodz, Torun and Konin. The unbelievable media interest and good ticket sales during the first festival in 2006 confirmed our belief that Africa is a theme of immense interest to a growing number of people. Since the very 1st edition, AfryKamera has been well covered in the Polish media, which confirms the great marketing potential of such an event for Africa in general, as well as, for sponsors and patrons.
As it stands AfryKamera is the first African Film Festival in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the largest African-themed event in Poland and the wider region.
AfryKamera has managed to occupy a niche in the film festival market – although there are many international film festivals, they generally show a limited range of African films. AfryKamera is therefore the only festival in Poland dedicated purely to films from the continent. In the past few years the festival has decided to explore new avenues not only in the art of cinematography, but also in the presentation of African art, music, and culture.
The main events of the African Film Festival AfryKamera take place in Warsaw, Poland, traditionally in either Kino Luna or Kinoteka, the capital city's premier arthouse cinemas. The event in 2018 will last 10 days and presents 15-25 full length features and documentaries as well as some 20 short films from around the continent and from the African diapora. The key motto of the festival is "Made in Africa", as the focus is put on the quality of moviemaking on the continent and the enhanced capacity to make world-class movies.
Hi Filmmakers! Our 2016 festival is in the history books again!
A comment from a filmmaker:
The Florida Movie Festival is a truly a wonderful experience. From the first contact with the organizers the filmmakers will feel they are with friends. The advantage of this festival is that there is direct contact with an audience through engaging group workshops, social gatherings and Q&A sessions. The location, Daytona Beach, makes it a refreshing environment to balance life with the intensities that many filmmakers deal with on a day by day basis. Respective, appreciative, encouraging, open, balanced, and supportive - The Florida Movie Festival.
Want to come to "World's Most Famous Beach" in Daytona Beach, Florida? Submit your movie and you have made the first step in enjoying time in Florida in early March. You will have the festival, workshops, networking, sun, more sun, fun, on the ocean and theme parks within an hours drive. Are you in the cold weather, come thaw out and enjoy a week here.
Our Florida Movie Fest featured "Long Pants(60+min), Loose Shorts(20-59), and Short Shorts(1-19)" with a "NEW" genre in "Outdoor/Adventure/Travel this year. It was a big success just like the Women Directed/Produced from the previous year. The Women Directed/P remains our largest and most competitive genre. Keep up the great work and looking forward to your new work this year.
This year we moved our screenings to the "World's Most Famous Beach" in Daytona Beach, Florida. Our workshops included: Creative Financing , Cinematography (2-Emmy award winning DP's), Copyright protection of intellectual property, Directing and Casting. These workshops were held in a room overlooking the ocean. Most of these terrific workshop hosts have indicated they would return and we are already engaged in conversation about a full day workshop - hands on with an Emmy award DP. Sounds great!
So next year make plans early and come to Daytona Beach, for the festival, sun, car races, bike week, or spring break. Maybe all the above.
Filmmakers came from as far away as Toronto and Calgary, Canada along with California.
Please make plans for the coming year.
Winners this year came from Sri Lanka, Iran, Germany, Austria, India, Australia, Argentina, UK, Chile, Ecuador , Brazil, Uruguay, France, Russia, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Taiwan , Egypt, Mexico, Canada, and US.
"Movies with passion and freedom" continues as our theme this year. Wow did you hit this on the mark. It is a real quality event when we have so much talent around the world finding its way to our festival.
FMF does encourage you to submit multiple work or a second category with same movie. Contact FMF to receive a twenty-five % discount for second movie and a fifty % discount for a third movie. If you find yourself in a quandary on which category to enter. You can enter a second category for a 50% discount to increase your chances for success.
FMF will continue our three main categories: "Short Shorts (1-19min), Loose Shorts (20-59min), and Long Pants (60+min)". A great 8 min. film is hard to be judged against a 35 min. short so we expanded to create a "Mini-Feature" category and to fairly protect the truly short film. This worked very well for us.
FMF will not change it's core principles in expanding, but FMF wants to provide an expansion of topics at this venue for our filmmakers and viewers to take a journey of - learning, relating, laughing, and many other emotions while keeping a thread of moral fabric!
One of our newer and very rewarding genre is Women. After attending a workshop on film for women, FMF heard their message. One of those messages: only 12% of women filmmakers are on the big screen. We want to help change that one independent film at a time. You are off to a great start, keep up the fabulous work.
Remember the book "Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus". FMF wants to offer a genre that the story, script, director, producer or lead role is a Woman. FMF is looking beyond the industry term "chick flick" to films that are thought-provoking and personal growth about "Venus" or a view from "Venus". Present the world as a woman experience’s it – enlighten, empower, entertain, educate, inspire, curiosity and stimulate conversation.
If you have read this far, here are a few nuggets of treasure. The first 5 paid submissions will automatically receive an official selection. (Early bird does get selected). The first 5 paid comedy, documentaries and adventure/outdoors/travel will also automatically receive an official selection. After submitting, send an email asking if you are automatically an official selection!! Good luck early birds.
In summary:
Categories are: Short (short shorts), Mini-Feature (loose shorts), and Feature (long pants).
Genres are: Women, Documentaries, Faith/Inspirational, Adventure/Outdoors and Narrative/Other
Other Categories: Student Movie, Animation, Web-Series/TV, Comedy, Florida Local and Music Video. Please Note: These are not Genre specific!
Come join us, we will treat your work, like we do ours!
Come join us in Central Florida on the beach!
Rules & Terms
1. Competition is open to anyone who wishes to enter.
2. Films produced, primarily financed, or initiated by a major Hollywood film studio are ineligible for competition.
3. Films must have been completed no earlier than January 1, 2013.
4. Films must be available for screening during the festival.
5. By submitting a film to the FMF, the filmmaker agrees to allow the film to be screened at the festival, and to allow short portions of the film to be used by the Florida Film Festival for promotional purposes.
6. Individual filmmakers are encouraged to offer multiple submissions. Each submission must be accompanied by its own entrance fee and submission form.
6a. Entries will have an opportunity to be selected and judged by peers through our network and possible other venue locations.
7. Finalists will be selected based on excellence in their conformity to the criteria, categories, guidelines, and festival objectives.
7a. FMF may require a DVD or file transfer to show at festival. FMF will notify you
before or shortly after the notification date.
8. DVDs or flash memory devices, will not be returned under any circumstances. Receipt of films will be sent by e-mail correspondence.
9. Application fee is non-refundable.
10. Awards will be presented to the individuals or teams responsible for the winning films in March 2017.
11. The People’s Award is based on the votes of the moviegoers at the festival. All other awards are judged on the overall merit of the entries. Judges reserve the right not to grant a category award.
12. If you enter as a Student Category. You will need to include the school, grade and age. It can even be a Film school. Need to verify the lower entry fee and competition status. FMF will divide into two groups: under 18 and 18+.
13. If any category doesn't have at least 5 selections for competition FMF will combine with a similar category for a stronger competition.
In summary:
Categories are: Short, Mini-Feature, and Feature. Short shorts are 1-19min, Loose shorts are 20-59min, Long pants are 60+min.
Genres are: Women, Documentaries, Faith/Inspirational, Adventure/Outdoors/Travel and Narrative/Other
Other Categories: Student Movie, Animation, Web-Series, Comedy, and Music Video, Please Note: These are not Genre specific!
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