Logo of Festival Latinoamericano de Video Arte FlaVIA

01 May 2015

Published: 30 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Latinoamericano de Video Arte FlaVIA

Festival Latinoamericano de Video Arte FlaVIA

Buenos Aires, Argentina


International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of World Music & Independent Film Festival

01 May 2015

Published: 30 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner World Music & Independent Film Festival

World Music & Independent Film Festival

Jeffersonton, United States

By You, For You, About You”
Welcome to the 11th Annual World Music and Independent Film Festival (WMIFF) 2019. WMIFF was established to celebrate and provide a platform of achievements for international cinema artists. Dedicated to building a global film community and supporting emerging filmmakers, WMIFF offers all selected artists exceptional exposure with an inclusive vibe that has won over alumni, attendees, and industry members alike. WMIFF festivities are open to all, featuring some of the most talented artists in both film and music.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cine Animal y Ambiental

01 May 2015

Published: 30 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Animal y Ambiental

Festival Internacional de Cine Animal y Ambiental

Ciudad de México, Mexico

The International Animal and Environmental Film Festival (FICAA) of Mexico City welcomes you to its 6th Edition, where, as every year, we accept films from all five continents.

Our mission at the Festival is to promote values, causes, and activist struggles through Art, opening various windows of opportunity to showcase the work of talented filmmakers. Throughout the year, we host a variety of cultural events, including Film Debates in partnership with the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (National Polytechnic Institute), Mobile Cinema, and collaborations with government spaces that open their doors for this dissemination.

Winners who accept the terms will have their films featured for one month on IMCINE’s platform “Nuestro Cine MX,” granting them nationwide exposure.

The three themes for this year are:


We will accept:

Short Films
Feature Films
Music Videos

As a festival dedicated to raising awareness about Animal and Environmental issues, with this year’s invited cause being "Feminist Cinema," all projects will receive a participation laurel recognizing the art and effort involved, even if they are not part of the final showcase. Additionally, the Official Selection will receive an Official Selection laurel and a diploma sent via email.

Final winners will receive the FICAA 2025 trophy, along with digital laurels and a diploma.

The awards ceremony will take place in December, where guests from various countries and regions of Mexico will gather to collect their statuettes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

01 May 2015

Published: 30 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

Land O Lakes, United States

The Hamilton (New York) International Film Festival
July 20th- July 26th, 2020

Feature, Comedy Short, Horror Short, Dramatic/Thriller Short, Documentary Short and Canadian Short Categories

Global Cinema in the Heart of New York State

"...such a great town and a wonderful festival, so welcoming. It was so inspiring to be around so many young and talented film makers.

-Finn Taylor, Director Unleashed & 3 Time Director Sundance Film Festival

"Can't say enough about how wonderful SBE's Hamilton International Film Festival has been. Truly honored to have our film "My Hero" included and I want to thank Grant & Todd Slater and everyone else involved for such a great experience. Just amazing.
Hope you'll have us back next year!"

- Loring Murtha, Actor/Director My Hero

"SBE’s Hamilton International Film Festival presents an incredible opportunity to network with other ambitious filmmakers, exchange ideas and fundraising strategies while experiencing the charm of Hamilton, New York. The Hamilton Theater is a gorgeous venue and Grant Slater has put together a 5 star festival with a great selection of film, food and local beers. This is a must-attend festival that offers more than just frivolous laurels to it’s filmmakers… one could say that you leave Hamilton with a new group of friends that offer a different perspective on making and watching movies!"

-D.J. Higgins Director, Writer/Producer Meet Mario

"The charm and intimacy of the Hamilton International Film Festival makes it a MUST for all filmmakers. Grant and Todd Slater and the entire Hamilton community couldn't be more hospitable. I can't wait to make another film just so I can come back!!"

-Doug Dearth, Producer/Director Underdogs

"It was an absolute honour to be part of such a well respected film festival. Thanks to the help, hard work and commitment from SBE my career in the UK has gone from strength to strength. My Single, Worry hit the iTunes Download chart and peaked at Number 6. The follow up track I've recently released has hit the viral UK Top 50 on Spotify and we have now put a European Tour together. Its thanks to people such as Grant believing in me from an early stage of my development that has helped me get to where I am now."

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Basta fest

01 May 2015

Published: 30 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bašta fest

Basta fest

Bajina Bašta, Serbia

Bašta Fest is an international short fiction film festival held in Bajina Bašta, Western Serbia. It is an annual event that is taking place during the first weekend of July and it lasts for four days. Due to the profession of the founders (actors Jovan Jelisavčić and Maja Šuša), the festival's main point of interest is a collaboration between directors and actors. We believe that focusing on the quality of that joint artistic effort will have a positive impact on the positioning of Bašta Fest among short film festivals. Bašta Fest is of great importance for the decentralization of culture since it has brought diverse film, music and off program to this beautiful region. One of the priorities of the festival is to promote the incredible natural beauty to a large number of visitors. Nevertheless, our primary goal is to convert this festival into an exciting cultural oasis, which supports local and international young artists, putting emphasis on short fiction films with authenticity. The main selection is a competition short film program, while two films are screened as a part of non-competition, special program every year - one during the opening and one during the closing ceremony. The last to be screened is a Serbian debut feature film, chosen by Bašta fest team as the most successful one in the previous year. The entrance to all screenings at Bašta is free of charge, while they are always being held under the open night skies. There are currently two official festival locations: Borići park and lake Perućac.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Dea Open Air International Film Festival

01 May 2015

Published: 30 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Dea Open Air International Film Festival

Dea Open Air International Film Festival

Tirana, Albania

DEA OPEN AIR International Film Festival is a product of MultiMedia Studio "Nositi".

The Festival will take place in the Capital city of Tirana.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Other

Logo of Islantilla Cinefórum Film Festival

01 May 2015

Published: 30 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Islantilla Cinefórum

Islantilla Cinefórum Film Festival

Islantilla (Lepe e Isla Cristina), Spain


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Viva Film Festival

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Viva Film Festival

Viva Film Festival

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

VIVA FESTIVAL is a permanent event in the field of culture and art, the founder and organizer is the VIVA Association from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the same time domestic and international competitive film festival artistic achievements in the field of documentary film and video (electronic).The festival is held in Sarajevo, once a year, takes a maximum of four days.
The Festival reserves the rights of final decision on the program in which the film will be shown.
Movies can be short and medium length feature.
Competition has four categories:
1. Religion (its themed films that promote the specifics of religion, in order to rapprochement, understanding and inter-religious tolerance);
2. Ecology (films that its theme promote the natural heritage of their countries in order to encourage the development of environmental awareness);
3. Tourism (films that its theme promote the tourism potential of country of origin).
4. Youth BiH (Films produced by the youth and young filmmakers from Bosnia And Herzegovina)

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Fabriano Film Fest

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fabriano Film Fest

Fabriano Film Fest

Fabriano, Italy

The Fabriano Film Fest returns also in this 2022, now in its tenth edition.

The festival will be held from 20 to 24 October in the beautiful city of Fabriano.

There are always many activities that go hand in hand with the screenings of short films, so also for this edition we promise you
"Big emotions, in small doses" ...

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Short Film Festival Odisha

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Short Film Festival Odisha

Short Film Festival Odisha

Balangir, India

Due to some unavoidable circumstances our 1st International Wildlife Animal & Environment Film festival of Odisha 2016 postponed to 14th November 2016 so the date of opening and closing of film submission will be as per notice given.

The 1st International Wildlife Animal & Environment Film festival of Odisha & 3rd International Children Film Festival 2016 will be staged on 14th November 2016 at Balangir. On the day films of various languages will be shown. On the day of the programme a seminar & Photography will be conducted. At many children or general public will be invited to the programme. A souvenir will be published containing messages of eminent personalities and articles.
• To provide a platform to children for watching good films and interact with each other
• To conduct seminars and symposium on cinema
• To encourage production of quality film
• To conduct various competition among children
• To invite eminent personalities on cinema and other arts
• To host the festival on various places every year
• To conduct any other activities for development of cinema and other arts.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Sestriere Film Festival

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sestriere Film Festival

Sestriere Film Festival

Bergamo, Italy

Art. 6 - Works submitted to selection must be sent in mpeg/mp4/h264.mp4 format
together with all the materials required at art. 7.
Deadline for applications is April 30th 2015.
Art.7 - The following material must be attached to the entry form and file of the
- Synopsis in italian and english language;
- at least 5 Pictures from the film (colour or black and white, in digital format)maximum
weight 6 mb, longer side minimum 1600 pixel, 300 dpi;
- the authorization to publish photos of the movie and the dates in the entry form for
free in the Festival’catalogue or to place them at the press’disposal.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Pavez Awards :  Talavera de la Reina International Film Festival

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Pavez Awards :  Talavera de la Reina International Film Festival

Banner Premios Pávez: Festival Internacional de Cine de Talavera De La Reina

Pavez Awards : Talavera de la Reina International Film Festival

Talavera de la Reina, Spain

XII Edition Pávez Awards - Talavera de la Reina International Film Festival. From October 3 to 11, 2025.


- Short films of Spanish or Ibero-American production and/or direction.

- Short films produced from January 1, 2024.

- Spanish spoken language or original language with spanish subtitles.

- Maximum running time: 30 minutes with credits included.

- They may not be hosted on free viewing online platforms.

- 5 competitive sections: National (Official Section), International (Ibero-America), Local (Talavera de la Reina), Animation and Documentary.

- 18 categories opting for a prize.

- 5700 euros + 18 Pávez awards.

- DCP required for Official, International and Local Selection.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Cineporto-Boff, independent film festival

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cineporto-Boff, rassegna di cinema indipendente

Cineporto-Boff, independent film festival

Bologna, Italy

Started in Bologna in 2011, Boff is situated in a beautiful park in the center of Bologna and it open for all who would like to take part.

This year’s programme aims not only to give visibility to films from the national and international film circuit, but also tries to speak to a world of people who are usually cut off from cinema. With the introduction of sound, the deaf left the cinema. With Boff we hope they’ll come back. the program will be vast and full of themes of cinematic language: visual perception, rather than sound – where the only music is in the form of bodily vibrations.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental

Logo of Sant Joan D`Alacant Film Festival

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Sant Joan D`Alacant Film Festival

Banner Festival De Cine Sant Joan D`alacant

Sant Joan D`Alacant Film Festival

Sant Joan d’Alacant, Spain



Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of EBS International Documentary Festival

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner EBS International Documentary Festival

EBS International Documentary Festival

Seoul, South Korea

EIDF, Presented by Korea Educational Broadcasting System. is 12th edition this year.
As an unique documentary festival of which all the selected works are screened at theaters and are broadcast during festival, EIDF has contributed to introduce the excellent, various documentaries to the audeince and develop the quialify of docuemtary making.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Logo of ANIMA - Córdoba International Animation Festival

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner ANIMA Festival Internacional de Animación de Córdoba

ANIMA - Córdoba International Animation Festival

Córdoba, Argentina

ANIMA – Córdoba International Animation Festival is both an academic and cultural event, devoted specifically to animation in its artistic and technological dimensions. Held every odd year since 2001, ANIMA is the main animation event in Argentina and a very influential player in its field in Latin America.

Every edition, ANIMA gathers a wonderful community of animators and live action filmmakers, designers, producers, visual and audiovisual artists, who get together the three days of the festival through panels, seminars, exhibitions, screenings and social networking opportunities.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Azure Lorica International Film Fest

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Azure Lorica International Film Fest

Azure Lorica International Film Fest

Pasadena, United States

Azure Lorica International Film Fest is a celebration of foreign films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Sansueña International Film Festival

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Sansueña

Sansueña International Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

The International Film Festival Sansueña is devoted to short films and feature traditional ANIMATION, optical and digital toys disseminating quality films that hardly reach Spain. Thus, gradually the Festival is intended as a field.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Las Vegas Latino & International Film Festival

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Las Vegas Latino & International Film Festival

Las Vegas Latino & International Film Festival

Las Vegas , United States

The Las Vegas Latino International Film Festival focuses on finding the very best Latino content. Our Call for Entries is our official we are excited to screen your work. Our mission is to o showcase & support existing and emerging creative Latino & International filmmakers across the world. This multicultural event welcomes all.

Categories include: Documentary, Features, Shorts (all genres) Submissions are open to filmmakers of all nationalities and cultures. We have industry representatives such as network executives, distributors, etc., on industry panels, workshops, and plenty more. We look forward to a diverse event. Submissions will be selected by an experienced panel of judges.

Past festival guests have included renowned individuals as Kate del Castillo, Jose Yenque, Lou Pizarro, Pepe Serna, Stephanie Gerard, David Hernandez, Patty Orozco, Legendary Don Pedro Rivera, ect.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of El Ojo cojo Film Fest

30 Apr 2015

Published: 29 Apr 2015
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Cinematográfico internacional el Ojo cojo

El Ojo cojo Film Fest

Madrid, Spain

The First International Film Festival of Madrid to promoting sensible cinema and intercultural dialogue.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror