Logo of Premio Marcellino de Baggis

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Premio Marcellino de Baggis

Premio Marcellino de Baggis

Taranto, Italy

The Festival represents a workshop of the documentary film and a meeting place for the promotion and dissemination of the art, starting from Marcellino's works and his point of view. Through the search for new directors to discovery representative artistic expressions of documentary film. It wants be an opportunity to reflect the contemporaneity through different points of view, to enrich and call into question our gaze.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제


Logo of Leiden International Short Film Experience

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
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Promotional card of Leiden International Short Film Experience

Banner Leiden International Short Film Experience

Leiden International Short Film Experience

Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden International Short Film Experience (LISFE) is an annual film festival held in the beautiful city of Leiden in The Netherlands. LISFE is dedicated to Short Films from all genres and from anywhere in the world. Over the years we have built the reputation of successfully showcasing though-provoking films through a diverse and selective program.

This year the festival will take place from the 7th until the 10th of May in Kijkhuis (Leiden).

Note: We are interested in programming films from around the globe. In extraordinary geo-political circumstances, we may wave our submission fee. If you think you qualify, please contact us for more information.


국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  실험영화

Logo of 15th Human Rights Film Festival

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner XV Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos

15th Human Rights Film Festival

Donostia / San Sebastián, Spain 스페인

The Festival is held annually in April in San Sebastian. An appointment with quality cinema for all those sensitized to human rights.


국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of North Hollywood CineFest

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
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Banner North Hollywood CineFest

North Hollywood CineFest

North Hollywood, United States

Located in the heart of the NoHo Arts District in Los Angeles, the North Hollywood CineFest has established itself as a premiere event for independent cinema from all over the world.

By combining a vibrant local social scene with a state-of-the-art cinema, every filmmaker and film lover is sure to be impressed and delighted with the theater and surrounding location. The combination of great film screenings, press and red carpet events, parties, seminars, all offered in this seven-day event, is what makes this a dynamic and must-go film festival.

Look out for genres and themes. But, ultimately, we're looking for great films. We want to support the courageous, the creative, the new and promising... join us in 2018 for what is certain to be an enormously enjoyable and memorable event.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Festival de cine de La Calera - FECICAL

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
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Promotional card of Festival de cine de La Calera - FECICAL

Banner 6to Festival de Cine de La Calera - FECICAL

Festival de cine de La Calera - FECICAL

La Calera, Chile


단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션


15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음



London, United Kingdom


After last year's big success DELETE TV is again selecting remarkable experimental short films and video art which will be broadcasted on our partner TV-Channel in Austria and several video art platforms in collaboration with the selected artists. Further more, the most eye and mind-bending films will make it to Delete TV Screenings all over Europe.

Delete TV investigates the captivating nature of images with the specific aim to look up to new approaches by taking distance from the conventional film making method.

The program opens a window to the world of art and offers strong, wild and uncensored works from upcoming artists and film-makers. Delete TV highlights contemporary issues in a global context, highly educational and deeply focused on intercultural exchange and visibility.

Between the lines and under the make up of a brave new world.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Puerto Rico Film Festival

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Puerto Rico Film Festival

Puerto Rico Film Festival

San Juan, Puerto Rico

2008년 설립된 엔포크 국제 영화제는 푸에르토리코에서 열리는 연례 영화제로서, 영화 촬영의 힘을 통해 사람들의 삶을 기여하고 변화시킬 영화를 보여주기 위한 목적으로 설립되었습니다. 현재 10번째 해에 2019 엔포크 국제 영화제는 6월 05-08일 푸에르토리코에서 최고의 영화관을 선보였습니다. 엔포크는 신흥 영화 제작자들이 심사위원 및 오디언스 어워드를 통해 전 세계 국가를 대표하는 국내외 영화, 다큐멘터리, 뮤직 비디오, 반바지를 상영합니다. ENFOQUE는 영화를 사랑하는 대중에게 평판이 높은 영화 제작자, 영화 업계 전문가 및 전 세계의 신흥 인재들을 접할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

프로그램은 PR 영화제, 새로운 음악 및 예술 쇼케이스, ENFOQUELABS, 가족 및 지역 사회 행사, 영화 제작자 상, 전국적으로 인정받는 단편 영화 대회를 포함합니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Access Code Short Film Festival

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
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Banner Access Code Short Film Festival

Access Code Short Film Festival

Bangalore, India

놀라운 12 판 후, 우리는 다시 여기에 있습니다. 세계 어느 축제보다도 200개의 영화가 펼쳐지는 축제입니다. 축제에 참가하는 거의 모든 영화는 축제가 며칠 동안 진행되더라도 축제에서 상영됩니다.

우리는 지역에서 가장 인기있는 축제 중 우리를 만드는 우리의 과거 버전에서 3000 개 이상의 항목을 받았습니다.

25개국 이상의 영화 제작자들이 과거에 이 축제에 참석했습니다.

이제 우승자는 DSLR과 마이크도 받습니다.

참고: 시상식은 행사 2 일 후에 진행되며 당첨자를 위해 티켓과 호텔을 예약합니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of International Film Festival for Children and Youth KINOLUB

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmów dla Dzieci i Młodzieży KINOLUB

International Film Festival for Children and Youth KINOLUB

Katowice, Poland

The Festival will take place between the 1st and 20th of June 2019. Kinolub is held in various Festival cities in Southern Poland (up to 20 locations).

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  기타

Logo of FescinePielagos

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Festival de cortometrajes de Piélagos (Piélagos en corto)


Renedo de Piélagos, Spain 스페인

XV 피에라고스 단편 영화제 (소설 작품만)

우리는 IMDb 퀄리파잉 페스티벌입니다.


피에라고스 시의회 문화부는 피에라고스 국제 단편 영화제 '피에라고스 엔 코르토'의 15번째 에디션을 시작합니다.

단편 영화

제작 날짜가 2023년 1월 1일 이후이고 최대 30분인 작품은 허용됩니다.

카테고리: 픽션만

1- 칸타브리아 (칸타브리아) 칸타브리아 감독 또는 칸타브리아 등록 이사, 2년 경력의 칸타브리아 등록 이사.

2- 내셔널 (소설만)

3- 인터내셔널 (소설만)

국제 영화제

단편 영화제


Logo of Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

Moscow, Russia

Doker는 전 세계의 멋진 독립 다큐멘터리 영화를 러시아 관객들에게 제공하고 저자, 전문가 및 관중을 위한 토론 플랫폼을 제공하기 위해 9년전 제작되었습니다. Doker@@

의 원칙은 다음과 같습니다.
- 우리가 '다큐멘터리 영화' 라고 말할 때 우리는 '영화' 에 중점을 둡니다.
- 다큐멘터리를 만드는 방법은 무수히 많지만 극적이고 흥미로워야 한다고 생각합니다.
- 이미지와 사운드는 픽션 영화와 마찬가지로 문서에서도 중요합니다. 영화 언어는 보편적이며, 우리는 우리의 이야기를 전하기 위해 그것을 사용합니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제


Logo of LET´S CEE Film Festival

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
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Banner LET´S CEE Film Festival

LET´S CEE Film Festival

Vienna, Austria

Attention to all film talents: From 21 November 2017 until 31 January 2018, filmmakers will have the chance to apply for the LET’S CEE Short Film Competition 2018. Not only are two main prizes waiting to be won, moreover, ten finalists will receive an invitation to participate in the second edition of the LET’S CEE Talent Academy in Vienna!

Between 21 November 2017 and 31 January 2018, filmmakers up to the age of 35 from Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, Turkey and Austria will have the possibility to submit their short films to the Short Film Competition of the LET’S CEE Film Festival 2018.

However, filmmakers of all ages and from all over the world are welcome as well to send in thematically fitting contributions. Due to the festival’s geographical focus on CEE though, these short films will not be included in the main Short Film Competition, but will very well have the chance to win the Audience Award in the Short Film category and be screened at the festival in the section Short Films | Out of Competition. We furthermore cordially encourage international makers of virtual reality films, 3D productions and avant-garde pieces to apply as we will be offering these genres a stage at our festival as well.

The theme of the Short Film Competition 2018 is TOGETHER OR APART.

Great Britain voted for the Brexit last year and in doing so decided against a EU membership; most recently thousands of Catalan people went to the streets demanding independence from Spain; under the presidency of Donald Trump, the USA is seeking to withdraw from the Paris climate protection agreement and renegotiate various other commercial treaties – these are only three of many examples demonstrating the recent shift of the political mood in numerous countries. A growing migratory pressure, an increasing gap between the rich and poor, as well as justified and unsubstantiated fears – of the consequences of digitalisation, of the loss of jobs and stability and of social change – have discredited globalisation and encouraged a comeback of nationalist and isolationist tendencies, which seemed utterly unfathomable only a few years ago. Even on a national scale, societal cohesion appears to be threatened more and more. How does the growing division of society influence both the community and individuals? Will political agitation, hatred, egotism and greed for profit become the new normal? Well, the situation is critical, but not hopeless, neither on an international nor a national level. There are still representatives of the civil society who make no effort to surrender to the threatening eroding solidarity. Fortunately, there are numerous instances proving how people still advocate for the poor and disadvantaged with great optimism, dedication and empathy – people who rather pay attention to what we have in common instead of what keeps us apart.

The competition’s theme, TOGETHER OR APART, may be manifested in the submitted material in various manners and methods. Interpersonal aspects, such as family and relationship dramas, trials and tribulations, moments of success and happiness or the joint overcoming of challenges can be taken into account just as well as social, political, juridical and/or cultural matters. In other words: everything is possible, as long as it touches on the topic and is done well!

An advisory board chaired by the renowned Austrian-Iranian filmmakers Arash T. Riahi and Arman T. Riahi will choose the best contributions from the submissions for the LET’S CEE Short Film Competition. The short films, which will be screened out of competition, will be selected by the Bosnian-Dutch producer Denis Mujović and festival director Magdalena Żelasko.

After the presentation of the participating productions at the festival, an international jury will decide on the winner of the competing short films and, thus, who will be awarded the main prize – 1,500 Euro and a Urania statuette – at the Awards Ceremony in the Urania Cinema on 20 April 2018. The remaining short films presented during the festival will have, without exception, the chance to win the 1,500 Euro Audience Award in the category Short Film.

All filmmakers who will take part in the main Short Film Competition will additionally profit from their participation. At the expense of the festival, one of the involved filmmakers of each short film will be invited as an official guest*) to Vienna in order to present their work. Those persons will, furthermore, have the opportunity to join the second edition of the LET’S CEE Talent Academy.

15 remaining free seats for the Talent Academy will be filled by Out-of-Competition filmmakers. The most important items on the one-week Academy agenda include the attendance of LET’S CEE Master Classes and LET’S CEE Industry Days, the collaborative finalisation of a short film about Vienna, and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pitch a film idea to Raindance film festival director Elliot Grove (and win big!) at the Pitching Competition. Of course, all invited filmmakers will enjoy several Get-togethers, where they can get in touch with successful distributors, directors, producers, actors etc., exchange experiences and new ideas and thus strive to new projects and international collaborations. In order to enable as many filmmakers as possible to visit LET’S CEE and present their work to the festival audience, all participants of the section ‘Short Films | Out of Competition’ will receive free festival accreditations and discounts for the official hotel partner on request.


국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  실험영화

Logo of Tiburon International Film Festival

15 Jan 2017

공개됨: 14 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Tiburon International Film Festival

Tiburon International Film Festival

Tiburon, United States

티뷰론국제영화제는 세계 각국의 독립영화제와 단편영화를 선보이는 연례 행사입니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Experimental Forum

14 Jan 2017

공개됨: 13 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Experimental Forum

Experimental Forum

Los Angeles, United States

Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.

We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.

We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Everyday Arias

14 Jan 2017

공개됨: 13 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Everyday Arias

Everyday Arias

Guilford, United Kingdom

매일 열리는 아리아스 영화제는 단편 영화 형식의 오페라와 세계 극장을 전문으로 합니다. 중국 오페라, 노, 카타칼리 등 모든 시대와 전통에서 아리아 또는 오페라의 특정 측면에 초점을 맞춘 단편 영화 제출을 20 분 이상 환영합니다.

영화 제작자는 대개 런던에 있는 Closeup Cinema (Closeup Cinema) 에서 우리 자신의 축제와 함께 다른 축제와 협력하기 때문에 두 번 이상 영화를 상영할 수 있는 기회를 갖게 됩니다.

과거와 현재 우리는 힝클리 프린지 오페라 페스티벌과 함께 일했다, 공화국 런던 갤러리, 하이더바트 인디 우드 영화 카니발, SET Chaatts 카페, 도시 축제의 오페라 2018, 비스턴 영화제 카페 로야

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of FanFilm Awards

14 Jan 2017

공개됨: 13 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner FanFilm Awards

FanFilm Awards

Los Angeles, United States

FanFilm Awards (FFA) 는 독립 영화 커뮤니티에서 예술 영화 제작자가 인정하는 의식입니다. 캘리포니아주 로스앤젤레스에서 열린 FFA에서는 새롭고 경험이 풍부한 영화 제작자를 환영합니다. 전 세계 팬들에게 그들의 작품을 선보일 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음을

방문하십시오: fanfilmawards.com
을 방문하십시오.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  기타


13 Jan 2017

공개됨: 12 Jan 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Festival De Cine Del Cajón Del Maipo


San José de Maipo, Chile

The Cajón del Maipo Film Festival was created in 2016. Its aim is to be a meeting point for Chilean filmmakers and animators, but also to be a transversal event, where fans can learn from professionals and where everyone can make films, from children to the elderly. In addition to the competences reserved for professionals, the FCCM includes amateur competition, exhibitions, talks, training workshops and activities around the cinema (exhibitions, shootings open to the public, etc.).
The Cajón del Maipo Film Festival will hold its fourth edition on friday 22th and saturday 23th nov 2019.

단편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  기타

Logo of U-Horror Film Festival

13 Jan 2017

공개됨: 12 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner U-Horror Film Festival

U-Horror Film Festival

Los Angeles, United States

The U-Horror Fest is a venue for independent movies in horor, fantasy, thriller and fiction genres. No Documentaries.. No real Violence. 18+

Our goal is to give the indie filmmakers the opportunity to show their movies to film lovers and film professionals such as producers, dirstributors and others.

We show movies on the MovieScreenPro Platform where you can show your film to the attendees only, communicate to the attendees, watch other films. We held the festival online in the private online showroom by streaming. The Festival Host run over the stream. So this is absolutely safety and comfortable. You can attend it on any device.

FREE for Students, First-made and mini-horrors!

EVENT: January 20-22, 2017

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  실험영화

Logo of Love Actually Int“l Short Film Showcase

13 Jan 2017

공개됨: 12 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Love Actually Int“l Short Film Showcase

Love Actually Int“l Short Film Showcase

Old Bridge, United States

Love Actually is a critically acclaimed annual short film screening event, hosted by New York Film Loft (www.nyfilmloft.com) and SCENEPR (www.scenepr.com) on Valentine’s Day each year. Love Actually features films from around the globe and all genre of short film.

AMAZINGLY This will be our TENTH ANNIVERSARY and AS USUAL we expect to once again screen an amazing group of submissions from all over the globe!

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타

Logo of Cardiff Independent Film Festival

13 Jan 2017

공개됨: 12 Jan 2017
 출품비 있음

Banner Cardiff Independent Film Festival

Cardiff Independent Film Festival

Cardiff , United Kingdom

The Cardiff Independent Film Festival will be held over the 5th to 7th May 2017 in Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. This will be our third festival, following highly successful events beginning in 2014. We're a fun, friendly and open festival run by film-lovers that celebrates the best in independent cinema and adheres to the highest ethical standards.

We're non-profit, which means ALL of the submission fees go into the running of the festival. And we are truly independent - we don't take public or corporate money so the films we pick are our favourites.

We also attract big-name guests: CIFF2015 saw talks by Stephen Frears and Paul Andrew Williams and the great John Boorman present the Welsh premiere of his final feature Queen and Country. We may be small but we punch above our weight.

We will be screening five feature films, ten short films and five short animations in competition and there will be out-of-competition screenings for other films of significant merit.


국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화