Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of Blissfest333

Fecha Límite
01 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner Blissfest333


Lakewood, Estados Unidos

Blissfest333 is a multimedia, cultural arts, film festival.
This festival is about the community and the arts. Getting together in a blissful, harmonious environment. Meeting new friends, artists and the community in a positive atmosphere. Blissfest is devoted to help and raise money for charitable organizations. This year we are helping the sick, the poor, the homeless, and the abused. We also donate and help rescue and save abused animals. We welcome the community with open arms.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Wine Country Film Festival

Fecha Límite
01 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner Wine Country Film Festival

Wine Country Film Festival

Glen Ellen, Estados Unidos

Located just 50 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Wine Country Film Festival is wine country's original and longest running film festival. It features more spectacular Festival screenings under the stars - Films al Fresco™ - than any other festival in North America.

A top tier event, the festival is slow paced and friendly with time to enjoy a wonderful recreation region.

Praised for its carefully curated program, the Festival takes pride in the discovery and exposure of new talent and broadening the ‘film literacy’ of our audience. It is your film and your voice that create the tone of each edition.

There are seven main sections: World Cinema, U.S. Cinema, Arts in Film, Music in Film, CineLatino, Cinema of Conscience (humanity and social issues), and EcoCinema, plus a special mini-section of Food On Film. We program shorts, documentaries, animation and dramatic features.

Share your passion and unique vision with us. At the Festival your film will be received by an enthusiastic public. You may be invited to participate in Master Classes that are lively and informative. Often we feature Filmmaker personalized tours to wineries and local attractions.

Many supporting events bring a greater appreciation to the art of filmmaking such as performances, readings, exhibitions of paintings, sculpture and photography. Films are screened in local venues and outdoors under the stars in spectacular wine country settings such as the sheltered emerald arena at Muscardini Cellars Winery.

Awards include (partial list)

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Rahway International Film Festival

Fecha Límite
01 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner Rahway International Film Festival

Rahway International Film Festival

Rahway, Estados Unidos

Rahway International Film Festival is an international film festival and networking event based in Rahway, New Jersey, U.S.A, only 40 minutes away from New York City. It was first held in June of 2013 in an effort to create a warm and welcoming home for independent filmmakers and fans of film in the Tri-State Area. We annually showcase short films, feature films and music videos while offering networking and workshop opportunities to those interested in the film industry.

This year’s event will take place over the course of a full weekend from Friday, August 28, 2015 - Sunday, August 30, 2015. As we enter our third year, we are expanding to a three-day weekend event. This means more films (including both features & shorts), more workshops, more seminars, more filmmaker Q&As, and much more!

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Videoclip

Logo of All Things Hollywood; International Festival

Fecha Límite
01 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner All Things Hollywood; International Festival

All Things Hollywood; International Festival

Glendale, Estados Unidos

All Things Hollywood, The Only Official All Things Hollywood Company in The LA County and it expands far beyond our film festival. ATH was founded in December 2010, starting as a directory database listing industry reputable businesses to avoid new comers from becoming victims of scams Including but not limited to,
-Production Houses

And All Things You Might Be Looking For in Hollywood. As the directory became more and more popular and wildly used, and by demand we launched a Freelancers Area, for new comers and entertainment graduates that may not be able to get the exposure they desire/ Or professionals in their budget this area became a success. Moving forward with the Company, the founder became involved in the entrainment politics becoming a member of multiple SAG (Screen Actors Guild) committees and serving many festivals realized there was something missing and with no further adieu All Things Hollywood was ready to launch the Film Festival division, making our first screening on march 3, 2012 at American Film Institute a Huge success.


All Things Hollywood is Currently

-Directory Database Of Business and People
-Monthly Community Events
-IMDb Qualifying Film Festival 3rd Annual
-12,000+ Likes, Subscribers and Followers
-SAG Signatory Production Company
-Public Relations

Working Towards

-Launching Our Real Estate property division
-Political Action Committee
-Business Development
-Acting Classes
-Music Production

*Beyond the Festival, We sponsor some of the largest entertainment networking events

* New Media Vault, "Largest Technology and Entertainment Mixer

* We will Pitch your films to other events where your film might we relevant as our partners list keeps growing

* We will work with the winning filmmakers closely to help in anyway we can further their entertainment endeavors,

Much More!

not only new comers but everyone all over the world a place where they can find simple answers to their questions, a place where they can find reputable acting classes, and agents, avoid costly Scams with hard earned money. A Place Where they Talent can get great affordable Head shots, Networking events, without loosing the class, etiquette, essence and elegance of the dream Hollywood represents.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros

Logo of Madrid Gothic Week

Fecha Límite
01 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner Semana Gótica de Madrid Cine

Semana Gótica de Madrid Cine

Madrid, España

La octava edición de Ventana Oscura, tendrá lugar el viernes 21 y el sábado 22 de octubre de 2016 en el Forum de FNAC Callao dentro de los actos de La VIII Semana Gótica de Madrid. Durante el evento se proyectarán los trabajos seleccionados, siendo este evento, exclusivamente una muestra y en ningún caso un certamen competitivo.

Festival de cortometrajes

 Animación  Fantástico  Terror

Logo of Cinefilia Tanguera Film Festival

Fecha Límite
01 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner Cinefilia Tanguera Film Festival

Cinefilia Tanguera Film Festival

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cinefilia Tanguera es un Festival Internacional & Itinerante de cortometrajes vinculados al TANGO, no competitivo.
Su primordial objetivo ha sido desde su creación, y seguirá siendo, el de promover el tango desde una óptica original y sin difusión y promoción en ninguna parte del mundo, como son los trabajos de cortometrajes y documentales sobre la identidad del tango en todas sus facetas.

Desde el 2009 fue presentado en algunos de los más prestigiosos eventos culturales del mundo, como en Cagliari (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016), Barcelona (2009, 2016, 2017), Moscú, Londres (2009, 2013, 2016), Madrid (2009, 2016), Ámsterdam (2009, 2018), Bruselas (2010, 2018), Liège, Catania, Hamburgo, Jordania, Buenos Aires (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), Atenas, Valladolid, Zurich, Bergen (Noruega), Milán, Eindhoven, Sassari (2012, 2016), Berlín, París, Creta (2016, 2017, 2019), Budapest, Tenerife, Formentera (2016, 2018), Ibiza, Estambul (2016, 2019), Praga, Zagreb, Timisoara, Novi Sad, Tokio, Singapur, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Bali, Bilbao, Montecarlo, Arles, Georgetown (Guyana), Oslo, Toronto y El Cairo.

Leonel Mitre
Director Ejecutivo

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental  Videoclip

Logo of Colchester Film Festival

Fecha Límite
01 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner Colchester Film Festival

Colchester Film Festival

Colchester, Reino Unido

Colchester Film Festival is an international film festival taking place annually in Colchester (UK).

We showcase some of the best short and feature films from the UK and around the world as well as offering a programme of workshops, master classes and panel discussions from industry professionals for anyone wanting to learn more about filmmaking and the film industry.

Last year we received an amazing selection of short films from all around the world, from first time filmmakers to Oscar nominated short films.

It's FREE to submit until June 1st.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros

Logo of Maipu Shorts / Comedy Film Festival

Fecha Límite
01 Jul 2015

Publicado: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner Maipu Cortos / Festival de Cine de Humor

Maipu Cortos / Festival de Cine de Humor

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina


Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror

Logo of California Independent Film Festival

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner California Independent Film Festival

California Independent Film Festival

Danville, Estados Unidos

The California Independent Film Festival (CAIFF) is one of the most successful and fastest growing film festivals in California. Since its inception in 1997, CAIFF has captured both national and worldwide press. This star-studded event provides both local Bay Area residents and visitors with an opportunity to see world-class films, meet filmmakers from around the world, international celebrities and build exposure for CAIFF corporate sponsors. We invite you to become part of the fastest growing film festival in California.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Timamu African Film Festival

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Timamu African Film Festival

Timamu African Film Festival

Dar es salaam, Tanzania

The goal of the Timamu African Film Festival is to recognize and award talented African independent filmmakers and Writers, therefore helping them to increase their distribution and project funding opportunities.

The TiAFF is here to provide filmmakers with the opportunity to have their work recognized, judged and awarded. We’re a traditional festival looking to showcase entertaining domestic and international materials from talented independent African filmmakers.

Festival highlights include: red carpet opening reception, parade of flags of the countries in the festival, libation ceremony, African drumming and dance, film screenings, post-screening dialogue with filmmakers in attendance, theme parties, African marketplace, food, closing and awards ceremony.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental

Logo of Oregon Underground Film Festival

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Oregon Underground Film Festival

Oregon Underground Film Festival

World, Estados Unidos

The Oregon Underground Film Festival, part of the series of festivals online, organized by Clockwork Film Institute, this first edition we show that there is more underground, dirty, forbidden, Cinema of the underworld, giving the most remote parts of the world guerrilla theater, anarchic and subversive.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of International Half (Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival) Festival

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner International Half (Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival) Festival

International Half (Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival) Festival

Palakkad, India

(Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival)
HALF Festival stands for Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival. ‘Haiku’ is a very short form of Japanese poetry, here used to mean any short form of aesthetic creativity. ‘Amateur’ here denotes a creation by a creator whose chief intention in the creation is not financial gain. ‘Little’ here stands for shortness of duration of the film. ‘HALF’ denotes also the stipulated duration of the film which is 5 minutes or ‘half’ the time of a traditional film reel which is 10 minutes. Insight, which is organizing this festival, is a group of creative artists, with base at Palakkad, who believe in the infinite potential of the short film as a medium of communication and aesthetic creativity.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Experimental

Logo of Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

Land O Lakes, Estados Unidos

Festival Internacional de Cinede Hamilton (Nueva York)
20 de julio - 26 de julio de 2020
Característica, Corto de Comedia, Corto de Horror, Corto Dramático/Thriller, Corto Documental y Corto Canadiense Categorías
Cine global en el corazón del estadode Nueva York

«... una ciudad tan grande y un festival maravilloso, tan acogedor. Fue muy inspirador estar cerca de tantos cineastas jóvenes y talentosos.
-Finn Taylor, director Unleashed & 3 Time Director Festivalde Cine de Sundance

«No puedo decir lo suficiente sobre lo maravilloso que ha sido el Festival Internacional de Cine de Hamilton de SBE. Verdaderamente honrado de tener nuestra película «My Hero» incluido y quiero agradecer a Grant & Todd Slater y a todos los demás involucrados por una gran experiencia. Simplemente increíble.
¡Espero que nos tengas de vuelta el año que viene!»
- Loring Murtha, Actor/Director My Hero
«El Festival Internacional de Cine de Hamilton de SBE ofrece una oportunidad increíble para establecer contactos con otros cineastas ambiciosos, intercambiar ideas y estrategias de recaudación de fondos mientras experimenta el encanto de Hamilton, Nueva York. El teatro Hamilton es un lugar magnífico y Grant Slater ha organizado un festival de 5 estrellas con una gran selección de películas, comida y cervezas locales. Este es un festival imprescindible que ofrece algo más que laureles frívolos a sus cineastas... uno podría decir que te vas de Hamilton con un nuevo grupo de amigos que ofrecen una perspectiva diferente para hacer y ver películas!»
-D.J. Higgins Director, Escritor/Productor Conoce a Mario
«El encanto y la intimidad del Festival Internacional de Cine de Hamilton lo convierten en una necesidad para todos los cineastas. Grant y Todd Slater y toda la comunidad Hamilton no podrían ser más hospitalarios. ¡No puedo esperar a hacer otra película para poder volver!»
-Doug Dearth, Productor/Director Underdogs
«Fue un honor absoluto ser parte de un festival de cine tan respetado. Gracias a la ayuda, el trabajo duro y el compromiso de SBE mi carrera en el Reino Unido ha ido de fuerza en fuerza. My Single, Worry golpeó la tabla de descargas de iTunes y alcanzó su punto máximo en el número 6. La pista de seguimiento que he lanzado recientemente ha llegado al Top 50 viral del Reino Unido en Spotify y ahora hemos hecho un Tour Europeo juntos. Es gracias a personas como Grant creyendo en mí desde una etapa temprana de mi desarrollo que me ha ayudado a llegar a donde estoy ahora».

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Arusha African Film Festival

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Arusha African Film Festival

Arusha African Film Festival

Tacomaa, Estados Unidos

The Arusha African Film Festival (AAFF) is an international platform for the exhibition and celebration of films by filmmakers from around the world whose works are Africa-oriented.

AAFF is significantly a global traveling film festival, bent on promoting the understanding of Africa through film in all the regions of the world.

AAFF is also a forum for film education, production, distribution, marketing and networking.

The festival brings from around the world, filmmakers, actors, producers, commissioning editors, distributors, scholars, poets, performing artists, cinema enthusiasts, students, and the public together for the common purpose of understanding Africa through film.

AAFF is an eclectic, Africa-worldly cinematic niche that serves as a creative universe for the awakening of the African chi, memory, counter-memory, remembrance, and the symbiotic representations of our collective unconscious. These sensibilities are richly explored in the films we screen.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Otros

Logo of Intermediaciones, video art and experimental video

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Intermediaciones Muestra  Internacional de Videoarte & Cine Experimental

Intermediaciones Muestra Internacional de Videoarte & Cine Experimental

Medellín, Colombia

Ojo Mágico Productora Audiovisual y la Corporación Madera Salvaje, se unen para realizar en Medellín, la muestra de videoarte y cine experimental Intermediaciones. Muestra abierta, sin carácter competitivo, en la cual se pretende promover y divulgar diferentes prácticas artísticas y experimentales, en torno al video.

La muestra Intermediaciones busca ayudar a difundir obras de videoarte y cine experimental; en una selección en la que puedan apreciarse los trabajos de artistas, profesionales, estudiantes y aficionados.

Apuntamos a realizar una muestra en la que se integren las propuestas de video artistas, cineastas, y profesionales, con los trabajos de creadores que van por el mismo camino, pero que aún están en proceso de formación, o que trabajan el audiovisual de manera experimental.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Otros  Experimental

Logo of International Film Fair Manizales

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Feria Internacional de Cine de Manizales

Feria Internacional de Cine de Manizales

Manizales, Colombia

La Feria Internacional de cine de Manizales FICMA realizara su octava versión del 23 al 27 de agosto de 2017 en la ciudad de Manizales – Colombia. La selección es de temática abierta por lo que se invita a directores y productores que deseen participar con sus largometrajes. Se premiara la mejor película para el público.

Festival Internacional

Festival de largometrajes


Logo of Festival Cinematográfico Visión Ribereña

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Festival Cinematográfico Visión Ribereña

Festival Cinematográfico Visión Ribereña

Villa Constitución, Argentina

El Municipio de Villa Constitución a través de su Dirección de Cultura, convoca a realizadores audiovisuales profesionales, estudiantes y aficionados con residencia en Argentina, a participar del concurso nacional de cortometrajes que se realizará en el marco del 15º Festival Cinematográfico “Visión Ribereña” en la ciudad de Villa Constitución, Santa Fe.
La fecha de realización del Festival está prevista para el mes de noviembre de 2024, en fechas y modalidad a confirmar.

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Experimental

Logo of AnimaSao - International Animation Festival of the San Goncalo City

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Anima-São 2018 - Festival Internacional De Cinema De Animação De São Gonçalo / edição 2018

AnimaSao - International Animation Festival of the San Goncalo City

São gonçalo, Brasil

The Anima-Sao - International Animation Festival in São Gonçalo is produced by Studio Alexandre Martins.

The 2015 edition will take place at the Teacher´s Faculty by the UERJ - Rio de Janeiro State University. Teacher Faculty - UERJ

Competitive Exhibition of recent films and videos selected by special committee formed by representatives of the Brazilian cultural sector;

Awards shows with unique competitive trophy "Lollipop Yellow";

Shows graphic arts production drawings-animated national purpose of bringing the public the process of creation and development animation;

Show animations selected by specially commissioned for display in open area and popular themes;

Lectures by professionals from the Animation Cinema - animators, producers, voice actors, writers, etc..

"Colosseum" - Session of animators - professionals, amateurs, students etc - in a relaxed meeting.

The parallel places in the municipality of São Gonçalo .

Official program

Sessions: "School",, "Balaio", "Papagoiaba", "childish" and "Adult"
Colosseum (with special guest lecture)
Debate tables (with two guests and a mediator)
Workshops techniques (2D animation, and pixilation estoriborde)

Parallel Programming

Circus Session (display 50 'in public places of the city)
Exhibits unique arts films in theaters and other

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes


Logo of Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival 2015

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival 2015

Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival 2015

Kuala Lumpur, Malasia

The festival’s themes are the environment, ecology and sustainable development in a comprehensive sense. The festival accepts films that question the global place and impact of Man in and on his environment: biodiversity, environmental and human stakes, climate change, natural resources, science and research, evolution of borders, alternative energies, indigenous communities and issues, environmental health, urbanism, mobility, environmental activism, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and so forth.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación

Logo of Bolgatty International Film Festival

Fecha Límite
30 Jun 2015

Publicado: 29 Jun 2015
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Banner Bolgatty International Film Festival

Bolgatty International Film Festival

Kochi, India

The festival presents Short Films, Documentaries, Animation Films, Experimental Films, Music Videos and Feature Films over four days of festive celebrations attended by eminent guests from around the world.

The event is committed to the promotion of knowledge, life and culture, as it comes through from films and documentaries, made by people worldwide.

Bolgatty International Film Festival invites entries from filmmakers, television producers, videographers and new media creators who produce fresh, standout productions. It is an excellent venue for new and experimental media, television pilot programs, animation, educational programs, remixes & mashups, movie trailers, music videos, web series and tube length works. As long as your clip is 180 minutes or less, it is eligible for entry.

There are several things you should know about the Bolgatty International Film Festival:

1. Bolgatty International Film Festival has one mission - to find and recognize cinematic gems and unique perspectives in film and video. Whether you are an industry insider or new to the craft, we don’t care, we invite you to send us your best, original work our way!

2. Bolgatty International Film Festival is a unique hybrid, not a traditional film festival. We’re different. Different is more fun and entertaining!

3. Bolgatty International Film Festival creates publicity for filmmakers by announcing the list of award winners to our 60,000+ email list of industry professionals and influential insiders.

The submission deadline is coming up on October 30th, and the submission fees are among the most affordably priced on the international festival circuit.

Be sure not to miss out on this fantastic opportunity, and submit your film now!

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Experimental  Videoclip