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The University Film and Audiovisual Exhibition (MUCA) is a festival dedicated to exhibiting and awarding works produced by students from all areas related to audiovisual.
The event, which takes place in the city of São Paulo, is a space for the exchange, exhibition and premiere of university audiovisual productions.
Held at Anhembi Morumbi University by professors and students of the institution.
Who can participate?
Undergraduate and graduate students from all courses and universities in Brazil and around the world.
How to register?
Registrations for MUCA are free and can be made online through the Festhome website.
MUCA aims to encourage university audiovisual production, reveal new talents in Brazilian cinema and promote the exchange of ideas and experiences among students from all over the country.
Dedicated sessions
MUCA will have dedicated sessions for the screening of short films, music videos and nanofilms.
Short Films
Short films of all genres will be shown, such as fiction, documentary, animation, essay and experimental. Films must be no longer than 25 minutes.
Music Videos
Music videos of all musical genres will be shown.
Videos must be no longer than 5 minutes.
Special Session - Nanofilms
Nanofilms of all genres will be shown. Films must be no longer than 1 minute.
Check the schedule
To find out the times and locations of each film, check the full MUCA schedule on the festival's official website.
The Festival was born from a deep desire to allow an authentic cultural exchange.
For directors from all over the world, arriving in Zagora is truly a unique experience, which allows them to get closer to traditional Berber culture, culture understood in the broad sense of cinema, music, cuisine, spirit, nature and hospitality.
During the Festival, daily excursions are organized to discover the wonders of the place: Tamegroute, the Amezrou casbah, the Koranic Library etc…
The Festival has two sections:
• The Documentary Competition
• The Short Film Competition (max 15 minutes)
The Jury is the same for both sections.
The screenings take place inside the city's cultural center and also on a large screen set up in the desert.
A short distance from Ouarzazate, the major city of the Moroccan film industry, Zagora today represents the most important point of reference for cinema at the gates of the desert.
An unforgettable journey through the Atlas will allow you to discover a country rich in ancient traditions and at the same time very attentive to creative and artistic innovations.
The Susquehanna Film Festival is the 1st festival of its kind to be held in historic Williamsport, Pennsylvania by founder Tim Yasui, an LA-based independent film producer and film distributor who was originally born and raised in Williamsport. Our Festival will celebrate and acknowledge not only international films, but also regionally-produced feature films and short films from the Greater Pennsylvania and Mid-Atlantic states. We will encourage all film makers and young students also who are studying Film to submit their films which otherwise might be ignored by the national festivals.
The INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL VILLA DE LEDESMA is a cultural event that seeks to become the most important event of the year in the north of Salamanca.
The aim of the Festival is to bring the rural scene to the big screen and to bring back to prominence those towns and villages that enjoyed splendour in times gone by.
The current rural situation and the now known as Empty Spain are the main concerns for the Festival, which offers itself as a means of communication to make these regions known and popular again in order to achieve a change of trend.
TRAVEL FILM International Film Festival collects the best travel, outdoor, nature and adventure films from around the world, which were created both by professionals and by enthusiasts, and helps to get them across to the Russian speaking audience.
All best films will be shown on the big screen during the solemn final ceremony on February 14 - 15, 2026 in Moscow, Russia and will be able to struggle for the main prize and the title of the "Best travel film". As well as for the prizes in the standalone nominations.
10th “Jaipur Film World”
Submit your Films
· Feature Film
· Short Fiction Film
· Documentary Film
· Animation Film
· Music Video
· Ad Film
· Web-series
More Details on Website- www.jaipurfilmworld.com
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Contact Us-
(E)- jaipurfilmworld@gmail.com
(W)- www.jaipurfilmworld.com
El Festival de Cine Curto de Ribadeo es un festival de cortometrajes que nace con el propósito de promocionar los proyectos audiovisuales propios de A Mariña Lucense y, por extensión, las Comunidades de Galicia y Asturias, o que tengan miembros participantes relacionados con dichas zonas. La 4a edición del Festival tendrá lugar en Ribadeo durante la segunda semana de agosto en varias localizaciones de este municipio.
First ever MACA Film Festival, themed "Shorts in Shorts," encapsulates the idea of microcosms of society. Selected stories will depict narratives set in a single environment featuring a train, record store or a local wine bar - visually constricted spaces as a breeding ground of ideas and cultural discourse. It explores our collective journey through time, where memories and aspirations converge in the present, offering us a chance to find new meanings in old debates and imagine alternate paths forward.
CineBH - Festival Internacional de Cine de Belo Horizonte fue diseñado para develar la nueva cadena de producción audiovisual nacional e internacional, establecer una conexión con la producción audiovisual de la Grande BH, exhibir y hacer puentes e intercambios con la producción latinoamericana y contextualizar el mercado audiovisual – perfil, posibilidades, alternativas y la realidad de exhibición en Brasil en intercambio con el mundo y con la presencia de otros países. Es un espacio de formación y reflexión sobre la sustentabilidad del cine nacional, su capacidad de seducción del público, las posibilidades y la factibilidad de la coproducción internacional, las tendencias, los nuevos medios y tecnologías. El programa es gratuito y ofrece proyecciones de largo, medio y cortometraje nacional e internacional, homenajes, debates, sesiones de cine-escuela, muestra de cine infantil, atracciones artísticas. Forma parte de Cinema sem Fronteiras - programa audiovisual internacional, concebido y realizado por Universo Produção Ltda, que reúne tres muestras anuales diferentes y complementarias: Muestra de Cine de Tiradentes; CineOP – Muestra de Cine de Ouro Preto y CineBH – Festival Internacional de Cine de Belo Horizonte.
Fecha prevista del evento: 23-28 de septiembre de 2025
CINEBH – BH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL presenta largometrajes, medios y cortometrajes brasileños e internacionales.
Ubicación: El evento se realizará de forma híbrida, con sesiones y/o actividades presenciales en Belo Horizonte y en línea en la plataforma de eventos cinebh.com.br.
El segmento latinoamericano de CineBH presenta dos muestras de cine latinoamericano, que se enumeran a continuación, una competitiva y otra no competitiva, enfocadas, en particular, el sesgo autoral, de ambiciones internacionales, mirando hacia un diálogo e intercambios de mayor efectividad entre los países de colonización portuguesa y española en las Américas, con el fin de ampliar sus redes de repercusión y circulación.
1 - Muestra Territorio, sección competitiva internacional del programa, compuesta por hasta ocho largometrajes latinoamericanos,preferiblemente inéditos en Brasil*, de directores (ras) independientes que estén dirigiendo, individualmente o en conjunto, hasta su tercer largometraje. El objetivo de esta muestra es estimular y ampliar debates, reflexiones y dar visibilidad a producciones con un sesgo más autoral, con ambiciones internacionales con miras a un diálogo e intercambios más efectivos entre los países colonizados portugueses y españoles de América, con el fin de ampliar sus redes de repercusión y circulación e invertir en profesionales que se encuentran en el inicio de su carrera. Las películas seleccionadas en esta sección serán evaluadas por el Jurado Oficial (integrado por profesionales del audiovisual invitados por los organizadores del evento) que elegirá el la mejor película, la mejor presencia humana (actores, actrices o personajes de documentales) y otorgará un Destacado del Jurado (por un aspecto o área creativa de una película). Los premios se anunciarán en el cierre del evento, el 28 de septiembre, y los filmes ganadores recibirán el TROFEO HORIZONTE – oficial del evento. La mejor película elegida por el Jurado Oficial también será premiada con un premio en efectivo por un valor de R$ 10.000,00 (diez mil reales).
*Es considerado película inédita aquella que, además de no haber sido estrenada comercialmente, no haya sido proyectada en ningún otro evento o festival, en sesiones competitivas o no competitivas, en territorio brasileño.
2 - Muestra Continente, sección informativa internacional no competitiva del programa, que presenta hasta 12 largometrajes latinoamericanos, centrado en un enfoque específico y/o en películas ya circuladas y repercutidas en otros festivales internacionales.
The Puerto Madryn MAFICI International Film Festival has been held for 13 years and is one of the most important Festivals in Latin America, which takes place in the Argentine Patagonia.
The objective of the Festival is to provide the possibility of screening national and foreign films both feature films and short films and thus generate a meeting space and diffusion of the cinema, from a corner of the Argentine Patagonia.
The Festival will reward the First Movies to Argentine and foreign filmmakers, with the "Southern Right Whale" award, in addition to the different awards of the Official Section in Competition.
MAFICI proposes from its beginnings, reward and promote the new directors of the world, announcing his first cinematographic work, being the only Argentine Festival with this unique peculiarity.
On the other hand, we intend to encourage the development of the film industry, care of the Environment and contribute to the tourist, cultural potential that our beautiful city of Puerto Madryn.
Bonito South American Film Festival - 2025 | Brazil
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela
Competitive screenings of South American new feature and short films made between 2024 and 2025;
Parallel exhibition of South American children's animation film;
Competitive environmental-themed film exhibition;
Competitive exhibition of Mato Grosso do Sul film, with films made between 2024 and 2025;
Awards, debates, rounds of discussions aimed at international agreements;
Exchange with the most important festival directors in South America;
Workshops for children and the general community, workshops for film and audiovisual professionals and academics.
CMU - Multiple Use Center
In Brazil’s heart, the city of Bonito is part of the Serra da Bodoquena National Park and one of the most important ecotourism spots in the country.
Mato Grosso do Sul borders Bolivia and Paraguay, from where the state received strong cultural influences and the composition of the ethnic identity of its people.
Bonito has around twenty thousand inhabitants and in this charming city there are rivers with crystal clear water, waterfalls, caves and the most beautiful landscapes of Brazil’s midwest. The cultural hub of Mato Grosso do Sul, Bonito hosts literary and Jazz festivals, besides one winter festival.
Bonito CineSur 2025 - South American Film Festival. Space for the gathering and integration of South American cinema and audiovisual productions, presenting its most recent films and bringing together professionals from all countries of the continent.
In 2024, its second edition enriched the cultural calendar of the city, the country and the continent with the screening of 42 films from 10 South American countries in 120 hours of free programming.
Bonito CineSur has been widely covered in the local and national press and in 2024 it grew in size and relevance with the participation of 40 public and private institutions, reaching 5.000 people directly, fostering the local creative economy by hiring 200 professional production services, technical equipment, as well as hotels, restaurants and transportation.
In 2025, the Bonito CineSur - South American Film Festival will occupy central spaces in the city of Bonito, and will continue to consolidate the convergence of culture - environment - tourism, intercommunicating cinematographically in South America, highlighting environmental issues and promoting the tourist destination of Bonito and our beloved Brazil internationally.
Bonito CineSur 2025 - South American Film Festival
Producer of the movies “O outro lado do paraíso" (2015) and “O pastor e o guerrilheiro” (2022). Nilson was the director of Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro (1995, 1997, 1998 and 2011), and also of the “Festival Internacional de Cinema de Brasília” - Brazilian International Film Festival (from 2012 to 2017), of Bonito CineSur (2023 and 2024).
ANDREA FREIRE - Coordinator
Coordinator of the Bonito Winter Festival (from 2000 to 2006, 2015 and 2016); coordinator of Festival América do Sul (2004, 2005, 2015 and 2016); coordinator of the Screening Exhibit “Vídeo Índio Brasil” (2009), of the audiovisual production course “Mídias Contemporâneas Narrativas Populares” (2010); director, researcher and writer of the audiovisual series “EVOÉ – Drama Stories in Campo Grande” (2021). Coordinator of Bonito CineSur (2023 and 2024).
GUSTAVO DE ARRUDA CASTELO (Cegonha) - Coordinator
Cultural producer, coordinator of Temporadas Populares (1999 to 2002); General Director of the Mato Grosso do Sul Culture Foundation (2020 to 2022); Coordinator of Bonito CineSur (2023 and 2024).
THERESA HILCAR _ Coordinator
Journalist, columnist, press officer and TV producer. She has been working in the Mato Grosso do Sul press for 35 years and has worked for the most important media outlets. She has published five books and two anthologies. She is a member of the South Mato Grosso Academy of Letters.
Born in Jaú, in São Paulo state, in 1957. He is a journalist, translator and film critic. José Geraldo has worked for more than twenty years at the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper. He is currently working at the Moreira Salles Institute. José has translated literary works by Henry James, Norman Mailer, Truman Capote, Martin Scorsese and Nelson Mandela, among others.
University professor, general producer of the Mar del Plata International Film Festival (2021-23) and Ventana Sur (2022-23).
Curator, critic and researcher of Brazilian cinema, known for his work in curating exhibitions and film festivals, as well as his work as a journalist and teacher.
LUCIANA DRUZINA – Curator of the Anima Sur children's and youth exhibition.
Director of the company Druzina Content, where for over fifteen years she has been producing series, animated films, fiction and games, which are shown in more than fifty countries on the most diverse platforms and channels. . Curator of the parallel children's programming of Bonito CineSur (2023 and 2024).
ELIS REGINA – Curator of the environmental cinema exhibition
Journalist, Elis has already worked as a curator in many events, such as: “Comitiva dos Chefs Festival Movie Exhibit” (2019); Making Of exhibit – “O Cinema Está Aqui – Festcine América do Sul” (2014); “A Imagem do índio exhibit – Vídeo Índio Brasil” (2014 and 2015); “Comida em Movimento Festival – Cinema e Gastronomia” (2023), and the Bonito CineSur South American Environmental Film Festival (2023 and 2024).
MARCOS PIERRY - Curator of the South Mato Grosso Cinema Showcase
Journalist, critic, audiovisual curator, screenwriter, short filmmaker and film professor. He holds a master's degree from USP and a doctorate from UFMG. He is a member of the Brazilian Association of Film Critics (Abraccine). Curator of the Bonito CineSur showcase of cinema from Mato Grosso do Sul (2024).
BONITO CINESUR – South American Film Festival
Production - Associação Amigos do Cinema e da Cultura – AACIC
Private non-profit entity, founded in 2007, which has been developing cultural, educational and training projects for over fifteen years. Among the activities carried out, the “Cinesurdo" projects, The School in Cinema, Contemporary Dialogues, Popular Cinema Circuit and Cinema in Schools stand out, and the Youth Festival.
The association’s experience and technical capacity for developing and carrying out activities in the field of cinema, as well as in training, education and culture in general, has already been attested by the Education, Health and Culture Commission of the City Council of Brasília and by the Brasília University of Brasília.
AACIC Executive Secretary
Dulcinéia Miranda
+55 (61) 98119-5417
Experience the Power of Short Film at the 2nd Annual DIFF Shorts Film Festival
The Dallas International Film Festival proudly presents the 2nd Annual DIFF Shorts Film Festival, a celebration of the art of short-form storytelling. From October 17th - 19th, 2025, join us as we go beyond screenings to foster a dynamic connection between filmmakers, audiences, and the vibrant Dallas arts community.
We believe that film should be placed on the same pedestal as all of the other arts, and that applies equally to short films. Our intention with the DIFF Shorts Film Festival is to elevate the short film and to celebrate shorts filmmakers.
We want to hear your voice! Filmmakers attending DIFF Shorts are encouraged to participate in audience Q&As and panel discussions. We also actively collaborate with Dallas-area high schools and universities, connecting filmmakers with the next generation of storytellers.
Let's shorten the distance between idea and screen. Join us for the DIFF Shorts Film Festival from October 17th - 19th, 2025.
About the Dallas Film Society:
DIFF Shorts is a presentation of DIFF (Dallas Film Society, Inc.), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 2006 “to celebrate films and their impact on society; to honor filmmakers and recognize their achievements and contribution in enhancing the creative community; to provide educational programs to students to develop better understanding of the role of film in today’s world; and to promote the City of Dallas and its commitment to the art of filmmaking".
This commitment of the early founders to the art of film and the artists who are its creators continues to guide the organization today. In addition, through curation of the broadest range of expression through film, DIFF is committed to serving as the region’s most powerful platform for diverse, emerging, and underrepresented voices. Throughout its history – before DEI was a familiar acronym – DIFF has demonstrated consistent commitment to providing accessible, inclusive, immersive, educational, and entertaining film experiences for all. It is the vision of DIFF that, by promoting wide and thoughtful expression through film, our organization can help foster human connection and greater appreciation for our common humanity and our rich diversity.
Supported by City of Dallas Office of Arts and Culture.
The Latin American Film Week will take place over five consecutive days, officially hosted at the San Martín Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in November.
During the event, special activities will accompany the screenings:
International forum on distribution and exhibition
Debate among Latin American film critics
Since 2017, we have been creating spaces for meeting and discussion, working hard on audience development. We believe it is important for our audience to have a good experience at each event and to leave with a desire to continue watching Latin American cinema.
The Peachtree Village International Film Festival (PVIFF) represents two decades of dedication to the film and entertainment community. Established in 2005 as the Sweet Auburn International Film Festival, PVIFF has grown into a global platform, attracting over 3,500+ attendees from around the world each year. PVIFF has a legacy that offers an even broader array of programming and opportunities for filmmakers, artists, and industry professionals.
The ZAFIC Festival 2025 call will have 6 lines of development that will be called "Capsules", which will be aimed at 5 different industries with the objective of articulating Cinematography and audiovisual, with new creators and cultural managers.
The capsules that will be developed in the call are:
1. Cinematographic capsule.
2. Musical capsule.
3. Literary capsule.
4. gastronomic capsule.
5. Dance capsule.
6. Cápsula Market Fest
Similarly, different categories detail in each capsule that detail diverse interests, genres and creation formats, as well as their requirements and who can take part.
These projects can come from any country or region, and must be originally developed, subtitled or folded to the Spanish language.
MAC MARIN - Atlantic Films and New Media is a new emerging space that aims to promote the cinema and independent audiovisual creation or at the same time that pays homage to the local talent, valuing the Marin Town identity and its parishs, located in one of the most beautiful corners of Galicia.
Our main objective is to connect the New Galician Cinema to the neighborhood, as well as to seek a connection between local and country creators and creators with other international audiovisual communities. Paying special attention to those who have a strong cultural connection with Galicia and our roots.
You’ve chosen to film. Chosen to put together a visual piece of art if we may say so. Today when anyone with a camera can, in theory, make a film... how will you make your short film stand out? What you intend to do with your film is what the Bengaluru International Short Film Festival is all about. We will be what you create.
After the tremendous success that was BISFF 2024, we are all set to host the 15th edition. Just as every year, this is an attempt to understand the medium a little better and go a little further in inventing new forms of storytelling as filmmakers.
This year the Festival will be a HYBRID Version, having both Online and Venue Screenings. Online Screenings will be only for INDIAN Geography
The festival showcases shorts from across the world, creating a physical space for a great audience experience and bringing together a keen audience for the filmmakers. BISFF also exhibits works by past masters who have dabbled in short filmmaking that today is viewed as an art form that needs a unique approach. Additionally, the festival presents talks and panel discussions with leading thinkers and industry practitioners, enabling budding makers to interact with the best in the industry. BISFF also includes hands on learning experiences in workshops and demonstrations by professionals, putting together an exclusive audience experience and perhaps space for makers to find what they are looking for.
The Bogotá International Documentary Film Festival (MIDBO), organized by the Colombian Documentary Filmmakers Corporation ALADOS, is an event specialized in documentaries that over the past 26 years has consolidated itself in Colombia and Latin America as a fundamental space for exhibition, dialogue, and thought around non-fiction audiovisual works.
For the 27th edition of MIDBO, we invite filmmakers and producers to submit their audiovisual works for the 2025 film call and to participate in various training and discussion spaces that will be held both virtually and in person during the event.
This year, the 27th edition of MIDBO will take place from October 29 to November 7 in Bogotá, Colombia. The event will tour different regions of the country throughout the year, maintaining our "Martes MIDBO-ALADOS" screening series in various partner venues.
After 26 editions, MIDBO continues to work on creating an event that fosters and trusts in reflection on documentaries, the ways in which we approach reality, with our main interest being the many ways of documenting the world. Committed to the goal of unraveling the complexity of a reality that exceeds us, we continue to build each year the ideal space to meet and reflect on documentary work.
For 2025, we maintain our interest in promoting creation and recognizing the efforts of filmmakers by offering two competitive sections: one for Ibero-American feature films and another for national short films. We will award the prize for Best Ibero-American Documentary Feature, for films longer than 60 minutes made in Ibero-America, and the prize for Best National Documentary Short, for films no longer than 30 minutes made in Colombia or by a Colombian. The jury for each competition will be announced one month before the event and will consist of three (3) artists, filmmakers, writers, critics, or cultural managers.
Are you ready to take your filmmaking or screenwriting career to the next level? The Emerging Talent Film Festival is the perfect platform! This event is specifically designed to recognise and showcase the work of ambitious and talented artists like you.
With live screenings and numerous awards in multiple categories, the Emerging Talent Film Festival is not to be missed.
Since 2016, NRFF has been dedicated to introducing promising filmmakers and screenwriters to producers and industry professionals to help them advance their careers. In addition, thanks to the generosity of the festival's patron, NRFF London has awarded over £5,000 in cash prizes to emerging talent since 2021. This is your chance to join the ranks of talented artists committed to producing exciting and innovative work in the world of film and TV. Don't miss out!
Why should you submit?
Get ready for an exciting opportunity to showcase your talent and get recognised for your work! Submit your film or screenplay to the Emerging Talent Film Festival and you could win prestigious laurels, including Finalist, Official Selection, and Winner. These seals of approval can open doors to other festivals and marketing opportunities, helping you to launch your career as a filmmaker or screenwriter.
Some of the films will have the chance to be screened at the festival's live cinema event, giving you the opportunity to showcase your talent to a wider audience and gain valuable exposure.
How does the submission process work?
• Don't limit your creativity, submit to any of our MAIN CATEGORIES or SUB-CATEGORIES that speak to you!
• All submissions will be reviewed by our team, and the best ones will become Winners and be invited to take part in the New Renaissance Film Festival in London 2025
• Honorable Mentions for those films that are not a winner but stand out in their own right.
"Jan and Massi's festival is fiercely dedicated to promoting the highest caliber of independent cinema around today. Their commitment to championing filmmakers who they believe in is unparalleled in my experience. I've made friends and potentially collaborators for life. I am so privileged to have been a part of this inspiring and life-changing festival.” (Zoë Greenbaum, Emerging Talent Winner)
“I honestly can’t praise this festival high enough! Jan and Massimo are two of the best, most passionate festival directors I’ve ever met. Brilliant audiences that genuinely want to be there, an amazing cinema and brilliant networking throughout. I’m not alone in saying this festival has probably changed my career! Thank you!” (Nicholas Connor, Emerging Talent Winner)
“It's a brilliant festival. One I will continue to submit to throughout my filmmaking career.” (Chris Overton, Oscar Winner)
“This festival is incredible - its focus is on the filmmaker and spotlighting original talent, whether new or emerging, and the art form of filmmaking.” (Reneque Samuels, Emerging Talent Finalist)
“NRFF is a great festival with a lovely film community. I am honoured to have won Emerging Talent and make connections with talented filmmakers at my screening and the award night.” (Michelle Jones, Emerging Talent Winner)
“This was my first in-person film festival and they did an amazing job! Thank you so much for awarding my short script the best young talent screenplay. It means so much! This is definitely a film festival to submit to.!” (Niamh Dann)
“Jan and Massimo present an event that makes me as a filmmaker proud to have been selected. Their "eye" is exactly the one you want on your film. They "see" what you mean and they value a story well told. They inspire me.” (Stephen Mills, Winner)
“What a unique and powerful force of film this is! Always a great venue and always empowering the independent film maker! Thank you for our Award for ‘Swivel’ and for everything you do to push artists, community and film to be all of who we are!” (Lois Norman, Winner)